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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


I missed that one, somehow.


I haven't had recurring nightmares that I remember in a while. But apparently I talk in my sleep, and, when I do, it's difficult to tell whether I'm having a nightmare or a sex dream.


Before I left for summer camp one year, my sister tells me I was yelling and screaming, so she came in to check on me. She found me sitting there with a sullen expression on my face, eyes open. When she asked what was wrong, I replied sulkily, "Nothing." I remember nothing about it.


These stories always make me laugh.


What's even funnier is when Josh talks in his sleep, and I ask him about it the next morning. The last one I remember is when he turned to me and, in irritation, pointed to the bed on the other side of where I was lying. "You could fit a whole PERSON over there!" he huffed. Then he rolled over, snorted angrily, and started snoring again.


He knows WHY he said that, he just doesn't remember actually doing it.

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Re: The Last Word


The recurrent nightmares I had came when I was 6: we moved from the Bay Area in California (and that was the north limit on where I'd lived so far in my life) to West Berlin in mid-December 1962, which at the time was the hardest winter since WW2. A kid who'd seen snow fall once, and when we got there, there was 17 cm of ice on Tegler See (a lake in the city).


That winter I had that series. There were iron snowflakes the size of a school bus up in the clouds (sometimes you could see them), just waiting to fall on people who ventured out from cover. And every night, I ventured out from under cover (for a different reason every night), and was crushed.


I worked on suppressing dreams starting then.

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Re: The Last Word


Hmm. I hardly ever remember my dreams. It's been a couple years since I remembered one.


I did have some bad dreams as a child, one that I remember was where quicksand was everywhere in the house and I needed to get to the other side of the house. My mom woke me up as I was on top of a bookcase.

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Re: The Last Word


No dreams that I've remembered for quite some time now. There have been some that I recall when I wake up, but that fades away over the course of the morning. The last dream I specifically recall now was over a decade ago.

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Re: The Last Word


Changing subject entirely, the kittens we're fostering go in next Monday to get fixed. That happens at 2 pounds body weight. One of them was below that, and only barely.


They'll come home to recover for a week or two, and then they go back to the shelter. AFAICT, none of them have clicked well enough with any of us to stay. Momcat is a pretty grey and a sweetie and hasn't a mean bone in her body where people are concerned, but she shows signs of being unable to get along with the older boys, the prior residents.

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Re: The Last Word


So does that mean you're keeping her?


I'm sure the kittens will be fostered out quickly. Kittens usually are. It's the mother cats who wind up staying behind, unwanted and lonely and confused.


Good of you to pay for their neutering operations, in any case, and to take such good care of them.

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Re: The Last Word


Nope, we're not paying for the neutering; the shelter covers that. We just have to keep them while they recover.


I don't think we'll be keeping momcat. I hope she finds a place. She seems to be an excellent cat with people, but might not get along with other cats in the same house. Siegfried & Felix have squatting rights at our place. It'd be ideal if her original owners were to track her down and get her back, but that seems pretty unlikely.

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Re: The Last Word


Ah. Well, it's good of you to look after them, in any case, and to be responsible about pets that aren't yours.


Hopefully the mother cat will find a home quickly. I, too, doubt that people irresponsible enough to fail to spay her and to let her go wandering off are checking shelters or anything.


A friend of mine actually ran into an interesting situation recently. She volunteers at a shelter, and they had an adoption event. During the event, this woman started shouting that they had her cat, and demanded to have it back. The shelter owner asked her to pay for half of the vet care they'd given the cat, who was unspayed and had breathing problems when she was picked up, one very cold night. The owner became belligerent, yelling that she didn't even want the cat spayed; how dare they?


The unpleasant woman then went to the town board to try to get the shelter shut down. It looks like they'll be changing some ordinances to deal with the loophole she's trying to exploit, and allowing the shelter to continue operating.

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Re: The Last Word


Just that it was fun and action-packed?


Interesting. I know I often remember that I wanted to "finish" my dream, which is why I didn't want to get up, but then I don't remember exactly why when I am awake.


Last night, I had a very vivid dream about an insect the size of my foot coming to eat my face. It was so vivid, I was out of the bed and the light was on before I realized it was a dream.

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