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U-Con Returns in October 2022


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Hello everyone,


U-Con is finally returning in-person after a 2-year hiatus online.  Details are here.  It will be the weekend of October 7-9th.


I will be running The Battle of Detroit, an homage to the canonical event where Dr. Destroyer battled America's superheroes (and others).


Shane Harsch is also running a couple hero games as well.  I hope to see you all there!

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Played in the Battle of Detroit.  We beat Destroyer's low-level minions pretty handily, had a harder time with his lieutenants but we won in the end, though Detroit still ended up getting a few billion dollars' worth of urban renewal.


I played Solitaire - no surprise that I got KO'd, as everybody knows that you "first kill the mentalist."  Some great roleplay from most of the other players.  The bits with characters snarking at each other gave it a good feel like an stablished superteam, even though I don't believe any of the players had played with each other previously.  A few of them hadn't played Champions in decades (I'm not sure, one may not have played Champions at all before), but gmGM did a great job explaining how things worked in Hero and I think it went pretty smoothly.  All in all, I believe a good time was had by all.


Having grown up in the suburbs of Detroit, though, I was a little disappointed that Destroyer didn't get mugged as soon as he crossed the city limit.  :winkgrin:

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On 10/9/2022 at 12:16 PM, BoloOfEarth said:

Played in the Battle of Detroit.  We beat Destroyer's low-level minions pretty handily, had a harder time with his lieutenants but we won in the end, though Detroit still ended up getting a few billion dollars' worth of urban renewal.


I played Solitaire - no surprise that I got KO'd, as everybody knows that you "first kill the mentalist."  Some great roleplay from most of the other players.  The bits with characters snarking at each other gave it a good feel like an stablished superteam, even though I don't believe any of the players had played with each other previously.  A few of them hadn't played Champions in decades (I'm not sure, one may not have played Champions at all before), but gmGM did a great job explaining how things worked in Hero and I think it went pretty smoothly.  All in all, I believe a good time was had by all.


Having grown up in the suburbs of Detroit, though, I was a little disappointed that Destroyer didn't get mugged as soon as he crossed the city limit.  :winkgrin:


Glad you had a great time @BoloOfEarth!  Seeker at least was able to come through and heal you.  And Dr. Destroy does the mugging, he doesn't get mugged! (obviously it's a bad idea to even try to mug a dude in cybernetic armor unless you have the weapons to take it out)

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