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Millenium City Maps(?)


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Just curious, but has anyone out there created any color coded or resource maps for Millenium City beyond what's in the Millenium City book? In particular, I'd like to get something that clearly marks the districts a little better, and perhaps some other maps indicating the rail routes through the city. If anyone has any such PSD, JPG or GIF files, please let me know!





P.S. Worse comes to worse I might try my hand at borrowing some building overhead shots from City of Heroes maps and going to work in photo shop to integrate something into a series of Millenium City color maps. I'm just wondering if anyone has already done the work for me...

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Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


As I understand it hudson city will have detailed maps. Millennium city is apparently too four color to get that level of detail. Even though hudson city is for dark champions we will probably use it as our campaign city because of the map and locations detail. Millennium city is interesting to read but it is far to vague and undefined to be a fully functioning campaign city. Only my opinion here.

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Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


Well, I can understand your point JJR, but be that as it may, our GM has based his campaign in Millenium City. I like the city over all, and am really enjoying reading about it in the book Hero Games put out of the same name. My major concern comes from the fact that the maps aren't as detailed as I would like, and that I think we as a gaming community could supplant that one detail if necessary. I'm just trying to find out if any one else has already created the maps so I don't have to...


Thanks for any maps folks can provide or information regarding such!



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Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


Well' date=' I can understand your point JJR, but be that as it may, our GM has based his campaign in Millenium City. I like the city over all, and am really enjoying reading about it in the book Hero Games put out of the same name. My major concern comes from the fact that the maps aren't as detailed as I would like, and that I think we as a gaming community could supplant that one detail if necessary. I'm just trying to find out if any one else has already created the maps so I don't have to...[/quote']

Hero games has already stated they have no current intention of making such maps, and any maps made by us, the fans, cannot be legally shared as that violates Hero games' rights to their intellectual property and would be illegal; unless Hero games agreed to let the maps be distributed by the fans.

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Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


Well, If I can get my neurotic computer at home working and reconnected to the net, I plan on using Campaign Cartographer to do this very thing, and have for some time. If Hero is going to pitch a fit over the whole copyright issue, I'll provide the maps to THEM and see if they'll post them to the site or some such. Provided, of course, that I can get my computer back in action... please, don't hold your breath unless you've paid for Self-contained Breathing! ;)


John T

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Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


While we're on the subject, the map in the book has about 48 locations notes, but only 39 are listed in the map key. What are the others?


John T


The site has that info in the Errata for the product...


40. Boheme

41. Compeigne

42. The Bar M

43. Scarlet Archer's

44. Club Caprice

45. Hailey's

46. House Of Tina

47. Incubus

48. NATO

49. L'Institut Thoth

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Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


As Millennium City is the rebuild of Detroit, perhaps these will be useful - but perhaps not...


http://www.realschluss.org/x-champions/maps/detroit_with_highlighted_empowerment_zone_4web.jpg - this just shows downtown Detroit high-level with the "Empowerment Zone" highlighted


http://www.realschluss.org/x-champions/maps/detroit_downtown_detailed_4web.jpg is a much more detailed and very useful for in-town Detroit It has a number of points of interest.


http://www.realschluss.org/x-champions/maps/x-detroit_line_art_maps.htm links a number of maps that give some street-level and business name information


http://www.realschluss.org/x-champions/maps/wcomm[1].gif gives an overview of the cities around Detroit

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Millenium City Maps(?)


Those are some really useful resources. Thanks so much!


Do you have any maps of useful locations on your realschluss site yet, e.g., Dr. Silverback's laboratory?

I don't want to put up copyrighted material, though if you're referring to a fan map, I could post that.


If people will submit, I will post...


EDIT/PS - I know some of these might be copyrighted, so let me amend this - resources that are copyrighted as gaming or similar material where the publisher woudl probably be rather upset at having their work given away. Stuff that's just maps of commercial places and such I'm not so concerned with, I don't think it hurts anyone at all.

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