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Everything posted by Cassandra

  1. My Superhero Universe: Nightingale Nightingale Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 18 DEX 24 15 CON 10 11 BODY 2 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 16 COM 3 6 PD 3 4 ED 1 4 SPD 12 6 REC 0 30 END 0 27 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 70 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 2 AK: Angel City 11- 3 Breakfall 13- 2 CSL: EB +1 3 CSL: Martial Dodge, Martial Strike, Offensive Strike +1 3 Conversation 12- 1 FB: Registered Nurse 2 KS: Nightclub Business 11- 4 Martial Dodge 4 Martial Strike 1 Money: Well Off 5 Offensive Strike 3 Paramedic 12- 2 PS: Nurse 11- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 12- 1 TF: Small Aircraft Total Skills Cost: 48 Cost Powers 10 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2) 13 EB 6d6, [4 Clips w/6 Charges] (-1/4), OAF: Pistol (-1/4) 2 Running +1" 7 Swinging 10", 4x NCM, OAF: Swing Line (-1) Total Powers Cost: 32 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Eden (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 5 Distinctive Features: Voluptuous Redhead (Easy Conceal/Noticed) 15 Hunted: Crime Doctor (As Powerful/NCI) 8- 10 Watched: Nighthawk (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 20 PsyL: Crimefighter Code (Common/Total) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Appearance: Nightingale is a shapely green eyed redhead in her late 20s. Her costume is a dark blue bodysuit with black cowl, mask, gloves, and boots. Background: Eve Hastings Clark is the ex-wife of Millionare Aviator Stephen Decatur Clark. She discovered that he was the costumed crimefighter Nighthawk, and decided to join him on his crusade against evil. Eve had been the daughter of a man Stephen had served with in the Navy, and had gotten pregnant from a young Marine killed in an accident before they were married. Stephen offered to marry Eve to give her child a name, a means of repaying her father for saving his life. Tragically Eve lost the child, and despite a valiant try the couple divorced after three years of marrage, but still remained close. She had been a nurse before their marrage, but loved nigthclubs and used her settlement to purchase one which she called Eden. Eve gets many tips through the patrons of her club which she uses to fight crime. No one at the club knows of her secret identity, and even thought Nighthawk doesn't want her hurt, he has helped train and equip her in order to give her a fighting chance. As a sidekick most of Nighthawk's enemies don't consider her important enough to bother with. The Crime Doctor is a medical theme villain who associates Nightingale with the famous nurse, not knowing of Eve's past as a nurse. The Crimefighter Code is "Will do what it takes to bring criminals to justice without becoming vigilantes."
  2. My Superhero Universe: The Night of Infamy Japan did not inform Germany of it's plans to attack Pearl Harbor but the possibility of war with America was planned for by the Nazi High Command. While the German member of the League of Heroes left the group after Fall of France in June 1940, the inside knowledge gained by him allowed a superhuman spy to be planted inside the League. The Traitor gathered information on the other members weaknesses, and secret identities. On Dec. 10, 1941 a number of the League's members were assassinated, and the League's flying wing The Panthon is sabotages and crashes with several members aboard. That night the surviving members and their families took refuge at the Herodome, the League headquarters in Empire City. At one minute to Midnight the Herodome exploded killing all but three inside.
  3. My Superhero Universe: Operation Pot of Gold Before the Second World War the United States made a series of plans to deal with any potential threat. In order to maintain security each nation was given a color to represent it (Red for England, Black for Germany, Orange for Japan, etc.) and a War Plan to deal with it. They were known as the Rainbow War Plans. The War Department planned to use superhumans as a special unit in order to quickly win any potential conflict. Under the code name Operation Pot of Gold the Ameican members of the League of Heroes were to storm the military and political headquarters of an enemy nation in hopes of either forcing a surrender or at the very least distrupting enemy command and control. Both the Germans and Japanese took the plan seriously, one of the reasons they agreed to offer superhumans to the League of Heroes. Those members remained even after their countries withdrew from the League of Nations, the League of Heroes sponsering group. By doing so they gained valuable intelligence, and prevented the League from taking any meaningful action against the Axis. The plan was abandoned after the Night of Infamy.
