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Everything posted by Cassandra

  1. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 Don't forget Bulletgirl, Assault.
  2. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 Power Girl uses Supergirl's character with the following changes COM 18 Computer Programming 12- PS: Software Designer 11- DF: Cleveage Window (ECon/Noticed) Hunted: Enemies of the Justice Society of America (Less Powerful) 8- Secret Identity: Karen Starr
  3. Cassandra


    Re: Superman New Superman and Supergirl write ups in my Dc250 Thread.
  4. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 Does anyone know who to make it DC 250 instead of Dc 250.
  5. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 This version of Supergirl is a lowered powered version of Superman, but she can use all of her powers. The only thing she lacks is the increase in speed that Superman can manage, and the extra armor. The lack of skills reflect that the character from 1959 through 1985 never had much of a steady career (Orphen, High School Student, College Student, Television Reporter, Soap Opera Actress, and Graduate Student in that order). This version is a college student, and is based in Midvale, Illiniois (Not from from Metropolis, Illinois.) I wanted her to have simular powers, but a different structure, hense the uses of an Elemental Control versus the Multipower. While Superman is much more powerful Supergirl she can hold her own against most villains in most 250 level campaigns, and has a strength of 70. Brainiac and Jimmy Olsen are in her disadvantages because I couldn't put them in Superman, and thought they should be mentioned.
  6. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    DC 250 "Supergirl" Supergirl Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 20 COM 5 15 PD 5 10 ED 5 4 SPD 12 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 135 Cost Skills 2 CK: Argo City 11- 2 CK: Midvale 11- 2 KS: Krypton 11- Total Skills Cost: 6 Cost Powers 24 Armor +10 PD +10 ED, Not During Exposure to Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation (-1/4) 5 Damage Resistance 5 PD 5 ED 12 EC (Solar Energy)-15 Points, Not During Exposure to Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation (-1/4) 17 1) EB 8d6, Variable Special Effect [Heat Vision and Cold Breath] (+1/4), Variable Limitations [beam Attack and No KNB for Heat Vision or Extra Time: Delayed Phase and Not in a Vacuum for Cold Breath] (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2) 9 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or Reduced END Only (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 9 3) STR +20, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 18 ES: N-Ray Vision [Not Through Lead], Perception +1, Telescopic Hearing & Sight +2, Ultrasonic Hearing, Does Not Work During Exposure to Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation (-1/4) 6 Healing: Regeneration 1 BODY/Turn, Does Not Work During Exposure to Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation (-1/4) 9 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum Total Powers Cost: 109 Total Cost: 250 100+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Jimmy Olsen (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret ID) 5 Hunted: Brainiac (Less Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Need to Prove Herself (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity [Linda Lee Danvers] (Frequently/Major) 15 Suscept: Kryptonite, 3d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 5 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250
  7. Re: United Superheroes of America I know what you mean by that, Bubba. The whole thing seemed to be a rip off of Kingdom Come.
  8. My Superhero Universe: Steel City Located a few hundred miles from Empire City is Steel City. It lies in a valley at the meeting of three rivers, surrounded by high mountains. The principal industry is steel, primarily at Hephestes Forge Steel Works. A group calling itself the Steel City Sentinels was recently formed after a series of tragic accidents.
  9. Re: United Superheroes of America The Hooded Doom store will be continued at another time. Coming up will be the Superhero Civil War.
  10. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 Based on Kelcyron and JMoz excellent comments I adjusted Superman by turning his Flight into a Variable Advantage (+1/2), Megascale or Reduced END Only (-1/4), and OIHID (-1/4) (Clark Kent wouldn't fly anyway to preserve his secret identity) This gave me two points to give him a CK: Smallville 11- A word about tactics. The Man of Steel would fly into action with his Armor at Maximum, and the see is he should close to use his strength, or his heat vision/cold breath. He would not use his maximum strength against an unknown target, and should start any attack at 20 STR and then increase as necessary. Normally I stick to a 12d6/30 Defense character, but Superman is a special case, and should have higher stats. His vulnerability to red solar radiation and kryptonite balance this out.
  11. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 I know those of us who started out with previous editions are used to enhanced senses not being allowed in Multipowers, but the current rules do allow it, and the Champions Rule book does have examples of such in the Checklist Hero Multipower.
  12. Re: Concepts Killed by 350 Couldn't some of those characters that have mimic powers be simulated by using the Variable Special Effect advantage?
  13. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    DC 250 Superman Explaination This Superman is as powerful as I could make him for 250 Points. With the bonus from the Multipower he had STR 80, or a SPD 7, or a PD 40 ED 35. The idea is that we've seen Superman do a lot of things, but rarely all at the same time. My thinking is that he is limited by the speed of thought, and must make a conscious decision on how best to channel the solar energy that his kryptonian cells absorb. The limits on her Armor and Multipower receive only a -1/4 bonus because kryptonite doesn't effect him when he's exposed to Red Solar Radiation. The way I see the kryponite effecting him is in the same hex it's 3d6, one hex away 2d6, and two hexes away it's 1d6. I gave him a minute because it takes time for it to knock him out and kill him, long enough for him to figure some way of escaping. I welcome your comments.
