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I've brought you all here today because...


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Okay. I need some assistance.


I'm going to be doing a plot for a very Investigations/Detection/Mystery heavy group. They're stationed out of Millennium city.


Recently, some really heavy hitters, recognized villains and or people in the underworld have been entering MC lately. The PCs are supposed to investigate why they're converging here.


What ideas do you guys have as to why they've come? It doesn't matter who they are, etc, but what are the goals of an amassed group of nasty individuals?


My thoughts are thus:

Forming an organization and/or team/group.

Coincidently several are meeting for various reasons, and it's just now.

Testing (getting DNA samples of all these people, conveniently in one area).


Please give me some ideas. I'm running tonight. :D

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


1. A great supervillain contest (generic, not copyrighted) is about to commence. The Ultimates are lookin' for a new member and all the unattached big-hitters are on hand for tryouts.


2. Someone finally managed to convince all these heavy hitters that a "Masters of Evil" style group is better than anything else they've tried. One villain, probably smarter than the rest but not necessarily more powerful, has convinced all these villains to hear him out. He wants to put together a dozen (or more) of the meanest baddies ever to take over MC.


3. Unionizing. The villains are getting together to discuss how they're going to divvy up the city/region/country in terms of crimes. No more stepping on each other's toes. Put a percentage of profits into a shared account from which legal and medical expenses can be paid. It also provides job matching services.


4. Someone real big and/or important person (in the villainous community) died and they're all there simply to pay their respects. An aging villain from the previous generation who may have had a hand in the origins of many a villain and/or villainous organization. They just want to pay their respects in peace and leave.


5. Blackmail. Someone has something on each and every one of the villains, and they're being blackmailed into carrying out certain jobs. It's all part of some master plan that no one person knows (except the Puppetmaster, whoever he is). Maybe they each have to steal something, or each have to kill someone, or whatever. They might be willing to work with the heroes in return for getting them out of their blackmail jam.

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


5. Blackmail. Someone has something on each and every one of the villains, and they're being blackmailed into carrying out certain jobs. It's all part of some master plan that no one person knows (except the Puppetmaster, whoever he is). Maybe they each have to steal something, or each have to kill someone, or whatever. They might be willing to work with the heroes in return for getting them out of their blackmail jam.


Oooh. Yoink! :)


6. They actually are just having a get together, in a place that has been designated "neutral territory" for whatever reason. That, and to bug the living heck out of the Supers trying to work out what they're all doing...

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Guest Witch Doctor

Re: I've brought you all here today because...


Using some of the above ideas..

They've all come, they think, to earn a spot in the Ultimates.

Once they arive, each one receives a manilla envelope from an anonymous source detailing how one of the others was responsible for some major set back. So, each of the villains begins planning revenge on one of their brothers. Everyone chooses another target and all are targets. In order to prove themselves to the Ultimates, they plan to take out their target in a spectacular way.

What they don't know is that the guy who handed out the manilla envelopes is a vigilante attempting to take them all out by having them take out each other.

Heh, some of them may even go to the local heroes seeking protection.

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


Oooh. Yoink! :)


6. They actually are just having a get together, in a place that has been designated "neutral territory" for whatever reason. That, and to bug the living heck out of the Supers trying to work out what they're all doing...


I like this one ... They're all in MC for a BBQ/Cookoff ... oh and to confuse the heck out of any local do gooders by doing absolutely nothing illegal but doing it in an incredibly suspicious manner. They meet in dark alleys with each other to discuss "scecret recipes" and "cooking strategies" not to mention the "tools for the job" (you know, cooking utensils)..




Unless you wanted a more serious adventure.

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


Random Ideas:

7) They have been hired by local business leader to demolish his own building. It seems the Millenium City business climate is unfavorable to his industry, and he wants the insurance money so he can retire.


8) Similar to above, but the villains are coming here to take over the local underworld...they will need some high tech skills, due to MC infrastructure.


9) The villains are on vacation, and want to live it up...MC style! (this can actually be fun for an investigative group, especially if the villains are not activelly wanted)...Example: "OK, Ogre is buying another ticket to see Shrek II...how many times is he going to see it? He must be meeting with some kind of contact...eventually!"


Also, a good way to show the players around town, if they are new to the city.


10) UNTIL or PRIMUS is facing opposition to their latest request for more money. "Rogue elements" in the agency in question have hired the villains to do some mayhem, so the agencies can look good. (requires cynicism to work)


11) Similar to 4, but the villains are here because their arch enemy (a well known superhero) is here helping his girlfriend move (in his secret identity, which the villains believe they know). Can the Heroes help poor Clark move, defeat the bad guys, all without revealing his secret identity to his girlfriend?


12) Bachelor party...one of the baddies is getting married. Will the heroes wreck his wedding? What do the newlyweds plan to do on their honeymoon?


(Note: #12 only exists because I was compelled to do one more than Vanguard00) ;)

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


12) Bachelor party...one of the baddies is getting married. Will the heroes wreck his wedding? What do the newlyweds plan to do on their honeymoon?


Heh :) I can hear the dialogue now...


"Well, you guys always bust up our weddings!"

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


Auction: some supervillain genius has created a Doomsday Device which will give the owner unchallengeable power, but would rather sell it than go to all the trouble of ruling the world himself. The villains have been invited to watch a demonstration and then place their bids.


Forming A Syndicate: several major villains have decided that cooperation would be more profitable than conflict between each other. They're holding a conference to establish territories, agree on rules of conduct and propose joint ventures.


The Lesser Evil: one of the villains has discovered a potential threat to everyone that's beyond his power to deal with alone, so he's soliciting the aid of other powerful villains (not expecting the heroes to be willing to deal with him).

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Re: I've brought you all here today because...


Okay. I need some assistance.


I'm going to be doing a plot for a very Investigations/Detection/Mystery heavy group. They're stationed out of Millennium city.


Recently, some really heavy hitters, recognized villains and or people in the underworld have been entering MC lately. The PCs are supposed to investigate why they're converging here.


What ideas do you guys have as to why they've come? It doesn't matter who they are, etc, but what are the goals of an amassed group of nasty individuals?


My thoughts are thus:

Forming an organization and/or team/group.

Coincidently several are meeting for various reasons, and it's just now.

Testing (getting DNA samples of all these people, conveniently in one area).


Please give me some ideas. I'm running tonight. :D


Well, I'm probably too late to suggest this. But lets think about this. MC is a big city, with lots of things going on all the time. Now, of course some villains are going to be interested in whats going on. But who's to say they are all interested in the same things? All the heavy hitters are coming into town, but each wants to do his own thing. In fact, they might not even be aware that the other villains are in town.


That's right, it's all a total coincidence that they are all there at the same time!! No master plan, no threat to peace and security, just old random chance. But the players will drive themselves crazy trying to find a link. Just make sure you duck when they find out the truth.


To build it up even further, have them all leave without committing any crimes. The players will now be paranoid as to what's going on.

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