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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. A member of all eight teams who has never been captured is Oversight. This character prefers to stay out of the combat area and disable obstacles with a heavy duty sniper rifle. He usually covers escapes by shooting cars and tanks until they are disabled. CES
  2. What was the first year the first team was put together? CES
  3. Avalanche summons rocks to fall on target. He's the backup plan if the others can't get away due to the inherent destruction in the use of his ability. CES
  4. The Mysterious Duck Man used Lake Haney as his base of operations to put the fear of ducks in organized crime. Attacking out of the shadows, this enigmatic hero was known by his catch phrase, "It's time for terror in the night." CES
  5. Rock Roller only has one power, but it's a doozy. Every time he performs some kind of chord of music, nearby earth/stone/bricks/concrete starts dancing. CES
  6. Kim Carmen, millionaire industrialist, developed the Protector armor as the ultimate one man army corps. The secret was the Protector was an inner armor designed to operate outer armor with different weapons and capabilities. CES
  7. Claude Rains has the ability to become the Breeze, a jet of air that can pass through any crack, push down anyone lighter than he is, and is otherwise invisible and untouchable in this state. CES
  8. The Aeropirates are air using raiders swooping out of the sky to loot and pillage. Who are these four bandits? CES
  9. Water Whip forms water into whips like his name implies. He combines this with martial arts to put more powerful enemies down. CES
  10. We have covered tons of different groups in this thread and the villain thread. let's go back to the basics. An obscure group during World War 2 was the Haneyville Hard Hitters. This group of heroes protected the homefront from spies and criminals taking advantage of law enforcement being forced to look the other way. Who were these five expies of the Champions? CES
  11. Pam Tillis is able to call on the skills and abilities of the people of North Carolina. She finds this ability is strongest in Raleigh. She calls herself Capitol to reflect her ability, and wears a version of the flag as her costume. CES
  12. Casey Cane is Polar, wearing an all white costume that resembles a bear. Most people think her power is ice control when they first meet her. It's really magnetism CES
  13. Lois Wells inherited the book of speed. Reading its contents allowed her control of velocity in herself and other things. The world knows her as Pony Dash. CES
  14. Lee and Lo are a boy/girl rivalry on the team that use the same image exposure magic. They summon the images to carry out their plans. CES
  15. Ursacane has the unique power of summoning grizzlies made of water from a storm. The bigger the storm, the more grizzlies to wreck crap. If he could summon sharks, he would be Sharknado. CES
  16. Every day 106.5's morning guys Woody and Wilcox has two it happened in florida contests. Three weird stories, the call in has to guess which one happened in florida to win. Sometimes all three are from florida so you can't lose. it has been going on for years. CES
  17. The villain known as Coal is a normal until someone sets him on fire. Then he carries heat and flame around him until the flame burns out. It takes a few minutes for him to return to normal, but when he does, he is ready to be set on fire again CES
  18. That's six guys and three girls. I will do the rest tomorrow CES
  19. Shane Stillman loved surfing, even participating in contests and for fun around the world. Stuck in an area 300 miles away from the coast, Shane has learned to turn his body into liquid and become the Silver Surf. CES
  20. The greatest fighter in the Triad is the Mysterious Purple Peacock. Many a criminal has suffered from a devastating boot to the head and been put down by this flashy bird man. Many people are comparing him to the Flamingo and some experts say they are using the same fighting style. CES
  21. The heroes have a brick on their side. He is Lamont Keise, but when he dons his suit, he's the Orange Crush CES
  22. Yellow Star is Jane Sola. She could always fly with sunlight. With some help, she created a booster so she could harness moonlight and boost her natural ability. CES
  23. While being chased by gunmen at a Kangaroo, engineer Larry Lase was saved by a storm of cicadas. He built himself a green suit and became the Green Cicada. CES
  24. Sorry about that,Skjam. I thought everyone would know what I was talking about. I'll do the other ten heroes for Phantom GM's group tomorrow and move things along. I have been waiting for others to jump in CES
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