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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


like what?


I'm going from the north of Australia to Europe, what kind of Latitude-dependent effects? should I be worried?

Worried? No. But you're going from the tropics to Europe in the latter's summer. Sunsets will be very late and twilights will last a long time compared to what you're used to.

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Re: The Last Word


Worried? No. But you're going from the tropics to Europe in the latter's summer. Sunsets will be very late and twilights will last a long time compared to what you're used to.


Ooo, nice sunset photo opportunity. Not that I need it of course. eg attachments (taken 2 days ago at 6:30pm).

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Re: The Last Word


Chromatic response of cameras (and fidelity in displays) varies, but a good part of the sunset thing could be that the air there is coming mostly from the oceans, as opposed to you guys, where it's been over the continent for 3000 miles or so. Nearby mountain ranges can affect things too, but I don't think the Appalachians are high enough to make the effects I'm thinking about.

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Re: The Last Word


Beautiful sunsets are (sometimes) an astronomer's curse. Volcanic explosions put lots of junk into the upper atmosphere, and that can cause colorful sunsets world-wide for a while. It also plays hell with atmosphere transparency.


I was on the telescope for a week right after Pinatubo exploded back in the early 1980s. The guys on before me had packed it in and gone home. The weather was fine, but the volcanic debris completely hosed them. They were working at the short-wavelength end of the visible window, around 300 nanometers. They couldn't detect anything at their wavelength of interest; they gave up when they finally managed to see something at long wavelengths, did some extrapolation, and estimated that a factor of 50 less light was reaching Earth's surface at 300 nm.

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Re: The Last Word


We usually just get a pink tinge, around here. When it's hazy, most of that half of the sky is orangey, but nowhere near as bright and vibrant an orange as in that second picture.


Jealous. :(

With that orange photo, the others I took weren't that orange, but close. I chose that one as it had more saturated colour.


Edit: I found about Picasa Web Albums so I put an additional two photos up for you to look at. I'm just experimenting with it, and I think it will be a good way to share photos/pictures between NGD and Nogadi. Upload once, link twice. :)


(and the service is from Google, so you can use your existing gmail account)

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