  4. My Superhero Universe: Lone Eagle Lone Eagle Douglas Mansfield, World Famous Aviator Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 18 DEX 24 15 CON 10 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 16 COM 3 6 PD 3 6 ED 3 4 SPD 12 6 REC 0 30 END 0 28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 74 Cost Skills 3 Combat Piloting: Military Aircraft 13- 2 CSL: Mace +1 3 High Society 12- 2 KS: Aviation 11- 2 Language: Fluent French 2 Language: Fluent German 3 Mechanics 12- 5 Money: Well Off 3 Navigation 12- 3 Reputation: World Famous Aviator 14- 1 TF: Large Aircraft 1 TF: Small Aircraft Total Skills Cost: 30 Cost Powers 12 Armor +6 PD +6 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2) 25 Flight 10", 4x NCM, No END (+1/2), OIF: Wings (-1/2) 9 HA +3d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), No END (+1/2), OAF: Mace (-1) Total Powers Cost: 46 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Mimi Mansfield, Wife (Normal) 8- 5 Distinctive Features: World Famous Aviator (ECon/Noticed) 10 Watched: Allied Intellitence (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 10 Watched: Axis Intelligence (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 15 PsyL: Egotistical (Common/Strong) 10 PsyL: Isolationist (Uncommon/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Appearance: Lone Eagle is a handsome man in his mid-thirties who wears a black costume trimmed in white, which white wings. He carries a large white mace. Background: Douglas Mansfield was a world famous aviator and dedicated isolationist. Convinced that Britain couldn't win and must make peace with Germany he joined the America First Committee. He made such an impression that he was given command of America Force, a group dedicated to bringing an end to U.S. support to England by any means necessary.
  5. My Superhero Universe: Swift Swift James Ellis, Adventurer Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 20 DEX 30 20 CON 20 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 14 COM 2 5 PD 1 5 ED 1 5 SPD 20 8 REC 0 40 END 40 30 STUN 30 Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Cost Skills 3 Criminology 12- 3 Lightning Calculator 4 Speed Reading Total Skills Cost: 10 Cost Powers 10 Armor +5 PD +5 ED, Linked to Running (-1/2) 25 Running +5", 8x NCM, 1/2 END (+1/4) 5 STR +10, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Linked to Running (-1/2) Total Powers Cost: 40 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: Enemies of the League of Heroes (As Powerful) 8- 10 Hunted: The Snowman (As Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: League of Heroes Code (Common/Total) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 10 Suscept: Entangles, 1d6 STUN/Instant (Very Common) 10 Vuln: Cold Attacks, 2x STUN (Uncommon) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Appearance: Swift is a handsome man in his early 30s who dresses in a Mercury style costume in white, trimmed in gold. Background: James Ellis was born with superspeed powers, and joined the U.S. Army during the Great War. He was assigned to a special unit of superhumans, and was given training as a investigator. After the war he was joined the League of Heroes, and was one of those killed during the Night of Infamy.
  6. Re: My Superhero Universe To Incrdbil, I think you've got it just right. Most superhumans before Ultraman were pulp lever, battling gangsters, spies and the like. I know that a lot of players like 350 or higher, but I've always thought that villains don't have to have a lot of background skills or even be as well rounded as supeheroes.
  7. My Superhero Universe: Neptune Neptune Oliver Perry, Adventurer Val Char Cost 30 STR 20 18 DEX 24 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 18 COM 4 10 PD 4 10 ED 6 4 SPD 12 10 REC 0 36 END 0 36 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Cost Skills 3 Bump of Direction 3 Environmental Movement: Water 3 Navigation 12- Total Skills Cost: 9 Cost Powers 5 Damage Resistance 5 PD 5 ED 9 ES: Hearing +1, Telescopic Hearing +2, UV Vision 15 Multipower (15 Points) 1 u) Leaping +15" [1 END] 1 u) Running +5", 4x NCM [1 END] 1 u) Swimming +10", 4x NCM [1 END] 8 LS: Breathe Underwater, High Pressure, Intense Cold. Total Powers Cost: 41 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: Enemies of the League of Heroes (As Powerful) 8- 10 Hunted: The Pirate (As Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: League of Heroes Code (Common/Total) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 20 Vuln: Heat/Fire Attacks, 2x STUN (Common) Total Disadventages Cost: 150 Apearance: Nepture wears a Roman style short tunic in blue, with gold belt and sandals. He his a handsome man in his early 30s with red hair and green eyes. Background: No one knows where he came from. All anyone knows he was among the bodies fished out of the water after the Titanic went down. He somehow survived the freezing water, althought didn't remember who he was or where he was from. After discovering his powers he was taken in by the U.S. Navy, and given the name Oliver Perry. He worked with Captain Freedom and Maiden America during the Great War, and was offered membership in the League of Heroes after the war. Sadly, Neptune was one of the heroes killed during the Night of Infamy which decimated the League.
