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The strange defenders vs. the wierd JLA


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Thanks to freakboy6 the strange defenders have taken on a life of their own out of a pretty silly concept


Strange Defenders :

Strange Mariner : team leader, doomed mystical pirate mage, commanding an undead crew


Silver Hawk : 70 year old lady encased in alien armor, heightened senses, super speed, flight


DR. Hel: 14 year old super genius, detective


Val the Knight Cat : a telechinetic powerhouse from another dimension where the common house cat evolved as the dominate species


Sub Surfer : a gadget kung fu guy surfing a giant sub sandwich (for real)


Hulk Eyre : a doomed immortal scotsman who must right the wrongs he commited a thousandfold, super strength, nigh invulnerable lawyer...


now i was thinking of doing the same thing with (drum roll please) you guessed it the JLA (classic)




Wonder Woman

Plastic Man


Green Latern

The Flash

Martian Manhunter



Super flash

Wonder Bat

Green plastic

aqua manhunter

martian lantern



Super Bat Woman

Aqua Flash

Plastic manhunter


Wonder lantern


how about:

Woman Bat

Super Green

Plastic Flash

Aqua martian

Lantern Manhunter

the wonder



Super Plastic

Lantern Woman

aqua wonder

green flash

bat lantern

martian man

the manhunter


any suggestions...

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Plastic Hunter: Designed to relieve landfills of their plastic trash by devouring it, the Plastic Hunter robot developed artificial intelligence and began to wander the world, sampling plastics of every country. Oh... and fighting crime too.


Superwoman Man: An alien from a far off planet, he is aesexual and reproduces without outside assistance. On earth, however, this has created somewhat of a gender identity crisis.


Green Martian: Not actually an alien, Green Martian grew up in an orphanage. At an early age the other kids teased him and told him he was dropped off by aliens. He dyed his skin green in order to look more like the martian people, hoping his parents would arrive and take him back. He has no powers except for the ability to inspire pity.


Wonder Bat: A tree is truck by lightning one magical evening and the limb that broke off is taken by a child and carved into the shape of a baseball bat, like in the movie THE NATURAL. However, when the boy grows up and bats .117 in the pros, he decides to fight crime with it instead, as the magic bat never seems to break, no matter how many times he struck out and tried to break it over his knee.


Flash man: Possessed by a demon exhabitionist, this convicted criminal does public service while attempting to literally hold back his inner demon. His horns, tail, and natural agility allow him to fight crime. But ever beckoning are the buttons on the front of his trenchcoat and the potential for calamity (and time in the local lock-up).


Aqua Lantern: During his studies to create a fire that burned underwater, Aqua Lantern was doused with a chemical and burst into flame. He now burns underwater... for justice!

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Man Man Man

Martian hawk

Wonder Plastic

Lantern Woman

Flash girl

hunter The Man Green


Substitutes hawk girl for aqua man because other wise you have 4 man out of 7 possible combos actually this is kind of hard because most combinations are already comic book characters

(I love wonder bat by the way)




Was cursed by a native American shaman after on a drunken hunting trip he torched the nesting place of a sacred white bat he was cursed he is now a were bat taking on the from of giant white bat or a man bat creature every full moon now he fights crime to atone for his sins gaining more control of his transformations he can change at will between his three forms but can not return to human form during a full moon.

The bat is a fruit bat and he is now a vegetarian


Man Man Man

Or man 3 is a set of psychic triplets there psychic abilities manifested in the womb with a potent mind link and as such they have no distinct personalities in fact they are one man in 3 bodies they can act perfectly in unison


Martian hawk

Started out as a typo martin Hawkins was always thrilled with the idea of flight he broke both legs throwing him self off the roof when he was 4 by the time he was 18 he’d finally mastered it on the proving run of his new flight pack he happened to witness a mugging swooping down he clobbered the mugger and returned the purse a reporter across the street interviewed martin about his daring rescue. Martins quote was "I like to fly and I like to help people" and he still does swooping over the city stopping crime his costume is a pastiche of B movie Martian outfits as the name stuck and everyone now thinks he really is from mars or nuts.


Wonder Plastic

Dr Clark Goodyear the great great grand son of Charles Goodyear who discovered vulcanized rubber just like his great grand father he is a materials scientist he developed a super pliable super elastic material and attempting to avoid his great grand fathers life of poverty he set up his own company and s marketing his invention by becoming a super hero to demonstrate it amazing properties by bouncing all over crime.


Lantern Woman

From the battle fields of the Napoleonic war to the modern day she travels from battle to battle healing the sick guiding the lost home and caring fro the dying she is lantern woman


Flash girl

Photography student Jane Jones discovered she was a mutant with the power to generate brilliant burst of light when she was cashed after photographing a crime when cornered by the gangsters involved her terror caused her to realest a blinding flash of light and while the gangsters crashed into each other furiously she escaped. She has since learned to control her powers to produce both flashes of blinding light and concentrated blasts of light.



