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Mark Rand

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Everything posted by Mark Rand

  1. Dancer is actually Karen's pet. Karen just likes to mess with the minds of the animal rights folks. It's up to the GM if she has a mental link with her pony.
  2. Cordy and her crew are cheerleaders. They're not listed in any order. However, Mercedes is her best friend. There are five levels of both Choir and Orchestra with A level being the highest, and the ones that perform for the school. The Glee Club members are in the A Choir.
  3. Robert rides a white American Quarter Horse mare named Snowball, Snowflake, Snowy, or something like that. Probably the only pre-teen there is Karen, the owner’s 9-year-old daughter, who is in a wheelchair because she suffers from a mild form of congenital muscular dystrophy. She owns and rides Dancer, a pinto American Shetland Pony mare. Karen Parker, who plays her, actually has that medical condition and actually owns Dancer. She’s stated, “Dancer isn’t my pet pony, I’m her pet human.”
  4. True, but they could give us some ideas.
  5. There are a lot of Spin and Marty episodes on Youtube.
  6. While classes go from 7:15AM to 2:15PM, the school opens at 6:45AM. Students can eat breakfast there for free, but staff and faculty have to pay. After classes, the school is still busy. Clubs meet after school, athletic teams practice after school, and the pool is open for three hours after school and all day on weekends and during the summer, swim meets, swim team practices, and mermaid swimming classes excluded. Cordelia and her friends, Mercedes Kendall, a real twit, Gwen Winnicki, and Katherine Chester, whose nicknames are “Kate”, “Katie”, and “Kat-woman”, love to call the school choir, Drama Club, orchestra, and Stage Crew “geeks”. One favorite target is Donna Gray, an African-American member of the Stage Crew, and a skilled draftsman, who likes to dress in black, standard stagehand garb, and, due to an to a severe allergy to nickel alloys that cause rashes, always wears gloves. The school principal tolerates, to a certain extent, the name calling. When it gets out of hand, he assigns the offender to work as part of the Stage Crew until the next big production is over. For the first time, they will get a tech pack, a tour of the auditorium from one of the Stage Crew, and a set of stage keys that must be returned. Mercedes, to quote her, “Puts my foot in my mouth,” and often gets assigned to the crew.
  7. I'm working on giving Cordelia's friends' names. There is going to be at least one twit in the group. Usually, the jocks have to be football or basketball players to avoid being called a wimp by the other jocks and have a letterman's jacket to avoid being called a poor poser. The cheerleaders and popular girls like to call the girls swim team, and Nancy Anderson "mermaids". and the jocks like to call the boys swim team "mer-boys". Most of them accept the term as a badge of honor, especially Nancy, who can out-swim anyone.
  8. Our "queen bee" is Cordelia Carpenter. Jodie Bailey, the captain of the girls swimming team, is trying to be the "queen bee". She's the kind of girl who just decides that she’s dating someone, even without the other person knowing, displays a superficial attitude, and shows that she is only interested in someone for the abilities as an athlete and not for what kind of person they are. She likes to tease Nancy Anderson, the swim meet lifeguard, because she’s a good swimmer, but not on the team. Nancy usually responds that being the EQT Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta’s official mermaid, and Coach Kramer’s student assistant for the weekend “Learn to swim like a mermaid” classes, and getting a stipend for both, she’s considered a professional swimmer and not permitted to be on the girls swim team. She then adds that her mother, is a collegiate swimming coach and that she can attend that college for free.
  9. Good points. Of course, Marie could be his apprentice.
  10. Nice idea. Of course, we could just call her a cat burglar from pop culture. There are plenty of those around. Rosemary might also patronize The Light-Fingered Lady. She does, after all, love the cat burglar look.
  11. Any suggestions would be appreciated. The original concept for Rosemary was that she went as a generic cat burglar. She could, with care, eat and drink with a three-hole ski mask on.
  12. One idea is that Coyote the Trickster gave a number of people at an area comic book convention the abilities of the people they were costumed as. One was Rosemary, who attends the area comic book convention as Catwoman from Batman: The Animated Series (the claws on her costume’s gloves are rubber). She could be the mentor.
