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Villain Group!

Storm Shadow

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I want to create a villain group with the following characteristic:

- They are cyborgs (like robocop)

- They can transform their bodies in transports (like transformers!!)

- They alltogether can build a big giant robot (like Power Rangers!!!!)

- They are PATHETIC!


I have problems at the time to do the giant robot sheet. For example who of them will got the stun? Maybe it depends of the location, ok. But how I would give their powers? I mean, can they have a special multipower with the limitation only used in the giant robot transformation? Plus encantations it would have a big limitation and it means a big power ;) Is this transformation an instant change?


They will be pathetic but very powerful. Could you show me a way to build it?

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Re: Villain Group!


Dunno if this would work, but you could start with a Power-Ranger-Giant-Robot (P-R-G-R) character with MULTIFORM; the other form would be a Robocop-Cyborg-Transformer (R-C-T) character with DUPLICATION. Each R-C-T would have MPs to represent their various Transform shapes.


I have no idea if this is legal, or if it even makes any sense.

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Re: Villain Group!


Dunno if this would work, but you could start with a Power-Ranger-Giant-Robot (P-R-G-R) character with MULTIFORM; the other form would be a Robocop-Cyborg-Transformer (R-C-T) character with DUPLICATION. Each R-C-T would have MPs to represent their various Transform shapes.


I have no idea if this is legal, or if it even makes any sense.


IIRC, it's legal, and is the easiest way to do it. The duplicates can also have different personalities, memories, etc.

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Re: Villain Group!


As a transformer geek as a little kid. I must point out that transformers could combine to form giant robot. The Constructicons come to mind first. It has been over 15 years since I have watched transformers, so the memories are fuzzy, but there were other groups who could.

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Re: Villain Group!


What about if I build the 6 characters with a multiform and then sum the points used by every character. It would have big limitations and disads for example only used when they are together and transform at the same time (-2) + and make gestus or incantation like "megabot!" (-1/2) and a disad would be Berserker (Very common!) (big monsters loves to destroy everything).

Do I apply the disadvantages to the Multiform? Wouldn't be this character too powerful?


Also I don't know how to count the stun.


Help please!! :weep::help:

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Re: Villain Group!


Alternative way:


Build the robot as a normal character, and the cyborgs to assemble them as his DNPC's.


Then build limitations into the giant robots powers, such as cannot use flamethrower unless the DNPC who has the flamethrower is present.


This would certainly satisfy the desired pathetic aspect. Plots would revolve around them not all being available, and the DNPC's may refuse to attack at certain times...


DNPC #1: Together we can defeat Godzilla!


DNPC #2: Wait a minute, there is only one of them right? That makes him and endangered species! I can't be part of any crimes against the environment...I'm going home.


DNPC #3: Pinko bastard! Get back here with the railgun!


DNPC #4: Uh-oh, looks like Godzilla is preparing to do a jump-kick...

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