Hunter "The Man" Green

Blaxplotation film star turned vigilantly badass busting heads and taking names in the hood

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wierd rules!!!!


so far my favorites are man 3 and flsh girl (namewise) I was thinking flash girl could be like you said a photojournalist who was traking a currupt ring of "mad" scientist, she stumbled into a lab where she found several gadgets, especially an unassuming camera with an absurd flash mounted on top, when the scientists goons burst in to capture her, she aimed the camera and flashed them, a blinding flash ...and they where gone!!!! a 12cm x 12cm photo popped out of the bottom of the camera, the thugs where on the paper and looking at her screaming with fury, somehow they had been teleported to another dimension, wich Flash Woman held in her hand, after tinkering with the camera and several crime fighting adventures later, she has learned that she can :

flash on all senses

teleport area hexes to the two dimensional photo world (and get them back in a wierd huge resizer she keeps in her lab)

drain powers, then the camera can "use" the power (Energy only)

create flash barriers of incredible durability



Man three is a mentalist in three bodies (like you said)

everything else looks hunky dory

when is the confrontation - wierd justice vs strange defenders?

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Hmmm well it would be no contest weird justice just wouldn’t match up to the strange defenders power level. They actual JLA would be about right of course the numbers are a bit off.

Valor v jonn jons in a psychic battle royal silver hawk v hawk girl you can count out super man as strange mariner would make light work of him (no defenses against magic) Dr. Hel v batman now that would be interesting two genius level gadgetters with martial arts skill. bats experience would be a winner there.

then you have the Hulk Eyre v Wonder Woman oh that would be funstand up knock down fight between two insanly strong almost indestructable people. finally sub surfer v well who ever left on the JLA flying martial artist v green lantern maybe he clonks him one with a wooden sub or takes him down with yellow cheese slice shuriken ( I always envisioned those as an entangling attack)?

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The Weirds


The Green Man -- legendary old England forest spirit. Known by many names: Herne the hunter, Attis of Anatolia and others. His control of the plant kingdom gives him immense power.


Man/Woman -- ancient texts talk about the alchemical significance of the rebis -- the mystical hermaphrodite. Man/Woman was forever changed by a ritual that was intended to grant great powers. Now s/he is the group's most unusual member. Hir mastery of the occult, however, has saved the group many times.


Martian Flashman -- Dr. Barry Jones' family has, for generations, held on to an object of great power -- a device left over from the Martian invasion of London in the late 1800s. The flashray can be a weapon, a portal and a tool for discerning the truth. For many years, the Jones family hid the device, knowing that the British government wanted to keep all such devices for itself. Now, Dr. Jones has decided to use the flashray to rid the world of evil and hypocracy.


Bat-Hunter -- Few people know of The Bat, the evil demonic presence that guides the various nightmarish entities on the planet: vampires, wraiths, and succubi. Van Helsing learned of The Bat after years of pursuing vampires such as Dracula, and he assembled a team of Bat Hunters to finally rid the world of this evil. But that was many years ago, and The Bat struck back, destroying Van Helsing's legacy. Now, only one Bat-Hunter remains. Johanna Wayne, the only offsping of two Bat-Hunters and the only survivor of The Bat's deadly pogrom. By the age of 11, Johanna had mastered the sword. By 13, her mastery of four different martial arts seemed supernatural. Now, at 16, is she able to succeed where an entire team of Bat-Hunters failed?


The Aqua Wonder -- Arthur Prince doesn't know what happens to him when the Aqua Wonder takes over his body. Arthur himself is a boring insurance salesman. But the Aqua Wonder appears to be the world's greatest acrobat. And is his bluish-green skintight costume really a costume, or... something else? Where does the Aqua Wonder come from? Why does he never speak? And what are those strange spray-painted blue-green symbols that he leaves everywhere? On buildings, on vehicles, and even on the crooks he captures.


Lanternman -- When Hal Curry agreed to become a human guinea pig for the Air Force, he could not have imagined how his life would be changed forever. His body was transformed into pure light. Unfortunately, the Air Force had no idea how to return him to his human form. Eventually, scientists built for him a large glass-like body which helped him to interact with the real world. The glass body stands over seven feet tall, and has strength and hardness, but it's glass structure doesn't obscure Lanternman's bizarre 360 degree awareness. And when he opens the body's faceplate, he can exit the body and sneak into any place that light can reach.


Super Plastic -- Clark O'Brien was a petty crook who broke into the Kent house many years ago and discovered the most incredible find of career: the Kents had been hiding a spaceship, sent from a doomed planet. The aliens had sought to preserve their technology and had sent various devices into space. Unfortunately, most of those devices could not function properly due to Earth's yellow sun. But one device still worked: a wrist-cuff that can create a super-hard plastic in any shape that its wearer could imagine. Giving up his life of crime, O'Brien started using his "super plastic" for good.