  8. Re: Golden Age adventures I just put up a 150 point character called the Swashbuckler in "My Superhero Universe" Thread in Champions. He's based loosely on Errol Flynn.
  9. My Superhero Universe: Swashbuckler Swashbuckler Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 18 DEX 24 15 CON 10 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 18 COM 4 6 PD 3 6 ED 3 4 SPD 12 6 REC 0 30 END 0 28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 75 Cost Skills 3 Acting 12- 3 CSL: Sword +1 3 Disguise 12- 3 High Society 12- 5 Money: Well Off 2 PS: Movie Star 11- 3 Seduction 12- Total Skills Cost: 22 Cost Powers 12 Armor +6 PD +6 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2) 17 EB 3d6, NND (LS: Self Contained Breathing) (+1), Continuous (+1), Must Grab (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), No END (+1/2), OAF: Chloroform (-1) 11 Multipower (15 Points) No END (+1/2), OAF: Sword (-1) 1 u) HA +3d6, HTH Attack (-1/2) 1 u) HKA 1d6/2d6 w/STR 11 Swinging 10", 4x NCM, No END (+1/2), OAF: Swing Line (-1) Total Powers Cost: 53 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 20 DNPC: Current Love Interest (Incompetent/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 5 Distinctive Features: Movie Star (ECon/Noticed) 10 Watched: The Studio (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 10 PsyL: Alcoholic (Uncommon/Strong) 5 PsyL: Nazi Sympathizer (Uncommon/Minor) 10 PsyL: Womanizer (Uncommon/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Appearance: Swashbuckler wears a red movie style swashbuckler costume trimmed in black. He carriers a sword, and has a long scarf he waves in front of women to cause them to swoon (caused by the chloroform on the scarf). Background: Aaron Blair was an Australian born movie star who more out of boredom became interested in Nazi politics. He was recruited at an isolationist rally to become part of an anti-Allied "superhero" group. As the Swashbuckler his motivation is to act heroic while sabotaging the war effort, and to meet and seduce superheroines.
  10. My Superhero Universe, Continued Nighthawk had been a crimefighter several years before Ultraman's public debut, but had operated from the shadows with a small group of allies. Most of his enemies were normals, some with strange weapons, but he had held his own against the few superhuman villains that had shown up in Angel City. The public confermation of superhuman existance changed all that. More and more heroes and villains arrived on the scene, but fortunately Nighthawk had anticipated that eventuality. Stephen Decatur Clark has lived more lives then then men. Orphened along with his twin sister Katherine at the age of fifteen, he went to the Naval Academy, and as a cadet met both Matthew Fremont and Madeline Ames. Stephen was something of a sidekick to the pair of new heroes, and learn a lot about superhumans from them. An early navy aviator, he broke many records, and saw combat in a number of conflicts in Central America. In one he lead a group of American citizens out of a war zone, caring for an injured and unconscious Col. Matthew Fremont, USMC. It was that mission in Central America that changed his life. Stephen was sent on a mission for Naval Intelligence, obstensively being court martialed out of the Navy. The mission had been compromised by an old enemy, however, and Stephen was imprisoned by the corrupt regime. He escaped, and helped lead a revolution that overthrew that government. While there he met and freed an ancient superhuman who would be an important part of his life. He also fell in love, but the woman he married was killed in the final days of the revolution. Heartbroken but cleared by the new government, Stephen flew home alone, wondering what fate had in store for him.
