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Posts posted by DrDestiny

  1. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Thanks you two :)


    A quick pic of Feral Kat (created by Katie from the CoH boards). Done without permission, and I hope she doesn't mind, but I'm using forum characters to try out a few things.


    I will probably go in and colour this, but was reasonably pleased by how it looked at this stage.



  2. Re: Free character pics


    Mid-way through the submission month, and plenty of good characters to choose from so far; here, on the main Champions Genre section and on the Champions Online forum, but still a couple of weeks left if you want a wobbly pic!

  3. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Bombshell, for The Mighty Foo!


    This isn't really my usual style at all, so coments and criticism are very welcome! She's supposed to be made of solid, shiny metal, but I don't really think I got that down right.



  4. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    A quick portrait of Thor's Assassin - the Champions Online version, done for a couple of reasons; Firstly, I think it's a rule that everyone has to do a version. I think it's a law. Secondly, TA has put his character up for my 'free 9 pics in November' thing I'm doing for Champions, but has so many pics already, I'm disqualifying him from that nine, so this is a consolation... hopefully.



  5. Re: Flash Forward To Nightmare


    (( I'm enjoying the show, but something about it is really bugging me. The future people know exactly when the 'flash-forward' will happen, and for how long. The have all, of course, experienced it 6 months ago. Why then did not everyone's FF have either significance (standing next to a new lover, holding a sign giving their name and address for you to find), financial opportunities (buy gold kids) or just everyone at a 'flash-forward-party', raising a glass to their past selves?


    Honestly, if you knew that you were going to be viewing yourself, you'd certainly hold off from going to the loo for that 2 mins...))

  6. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    I don't recognise Ironhand influences, Dr D, but I like the giant cog-wheeled mechanism behind him and the steel gauntlet and vambrace he's wearing.


    A terrific effort, Dr D, as usual. :thumbup::hail:



    Thanks DB :D


    Here's the inks-only version, which i may prefer... (oh, and he's very influenced by Alan Moore's Tom Strong)



  7. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Thanks for the nice comments Haven :) That version of Captain Marvel's from Bob Greenwade's Legacy Universe, so I think most of the credit should go to Bob for his excellent character description.


    This is an extended doodle of one of my Champions Online characters, Ironhand Jack. His influences are obvious, but he's fun to play, and as a member of Department S, is currently running away from Gorillas on Monster Island...




  8. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Is there a deadline for our submissions?

    And BTW you learned your lesson well. I just hope my submission will be convincing enough, because I love your art.





    end of this month is the deadline, as i'll start drawing them in November :)

  9. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Throughout November, I'll once again be doing some free character portraits. Having learnt my lesson last year however, this time it'll be a limited number; 9 in total.


    It's not first come first served, but rather I'll pick the nine character ideas I like best, and you can either have them painted or done in my vector style (examples follow).


    The requests can come here, or on the Champions Online board, so it'll be just Champions characters.


    So, if there are nine people who'd like one of my wobbly pics, please, post away!


    Painty: Legacy: Captain Marvel 2


    Vector: The Nightmarer

  10. Throughout November, I'll once again be doing some free character portraits. Having learnt my lesson last year however, this time it'll be a limited number; 9 in total.


    It's not first come first served, but rather I'll pick the nine character ideas I like best, and you can either have them painted or done in my vector style (examples follow).


    The requests can come here, or on the Champions Online board, so it'll be just Champions characters.


    So, if there are nine people who'd like one of my wobbly pics, please, post away!


    Painty: Legacy: Captain Marvel 2


    Vector: The Nightmarer

  11. Thought I'd post this here, as it's CO related.


    On the official CO boards, Steamtank runs gladiatorial writing competitions (Staeamtanks Tournament of Champions), and one unlucky runner-up got the dubious honour of having me mess up their character with wobbly lines.


    Here's Doomface, created by lTrain, and not a nice fella:



  12. Re: List Your CO Heroes!


    So far I have;


    Doc Destiny

    Captain Roy Risk

    Ironhand Jack

    Grey Archer



    My account name's @DrDestiny should anyone wish to contact me in-game. I'll be re-activation my Christmas Pics request thing come December, so if you want your CO character drawn get it looking right & drop me a note.

  13. Re: End of beta thoughts.


    I was in beta for a long time, and the improvements made by Cryptic have been tremendous. CO has gone from a game I was so dissapointed with on first look to one I have already subscribed to.


    Character customisation is, of course, a highlight, but there is much more to love about the game, that more than make up for its shortcomings.


    There are plenty of missions that echo the standard MMO 'go there, fetch that, kill those, return to me' types, but there are many more that left me grinning. One in particular made me feel more of a superhero than anything in any other game, and there was no fighting involved.


    If you've a decent machine, then the graphics are very pretty. I'm aware that many people have suffered from lag, but playing here in wind-swept Cornwall, with graphics turned up to maximum, I was lag-free, so I suspect that it's an ISP issue.


    Character creation can be either as complex or simple as you'd want. Either going with existing frameworks (Might, various Energy Projectors, Telepathy, ect), or building a custom character that can mix and match from all disciplines. I suspect it's this option most Champions vets will choose, but you'll make a bunch of mistakes before you hit it right.


    The bits I don't like? Microtransactions (with the dreadfully named 'Crypic Bucks'), 8 character slots per account (although you can both buy more and 'earn' more through play), limited routes through the game (although post release expansions should fix that, with Crypic apparently keen to add more locations).


    The bits that make you grin? Beating Leech up. Making Foxbat eat that stupid gun. Finding in-game an issue of the Champions comic, that featured the 'fictional' team of Seeker, Obsidian, ect. Running from Grond. Singing Robot Cowboys.


    It's fun. It's not perfect and there's certainly plenty more to do on it, but it is fun.

  14. Re: Lucha Libre convention game!


    I've been drawing in Adobe Illustrator since 1987 and I'm still left stunned by his work on those character portraits. That is some amazingly good artwork.



    That's mighty nice of you, thanks :)


    It was born out of neccessity, as a show I was working on needed illustrations done for a 48 sheet poster, so clean, scalable artwork was vital.

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