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Posts posted by Xotl

  1. I was wondering if there were any plans to include in some book something similar to the wonderful section on the law, the US constitution, government and superheroes, and other such elements that appeared in the old version of Dark Champions. I really found myself missing that section, even as a Canadian player when much of the material was on the American constitution, when going through the new DC book. DC: TAS doesn't seem like the book to cover it, so I'm assuming it won't show up there.

  2. Re: What Do You Want To See?: DC: The Animated Series


    I would like to see a meaty section on the interaction between superpowers and key elements of the Dark Champions genre: for example, the small sidebar on Ultraviolet Vision and forensics in DC. I was hoping this was one of the things that would get creatively expanded on in the new DC, but I think it really belongs here.

  3. Re: Bulletproof


    If the problem is the Stun Multiplier, it might be a neat advantage to be able to buy Multiplier Negation, each level taking one away from the multiplier rolled on a Stun Multiplier die (or offsetting one level of an attack's Additional Stun Multiplier advantage). This way attacks with a massive amount of raw dice would still hurt, attacks with lots of body would still hurt, and attacks loaded with advantages would still hurt, but the pistol and shotguns of the world could be easily put out of threat range. It would be fairly simple to implement, and preserves the current rules.

  4. Re: Hero Needs Reviewers!!


    I just got my DC review copy this morning actually.


    Did Tina indicate that you were on the list of reviewers?


    Yeah she did. Thanks for the reply: I just wanted to check on the average shipping time. If you received it I can happily wait another couple of weeks. I'm going to have to come up with an odd angle for my reviews though: several reviews of it have already been posted a while ago (something else that made me think something was wrong), and I don't want to reiterate what everyone else has been saying.


    Thanks again.

  5. Re: Hero Needs Reviewers!!


    Just curious: has anyone accepted *not* received a review book yet? I'd normally not mention anything, since they are free books after all, but on the other hand I don't want to get cut off from books for not reviewing a copy of Dark Champions I never received in the first place. It's been a month. I'm in Canada.


    I thought I'd ask here and wait a while longer before mailing Hero, since they're busy folk.



  6. I have a character with Invisibility to Mental Group. There's a mention in 5th that refers to this Invisibility also working against Telepathy in some circumstances, but the reference is not very clear to me. In what circumstances is a character invisible to Telepathy or other mental powers (besides Mental Awareness or Mind Scan) with Mental Group Invisibility?


    Sorry I can't provide page numbers, but my book has been lent out.

  7. Re: Super Names


    A few from the campaign I was recently playing in:



    The Sanity Assassin - a mentalist created to hunt other mentalists


    Azaroth - interesting variant spelling on existing name

    Red Raptor - old Champions villain I don't see on the list


    Alien hero/villain names

    (I'm not really clear on your guidelines here: I would hope that you make a distinction between fantasy-sounding nonsense names and those with an alien bent, since other-dimensional and alien encounters are such a staple of comic book universes. I would also hope that a name doesn't have to have 30 apostrophes to be "alien". If they don't fit, will there be a separate alien name list):


    Razzia (actually a team, but rolls off the tongue nicely as a single entity's name)



    Other stuff

    - is Annihilus an existing villain in Marvel or DC? It's a great name variant that isn't present.

    - how did 7218 - Sk8r Boi get past the silly filter. Avril Lavigne fan? :)


    Thanks so much for your effort in this.

  8. Re: Hero Needs Reviewers!!


    Also' date=' is it possible to indicate lines we are (or are not) interested in reviewing? For example I have somewhere approaching zero interest in SciFi games so even if I were inclined to do a review of a product in the Star HERO line Im not really qualified to do so (lacking much bg in SciFi games in general). Not that a glut of SH products is likely to be forthcoming, but you get the idea.[/quote']


    This is something that worries me as well. If I got a SH book I would certainly review it and do my best to give it a fair treatment, but I also don't have any of the previous SH books, which would make it hard to set a review within the framework of what has already been released.