  11. Re: Golden Age adventures Watch the original Why We Fight seven part series which explains the origins of the war, and the true menace of the Axis. Wonder Woman First Season for a TV show that had the right feel of 1940s adventure The Phantom with Billy Zane and Catherine Zeta Jones. All Star Squadron comics was set in during World War Two as well. Check out some of my characters.
  12. My Superhero Universe: Paragon Paragon Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 14 DEX 12 25 CON 30 10 BODY 0 8 INT -2 8 EGO -4 15 PRE 5 20 COM 5 20 PD 10 10 ED 5 3 SPD 6 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 109 Cost Skills 3 Conversation 12- 1 FB: Press Pass 2 PS: Newspaper Columnist 11- 2 Reputation: Famous Superhero 11- 3 Steetwise 12- Total Skills Cost: 11 Cost Powers 15 Damage Resistance 20 PD 10 ED 15 Leaping +10", 4x NCM Total Powers Cost: 30 Total Cost: 150 75+ Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: Handsome and Well Built Man (ECon/Noticed) 10 Watched: The Mastermind (More Powerful/NCI) 8- 15 PsyL: Overconfident (Common/Strong) 10 PsyL: Seeks Publicity (Uncommon/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 20 Vulnerability: Mental Powers, 2x Effect (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Appearance: Paragon is a extremely handsome and well built man in his early 30s. He wears a green bodysuit trimmed in yellow. There is a large P on his chest. Background: Parker Adonis Gordon was a newspaper columnist in Empire City at the time of Ultraman's arrival. He wrote a series of articles attacking the Man of the Future, primarily out of a sense of jeolousy (Parker was upset with the mentioning of Ultraman as the handsomest man in Empire City). The articles came to the attention of The Mastermind, who secretly gave Parker superhuman strength in order to replace Ultraman as the city's premier hero. The villain also made Parker extremely susceptible to mind control to use him in various plots to destroy Ultraman. Campaign use: Paragon is one of a series of 150 point characters that I've designed for two reasons. One to see how effective a character can be built on low points, and two, to keep the heroes powerful compaired to there enemies. He's a perfect foil for most Bricks, strong and overconfident enough to get into trouble, and also the pawn of a villain to get the hero into trouble.
  13. Re: 250 character points vs 350 character points Characters could have two character levels 250 for group members, and 350 for individuals. Batman at 350 could be the name as his 250 version, but with a 100 points of vehicles, bases, and followers (Batgirl, Robin, etc.)
  14. My Superhero Universe: Ultragirl Ultragirl Brooke Taylor, Socialite Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 20 DEX 30 25 CON 30 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 18 COM 4 20 PD 20 15 ED 10 4 SPD 10 15 REC 0 50 END 0 48 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 150 Cost Skills 3 Deduction 12- 3 High Society 12- 5 Money: Well Off 3 Streetwise 12- Total Skills Cost: 14 Cost Powers 50 Multipower (50 Points) 3 u) Armor +10 PD +10 ED 3 u) EB 10d6, Concentrate DCV 4 (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2) [10 END] 1 u) ES: Hearing Perception +2/ES: Telescopic Hearing +4 1 u) ES: N-Ray Sight, Not Through Force Fields/Gold/Lead 1 u) ES: Sight Perception +2/ES: Telescopic Sight +4 2 u) Flight 10" [2 END] 2 u) Flight 8km, Megascale (+1/4) [2 END] 1 u) LS: Self Contained Breathing 1 u) Running +5" [1 END] 1 u) STR +10, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 1 u) Swimming +10" [1 END] 10 Damage Resistance 10 PD 10 ED 9 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum Total Powers Cost: 86 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Taylor Enterprises (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 10 Hunted: Mastermind (As Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Crimefighter Code (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Will Sacrifice Herself for Others (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 5 Suscept: Atlantium, 1d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 10 Vuln: Magic Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Appearance: Brooke Taylor is a tall blue eyed blonde in her early 20s. As Ultragirl she wears red, white, and blue costume simular in design to Ultraman's with a short skirt insted of tights. Background: Ultragirl inherited her powers from her mother, who was unable to use them due to a magically induced illness. A clever young woman Brooke Taylor discovered a high ranking enployee had stolen some company funds, and confronted him. Instead of doing the right thing, the enployee instead used a magic spell to erase her memory, and exiled her to a privately owned island in care of his twin brother. The employee then help coordinate her brother's search for Brooke, sending Bradley into increasingly dangerous situations. Brooke was eventually rescued by a third party after a year of captivity, and dedicated herself to fighting evil. She trained to use her powers to their utmost, and her abilities rivaled her older brothers. When he became Ultraman Brooke make her debut as Ultragirl soon after. Notes: Ultragirl's experience has left her stronger, but also left her more of an edge then her brother. While Ultraman is a straight arrow and the ideal of what a Superhero , Ultragirl is more direct and "practical" in dealing with criminals. While she would never kill, Ultragirl is not above using her powers to make a point. Ultragirl is a true heroine, however, and is willing to sacrifice herself to keep others from going through the same experience as she did.
