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Everything posted by Bandit

  1. Are you still able to send out campaigns from HC?

    I ran several campaigns under the handle of Blackfoot... there was a lot of good writing there.. I wouldn't mind having some of that to read through again... I wish I could remember all the names...

    Strangers in a Strange Land was one... I also ran a RuneQuest game for a long time.. so many years ago now it seems.

  2. Re: Does anyone have any idea... I'm not sure I understand your answer... by includes do you mean EC's CAN include powers with the zero END advantage or do you mean that they are included in the restriction?
  3. What is the Rationale behind... Limiting EC's to only powers that cost endurance? Should this include powers that normally cost endurance that have had their endurance reduced to zero? I am trying to make an educated decision as to whether to include this rule in my game or not and I would like to understand why this restriction was included. **Apparently I posted this originally to the wrong forum.
  4. Limiting EC's to only powers that cost endurance? Should this include powers that normally cost endurance that have had their endurance reduced to zero? I am trying to make an educated decision as to whether to include this rule in my game or not and I would like to understand why this restriction was included.
  5. Re: What is Your Inner Character? True Neutral Gnome Fighter
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