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Natural Healer


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I have a player who wants have a healing field around him that would work similar to a hospital stay (ie. reducing the time by half to get a recovery). You could say that the character has a very healthy aura, and as such others get the benefit of him be around. Now I was thinking of using Change Enviroment but I don't know if that quite would be the way to do it. Any Suggestions? Also is there a way to make something like Change Enviroment so that it would move with ya?



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Re: Natural Healer


I don't know if that would work, or rather if my GM would allow that one..


But to make Change Environment move with you make it No Range, and since you can always hit your own hex you could get away with it constantly "following" you as you moved.


I think Healing with AoE might work better but wouldn't give you the effect you described - for the "hosptial effect" to work they've got to spend the entire time in the field. Just passing by them does not bestow any benefit (otherwise all injuries would be ten minute office visits to cut healing time in 1/2) so you're either staying put anyway, or moving the injured with you.


So is everyone who needs to heal spending two weeks in his field (which costs END normally) to get the BDY recovery? Or are they gaining a smaller healing benefit in a shorter time frame? If the latter I'd look into the Healing power.

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Re: Natural Healer


Note that halving the time is effectively doubling the REC. Why not something like this:


Healthy Aura: 8d6 Succor to REC, Standard Effect, Area of Effect Radius, 0 END, Persistent, Continuous, Always On, Only To Max Double Target REC (-1), Succored REC Only Affects BODY Recovery (-1). 46 real points.


Everyone within the aura has their REC doubled, up to a maximum bonus of 12 REC, for as long as they are in the field.


Ummm...I was assuming that the aura was always on. If it's not then the real cost is 47 points (assuming dropping Persistent as well).

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Re: Natural Healer


For an affect like this, I'd probably go with Change Environment. The Environment would be that of a Hospital and Staff (though it wouldn't appear as such, it could have that affect on the people in the area). Buy it to the radius you want, add 0 END, Persistant and No Range and you've got your aura.


It might sound like a cheese off but the effect is a rather simple and superficial one, and the application of it would require that anyone who wishes to take advantage of the aura would have to act as if admitted to a hospital (lots of rest, no major activity).


If you wanted something more "active" or quick acting, you could just buy the Regen option of Healing with UBO and AE, and reduce the healing rate to once per day.

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