  13. This might be the Willow homage. Sharon Ten Bears, who has been to Space Camp, is, like her parents, a member of the Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh (AAAP) and her high school Stage Crew lead techie. She wears her Space Camp flight suit to star parties at the Wagman Observatory in Deer Lakes Park and the Mingo Creek Park Observatory in Mingo Creek Park. The cheerleaders and “popular” girls have dubbed Sharon “Pocahontas”.
  14. The queen bee of the school is probably like Cordelia Chase from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, who enjoys ridiculing those she sees as inferior and dismissing some of her classmates as “losers”.
  15. I'm not sure if all of these count as helpful NPCs. Any can be deleted. Thomas Avery is an occult expert and retired mystic whose power has waned and has health issues. He can provide background info and serves as a contact with the Trismegistus Council. Detective Eve Belding is with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Burglary Squad. Helen Davenport is the superhero team’s helicopter pilot and a former AH-64E Apache Guardian pilot. Andrea Winslow is a pilot of STAT MedEvac 4, the H145 STAT MedEvac keeps at Allegheny County Airport. Melody Samuels, RN, CFRN (Certified Flight Registered Nurse), is her usual flight nurse. Bonnie Knight, a mechanical and electronics genius, and Christine Valentine, an IT genius, are the superhero team’s main technical people. Jeannette Barstow is the superhero base’s head of housekeeping. Detective Lieutenant Samantha McDonald is with the superhero team liaison the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Margo LaFleur is the superhero base secretary.
  16. What do you think of my above-mentioned characters? Since Helen has, at least, basic first aid training, Andrea and Melody might call on her for an assist, if they're at the same scene, even if it's just to help carry gear or a stretcher.
  17. One idea I had for a beginning team was that they meet in the living room of Thomas Avery's house, and, when needed,use his front lawn as a rally point. Of course, they might be replacing a team that, for some reason, vanished and are using the team's support base and support staff.
  18. I chose the H135 because it’s often seen in the skies above Pittsburgh. Both STAT Medevac and AHN Lifeflight use this helicopter. Additionally the H135 also has a Fenestron or shrouded tail rotor. All seats have headsets racked above them. The pilot and front passenger have binoculars and explosion-proof flashlights in their front door compartments. The other passengers have them under their seats. The rear section holds emergency supplies and tools for opening manhole covers. Helen Davenport pilots of team’s copter. A former army captain, she piloted an AH-64E Apache Guardian. Her copilot/gunner, Andrea Winslow, now a pilot of the H135 STAT Medevac keeps at Allegheny County Airport. Melody Samuels, RN, CFRN (Certified Flight Registered Nurse), is Andrea’s usual flight nurse. Bonnie Knight, a mechanical and electronics genius, and Christine Valentine, an IT genius, are the team’s main technical people. Jeannette Barstow is the head of housekeeping. All four live at the base.
  19. And the superhero team's support staff?
  20. The coffee shop could actually be a diner. B/G, a former area diner chain, could be revived and one located there. Any ideas on the support staff? Which ones live in and which ones commute? If they have their own helicopter it might be an Airbus Helicopters H135. It needs only one pilot and can hold up to seven passengers.
  21. I like the layout you came up with and option two the best. In fact, anywhere in the brownfield might be good.
  22. Any ideas about where in the city the base is or what it, generally, looks like? Keep in mind that the Port Authority works on a hub and spoke system. Most bus routes begin and end in the Central Business District.
  23. There have been a few changes in the Champions' support staff. Bonnie Knight is now the base technical expert. In the original, Captain Joanna “Jo” Amos of The Guard, who is on very-detached duty, is secretly Quantum, the leader of the Champions. In this version, her identity recently became public. Her friend, Captain Dwight Macready, the regional commander of the Bay City/Norcal Region, sometimes calls her in to consult with her.
  24. I'd leave the Proprietor War where it was. Yes to COVID, possibly as the result of a lab experiment that went horribly wrong.
  25. Slapshot and Puck share the hockey theme in their garb, including hockey jerseys, gloves, and old-style hockey goalie's masks that have built-in eye shields. They also have nose filters on under their masks. Some of Puck's trick hockey pucks are simply hard rubber, usable for blunt damage. Others spray smoke, tear gas, or sleep gas or act like flash-bang grenades.
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