  14. United Superheroes of America "Case of the Hooded Doom, Part One" USA Datafiles USA Casefile "The Hooded Doom" One of the first cases of the United Superheroes of America was also one of the most terrifying. A mysterious villain who called himself the Hooded Doom. He preyed on the millionaires and beautiful socialites, subjecting them to a horrifying fate. They were be confronted, and sprayed with a powered that caused instant paralysis and a death like trance. They would be buried alive, and lose consciousness while in their coffins while on the verge of suffocating to death. The next thing when you know they would be in the presence of the Hooded Doom, who would tell them that they had brain damage from the lack of oxygen, but that he had a drug that would allow them to live normal lives. The drug would come with a high price, but his victims, unable to function because of the damage inflicted, paid it. Bradley Taylor, the millionaire secret identity of Ultraman, found hismself the target of the Hooded Doom. He was preparing dinner for his friend Leslie North (secretly Starlet) when he was attacked. The powerful mysterious drug effected him, and he was unable to warn Leslie when she arrived and tried to help him. The pair were buried alive, but for some reason Leslie shook off the paralysis first, and blasted their way out of the coffin. She flew the helpless Bradley to USA Headquarters, and got him the help of The Wraith (Dr. Brit Warner, M.D.). Starlet, angry at the horror that had been inflicted upon Bradley and herself, organized a team to find the Hooded Doom and take him down. Black Cat and Dryad were close friends of Ultraman, and they eagerly joined up, and Straight Arrow and Raven arrived to help out. They stood around Bradley's bedside, promising to find the antidote to the toxin that had made him helpless. To Bradley's frustration he found himself unable to tell them he knew who the Hooded Doom was, having used his x-ray like ultravision to learn his attacker's true identity. He feared for his friends . . .
  15. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    DC 250 "Superman" Superman Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 20 PRE 10 16 COM 3 20 PD 10 15 ED 10 4 SPD 12 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 148 Cost Skills 2 CK: Metropolis 11- 2 CK: Smallville 11- 1 FB: Press Pass 2 KS: Krypton 11- 2 PS: Daily Planet Reporter 11- Total Skills Cost: 9 Cost Powers 24 Armor +10 PD +10 ED, Does Not Work During Exposure to Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation (-1/4) 40 Multipower (50 Points) Does Not Work During Exposure to Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation (-1/4) 2 u) Armor +10 PD +10 ED 2 u) EB 8d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat Vision/Cold Breath] (+1/4), Variable Limitations [beam Attack and No KNB for Heat Vision or Extra Time: Delayed Phase and Not in a Vacuum for Cold Breath] (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2) 1 u) ES: Hearing PER +2, Telescopic Hearing +2, Ultrasonic Hearing 1 u) ES: N-Ray Vision, Not Through Lead 1 u) ES: Sight PER +2, Telescopic Sight +4 2 u) Flight 10", Variable Advantage (+1/2), Megascale or Reduced END (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 2 u) Healing: Regeneration 3 BODY/TURN 2 u) SPD +3 2 u) STR +30, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 5 Damage Resistance 5 PD 5 ED 9 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum Total Powers Cost: 93 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Lois Lane (Normal) 8- 5 Hunted: Lex Luthor (Less Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 20 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Total) 10 PsyL: In Love with Lois Lane (Uncommon/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity [Clark Kent] (Frequently/Major] 15 Suscept: Kryptonite, 3d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 5 Vulnerability: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250
  16. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    My attempt to produce DC Comics character at 250 points using 4th edition rules.