    Who knows: I might love new SH books enough to start buying the old ones and begin a SH campaign, and I understand that any review is exposure for Hero, but I'm concerned about wasting Hero's money.

  9. Re: Hero Needs Reviewers!!


    I started reviewing books on RPGNet because I too felt that Hero didn't have a large enough presence on the site. Generally what I want to say on a topic gets covered by others, but I felt there was a gap in Hero stuff. My reviews don't get much in the way of direct comments on-site, like most Hero reviews, but I feel I'm doing some good, and I like to write, so what the hell.


    These are my reviews to date. I'd be quite happy to do more, but I had decided to only cover recent books that I managed to pick up shortly after release. I own plenty more :)





    In any case, thanks for the generous offer, and I hope I make the cut. Either way, I'll keep reviewing.

  10. Originally posted by TheEmerged

    Personally, I would say that Mental and Hearing should be considered targetting as well, since the main senses from this group people would want to be invisible to (Mind Scan and Radar) are targetting.


    Well, the FAQ says the base sense for the Mental Group is Mental Awareness, and it's very clear that that sense is not targetting.


    As to whether the Mental Group is a targetting group, it's hard to say: the sidebar examples for Invisibility clearly make Hearing and Radio to be non-targetting sense groups, and if such a clear-cut targetting power as Radar is part of a non-targetting group, then a power like Mind Scan, which requires a specific level to make targetting and is often part of a multipower that makes it unable to be used for proper targetting, probably shouldn't make the Mental Group a targetting group. Then again, it doesn't really say anywhere for sure.


    The other real difficulty is on Danger Sense. I still can't figure out if you need to buy a 5 pt level of Invisibility against it, or if you can buy a 3 pt level and be Invisible to it half the time, or if the 3 pt level does nothing against it.


    I'll probably ask Steve soon: I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be wasting his time.

  11. Re: Re: Questions on Invisiblity


    Originally posted by Col. Orange


    I was under the impression that if the average PC or Named NPC has a given Targeting Sense then, and only then, do you have to pay the higher price.


    Well, I know of the general suggestion that you should modify costs to fit your game world, but is there any solid base-line that I could reference in the book? What's the starting point?


    See above. If everyone has Danger Sense I'd say buy it at the more expensive level and give it a "not invisible if DS roll made by half" as a -1/4 limitation.


    Yes, but what is the standard cost, with no campaign considerations? Or are you saying there really isn't one?


    It all seems to hinge on how a targetting sense is defined.


    I might be wrong but as long as you buy it as one power (Invisible to Mental Group, Invisible to Danger Sense as an additional Sense) I think you'd only buy off the fringe once.


    I'd figure as much: I think that it remains all one power until you add a advantage or disavantage to one of them, or change the special effect, in which case that splits off and becomes its own power for the purposes of Fringe, etc.


    Of course, I need some page or section references, so I can show my group instead of saying, "well, some guy told me it was this way on the internet", no offense intended :)

  12. I've tried the FAQ, the book, and a couple of forum searches, so I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time.


    1) I'm trying to figure out if the Mental Group counts as a targetting group for the purposes of buying Invisibility. What is the exact criteria for determining what constitutes a targetting sense group?


    2) If the criteria is "any group that has one or more senses that can be targetting senses at no extra cost, regardless of whether or not they are targetting 100% of the time" (i.e Mind Scan, Danger Sense), can you buy Invisibility against Danger Sense at the 3pt level (Invisible to a non-targetting sense) and be invisible to it as long as the person with Danger Sense doesn't make his half roll (which turns Danger Sense to a targetting sense)?


    3) Do you have to buy the No Fringe adder for each type of Invisibility you have? A character with Invisible to Mental Group, and Invisible to Danger Sense (no other adders, disads etc, same special effect) - what does he pay for No Fringe?


    Thanks very much for your help.

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