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A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot


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Re: A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot


Actually' date=' Amazo can use all his powers at once to the best of my knowledge. He lacks the intelligence and imagination to use them together in a very effective manner however.[/quote']


Operative words -- "Originally" versus "can".


Amazo ORIGINALLY could only use one hero's powers at a time -- he couldn't use the power ring and his telepathy at the same time, for example, but he could shape change and use his telepathy concurrently.


Amazo CAN, now (and has been able to at least since the JLA appearance just before Crisis on Infinite Earths) use the powers of more than one hero concurrently. It is assumed by extention that Humazo and Timazo (pronounced "TIE mazo") can as well, being that they're upgraded versions.

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Re: A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot


Operative words -- "Originally" versus "can".


Amazo ORIGINALLY could only use one hero's powers at a time -- he couldn't use the power ring and his telepathy at the same time, for example, but he could shape change and use his telepathy concurrently.


The Super Adaptoid from Marvel was established early on as being able to access four other characters' powers at once. rying to use more, he froze out from overload.


Original Amazo and Adaptoid could both be simulated by huge slots with multiple powers, each representing one character.

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Re: A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot


Jo works very nicely as a multiform.


You give him four forms aside from his basic one. The latter is him as "a normal guy".


The other four are:

1. Invulnerability.

2. Superstrength.

3. Superspeed. Includes his movement powers, because Superman's version of these powers were usually associated with his "superspeed" in the early days.

4. Vision Powers. This were his original powers in his first appearance. Superman's Heat Vision was originally an aspect of his "X-Ray" vision. Similarly, Jo's Penetra-Vision can be read as including both his enhanced vision powers and his "Heat Vision".


Since I would be more likely to build a homage rather than an exact conversion, I would be inclined to ignore his other powers, which he doesn't use much anyway. If I was going to add them, I might stick them in some of the other slots either as power tricks (eg Super-breath is a strength related power trick), or just for convenience.


It means that he can actually use a couple of his powers simultaneously, but only related ones.

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Re: A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot


Jo works very nicely as a multiform.


You give him four forms aside from his basic one. The latter is him as "a normal guy".


The other four are:

1. Invulnerability.

2. Superstrength.

3. Superspeed. Includes his movement powers, because Superman's version of these powers were usually associated with his "superspeed" in the early days.

4. Vision Powers. This were his original powers in his first appearance. Superman's Heat Vision was originally an aspect of his "X-Ray" vision. Similarly, Jo's Penetra-Vision can be read as including both his enhanced vision powers and his "Heat Vision".


Since I would be more likely to build a homage rather than an exact conversion, I would be inclined to ignore his other powers, which he doesn't use much anyway. If I was going to add them, I might stick them in some of the other slots either as power tricks (eg Super-breath is a strength related power trick), or just for convenience.


It means that he can actually use a couple of his powers simultaneously, but only related ones.



It is an interesting build and one I breifly flirted with when Dr. Anomaly metioned the 0phase adder for multiform. The problem is Jo Nah would have to buy all his skills, perks, talents etc in every form. Plus the True Form would have to buy the Multiform power.


This might not seem like a problem until you realize that Jo is noted as favoring invulnerability as his *default* selection. Invulnerablity is his most expensive selection of powers.


But the beauty of HERO is that no one is right or wrong...Ultra-slotted MP is my decided favorite way.



-Wonders if Lemming would make me an Ultraboy Avatar...you know Ultraboy's Symbol?

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Re: A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot


It is an interesting build and one I breifly flirted with when Dr. Anomaly metioned the 0phase adder for multiform. The problem is Jo Nah would have to buy all his skills, perks, talents etc in every form. Plus the True Form would have to buy the Multiform power.


This might not seem like a problem until you realize that Jo is noted as favoring invulnerability as his *default* selection. Invulnerablity is his most expensive selection of powers.


Well, mechanically, you would launder the cost in his "5th" (unpowered) form, irrespective of his supposed default selection.


In any case, his vision powers were his original power set, so you would be entirely justified in calling _them_ his "True" form.


His invulnerable form is a problem - there's no real way of avoiding it costing a boatload of points.


The real problem with the multipower build is that you end up putting things in multipowers that don't really belong in power frameworks. It also costs outrageous quantities of points.


In my opinion the multiform build is cleaner.


Of course, his original build, with just his vision powers, was cleaner still! I've actually considered playing it. Even without his high-tech Legion equipment, he's pretty viable. With it, he's just fine.

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