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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


IMO, positive, but I seem to be more adaptable with timekeeping than others. Shifting my operating hours so that I have more discretionary time while the sun's up seems good to me. But as I am a wage slave, I note that employers are amenable to doing this only by having an external authority yank the clocks around under them rather than voluntarily seasonally adjusting their standard hours of business.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Ok...how do you get an unmotivated...or more like limited motivation man to get his stuff together and work on getting more stuff moved from one location to another in a quick amount of time? Seriously. :P


I had hoped my lovely DocO would have moved at least 3 car-loads of stuff to our new place today. He's taken one. We will be loading down his car with as many boxes from my parents house as we can when I get home and taking that over tonight.


So, how do I get him motivated enough to possibly finish moving the rest of the small boxes and other small stuff that can be transported via car to the new place? I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to pull out the big guns and refuse getting horizontal with him if it's not mostly done tomorrow. ;) Too cruel?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Too cruel.


Has he made any promises about moving those things by a certain time frame? If not, you need to sit down and talk logistics. I know when a couple of friends of mine moved, the husband did most of the moving, but not at the pace the wife was comfortable with. There seemed to be a grave miscommunication error, more than anything else.


If he understands the time frame and the need for it, all that's to be done is to light a fire under him. This can be accomplished through bribing (I recommend food - "We'll go out to your favorite restaurant if we're moved out before the last minute . . ."), nagging, or by getting exasperated and doing it yourself.


From your post, it sounds like he has a different expectation of what needs to get done by when than you do, so start with the communication thing.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Ok...how do you get an unmotivated...or more like limited motivation man to get his stuff together and work on getting more stuff moved from one location to another in a quick amount of time? Seriously. :P


I had hoped my lovely DocO would have moved at least 3 car-loads of stuff to our new place today. He's taken one. We will be loading down his car with as many boxes from my parents house as we can when I get home and taking that over tonight.


So, how do I get him motivated enough to possibly finish moving the rest of the small boxes and other small stuff that can be transported via car to the new place? I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to pull out the big guns and refuse getting horizontal with him if it's not mostly done tomorrow. ;) Too cruel?


I'll second the communication thing. Find out why he isn't getting it done before going to bribes or threats. He may not see that there is a problem. Being on the same page for these kind of things is very important. :)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Alice: He's a laid back, rest in between moving stuff kind of guy. :P I love him dearly...and we had talked about him getting as many of the boxes (most of which will fit in his car) moved over yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and then all we'd have to worry about moving Friday and Saturday is furniture. :P I suppose I'm just a bit more excited now and wanting everything to be done now. :P So really, my queary is a rethorical one. :P


Thanks for the input though. :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Alice: He's a laid back, rest in between moving stuff kind of guy. :P I love him dearly...and we had talked about him getting as many of the boxes (most of which will fit in his car) moved over yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and then all we'd have to worry about moving Friday and Saturday is furniture. :P I suppose I'm just a bit more excited now and wanting everything to be done now. :P So really, my queary is a rethorical one. :P


Thanks for the input though. :D

Sure thing. ^ v ^


The biggest mistake I made early in our marriage was assuming that Josh and I had the same expectations. It caused us a LOT of friction in many bad ways. We communicate better now, and, while our expectations aren't always the same, at least we talk about them to bring them more in-line.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Sure thing. ^ v ^


The biggest mistake I made early in our marriage was assuming that Josh and I had the same expectations. It caused us a LOT of friction in many bad ways. We communicate better now, and, while our expectations aren't always the same, at least we talk about them to bring them more in-line.

Communication is #1 in our relationship. I grew up watching my parents fight all the time because of communication problems...and that's the last thing I want in my relationship. :P



Out of idle curiosity' date=' how often has each of you moved earlier in your lives (both together and separately)? If those numbers are quite different, that can explain a lot.[/quote']

Ken's moved a few times (at least 5 I would say). I've moved only 2 or 3. And this is our first move together. But, I think it also has to mainly with work ethic. My family is all about "get it done quickly and without breaking anything". Ken seems more laid back about it. So, it's one of those things that I'm gonna have to give a bit in my...ways, if you will. :P

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I come from a long line of hopeless procrastinators. Josh doesn't, but he's picked up the habit quite quickly. So when we've moved, it's ALL been rushed into a very harried and exhausting last minute.


