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The Soul?


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A set of questions from a neophyte hero...


The soul? Which ability should be used for this? I'm thinking EGO...


I am asking because IMC, an explanation for how Powers come to be; is from the Soul.


Would the Soul be synonymous with Cosmic Power? As in Energy Blast or Healing.


What else should I consider when using the Powers from Soul explanation?

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Re: The Soul?


It really depends on how you want to define your powers. EGO is used for mental attacks. You could use EGO you decide the mind and the soul are connected. You could also use other Characteristics. For example, if I wanted to create a healing power where a sorcerer steals the soul of his victim (thus killing him), I'd have it work against the target's BODY instead of his EGO. Or you could use END to simulate the soul whenever a power is used, since many powers use END. This can mean that the user feels some spiritual fatigue as well as physical weariness. In this case you may require all powers to use END. If a power doesn't normally use END, use the "Costs END" Limitation.

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Re: The Soul?


Hmmm...so it really is a matter of what kind of Soul based Power(s) I intend to use. Offensive might be DEX. Defensive might be BOD. Mental might be EGO. etc. Theoretically, PRE could also come into play, via a Soul Power that inspires more of an impact...

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Guest Kolava

Re: The Soul?


This sounds like a classic example of SFX. There's really no rules distinction between a power or characteristic involving the soul and one not, with the single exception of Transform. What you need to do, as it's been suggested, is reason from effect.


For example, Mental Defense and PRE (only to defend against PRE attacks -1/2) are a great way to create a character with an unbreakable spirit. If you want to be more offensive, then an Energy Blast described as a "Soul Blast" is all you need, perhaps with penatrating to make it sting even the toughest opponents.


If you want the soul to be a more seperate and defined pool of energy, try an Endurance Reserve with a slower recovery, then link all supernatural powers to it. That way, a character might have a full END and be able to run and jump, but they are out of energy for use in their EBs.

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Re: The Soul?


At one point I opened a discussion on how to create a Soul Stealing power, many good things came from it.


But since HERO powers are not defined in terms of where they come from, just what they do ... you can make a world where all Powers are from some form of Soul Force and that's it. You're done.


If you want that to have some form of game mechanic effect then you just have to determine what a Soul is connected to in your game .. is it mental fortitude (EGO, PRE), Physical Fortitude (CON, BODY, STR), Raw Strength (STR, BODY), is it energy reserves (Endurance) .. or combinations. (or something I didn't even think of.)


The game has no inherent SFX .. you could just as easily describe 10D6 Energy Blast as a Soul Force, a Lightning Bolt, a Fire Missile, a Telekinetic Punch, a Water Blast ... all have the same mechanic but work from different SFX.


SFX then become important when you're trying to reason what kind of effect they might have on the real world, or affect on different people. If someone has a Vulnerability to Fire the 10D6 Water Blast will only do 10D6, but the Fire Missile will hurt lots more than merely 10D6.


Once you get into game play the SFX matter just as much, and in some cases more, than the actual mechanic of the power itself. And the coolest part of Hero is that you decide what the SFX are.

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Re: The Soul?


That, and 'the soul' can be the origin, rather than the SFX. If all Powers are possible through the power of one's soul, those powers might still have different effects from character to character, but all powers come from the soul, and attacking the soul directly could have significent game effects (just as attacking the X-Factor DNA in a mutant campaign would).


Of course, it's completely up to you what a soul is, what it does and how it's represented in game. You can create a new Characteristic (SOUL (EGO/2+PRE/2), Figured Characteristic +1 / 1/2 point) or use a character's Powers to determine size/strength of the soul (such as the Active Points of his largest Power). You could even require a the Power: Soul skill (based on EGO perhaps) to be taken by all characters (or allow such a skill for free) and require all Powers based upon the soul have RSR: Soul to function.


The possibilities are endless!

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