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I had an interesting idea for a campaign with Golddigger,Put them in the Golden Age of super-heroes. So for a bit more fun for the great FANS of gold-Digger. Lets see you guys create either pictures or characters of your favorite characters as GAC version as you can make them. Have fun creating and have fun showing off. After all thats what all the characters are around for right?

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As a matter of fact... :D


So - What's the premise here?


Gina goes back in time to the Golden Age?


Or a bit of a rewrite to place her origin (and that of the rest of the family) back in the Golden Age altogether?


Surprisingly, once I start to think of it, the latter wouldn't require -that- much of an alteration. The magic elements such as her father's aura magic and Britanny's origin could be left almost entirely unchanged. Ace could still be the best pilot in the world, he just flies a Delta Clipper instead of a C-130 Hercules. Or Howard Huges employs him as a test pilot! Maybe he gets to put the Spruce Goose through it's paces!


(Hmmm... On the other hand, I just thought of a kink in the ointment. Both Ace and Penny would find it almost impossible to do what they do in an era where racism still exists to the degree that it did back then. On the other hand, if you want to ignore that element or handwave it, then do it. It is your game after all. )


The archeological aspects can work just fine. Both Gina and Penny are Indiana Jones seen through a very warped mirror after all.


Ryan could still have the "photographic reflexes" thing going. Of course, with martial arts not having become widespread yet, his repritoire will be a little more limited. Maybe he uses guns more often?


Brianna's origin would be almost the same, I think, except the trappings of her initial "birth" might be look more like they came out of "Young Frankenstein". (heh, there's all kinds of jokes just waiting within that concept. :D)


The technological aspects are the ones that will cause the most headaches. What can and can't Gina invent and still keep the flavor of the age right? Seems like the Batman Animated adventures from the early 90s might be a good guide there. Note that the world in that show had a sort of Golden Age feel, yet had such anacronisms as jet propulsion and computers. Although TVs still were in black and white, and cars still looked like they were being designed by Packard. It had a feel of "sometime in the 20th century, but we're not saying just when" to it. Maybe anything that Batman/Bruce Wayne could invent is something that Gina could reasonably be expected to accomplish.


Anyway, there's some thoughts to start with.

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yes those are some concepts I was thinking about. I did want to keep the golden age on the same level so the racial problems would certainly make for interesting rp. Maybe a secret combat pilot? at least to the general public. Penny would be an interesting archeologist.

AS for Gina though..yeah I think I might go along with the batman theory about her technology.

But now you got me thinking about the angle of time travel. maybe a lab explosion sending the family into not just back in time but causing mystical backlash on dear old dad ((player wants to play the archmage that was going to be my big headache)) maybe with a major dampening of all that elderich energy

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  • 6 months later...







Val Char Cost
18 STR 8
18 DEX 24
18 CON 16
18 BODY 16
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
10 PRE 0
18 COM 4
8 PD 4
8 ED 4
6 SPD 32
10 REC 4
50 END 7
39 STUN 3
6" RUN 0
2" SWIM 0
3 1/2" LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 122


Cost Power END
10 Elemental Control: photographic reflexes, 20-point powers
9 1) +5 with All Combat (40 Active Points); Limited Power Only to Match Targets Fighting ability (-1), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 4
8 2) +40 STR (40 Active Points); Limited Power Only to Match strength of opponent (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2) 4
9 3) +15 DEX (45 Active Points); Limited Power only to Match targets Dexterity (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 4
7 Pearl handled Six-Shooters: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6+1 (20 Active Points); OAF (Pearl handled Six-Shooters; -1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
3 Pretty Darn Tough, naturally of course: Damage Resistance (6 PD)
Powers Cost: 46


Cost Skill
9 Acrobatics 16-
9 Breakfall 16-
9 Contortionist 16-
Skills Cost: 27


Cost Talent
3 Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)
2 Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Limited Power Only against CombatTechniques (-1)
Talents Cost: 5


Total Character Cost: 200


Val Disadvantages
30 Hunted: random villians from past 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)
10 Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Moderate)
15 Psychological Limitation: Uncontrollable Flirt (Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Won't Hit A Lady (Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Loves Fighting (Common, Moderate)
10 Rivalry: Professional (With other male heroes; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
10 Unluck: 2d6
Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 100