  17. My Superhero Universe "The Forgotten Man" The Forgotten Man Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 14 DEX 12 25 CON 30 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 10 EGO 0 20 PRE 10 10 COM 0 20 PD 10 15 ED 10 3 SPD 6 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 125 Cost Skills 3 Disguise 12- 2 KS: Literature 11- 2 PS: Nightwatchman 11- 3 Streetwise 13- Total Cost: 10 Cost Powers 10 Damage Resistance 10 PD 10 ED 5 Leaping +5" Total Powers Cost: 15 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: Mastermind (As Powerful) 8- 15 PhyL: Can Not Remember his Past Life (Frequently/Greatly) 15 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Strong) 10 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Moderate) 15 Suscept: Telepathy, 3d6 STUN/Instant (Uncommon) 10 Vuln: Fire Attacks, 2x STUN (Uncommon) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Appearance: The Forgotten Man wears a black suit, tie, fedora hat, and full face mask, with a white shirt. He seems to have black hair, but no one has every seen him without his mask. Background: Fire and pain. That was the last thing that the individual known as the Forgotten Man remembered before waking up in a boxcar of a train parked in an Angel City siding. A look in a pool of water at his reflection caused horror to the owner a shattered, burned, and scarred face. He made a mask of what was left of his shirt, and stumbled out of the yard into a beating by a gang of crooks. Without thinking the Fogotten Man charged in and with superhuman strength dispatched the ruffians forthwith. It took some time, but eventually he found a place to stay in the long forgotten storage rooms under the Ancel City Central Library. There he filled the lonely hours with the classics of literature. He also began acting as a protector for the neighborhood, defending it against the gangs and petty criminals that plagued it. A grateful tailor made him a suit and matching mask to replace his tattered clothes, and despite looking like a monster he was treated as a friend due to his actions and good heart. An encounter with Raven, Nighthawk, and Black Cat brought him to attention of the crimefighting community. Although he has refused to join any group officially, he can be countered on when the chips are down. Raven managed to repair most of the damage to his face, but he still wears a mask, vowing to do so until he learns his true identity and the nature of his powers. An attempt by Titaness to use her telepathic powers to help unlock the secrets of his past ended with agonizing pain. Something prevents him from remembering. Despite a good portion of invulnerability, he also has a psychosomatic reaction to fire attacks, which cause more damage then she should to him. For some reason the Mastermind has made a recent attempt on his life. Although he survived, it left him wondering if the criminal genius had something to do with his having powers. Ultragirl, who resides in Angel City, has promised to help him find out.
  18. Re: Name help - Magnetic armor-guy Repulse
  19. Re: My Superhero Universe I'll be expanding the basic training program for various types of superhumans and crime fighters this week.
  20. Re: My Superhero Universe Undercover Brother (the final battle between UB and Mr. Feather shows you how martial arts moves work in game terms.) The Rocketeer The Phantom (I can't believe I forgot to mention this one) The Shadow (Only for the look)
  21. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character Ms. Avenger, 1984 Here is her current write up http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p1614557&postcount=121 I had a thing for Ms. Marvel then.
  22. My Superhero Universe "Captain Hawk (UNIT)" United Nations Intervention Team (UNIT) Captain Hawk (United States of America) William Wellesley, U.S. State Department Diplomat is a handsome blond blue eyes man in his early thirties. His costume is a red top, white shorts, blue pants, boots, mask, and wings. Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 18 DEX 24 18 CON 16 11 BODY 2 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 16 COM 3 8 PD 4 6 ED 2 4 SPD 12 8 REC 0 36 END 0 30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 83 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bureaucratics 12- 3 Conversation 13- 3 High Society 12- 2 KS: United Nations 11- 2 KS: U.S. State Department 11- 4 Language: Native French 5 Money: Well Off 2 PS: Diplomat 11- Total Skills Cost: 30 Cost Powers 10 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, Linked to Flight (-1/2) 20 Flight 10", No End (+1/2), Restainable (-1/2) 7 HA +2d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), Linked to Flight (-1/2), No END (+1/2) Total Powers Cost: 37 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 10 Watched: United Nations (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 10 Watched: United States Government (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 15 PhyL: Subject to Orders (Frequently/Greatly) 15 PsyL: Dedicated to World Peace (Common/Strong) 10 PsyL: Loyal to the United Nations (Common/Moderate) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Background: William Wellesley is the son of a wealthy arms manufacturer. Blaming men like his father for war, William joined the State Department to bring Peace to the world. His powers are natural, and the result of a mystical spell his mother performed before his birth.
  23. Re: Setting: World of Alts I was thinking that this might not be the first time a "Vibe" happened. What if thousands of years ago a simular event took place, causing some to develope God-like powers. They developed heightened wisdom (Athena), beauty (Aphrodite), fighting ability (Ares), the ability to forge magically armor and weapons (Hephestus), etc. The war between the Olympians and the Titans could have taken place between two different groups of "Vibers" who got their powers centuries apart.
  24. Re: My Superhero Universe It was interesting in The Specials that The Great Strobe, as pompus as he was, had the loyalty of Deadly Girl. Also, regarding Ms. Indestrutable's black eye, since her eyes are vulnerable it is correct for her to have one. The discoloration is caused by bleeding from the eye, not damage to her invulnerable skin. Birds of Prey had moments, but I couldn't see Batman abandoning Gotham City or Harley Quinn as a mastermind.
  25. Re: United Superheroes of America While Nighthawk is at a superhero (250 point) level, he is still basically human. His abilities come from years of training and experience. But, because of that experience he came into contact with superhumans, first Captain Freedom and Maiden America, and then Ultraman and Ultragirl. He as seen what they can do, and what their limitations are. This knowledge, and his own experiences leading an army in Central America, make him the ideal organizer of such a group. First he begins by creating a crimefighting identity for himself, then gathers allies, then makes contacts and organizes them. He is a man on a mission, and the man with the plan.
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