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Hellboy Write-up


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Here's my take on the cinematic version of Hellboy:






Val** Char*** Cost
30** STR 20
23** DEX 39
23** CON 26
15** BODY 10
13** INT 3
15** EGO 10
45** PRE 10
8** COM -1
12** PD 6
18** ED 13
5** SPD 17
11** REC 0
46** END 0
45** STUN 3
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM012"**LEAP6Characteristics Cost: 162


Cost** Power END
18** Samaritan Pistol: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (vs. PD) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), 4 Clips of 4 Charges (-1/2)*
20** Fist of Doom: Multipower, 20-point reserve*
1u** 1) Look At The Size of That Whammer!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 2
2u** 2) Blocking the Blow: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points)*
3** Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (3 PD/3 ED)*
6** Fireproof: Damage Resistance (15 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (9 Active Points); Only Works Against Fire/Heat/Electricity (-1/2)*
30** One Tough Monkey: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%*
30** One Tough Monkey: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%*
4** Life Support , Longevity: 400 Years, Safe in Intense Heat*
2** +2 Mental Defense (5 points total)*
5** Power Defense (5 points)*
12** Not Easily Impressed: +25 PRE (25 Active Points); Limited Power Only to Defend Against PRE Attacks (-1)*
5** Nightvision*
11** Heals Damn Fast: Healing 2 BODY, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 20 Minutes (-2), Self Only (-1/2)*
4** Prehensile Tail: Extra Limbs (5 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-1/4)*
Powers Cost: 153



Cost** Skill
2** +1 with Samaritan Pistol*
10** +2 with HTH Combat*
2** SS: The Occult 11-*
2** KS: Paranormal Monsters 11-*
2** KS: The Occult World 11-*
3** Shadowing 12-*
3** Stealth 14-*
2** Weaponsmith (Firearms) 12-*
1** Inventor 8-*
3** Linguist*
1** 1) Language: Latin (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
1** 2) Language: Russian (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
1** 3) Language: German (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
Skills Cost: 33


Cost** Perk
2** Contact: Zombie Spirit Guide 11- [Notes: Must Be In A Cemetary To Find A Contact]*
Perks Cost: 2




Total Character Cost: 350


Val** Disadvantages
20** Red Devil Appearance; Causes Fear or Shock: (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
10** Impatient/Impulsive: (Common; Moderate)*
** Character Quirks*
1** 1) Chain-smokes Cigars*
1** 2) Junk Food Junky*
1** 3) Files Down His Horns Daily*
1** 4) Perfers to Fight Alone*
1** 5) Is Very Fond of Domestic Cats*
15** Infatuated With Liz Sherman: (Common; Strong)*
15** Must Keep Own Existence Secret From Public: (Frequently; Major)*
5** DNPC: Abe Sapient, Teammate 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Useful noncombat position or skills)*
10** DNPC: Liz Sherman, Teammate and Love Interest 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC)*
15** Subject to Orders: (Frequently; Major)*
25** Watched: Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense 14- (Mo Pow; Watching; Extensive Non-Combat Influence; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find)*
10** Hunted: Rasputin, Immortal Wizard 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Floating Paranormal Enemy 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)*
5** Fated to Open the Gate of the Dagon: (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)*

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Hellboy Write-up


Under fireproof' date=' you have the limitation "only against fire/heat/electricity" as being a -1/2 limitation. I'd say -1/4 if anything. After those three, there just aren't that many attacks that do energy damage.[/quote']


Well, it does depend on you strictly you define "heat" but since its extends to electricity that definition does seem to be board.

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Re: Hellboy Write-up


Hmmm...his ED for purposes of "Immune to Fire" doesn't seem high enough IMHO...that blast that Liz let off, the chain of grenades...I'd make it more like:


+30 ED, Only vs Fire/Heat/Electricity, Hardend, Resistent. That would give him a total of 48 defense vs these attacks...any thoughts on how much power was released by the chain of grenades or when Liz let loose and took out all the demon dogs?


Liz's explosion...5d6 RKA, no Range, AE: Radius?


Grenades: 4d6 RKA explosion, Range based on strength, but how to simulate being able to throw one or multiple...6 shot Autofire?



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Re: Hellboy Write-up


I know Surbrook wrote that up before the movie was out. I recall reading it some time last year, so it's got to reflect the comics and not the movie.


Oh, and you you have his Presence listed at 45, but you only have it's cost listed at 10 so it should only be a PRE 20 (45 vs fear).

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