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Gina Diggers





Val Char Cost
10 STR 0
15 DEX 15
15 CON 10
10 BODY 0
20 INT 10
10 EGO 0
15 PRE 5
20 COM 5
4/10 PD 2
4 ED 1
2 SPD 0
5 REC 0
40 END 5
23 STUN 0
6" RUN 0
2" SWIM 0
2" LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 53


Cost Power END
20 Adventurerers Good Fortune: Luck 4d6
24 Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 20 base + 4 control cost, (30 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Backpack; -1), Limited Power Can change only in lab (-1/2), Limited Special Effect Very Common SFX [Technology] (-1/4)
6 Alien ForceField Belt: Force Field (6 PD/3 Power Defense) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (28 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; Weird looking belt; -2), Ablative BODY Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2)
Powers Cost: 50


Cost Skill
3 Bribery 12-
3 Climbing 12-
3 Bureaucratics 12-
3 Conversation 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
1 Seduction 8-
9 Inventor 16-
8 SS: Archeology 18-
7 Security Systems 15-
5 KS: Ancient Civilizations 15-
5 KS: SuperNatural Lore 15-
Skills Cost: 50


Cost Perk
15 Advanced Tech (21st century)
2 Reputation: Female Archeologist (A medium-sized group[Fellow Archeologists]) 14-, +1/+1d6
15 Money: Filthy Rich
Perks Cost: 32


Cost Talent
5 Eidetic Memory
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
4 Speed Reading (x10)
Talents Cost: 15


Total Character Cost: 200


Val Disadvantages
5 Distinctive Features: Beautiful Blond Woman (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
20 Hunted: Other Archeologists 11- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Mildly Punish)
15 Psychological Limitation: Lecherous (Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Need For Success (Common, Strong)
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Total)
10 Reputation: Archeological Misfit, 14- (Known Only To A Small Group)
5 Rivalry: Professional (Other Archeologists; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
10 Unluck: 2d6
Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 100

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Gina Diggers, Daughter of the Mysterious Mr. Diggers a reclusive Millionaire. The only Archeologists laughed at for her 'findings' of ancient alien technology underneath a few ancient Greek ruins. One such item that still seems to work is her amazing 'Girdle of Protection' supposidly worn by aphrodite. (granted she had to tincker with it to get to work) She and her sister continue to search for great teasures, cute guys, The Supernatural, Rich Guys, and to find the answers to the universe everyone needs to know...guys in general.

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ooooowestern goldDigger' date=' now that could be interesting[/quote']


True. I always wonder what Gina and Brit would look like in long dresses and heads full of sausage curls.


Of course, Gina would find it hard to get around outside the USA, considering the attatude twords women. And nobody would recognise her as a true arcologiest. Brit...well, Brit is still Brit, no mater what the time period is. Shure, she would proably try to look as demure as a wearcheta can, but I will guess that she will be given some sort of leeway, considering what she is, and the fact that she never felt the need to hide it.


Now Ace and Penny have more reasion to adventure in this era. Depending on the time period, thay could be anything from runaway slaves to first generation from runaway slaves, to free blacks. Ace will proably be Gina's "testpilot" for her many inventions involving flight, which she keeps secret from the rest of the world. And Penny...well...Penny is Penny. And she is trying to get Ace to 'jump the broom' with her.


Any other time periods we can think up?

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Still tho one could make the alteration that Gina instead of perform archeology out of state would be doing it in america as an explorer


That, of course, depends on the time period of American history. Most of America has been 'explored' by around the 1800's, but not seatled yet. Which, of course, is what the western was all about...the seatling of the west, turning it from a wild, lawless place to a calm, lawful place.


Which makes me think, Ryan could easly be a gunslinger type. In fact, he could easly be an ex-solder (Civil War era, or Spanish American War era), who survived via his keen, almost mystical ability to mimic what other people do ("Photographic Reflexes"), and got tiered of all the killing (he "learned" to shoot to wound, and to shoot guns out of people's hands, watching a mysterous masked lawman and his indian companion).


Oh, and I just realised what "kind" of archeology Gina could do...basicly she could do unoficial indian archology, cataloging the old places and tribes which were no longer with us during that time "before we white men do something even more stupid, and lose our chance to learn from theas amazing people".


And Brit, will HAVE to stay in her human form most of the time, so to not disturb her protental boyfriends.

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