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Dr. MID-Nite

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Posts posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. I'm kind of confused by this limitation. I have two players. One of whom wants to play a Shazam like character.....and the other a Colossus type character. Would this limitation be appropriate to either of them? I'm torn as to whether or not they qualify for this....



  2. Re: Galactic Champions


    I found the book very interesting, with more actual writeups than other supplements of late. Mechanon 3000 IS a beast, but given the conception behind it, I'd almost say he's a tad underpowered. Sovereign reminded me of Ozmandias from Watchmen. There was also a Hero representation of an "Elder of the Universe" who seemed much stronger than any of the Marvel characters of the same inspiration. The heroes were also nicely done....powerful without being ridiculous about it. Many of the character concepts...especially the villains...could be appropriated to more standard campaigns without too much trouble. (Echo for example.)



  3. Re: Subplots


    Well...subplots are generally tied specifically to the characters, but some classics might include:


    Villains actually being related to the heroes somehow...


    Heroes and villains being romantivally involved or otherwise associated with each other(like as romantic or professional rivals).


    Maybe the heroes are destined by fate to perform some great deed or serve as a protector of a "chosen one."(Good for martial artists.)


    The heroes' origin isn't what they thought it was. Investigation ensues...



    There's a few....I'm tired and can't think of more at the moment...



  4. Re: A Hero Shopping List


    We definitely appreciate the sentiment! :hex: And you've definitely struck upon the best tactic for that goal. ;)


    Well....I buy everything I think will be even remotely interesting to me. That's about 75% of what is put out. Hope that's acceptable. :)



  5. Re: Villains, Vandals, and Vermin: Who should be in it?


    I would call the "Demon Prince of Guile" from the Bestiary perfect for that role. More than enough versatility and raw power to stand against all but the mightiest superhero teams; but his power set and personality are geared toward deception, manipulation and corruption.


    Dean Shomshak mentions one of the great demons of the Netherworld, Mephistopheles, in the upcoming The Mystic World, with just that M.O. You could simply add that name to the DPoG's character sheet, and you're good to go. :)


    I have to agree here. That Demon Prince is more than adequate as a stand in for Mephisto. His variable power pool easily creates his "contracts"....and he's more than powerful enough physically.



  6. Re: A Hero Shopping List


    We all want to buy a lot of Hero swag but reality doesn’t always let us. After all between real life rearing its ugly head (car problems, medical and so on) to other hobbies other then Roleplaying (Anime/Manga for instance), we don’t always have the cash to get what we want. So I was looking through the upcoming year and next and have decided on the books I want to get and the ones I would pick up if I have a little extra money. So I was wondering what other people’s list would look like. So to start things off, here is mine……..


    Galactic Champions

    Fantasy Hero Grimoire II: The Book of Lost Magic

    Dark Champions

    The HERO System 5th Edition, Revised

    The Ultimate Mystic

    The Ultimate Metamorph

    The Underworld Sourcebook


    Champions Worldwide

    Enchanted Items

    The Ultimate Speedster

    The Ultimate Mentalist

    Pulp Hero

    The Asian Bestiary

    Astounding Hero Tales


    And if I have extra cash option…………

    The Valdorian Age

    Teen Champions

    Golden Age Champions



    Oops meant to post this in Hero Discussion and not here :(


    Must buys for me:


    Galactic Champions

    All the Ultimate books

    Champions Worldwide

    The two new villain books




    Teen Champions

    Dark Champions

    Hero Revised


    The rest is entirely optional to me depending on available factors.



  7. Re: Villains, Vandals, and Vermin: Who should be in it?


    Right now I really don't expect to include many "reworked" old villains in VVV. Offhand the only ones I can think of are the Tiger Squad, and even some of them will be new.


    I do plan to include several teams, including two "general" ones, which I agree the setting needs.


    I'll probably cover most of the guys depicted in the USPD -- Plague, Entropy, Dreamwitch, the Curse, and so on. Beyond that, though I have plenty of ideas. :hex:


    Well then...in light of that comment, what types of villain concepts would everyone like to see....for lack of a better phrase? I'd still like to see a mass duplicator and dedicated "Drainer"....even if the characters are new. Likewise, some more teams...new or not. How about a team where they all get along famously? That'd be a switch.