The only reason I look forward to moving again is because it means we'll be moving into a better place.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Because there is a difference between Pacific Daylight Time and Pacific Standard Time.


When I become emperor, Daylight Savings Time will be banned, and anyone who speaks in its defense will be put up against the wall and shot.

I'd vote for you.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Ok...how do you get an unmotivated...or more like limited motivation man to get his stuff together and work on getting more stuff moved from one location to another in a quick amount of time? Seriously. :P


I had hoped my lovely DocO would have moved at least 3 car-loads of stuff to our new place today. He's taken one. We will be loading down his car with as many boxes from my parents house as we can when I get home and taking that over tonight.


So, how do I get him motivated enough to possibly finish moving the rest of the small boxes and other small stuff that can be transported via car to the new place? I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to pull out the big guns and refuse getting horizontal with him if it's not mostly done tomorrow. ;) Too cruel?


My wonderful wife came out to pack up my mom's house. I had done a few things, but packing isn't my best job. I am very good at loading into vehicles though. She packed everything that was going into my mom's 1 bedroom and 10'x20' storage in five days. The third day was when I started moving the bulk of it. She was stressing about seeing it done as well. It got done though. (most that first day) Being able to carry twice as much as most people helps...


Oh, and another vote on communication.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I come from a long line of hopeless procrastinators. Josh doesn't, but he's picked up the habit quite quickly. So when we've moved, it's ALL been rushed into a very harried and exhausting last minute.


The only reason I look forward to moving again is because it means we'll be moving into a better place.

I'm the procrastinator, but Jenn is very much not. We complement each other quite well. :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


As someone who's moved a lot, and who is also a put-it-off sort of person ... getting all anal-compulsive over a move is a mistake. It's going to ruin a full day at stone cold minimum no matter how much prep you do, and overprepping just makes for more collateral damage before move day. And, how much prep you need to do is a function of how far the move is. If it's so far that you absolutely must have everything packed & removed from the old place before you can even get to the new locale and see in detail what & where the new place is (and when you leave the old place you Can't Go Back), that's one thing. But if it's just across town and you can run back & forth between and are using just your own regular vehicle, that's another. I've done both of those, and shades in between, multiple times.


My only categorical advice is ... if either of you has a mother who absolutely, positively must put down shelf paper before allowing you to unpack a single box ... make sure she stays no closer than 50 miles to either location for the duration of the move. That person is worse for everyone concerned than a spinal injury.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I come from a long line of hopeless procrastinators. Josh doesn't, but he's picked up the habit quite quickly. So when we've moved, it's ALL been rushed into a very harried and exhausting last minute.


The only reason I look forward to moving again is because it means we'll be moving into a better place.


I think we're both equal when it comes to procrastination. :P I mean, we both forgot Monday to call and reserve a truck, so when I remembered yesterday, Ken went to U-Haul and they had nothing for the days we needed. So, I ended up calling Budget and got a truck for tomorrow and Saturday. Had we called U-Haul like a week or two ago, we would have had a truck and wouldn't have had to scramble to find one. :P So, we need to work on that. :P


Oh...and I think the next time we move, we're gonna call about local movers (there's a couple around here that'll come load up the truck and move it and unload it in the new place). :P

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I think we're both equal when it comes to procrastination. :P I mean, we both forgot Monday to call and reserve a truck, so when I remembered yesterday, Ken went to U-Haul and they had nothing for the days we needed. So, I ended up calling Budget and got a truck for tomorrow and Saturday. Had we called U-Haul like a week or two ago, we would have had a truck and wouldn't have had to scramble to find one. :P So, we need to work on that. :P


Oh...and I think the next time we move, we're gonna call about local movers (there's a couple around here that'll come load up the truck and move it and unload it in the new place). :P



You've never dealt with U-Haul before, have you? Making a reservation is no guarantee of actually getting a truck, much less the one you asked for for the time frame you wanted it. Seriously.


