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  1. Re: The Twelve most Wanted My char, Silverbolt the weather mage lawyer, would do one of these things: 1) wait it out and watch what happens. nothing much he can do to stop them on his own, but they might end up eventually creating a stable and fair government by accident. after all, what happens when the villains die of old age? 2) set up an escape method, and then go and have a friendly talk with a villain or two. ask what their plans and intentions are, and if they are content with what they have. 3) slowly, slowly, and subtly, start screwing with the villains. organize a "we aren't sure we like this movement'", comprised solely of people who are not going to try and take out the villains guns-a-blazin'. then, after a few years, maybe a decade, finally have the power to forcefully overthrow the villains, one or 12 at a time. 4) one by one, make the villain's lives miserable. overcast skies with a chance of rain 24/7, or always too hot, flooding bases with 40 days and 40 nights of rain diverted from a different base (turning that one into a desert). use lightning to constantly short-circuit fuses, and make them need to be replaced every 3 hours. create wind in places it is unwanted, denying it when it is. make every villain so pissed off and edgy that they eventually either give up or kill eachother.
  2. Re: Redirecting Others' Movement supress movement modes, all at once(+X)?
  3. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment DnD 3.5, playing a monk. we had been having problem with a reoccuring villain rogue/assasin, who kept death attacking me, well, to death. So i pumped up my spot checks to the point where I could beat his hide checks, waiting for the next time I would encounter him.... Finally, the moment came, when the DM asked me to make a spot check when there were no opponents nearby (yeah, a bit metagame-y, but the guy kept one-shotting me!). I roll spot. I roll really high. ..... the DM tells me "You don't see anything". ...then I remember that assasin's can cast invisibility...... "OH SHI-" *death attack* everytime, that stupid death attack killed me cause I kept rolling nat 1's on the save (autofailure)
  4. Re: Decent Character or Too Much Cheese? ask your GM if you can just link it to STR, should shorten the hassle. after all, you are trying to make a power that only goes off when YOU touch someone, and WANT to afflict them (if you truely want it to go off every time you touch or get touched, you have to do it the damage shield way. lower it to a 1d6 1 def entangle, and you might be able to manage it).
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