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What Would Your Character Do? #39


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It's the weekend. You're at the lake outside the campaign city (boating, camping, fishing, bird watching, whatever) in Secret ID one evening when you spy something strange coming up out of the muck in an adjacent swamp: a swamp creature (i.e. just like the one in the 5th Ed Hero Beastiary) carrying a watertight bag over one shoulder. The creature looks around, slips behind some trees, and then shapeshifts into human form! The creature, now in the form of a teenaged human male, opens the bag and discloses a towel and several articles of clothing: T-shirt, boxers, socks, blue jeans, and a pair of sneakers. After toweling off and getting dressed, "swampboy" walks to a spot on the edge of the woods and removes some camouflage netting from what looks like an old Trans-Am. After tossing the bag and the netting in the trunk, he gets in, starts it up and pulls onto the road, heading for town. What do you do?

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Have there been any reports of some sort of swamp creature doing bad things in the area? If not, I just collect a bit more info on ol' swampy (like who his car is registered to, what that person''s habits are, and so on) and on his lake. If he is not a known threat, or even if he is (unless he is a really weak one) I do not let him know that his secret has been revealed to me. Wouldnt want him to change hideouts now that I know where his current one is, after all.


Depending on the particular character I am running, I would most likely either :


1) File the information away, keeping the facts that I know (and the fact that I know any facts at all) secret, pending swampy making his intentions known.


2) Arrange for Swampy to have an opportunity to show his quality. Staging the opportunity ensures that the good guys (my side) will have a surfeit of power available if he turns out to ba "bad" and that no innocents are in harms way in no matter how he turns out.

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Kenneth (who must have been collecting scientific samples since he doesn't "enjoy" the outdoors) will hurry over to wear the creature transformed and collect as many samples as he can he'll then hurry home and start analyzing the data he collected after figuring out where the swampboy might be he'll change into Husky and start shadowing him not caring if he's noticed it's just important he stay in the proximity of swampboy until swampboy does something whether it be good or evil. Hulking furry Superheros don't judge people on appearance.

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Why do all these what would your character do threads assume that characters have secred ids? I've only taken that disad on like 2 or 3 of the hundreds of characters I've played.


Is it really that popular? I suppose it is genre for comics. Which publisher DC, Image or Marvel has more heros with Secret ID? I haven't actively read comics in many years.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Flippant: Try and distract whoever dragged him off to the great outdoors... afterwards find out if any crimes had been committed by a 'Swamp Monster'.


They probably haven't (his team would know), so he'll just note it in his journal.


Wraith would quickly get a ghost to tail the boy.

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Mister Fabulous (Hero): Hides when he sees the swamp creature, and activated the claoking system on the Fabuvan. He will quietly observe swampboy through his entire transformation by thermal imaging, using the Fabuscope mounted on the left side of the van (not the right side scope, that would be bad). Once Swampboy has left, he will quietly exit his van, and resume dumping hazardous chemicals into the lake, since the damn EPA is watching his lab again.


Doktor Grondicus (villain): Pause in attempting to figure out what Mister Fabulous is up to. He would take several digital photos of Swampboy, as well as scribbling down his plate number. He would then use his laptop to hack into the DMV database, and find the owner of the car. (While doing this he will miss finding out what Mister Fabulous is doing) After his breakfast at Denny's the next day, he will head on over to Swampboys hideout and blackmail the swamp monster into helping him. Should Swampboy refuse to help him in his wicked schemes, he will sell the photos to the tabloids, netting a tidy profit.

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Lightning: Tail him and see what he's up to. Lightnin could easily outrun the Ferrari...obviously the kid has some issues.


FlameJet: FlameJet wouldn't let hiim get in the car. He would be asking questions prior to that, and if ignored, he'd melt one of the wheels to the ground.

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Adonis would approach the young man in a friendly fashion, before the boy even uncovers the Trans Am. Once he was close enough he would determine if the teen was over the age of consent, and if so start to flirt with the young man.


Adonis wouldn’t really see this as much more than a chance to meet another “person with powersâ€, and possibly act as a mentor to this young man, like Officer Sanchez did to him. Adonis would just not rule out a romantic relationship, if the young man were old enough.

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