  15. My Superhero Universe: Crimefighter and Superhero Code PsyL: Superhero Code Superheroes are honest, respect authority, protect the innocent, and fight fair. PsyL: Crimefighter Code Crimefighters are devoted to justice, hate criminals, seek out corruption, and protect the innocent. Most Superhumans have Superhero Codes, most non-powered adventurers have Crimefighter Codes.
  16. Re: My Superhero Universe I remember the Ultra-Man character, a future hero who's real name was Gary Concord. Ultraman in my universe is a satire of Superman.
  17. My Superhero Universe, Continued As 1939 came the World situation was much worse. The Munich conferance solved nothing, and in fact only encouraged Nazi Germany. The League of Heroes remained bogged down in internal politics, even with the Axis members of the organization leaving. French and British members wanted to keep the League in Europe as a deterrence, but the American Members wanted to remain in the U.S., and out of any conflict. Ultraman began to partner with other heroes, but one tradition still blocked effective action. Crimefighters, those who fought evil without powers, and Superheroes, those who did so with powers, had never been part of the same team. On the West Coast, in Angel City*, a crimefighter named Nighthawk made plans to change that reality. *Los Angeles, California in our timeline.
  18. Re: My Superhero Universe I stand corrected on Ultraman's EB. I was thinking 4th edition.
  19. Re: My Superhero Universe I was making a joke at the expense of the man of steel.
  20. My Superhero Universe: Powers and Abilities Ultraman is primarily a flying brick with a multipower that allows him to boost his abilities. His Armor and EB are both 30 Points, his regular and supersonic flight are both 20 points, and the rest of his abilities are 10 points each. Tactically he's armor up, land, and run to the target if on the ground, and pound with STR 60. The EB is a secondary attack used rarely because of the power costs. Maiden America is a ground pounding brick with good skills and political connnections. Captain Freedom is the best fighter, without much raw power but with the experience to make him formidible. Starlet is well balanced, able to strike from range as well as HTH. Her strength comes as a surprise to those who don't know her and think she's just another Energy Projector.
  21. Re: My Superhero Universe Empire City is a nickname for New York City.
  22. My Superhero Universe, Continued Ultraman and Starlet became the first modern superheroes. Starlet was more then a little upset to see her name in the paper. She had told the reporters her name was "Starlight", but all they could see was a blonde. The irony was that she was a starlet. Leslie North was the daughter of a famous astronomer and an equally famous stage actress. She had made several motion pictures, and took some time off to study the stars at a remote observatory. A meteor strike near by caused her to rush into the night to find the impact site. She did, just in time to be bathed in weird radiation when the meteor exploded. To her delight she discovered she had superpowers, and designed a costume. She was in Empire City hoping to meet up with Ultraman when the Alien Invasion took place. While the League of Heroes was in Europe debating what course of action to take, the legendary heroes Captain Freedom and Maiden America flew to Empire City from Washington, D.C.. They were impressed with the pair of new heroes, and the four of them talked about the future. Matthew Easton Fremont was from a long line of Marines. One of them was at Tripoli in 1803, and saved the life of an elderly wizard. He gave the young Marine a magic word which would transform him into a superhuman. That man, Matthew's grandfather, used it do defend America, as did his son. Now Matthew had the power, and after his service in the Great War was elected to the United States Senate. During his career as Captain Freedom he met a brilliant young woman who would become . . . Maiden America, Dr. Madeline Ames Fremont, M.D., daughter of the inventor of a super-soldier formula that she took to prevent falling into German hands during the war. She gained superhuman abilities, and fought side by side with Captain Freedom during the war. She was a Navy Nurse, he a Marine Captain, and both worked directly for the Assistant Secretary of the Navy during the War. Twenty Years later that man was President of the United States.