  8. Re: Villains, Vandals, and Vermin: Who should be in it?


    I would like to see all new villains. The best parts of ckc for me were the new villains added to champions. I can always redo which ever older villains I want in my world myself. The campaign would also benefit from some additional villain groups too.


    Yeah CKC was rather weak on villain groups to be honest. Only The Ultimates were really usable for a standard hero team.



  9. We already know Fleshtone, Curse, and the Tiger Squad are all on tap, but who else should be included that hasn't gotten a writeup yet?


    For my part, I'd like to see:


    Wyvern: His secret ID exists....so why not bring him back?


    Dr. Yin Wu: Though he may appear in Champion Worldwide.


    Power Crusher: Or perhaps a like minded "Drainer" concept.


    The Fox of Crime: The current CU doesn't have nearly enough light hearted villains.


    More subjects of Project Sunburst: I miss Ray!


    Some Russian heroes/villains: I loved the old Red Guard/Doom.


    A villain using the duplication rules to a greater extent...to create an army of duplicates...just to see.


    Other ideas welcome.



  10. Re: Review: The Ultimate Brick


    I picked up both "The Ultimate Brick" and "Reality Storm: When Worlds Collide" yesterday. I've read through "TUB" several times and really liked what I read.

    The rules refinement for Objects was awesome and the section on Mass (weights of raw elements and common materials). Check it out you'll understand better.


    The Interior Art was not as consistantly good a previous products and in some cases didn't have anything to do with the text.


    I would havew liked to see more of the Sidebars filled with flavour. Like in "USDB". Or different examples and uses of the same Brick Tricks. Creative interpretations, etc...(you folks gave us so much and all we want is more.)


    The characters are useful. Two of the Heroic ones I placed dirrectly into my own Battletech HERO campaign. I look forward to future products in the Ultimate series.


    On a scale of One to Ten I'd have to give it a 8.5 (the Interior Art kept it from being a 9.5 IMOO ;) ).


    Sincearly yours




    There is a lot to like about The Ultimate Brick. I would have prefered a bit more info about "role playing" Brick characters, but the included information was fine on its own merits. The expanded STR table was very nice....as was the clarification of combat moves for Bricks(Grab, Haymaker, etc). The expanded objects chart had way too much Fantasy hero items and not nearly enough modern/Champions items in my opinion. The characters were decent...though I'd rather have had new characters than updated Grond and Ogre. That said....the two new Champions characters were nicely done. Der Westgote would make a fine replacement for Durak in Eurostar(seeing as how Durak is likely to be killed in my campaign). The Brick Tricks had too many repeats ffom the USPD, but what was new was certainly worthwhile. The art DID leave something to be desired. It seems the best artwork is reserved for the "main" books. Overall, I give it an 8. If the subject of Bricks isn't particularly interesting to you.....this book is probably only a 6.


  11. Re: Ultimate Hibernation


    Last night I was watching The Most Extreme on Animal Planet, and was truly amazed at their "most extreme survivor" -- the water bear.


    Technically known as the tardigrade, the water bear is a microscopic animal living in water and on various fungi. It lives in virtually every environment on Earth. When its environment becomes too harsh for survival, it expels most of the water from its body and goes into a state of suspended animation.


    In this "super-hibernation" state, the water bear can survive temperatures past -200 degrees or +300 degrees (F), up to about 150,000 rads of radiation, total lack of air or water, or just about anything else you care to throw at it. One specimen actually survived a recorded 120 years in its hibernative state.


    Not surprisingly, I'd like to write this ability up for a character.


    The basic ability is pretty obvious: Simulate Death, and Life Support. The latter would include Self-Contained Breathing, Diminished Eating (no need to eat), Diminished Sleep (no need to sleep), Safe Environment (all environments), Longevity (does not age), and Immunity (all diseases, all poisons). Just for good measure I'd throw in about 20 points of resistant PD, ED, Mental Defense, and Power Defense (though I'm flexible on how much; I could adjust that based on feedback here).


    I think I'd have to re-build the Simulate Death, since the activation method is different. The Invisibility to Detect Life Signs, Paramedics, and Forensic Medicine would, I think also include Invisibility to Mental Sense Group, and the Requires An EGO Roll would be removed.


    From there, I'm not sure. I'm thinking of Concentration (0 DCV throughout, unaware of nearby events) on everything, and putting a Trigger on Simulate Death and Linked on everything else. I'd probably keep the Extra Time on Simulate Death, but would it go on the other Powers too?