You're better off going with another truck company.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




You've never dealt with U-Haul before, have you? Making a reservation is no guarantee of actually getting a truck, much less the one you asked for for the time frame you wanted it. Seriously.


You're better off going with another truck company.


I'll second this. I have known quite a number of people who had reservations for trucks via U-Haul who would show up the day of and be told "Sorry, we don't have any". Sometimes even "I don't know what you're talking about, what reservation?" as well. Most of those specifically in the Denver area.


Budget on the other hand I've had nothing but good luck with. On my most recent move they even pointed out to me that there was a weigh station on my route, that I'd have to stop at it, and what to do. Which basically amounted to "follow the signs, pull up to the light, which they'll probably just shift to green and wave you on". :)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'll second this. I have known quite a number of people who had reservations for trucks via U-Haul who would show up the day of and be told "Sorry, we don't have any". Sometimes even "I don't know what you're talking about, what reservation?" as well. Most of those specifically in the Denver area.


Budget on the other hand I've had nothing but good luck with. On my most recent move they even pointed out to me that there was a weigh station on my route, that I'd have to stop at it, and what to do. Which basically amounted to "follow the signs, pull up to the light, which they'll probably just shift to green and wave you on". :)



Why do I get the feeling I've read these posts before? I'm not kidding...it's almost like I had a dream a while back that I was reading responses similar to these. Freaky.


Anywho. Yeah. I've never really dealt with U-Haul, as I've never had to rent a truck before to move (every move I've been involved in, my parents have also been involved in :P). So, I had no idea.


Looks like I will be taking your guys' adivse and never going U-Haul again.


Thanks. :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Anytime. ^ v ^


I've heard enough horror stories that I'm renting through Budget or Penske when we eventually move. And friends don't let friends mess themselves up by doing business with a bad company. ^ v ^


Penske is good to deal with, though last I compared they were considerably more expensive than Budget.


One of my jobs when I worked at the Diamond warehouse I used to work at was picking up the shipments from the airport. Which meant picking up a 24' truck from Penske twice per week. They were usually pretty efficient.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Yeah, that's what I'm told, but it may be worth the extra bucks to make sure I get the truck I asked for when I wanted it, where I wanted it, in good condition, and to not have all these add-ons tacked on (and charged extra for not filling up the gas tank to where THEY said it should be).


That $19.95 UHaul truck usually costs me $80 after all is said and done.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Yeah, that's what I'm told, but it may be worth the extra bucks to make sure I get the truck I asked for when I wanted it, where I wanted it, in good condition, and to not have all these add-ons tacked on (and charged extra for not filling up the gas tank to where THEY said it should be).


That $19.95 UHaul truck usually costs me $80 after all is said and done.


Understood, but the times that I have rented from Budget they had the truck I asked for, when I asked for it, and I paid exactly what I was quoted. No hidden fees.


Certainly avoid UHaul, but in my experience Budget does quite well.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Understood, but the times that I have rented from Budget they had the truck I asked for, when I asked for it, and I paid exactly what I was quoted. No hidden fees.


Certainly avoid UHaul, but in my experience Budget does quite well.


I was taken aback when the rep told me it'd be around $100 (that is if we drive the truck the 50 miles I estimated). But, being that she was able to take my info, reserve the 16' truck for 2 days, and was very kind and understanding makes it worth the price already.


And when Ken moved here from Arizona, I think he paid like $500 when all was said and done with his U-Haul rental. Which, doesn't seem that bad to me I guess. But, he had problems when he went to return it. Specifically refilling it to appease the U-Haul God's.


Also, when he went in to try to reserve the truck yesterday with them, they said "You can pick it up at 5pm tomorrow (meaning today), but it has to be back my 11am Friday." Ummm...no. We're not going to spend the night moving into a new place. Especially since the noise ordinance would cut us off at 10 until 7 the next morning.


So, yeah. No more U-Haul for me. Period.

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