  23. My Superhero Universe: Ultraman, Starlet, Maiden America, Captain Freedom Ultraman Bradley Taylor, Taylor Enterprises President Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 16 COM 3 20 PD 10 15 ED 10 4 SPD 12 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 143 Cost Skills 3 Bureaucractics 12- 3 Deduction 12- 3 High Society 12- 3 KS: Business 11- 10 Money: Wealthy Total Skills Cost: 21 Cost Powers 50 Multipower (50 Points) 3 u) Armor +10 PD +10 ED 3 u) EB 10d6, Concentrate DCV 3 (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2) [20 END] 1 u) ES: Hearing Perception +2/ES: Telescopic Hearing +4 1 u) ES: N-Ray Sight, Not Through Force Fields/Gold/Lead 1 u) ES: Sight Perception +2/ES: Telescopic Sight +4 2 u) Flight 10" [2 END] 2 u) Flight 8km, Megascale (+1/4) [2 END] 1 u) LS: Self Contained Breathing 1 u) Running +5" [1 END] 1 u) STR +10, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 1 u) Swimming +10" [1 END] 10 Damage Resistance 10 PD 10 ED 9 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum Total Powers Cost: 86 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Taylor Enterprises (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 10 Hunted: Mastermind (As Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Patriotic Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 5 Suscept: Atlantium, 1d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 10 Vuln: Magic Attacks, 1 1/2 STUN (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Starlet Leslie North, Movie Star Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 18 COM 4 10 PD 0 5 ED 0 4 SPD 12 15 REC 0 50 END 0 48 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 120 Cost Skills 3 Acting 12- 3 Disguise 12- 3 High Society 12- 5 Money: Well Off 2 Science: Astronomy 11- 3 Seduction 12- Total Skills Cost: 19 Cost Powers 25 EC (Light)-25 Points 25 1) EB 10d6 [5 END] 25 2) Flight 15", 8x NCM, 1/2 END (+1/4) [1 END] 25 3) Force Field +10 PD +10 ED, Invisible to Sight (+1/2), Persistant No END (+1) [0 END] 5 ES: UV Vision 6 LS: High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat Total Powers Cost: 111 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Her Fan Club (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 5 Distinctive Features: Beautiful Blonde Movie Star (ECon/Notice) 15 Hunted: The Director (As Powerful/NCI) 8- 5 Watched: The Studio (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Patriotic (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Maiden America Dr. Madeline Ames Fremont, M.D., White House Physician Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 18 COM 4 25 PD 15 15 ED 10 4 SPD 12 15 REC 0 50 END 0 48 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 145 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 2 AK: Washington, D.C. 11- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bureaucratics 12- 10 Contact: The President of the United States 11- 3 Deduction 12- 1 Disguise 8- 1 Fringe Benefit: Medical License 3 Fringe Benefit: White House Pass 3 High Society 12- 1 Language: Basic German 2 Language: Fluent French 5 Money: Well Off 3 Paramedic 12- 2 PS: Physician 11- 10 SL: Overall +1 Total Skills Cost: 55 Cost Powers 20 Damage Resistance 25 PD 15 ED 3 ES: Perception +1 15 Multipower (15 Points) 1 u) Leaping +15" [1 END] 1 u) Running +5", 4x NCM [1 END] 1 u) Swimming +15" [1 END] 5 LS: Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Longevity [200 Years] Total Powers Cost: 50 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: The White House (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 5 Distinctive Features: Looks Younger Then She Should (ECon/Notice) 10 Hunted: Mata Hari (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Patrioitic (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 10 Vuln: Gas Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Captain Freedom Matthew Easton Fremont, United States Senator Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 20 DEX 30 20 CON 20 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 16 COM 3 8 PD 4 8 ED 4 4 SPD 10 8 REC 0 40 END 0 32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 99 Cost Skills 2 AK: California 11- 2 AK: Washington, D.C. 11- 3 Bureaucractics 12- 8 CSL: Combat +1 5 Fringe Benefit: United States Senator 3 High Society 12- 2 KS: United States Marine Corps 11- 1 Language: Fluent Arabic 1 Language: Fluent French 1 Language: Fluent German 1 Language: Fluent Spanish 3 Linguist 4 Martial Block 4 Martial Dodge 4 Martial Strike 3 Martial Throw 5 Money: Well Off 5 Offensive Strike 3 Oratory 12- 3 Tactics 12- 2 WF: Small Arms Total Skills Cost: 65 Cost Powers 19 Armor +8 PD +8 ED, OIHID (-1/4) 2 ES: Perception +1, OIHID (-1/4) 36 Flight 10", 8x NCM, No END (+1/2), OIHID (-1/4) [0 END] 4 LS: Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Longevity [200 Years], OIHID (-1/4) 17 STR +20, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 6 Transform: Instant Change, Incantation (-1/4) [1 END] Total Powers Cost: 84 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: United States Senate (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 10 Hunted: Red Baron (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 5 Watched: The Press (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Patrioitic (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequent/Major) 10 Vuln: Electrical Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250
  24. Re: My Superhero Universe Ultraman was a wholy original design inspired by an obscure superhero from the 1930s. I'll be updating him, and I have a few more 250s to put up.
