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Player: Jim


Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
26 DEX 48
20 CON 20
18 BODY 16
13 INT 3
26 EGO 32
10 PRE 0
20 COM 5
5/25 PD 2
5/25 ED 1
5 SPD 14
10 REC 6
43 END 2
34 STUN -2
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 152


Cost Power END
27 Mystic Armband: Force Field (20 PD / 20 ED) (40 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value) 4
10 Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) 2
22 Coyote Form: Shapeshift (Sight Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Additional Sense Group: Radio Group, Additional Sense Group: Smell/Taste Group, Additional Sense Group: Touch Group) 2
30 Shrinking (0.203 m tall, 0.102 m wide, 0.0930 kg mass, +9" KB, +6 DCV, -6 PER Rolls to perceive character) [Notes: Ht: 8" Wt: .2 lbs] 3
5 +5 Mental Defense (10 points total)
47 Coyote Fun: Multipower, 70-point reserve, all slots: (70 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2)
4u 1) Coyote's Confusion: Transform 3d6 (Major), Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +1/2) (67 Active Points) 7
4u 2) Mystic Bolt: Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points) 6
5u 3) Mind Assault: Ego Attack 7d6 (70 Active Points) 7
4u 4) Tricks & Traps: Sight Group Images (+/-9 to PER Roll, Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Additional Sense Group: Smell/Taste Group, Additional Sense Group: Touch Group), x2" Radius (+1/4) (65 Active Points) 6
5u 5) Coyote's Trickery: Mind Control 11d6, Telepathic (+1/4) (69 Active Points) 7
5u 6) Telepathy 14d6 (70 Active Points) 7
Powers Cost: 168



Cost Skill
15 Power (EGO-based) 20-
3 Computer Programming 12-
3 Systems Operation 12-
3 Electronics 12-
6 PS: Computer Technician 15-
0 Language: Potawatomi: Idiomatic, native accent (Custom Adder) [Notes: Native Language]
0 Acting 8-
0 AK: Native Country 8-
0 Climbing 8-
0 Concealment 8-
0 Conversation 8-
0 Deduction 8-
0 Language: English: Idiomatic, native accent (Custom Adder) [Notes: Native Language]
0 Paramedics 8-
0 Persuasion 8-
0 PS: Play Electric Guitar 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
0 Stealth 8-
Skills Cost: 30





Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity, Frequently (11-), Major
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing, Common, Total
15 Psychological Limitation: In Love With: John Reid II, Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Prankster, Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Wisecracker, Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable, Common, Strong
20 Hunted: Viper, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
20 Hunted: Demon, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
10 Hunted: Primus, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
5 Hunted: Beaureau of Indian Affairs, As Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


She is the direct decendant of a Potawatomi indian who wasthe frien of a former Texas Ranger who fought evil in the old west.

She still has a keepsake thatfrom her ancestors friend she wears as a pendant, a silver bullet.

Her life until she found the armlet was normal for a girl on the reservation. Then while exploring a cave she found a gold and emerald armlet that she thought was pretty so she cleaned it up and put it on, and then she felt herself filled with the spirit of Coyote the Trickster. This granted her powers that she decided to use to fight evil, and have some fun while doing it.

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Ok, you asked for it. here is what I would say if I was your GM.


I think the forcefield is not *quite* in character. Make it invisible, which is becoming to a trickster, and I think you'll be cooking with gas. Nothing about the character illo or the character concept suggests glowing fields of force.


I'm not sure about the EB... why does she have it? It makes sense from a combat POV, but again, not quite the coyote. I would drop the EB, subsititue HtH attack (super fast punches, f=MA) and HKA (claws) attack, but 0 end on them to keep them from maxing the 70 active pts and being ungodly. Since she can be invisible, she has the option of taking an action or two and getting in close to attack mana a mano.


The mystic bolt? I would subsititue Mental Illusions, maybe even add IAF: Peyote dust (she will be the most popular super hero around) Again, nice to have the Ego attack, but doesn't say "Coyote" t me.


Psych lims: Prankster and Wisecracker, in my book, are the same thing. Combine the two into one psych lim. Cracking wise doesn't really get folks into 15 pts of trouble, maybe 5. If you get into 15 pts of trouble, you are delusional, cannot follow the norms of society and hence, a superpowered villian.


to make up for it, the Coyote is a liar. An accomplished liar. That could be some juicy roleplaying between the polar opposites of Honorable and Liar. If you can get her to give her word, she will keep it. But pinning her down, not easy.


Besides that, looks like a fun character and interesting one.

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Player: Jim


Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
26 DEX 48
20 CON 20
18 BODY 16
13 INT 3
26 EGO 32
10 PRE 0
20 COM 5
5/25 PD 2
5/25 ED 1
5 SPD 14
10 REC 6
43 END 2
36 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 154


Cost Power END
28 Mystic Armband: Force Field (20 PD / 20 ED), Invisible Power Effects (Sight Group, Normal Hearing; +3/4) (70 Active Points); IAF Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1 1/2) (added to Secondary Value) 7
10 Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) 2
22 Coyote Form: Shapeshift (Sight Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Additional Sense Group: Radio Group, Additional Sense Group: Smell/Taste Group, Additional Sense Group: Touch Group) 2
30 Shrinking (0.203 m tall, 0.102 m wide, 0.0930 kg mass, +9" KB, +6 DCV, -6 PER Rolls to perceive character) [Notes: Ht: 8" Wt: .2 lbs] 3
5 +5 Mental Defense (10 points total)
47 Coyote Fun: Multipower, 70-point reserve, all slots: (70 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2)
4u 1) Coyote's Confusion: Transform 3d6 (Major), Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +1/2) (67 Active Points) 7
2u 2) Coyote's Deluisions: Mental Illusions 10d6 (50 Active Points); IAF (Peyote Dust) (-1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2) 5
3u 3) Coyote Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points)
2u 4) Coyote paws: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
4u 5) Tricks & Traps: Sight Group Images (+/-9 to PER Roll, Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Additional Sense Group: Smell/Taste Group, Additional Sense Group: Touch Group), x2" Radius (+1/4) (65 Active Points) 6
5u 6) Coyote's Trickery: Mind Control 11d6, Telepathic (+1/4) (69 Active Points) 7
5u 7) Telepathy 14d6 (70 Active Points) 7
Powers Cost: 167



Cost Skill
15 Power (EGO-based) 20-
3 Computer Programming 12-
3 Systems Operation 12-
3 Electronics 12-
5 PS: Computer Technician 14-
0 Language: Potawatomi: Idiomatic, native accent (Custom Adder) [Notes: Native Language]
0 Acting 8-
0 AK: Native Country 8-
0 Climbing 8-
0 Concealment 8-
0 Conversation 8-
0 Deduction 8-
0 Language: English: Idiomatic, native accent (Custom Adder) [Notes: Native Language]
0 Paramedics 8-
0 Persuasion 8-
0 PS: Play Electric Guitar 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
0 Stealth 8-
Skills Cost: 29





Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity, Frequently (11-), Major
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing, Common, Total
15 Psychological Limitation: In Love With: John Reid II, Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Prankster, Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Liar, Common, Strong
15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable, Common, Strong
20 Hunted: Viper, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
20 Hunted: Demon, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
10 Hunted: Primus, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
5 Hunted: Beaureau of Indian Affairs, As Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


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I don't think you want to make that focus expendable, unless I'm reading the rules wrong that means you can only use it once without replacing it. And that Forcefield is using 7 End per phase. You might want to just replace it with resistant PD/ED.


Plus flesh out your Background, why is Viper after her, I can understand the others.


Otherwise it looks good.

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