    Any helpful feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.


    Actually...all the animals they highlighted were pretty amazing. A rat can eat through a pipe...or cement? Scary.



  12. Re: Favorite Master Villain


    A little of both' date=' actually. I don't want to give too much away before [b']Galactic Champions[/b] actually hits the shelves. Now that the playtest is over, though, maybe it would be all right to give a hint:




















    Imagine the Death Star as Mechanon's head. :D


    Two words: HOLY CRAP! :)




  13. Re: Favorite Master Villain


    I think I've fallen in love (metaphorically speaking) with "Mechanon 3000" from the upcoming Galactic Champions. If only I can figure out a way to work him into my current-day campaign! :think:


    Now...is that because he's obscenely powerful....or because he's got some undetermined new "coolness" factor?



  14. Re: I've Gone Totaly Mental!


    Well, it's certainly true that...point for point...mental powers are not as efficient as STR or EB...or most of the damaging powers for that matter. However, they allow you to do things that damaging powers can't...so I think it evens out...overall. Yes...getting EGO +30 on Mind Control is hard...but it should be. Smart mentalists phrase their commands carefully. I do agree that mental powers in Hero are generally far weaker than those portrayed in comics(especially Marvel), but then...every PC mentalist isn't supposed to be Professor X either.



  15. Re: Cool/Funny One liners


    In one game I was running, Anklosaur mouthed off to one of the heroes..."Ready for a pounding, Hero?" The player's response....."Sure, why don't you go find me someone capable of delivering it..."




  16. Re: Countering Menton


    My players have been warned of spoilers in this post, so they have only themselves to blame if they peek :mad: :












    In my campaign there's been something of a behind-the-scenes chess match going on for years between Menton and the Mind-Master Complex (from Creatures of the Night). Both are powerful mentalists who manipulate others to do their bidding, but the two of them often counter each other, and have remained largely deadlocked.


    One of the PCs in my current game, Harbinger - a telekinetic with minor telepathy and technical skills - has no memories of her past, which is a mystery to this point. She is actually one of the MMC's "remote units"; a person that the Complex can possess and completely control at a distance, and through which it can channel a portion of its vast psionic power. The MMC erased Harbinger's memories and stimulated her latent powers, maneuvering her into joining the heroes' team.


    The Complex has already started steering the heroes toward disrupting Menton's plans, and hopes to eventually provoke a direct confrontation with Menton. At that point the MMC will take full control of Harbinger and strike at Menton with all its power. Without Menton's competition the Complex would become a much greater threat.


    Wow....I did something very much like this last year. The Mind Master Complex made the heroes' lives a living hell and made all the clues lead to Menton. The players were shocked to find out the guy they were fighting really DIDN'T know who they were were.....




  17. Re: Shamrock- Scorpia... Ever Connect These Two?


    Well....despite their obvious similiarities.....look at their differences. Scorpia doesn't exactly make friends you know. Even if she did, who would want to hang around with a psychotic high maintainence woman like her? She'd slit your throat on a whim. Yes, I know Shamrock would probably be immune to her powers, but that's not the point. The two are just not even remotely alike in terms of personality.



  18. Re: Favorite Master Villain


    Menton in my campaign is biding his time. There are two or three mentalists whose power approaches his own and he wants to eliminate them. He also wants to avoid a "Mentalist Hunt".


    In my old 4th edition game, I played a mentalist that was considered a rival in power to Menton, but he was still more powerful than me.



  19. Re: Favorite Master Villain


    I'll tell ya mine, even though she's not in the CU any more...


    Lung Hung.


    VOICE, and the mistress herself, has so many layers of both power and mystery that I could run an entire campaign for years centered on just that one organization.


    Yeah...I remember that module. It WAS cool....and a SUPER tough fight for even our experienced group. I'd bring them back in my own campaign if I had the energy and time to translate them all to 5th edition. (I think VOICE was 3rd edition originally?)



  20. Re: Holocaust Rebuilds Terror, Inc.


    Beyond the standard consensus of mercenary help, the following villains probably wouldn't mind working with Holocaust:


    Fenris(Casual killer...plus with his pack mentality he wouldn't be adverse to joining a group)


    Hornet(His psyche lims seem to fit right in with Holocaust's extreme personality)


    That's pretty much it from the main book.



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