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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


That's not quite correct. Properly, he put the cat at risk of death when the cat went into the box.


Once the cat's in there, and before the box is reopened, it is improper to think of the cat as either simply alive or simply dead; it's a mixture of both states, with the relative proportions of the two states changing with time. The act of opening the box forces the state of the cat to have been resolved out of the in-the-box state and into one of the alive/dead conditions at the moment of the box opening.

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Re: The Last Word


The only time I used a blink tag in a page was after some lazy student claimed they couldn't find something at the top of my web page. I consider that direct provocation. And since I no longer have edit access to that page, it's doomed to stay there until the page itself is removed.

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Re: The Last Word


Heh. I once did a campaign of humorous post-card sending to a friend who needed the (im)moral support, one a day, six days a week. Went on for three or four months, IIRC. I had an excellent local source for silly post-cards, though.

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Re: The Last Word


I got seven kittens adopted out this weekend and an eighth that will go home next weekend. And one kitten named Beatty is being renamed Blender, because it's about the same effect when you put your hand near her as putting it in a Blender. She's being sent to foster that will try to mellow her out a bit.

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Re: The Last Word


Do you collect postcards? Because I can send you panoramic postcards of local sights.


I used to collect postcards, I stopped about 15 years ago. I collected them from places I had been to, and I particulary liked the "story cards", postcards that had a picture and a good longish description of the photo/place.


I got the postcards from my recent holidays more as a momento, a cheap way of getting a good (professional) image. It also helps in remembering what the name of places are. Who can remember the difference between Santa Maria del Fiore (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Maria_del_Fiore) and Basilica di Santa Croce (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_di_Santa_Croce%2C_Florence), both in Florence after 5 weeks, when you had only one day sightseeing in the city. ;) Postcards with their names on them goes a long way to help jog the memory. They are also easier to pack then acquiring the weighty souvenir books that are produced as alot of the information can now be found on the Internet. (I did buy the souvenir books but I looked for the less weighty and smaller ones where possible.


On a side note: I think the coffee table type books would be a god-send as far a a good solid collection. Each book has the advantage of specializing in a particular subject area: eg you could have a book on Rome; one on the Colosseum, another on the Roman Forum; and if you extrapolate this into a collection you can see what I mean. :)

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