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Jetpack with SPD stat.

Mr Fisty

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Hiya. I recently bought 5th ed after a very long break from playing hero.

I want to build a jetpack that has its own speed attribute. Do you suggest I buy the SPD points and reduce the cost with a focus limitation ?

I would build it as a vehicle but that just seems like a really long winded solution. I want the gadget to be a standard bit of kit in the game, and it makes little sense to me for a high SPD hero to travel faster with a gadget than a slow one.

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


So if I'm creating it as a flying belt, do I get points back for it being smaller than a motor bike ? How do I buy DEF for it if it only protects itself ? What if I want to LINK the flight power to a very low power forcefield as part of its special effect ?

( tesla technology )

I recognise the versatility of the rules, but I don't think it is a classis case. It makes my head hurt !

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


So if I'm creating it as a flying belt, do I get points back for it being smaller than a motor bike ? How do I buy DEF for it if it only protects itself ? What if I want to LINK the flight power to a very low power forcefield as part of its special effect ?

( tesla technology )

I recognise the versatility of the rules, but I don't think it is a classis case. It makes my head hurt !

The vehicle rules cover all of that.

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.Here:

Combat Information Page

Character Name: Jetpack

Alternate Identities:

Player Name:

Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
15 STR 10 5 15 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
20 DEX 10 30 20 13- OCV 7 DCV 7
5 BODY 10 -5 5 10-
5 SPD 3.0 20 5   Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
0" Running 6 -12 0"    
0" Swimming 2 -2 0"    
0"" Leaping 0 0 0" 45 Total Characteristics Points
Total earned: 0
Spent: 0
Unspent: 0
Base Points: 200
Disad Points: 0
Total Points: 75
Type Total
Run (6) 0" [ NC]
Swim (2) 0" [ NC]
H. Leap (0") 0"
V. Leap (0") 0"
Flight 15" [60" NC]

Type Amount Notes
Physical Defense Current BODY:
Res. Phys. Defense  
Energy Defense Current END:
Res. Energy Defense  
Mental Defense 0 Current STUN:
Power Defense 0  
OCV: 7 DCV: 7
Combat Skill Levels:
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab
Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DC attack damage
Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5
Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

Cost  Power END
-5 Open Hull: (0 Active Points); Limited Coverage Nearly 360 Degrees (Coverage does not protect occupants; -1/2) applied to DEF
35 Jet Belt: Flight 15", x4 Noncombat 0
30 Total Powers Cost

Character created with Hero Designer (version 2.37)
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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


OK, I admit I can buy the DEF back with -1/2 limit, but I don't see anything about buying the size down. If I use the STR table as a guide, a 6 kilo belt will get me 30 points back !!

Perhaps this page flipping isn't long winded, but wouldn't buying SPD with a focus limitation be significantly easier ?

I just got the rules and decided to make this Tesla Belt 'cause it seemed easy.

Having a free 30 pts to spend isn't what I had in mind.

Any suggestions other than " the rules already let you do that " ?

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


There are two solutions:


Build it as a vehicle (The Ultimate Vehicle will answer all your asked questions on how to do it)


Two: Figure out how fast you want it to go, make a different pack per Speed:




I want it to go about 60" in a turn


Characters will be between Speeds 3-7


Speed 1= 60"

Speed 2= 30"

Speed 3= 20"

Speed 4= 15"

Speed 5= 12"

Speed 6= 10"

Speed 7= 9" (At this point you have to start rounding, always round up)

Speed 8= 8"

Speed 9= 7"

Speed 10=6"

Speed 11=6"

Speed 12=5"


As a special effect if someone of a different speed uses it it automaticaly switches to the appropriate speed version

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


OK, I admit I can buy the DEF back with -1/2 limit, but I don't see anything about buying the size down. If I use the STR table as a guide, a 6 kilo belt will get me 30 points back !!

Perhaps this page flipping isn't long winded, but wouldn't buying SPD with a focus limitation be significantly easier ?

I just got the rules and decided to make this Tesla Belt 'cause it seemed easy.

Having a free 30 pts to spend isn't what I had in mind.

Any suggestions other than " the rules already let you do that " ?

Yes, you can build it as SPD and flight in a focus, but that doesnt behave in the fashion you asked for.


You said that a jetpack shouldnt fly faster for a person with a high SPD.


Just giving extra SPD wont solve that issue for you -- people with more base SPD will still go faster.



Figure out what you actually want first, and making the power construct will be much easier for you.

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


Buy the amount of Flight you want for a SPD 1 person, then apply a Limitation that the Flight is reduced based on the user's SPD:


30" Flight, reduced by SPD (-1).


Thus, a SPD 2 person gets 15" of Flight, a SPD 3 person gets 10", etc.


Alternately, switch the whole campaign to per-Turn movement rules. :)

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


JmOz - I like that a lot, cheers.


Killershrike - Thanks for statted version.


I don't see the vehicle size anywhere though. Am I thinking about this all wrong ? Doesn't it need a size ?

( see what I mean ? I am probably being thick, but this just raises more questions to my view )

Actually I didn't intend to add the SPD on, but to use it to replace the hero's SPD.


I take it Ultimate Vehicle is an expansion ?

I don't want to sound petty but I bought The Ultimate Gamers Toolkit 'cause I'm tired of my bookshelves creaking under a mass of RPG supplements. :angst:

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


but I don't see anything about buying the size down.

You can make a vehicle smaller than a half hex, but you don't get any more points for it then. In fact, it starts to cost you points, in the way of DCV bonuses.


As far as it being easier to write up using Powers instead of a Vehicle, yes, until you come to the Every One Has The Same SPD part. At this point, it's really a matter of making sure each character who has one has the same maxium noncombat inches per turn, rather than trying to give them all the same SPD.

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


And yet he did not think of using summons to make small vehicles or even better the x2 rule :D


Seriously, the way I see it is you have two options: The vehicle or the figure out inches per turn you want and divide by speed...

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


And yet he did not think of using summons to make small vehicles or even better the x2 rule :D


Seriously, the way I see it is you have two options: The vehicle or the figure out inches per turn you want and divide by speed...

Summoning a single specific vehicle costs way more than just buying the vehicle outright; on the otherhand you dont have to drag the thing around or park it either.


Summonging vehicles and bases just gets wonky however.


As far as the x2 for 5 points, sure you can do it but who needs two jetbelts? Thats just crazy talk. Next thing you know you'll be talking about people having two cars or two TVs in the same household. Whack job :rolleyes:

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Re: Jetpack with SPD stat.


And yet he did not think of using summons to make small vehicles or even better the x2 rule :D



(And Shrike, you're right except for one thing -- Vehicles cannot buy Vehicles. Using Summon would have been a nice cost-effective way to allow, for example, a starship carrying missiles -- it just Summons them, with a number of Charges representing the number of missiles it carries. Smaller shuttles could also be Summoned, with recoverable Charges.)

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