(I think that leaves me with one "man" left over).

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good work!


it's okay, if we call martian flashman just the Martian Flash we could come up with a character called Man Man or Man Squared (if you see what I mean) He can sqaure a basic humans power (scientist mathmatics origins) or maybe square a human's mental powers (we need a mentalist)...oh yeah and I like Lantern woman personally way too much...okay so if we take bcholmes basic team and combine it with freakboys Lantern Woman and Man 3 we have a kick'n team:

Lantern woman:

From the battle fields of the Napoleonic war to the modern day she travels from battle to battle healing the sick guiding the lost home and caring fro the dying she is lantern woman


Man 3: Man Man Man

Or man 3 is a set of psychic triplets there psychic abilities manifested in the womb with a potent mind link and as such they have no distinct personalities in fact they are one man in 3 bodies they can act perfectly in unison



The Green Man -- legendary old England forest spirit. Known by many names: Herne the hunter, Attis of Anatolia and others. His control of the plant kingdom gives him immense power.


Martian Flash -- Dr. Barry Jones' family has, for generations, held on to an object of great power -- a device left over from the Martian invasion of London in the late 1800s. The flashray can be a weapon, a portal and a tool for discerning the truth. For many years, the Jones family hid the device, knowing that the British government wanted to keep all such devices for itself. Now, Dr. Jones has decided to use the flashray to rid the world of evil and hypocracy.


Bat-Hunter -- Few people know of The Bat, the evil demonic presence that guides the various nightmarish entities on the planet: vampires, wraiths, and succubi. Van Helsing learned of The Bat after years of pursuing vampires such as Dracula, and he assembled a team of Bat Hunters to finally rid the world of this evil. But that was many years ago, and The Bat struck back, destroying Van Helsing's legacy. Now, only one Bat-Hunter remains. Johanna Wayne, the only offsping of two Bat-Hunters and the only survivor of The Bat's deadly pogrom. By the age of 11, Johanna had mastered the sword. By 13, her mastery of four different martial arts seemed supernatural. Now, at 16, is she able to succeed where an entire team of Bat-Hunters failed?


The Aqua Wonder -- Arthur Prince doesn't know what happens to him when the Aqua Wonder takes over his body. Arthur himself is a boring insurance salesman. But the Aqua Wonder appears to be the world's greatest acrobat. And is his bluish-green skintight costume really a costume, or... something else? Where does the Aqua Wonder come from? Why does he never speak? And what are those strange spray-painted blue-green symbols that he leaves everywhere? On buildings, on vehicles, and even on the crooks he captures.


Super Plastic -- Clark O'Brien was a petty crook who broke into the Kent house many years ago and discovered the most incredible find of career: the Kents had been hiding a spaceship, sent from a doomed planet. The aliens had sought to preserve their technology and had sent various devices into space. Unfortunately, most of those devices could not function properly due to Earth's yellow sun. But one device still worked: a wrist-cuff that can create a super-hard plastic in any shape that its wearer could imagine. Giving up his life of crime, O'Brien started using his "super plastic" for good.



and the Strange Defender team is:


Strange Mariner : team leader, doomed mystical pirate mage, commanding an undead crew


Silver Hawk : 70 year old lady encased in alien armor, heightened senses, super speed, flight


DR. Hel: 14 year old super genius, detective


Val the Knight Cat : a telechinetic powerhouse from another dimension where the common house cat evolved as the dominate species


Sub Surfer : a gadget kung fu guy surfing a giant sub sandwich (for real)


Hulk Eyre : a doomed immortal scotsman who must right the wrongs he commited a thousandfold, super strength, nigh invulnerable lawyer...


now we just need an artist...

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Visualizing Weird Justice


Originally posted by bloomann

now we just need an artist...


I imagine Martian Flashman as a wearing a suit and cape like many of the golden age heroes, but with a bizarre retro alien helmet. Perhaps even something like Dream/Morpeus wears every once in a while. The helmet should convey "alien" and "victorian" at the same time. The flashray is a large, round device with two handgrips -- one on the bottom and one of the top. Again, it has a certain retro alien look.


Bat-Hunter, in my mind, looks a bit like a somewhat punkier Faith the Vampire Slayer. Leather pants, tank top, and perhaps a jacket with the sleeves pushed up to the elbows. Perhaps facial tattoos for distinctiveness.

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more visuals


I was thinking Lantern woman would look like a nun actaully all in white, she would be carrying ...well a lantern (also victorian looking) her powers are on the weird mystical sides

dispel darkness, demons, ect, trak evil, lots of aides to strength and body, stun, or she could aid any ally power to make it momentarily a superduper power... She becomes a giant or disolide, in my mind she's like the specter from DC...


Man 3 looks like a math geek wearing kevlar

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