  25. My Superhero Universe: Ultraman Ultraman Val Char Cost Roll Notes 60/50 STR 40 21-/19- 100t/25t, 12d6/10d6, 12"/10" Leap [5 END] 18 DEX 24 13- OCV 6 DCV 6 25 CON 30 14- 12 BODY 4 11- 13 INT 3 12- 11 EGO 2 11- DCV 4 15 PRE 5 12- 16 COM 3 12- 20 PD 10 15 ED 10 4 SPD 12 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 143 Cost Skills 3 Bureaucratics 12- 3 Deduction 12- 3 High Society 12- 10 Money: Wealthy 2 PS: Entrepreneur 11- Total Skills Cost: 21 Cost Powers 10 Damage Resistance 10 PD 10 ED 50 Multipower (50 Points) 3 u) EB 10d6, Concentrate DCV 4 (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2) [20 END] 1 u) ES: N-Ray Perception [sight], Not Through Lead/Gold/Force Fields 1 u) ES: Hearing Perception +2/Telescopic Hearing +4 1 u) ES: Sight Perception +2/Telescopic Sight +4 2 u) Flight 10" [2 END] 2 u) Flight 10km, Megascale (+1/4) [2 END] 1 u) LS: Self Contained Breathing 3 u) Missile Deflection: All Ranged Attacks +5 1 u) STR +10, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 1 u) Swimming +10" [1 END] 1 LS: High Pressure 2 LS: High Radiation 2 LS: Intense Cold 2 LS: Intense Heat 1 LS: Longevity [200 Years] 2 LS: Low Pressure/Vacuum Total Powers Cost: 86 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Taylor Enterprises (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 10 Hunted: Mastermind (As Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Needs to Prove Self (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 5 Susceptibility: Atlantium, 1d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 10 Vulnerability: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Appearance: Ultraman is a tall, handsome man in his late twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. His costume is red, white, and blue, with a large U on his chest. Background: Bradley Taylor received his powers from his mother, who never used her powers due to illness. He used his abilities secretly in order to find his kidnapped sister, and learned exactly what he could do. Bradley took over the family business when his father began a political career. Ultraman first came to the attention of the world when he was filmed by newsreel camera preventing the destruction of the Taylor Tower which was in the path of a runaway diridgible. His action during the Alien Invasion made him a true hero in the eyes of the World. Despite this, having inherited his wealth and powers, both Bradley Taylor and Ultraman never stop trying to prove themselves worthy of the trust they have been given. Powers: Ultraman can lift a maximum of 100 tons, fly several times the speed of sound, and can survive in almost any hostile environment. He also has hightened vision and hearing, and has x-ray and heat vision. When he knows it's coming he can deflect almost any ranged attack. When he appeared he was considered the most powerful superhuman in the world. Atlantium is a glowing golden crystal like substance that was used to power the Alien War Machines, and Ultraman's prolonged exposure to it during the fight make his susceptible to it. His weakness to magic comes from the spell that made his mother too ill to use her abilities.
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