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Supernatural beings in the Champs Universe


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Having just read TMW I was wondering: how many if any of you use 'supernaturals' (vampires, werewolves, whatever) in your games? And if you do, do you use the standard media versions of these critters, your own ideas, or the more unique mythical variants like penanngallan vampires (living women who use withccraft to seperate their head and guts from their body and kill children and young women) and Benandanti werewolves (who protect humans from demons and evil sorcery)? Or a combo of them all?

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Re: Supernatural beings in the Champs Universe


Nothing is ever what it seems in my game :)

  • I have a vampire who is actually an intelligent young woman who was implanted with fangs and programmed with a bloodlust by a rich sportsman-type who wanted something new to hunt.
  • Demons are rarely the devil horns type, though they are indeed extradimensional and evil, and primarily humanoid. More satan the deceiver types. And each has his own weakness. The only real convention I keep for them is that most are subject to control or banishmentthrough proper ceremonies, and often they are subject to minor control through invocation of their "true name" (if someone was smart enough to figure out what it is).
  • No were-creatures. I Just haven't had a need for them, particularly not with all the World-of-Darkness my group likes to play.

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Re: Supernatural beings in the Champs Universe


Most games I've been in have either used them, or would allow their use if they came up. In the campaign I run, I have them available, but only bring them out if someone makes a character that would interact with them (a mystic or magic-wielding character, etc.).


When I do use them, I usually use the 'standard' variety, though I do throw in some surprises now and then. In one campaign, the players didn't realize that the person they met in the daylight was really the vampire they were looking for at night (hey, Dracula walked around in the daylight in the book). He claimed to be so pale because of anemia (yet another clue they didn't pick up).


I don't really use demons as much. Though if there was a specific need, I'm sure one could be arranged.

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Re: Supernatural beings in the Champs Universe


Vampires and werewolves are quite useful opponents. They're extremely dangerous to non-powered supers, and have the magic thing going against Superman types.


They have another valuable quality from my perspective too: they aren't conventional superhumans.


Where possible, I prefer to avoid using supervillains in my scenarios. "Monsters" are a handy substitute. Demons are useful too, since you can use them as an excuse for giving normal humans temporary superpowers.


Obviously the same applies to zombies, dinosaurs, transformed animals and so on.


One mystic mastermind can create a lot of different threats.

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