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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle


Sidekicks 4

Background Information: Boomette belongs to a race of creatures that shares the same dimensional plane with Ba-Zar's forces, in effect a second class species to the Turtle King. They are used as demolition experts thanks to their ability to blow themselves up and reform instantaneously. There is nothing scarier than a mob of these living grenades rushing a position, blowing themselves up in waves.


Boomette realized that Princess Daisy Pink would extend a peaceful hand to those who wanted to quit being soldiers for the bad tempered lizard. She decided to desert the army, and flee across the border in the dead of night. She was caught and thrown in a dudgeon with walls too thick to blow through.


She might have remained there until she died of starvation, except for the Plumber.


He and his companions, Barry O and Coop Copper, had smashed their way into the dudgeon after battling the armed guards and the warden. They released all the prisoners as they went, figuring a mass escape would help out their plan to save the princess. Boomette tagged along with them, in the hopes of paying the Plumber back.


Boomette has become a valuable aid to the hero, using her explosive power to clear the way.


Quote: "Time to blow up this popsicle stand."


Personality: Boomette tends to be grumpy, pessimistic, and loves to blow things up. She doesn't like to fight but when she has to do it, she targets anyone she thinks can take her charge and lets them have it.


Appearance: Boomette looks like an artist mannequin, covered with a sectional skin. This outer covering does most of the damage when she blows up.


Powers: Boomette only has one power. She can blow herself up like a grenade, flinging shrapnel everywhere in range.


Character Name: Boomette

Real Name: Boomette

Nationality: Boomberanian

Hair/Eye Color: no hair, yellow eyes

Place of Birth: Boomberania

Date of Birth: 6/16/66

Height/Mass: 3'8"/186 lbs.


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

33 DEX 2120 CON 20

30 BODY 25

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

0 COM 10

PD 3

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Explosion 55 pt Multipower

4u Door Knocker: Energy Blast 8d6 (40 pts), explosion (+1/2), personal immunity (+1/4), no range (-1/2), only affects targets on the ground (-1/4), only does knockback (-0). 40 pts

5u Suicide Bomb: ranged killing attack 2d6, explosion (+1/2), personal immunity (+1/4), only does knockback (-0) 52 pts


Segmented Skin: Armor (15 pd/ 5 ed) 30 pts


Pull yourself back together: Teleportation 2" (4 pts),linked to multipower (-3/4), not through solid barriers (-1/4), must pass through intervening space (-1/4). 1 pt


Cost Skills

3 Demolitions 12-

1 WF: Artillery 12-

3 Climbing 13-

3 AK: Toad Castle 12-

3 AK: Boombaria 12-

3 Survival: forests 12-

3 KS: masonry 12-

3 KS: Sapping 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bureaucratics 12-

+ 2 CSLs with explosive attacks.


100 Points Disadvantages15 DF: Weird looking doll

20 Hunted by Ba-Zar 11-

15 Psych Lim: Likes to blow stuff up

15 Psych Lim: Pessimistic

15 Reputation: Bad tempered exploding Sidekick

10 Watched by Toad Castle Fire Department 8-

10 Phys Lim: Short


CHA Cost = 118

Total Powers Cost = 95

Total Skills Cost =37

Total Cost = 250__________________


Plot Hook 1) Someone is using explosives to blow up safes in town. The Police Department believe it's the work of Boomette because of the spray pattern. The PCs are asked to pick her up.


Plot Hook 2) A building falls down in the middle of town. Everything points to a massive blast in the foundation by some unknown explosives.


Plot Hook 3) A giant 40 foot tall Boomette appears in the middle of town with a timer running on her chest. What do the characters do?


Background Information: The hero known as Air Male started as Miller Lampkin, mailman. Miller knew every house on his route and most of the people by sight. That's why he knew the guys in the pink robes shouldn't be playing their silly role playing games at the Deschain residence. It was empty and condemned by the city.


Miller decided the least he could do was warn them off before someone broke a leg, or otherwise hurt themselves inside the broken down house. As he approached, the guys in the robes revealed turtle faces to him. They also had batons they applied to his head.


Miller found himself strapped to a table, surrounded by the turtle men and something with horns and fire for hair. He didn't know what was going on, but everyone was talking about an operation. Finally one of the turtles produced a knife.


Miller fainted when the pain proved to be too much.


When Miller awoke, he found that he looked like a turtle himself, but feathered wings grew from the shell on his back. He was in some kind of dump, but some of the things around him had been people just like he used to be. He learned how to fly while trying to find his way out of the hellish place.


Miller found his way home after several adventures. He found the Sidekicks and joined their ranks after an encounter with Barry O.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Quote: "I think we're lost."


Personality: Miller Lampkin likes being able to fly, but hates the cost to his outer self and his former life. He preferred working his route, sorting the mail, hanging out with his coworkers. With the change in his appearance, he has been cut off from that.


He hopes to find a cure, but has grown to realize that he might be trapped in his new body forever.


Appearance: Miller resembles Coop, being a humanoid turtle. Most people who don't know them confuse the two until they realize Miller has a pair of wings growing from the back of his shell.


Miller usually wears clothes that resembles his old mailman uniform, goggles, and an old style leather helmet.


Powers: Miller only has one real superpower. He can fly. He has taught himself some special moves using that power to help his comrades in battle, but mostly he is air support and scouting for the heroes.


Character Name: Air Male

Real Name: Miller Lampkin

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: none, blue

Place of Birth: Toad Castle

Date of Birth: 06/07/78

Height/Mass: 5'8", 150 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

11 STR 21

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

16 BODY 18

5 INT 15

16 EGO 18

5 PRE 15

-2 COM 6

PD 4

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Turtle Body: Armor (10 pd/10ed) 30 pts


Winged Flight: Flight 20", 40 pts, Restrainable (-½). 26 pts


Flying Power Moves: 60 pt multipower

3u Shell Shot: HA + 12d6 60 pts, Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), must make half move with flight first (-½) 30 pts

3u Air Raid: HA + 30 pts, AOE radius (3", +1), Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), must make half move with flight first (-½) 30 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Toad Castle 12-

3 KS: US Mail Service 12-

3 Bureaucratics 12-

3 Navigation 12-

3 TF: ground vehicles. 12-


100 Points Disadvantages

20 DF: Winged Turtle Man

20 Hunted By Lord Ba-Zar 11-

15 Watched by the Postal Service 8-

15 Hates Dogs

15 Looking for a cure

15 Public Identity


CHA Cost = 113

Total Powers Cost = 122

Total Skills Cost = 15

Total Cost = 250


Plot Hook 1) Winged creatures of every type are flocking to the campaign city, among them winged heroes, villains, and monsters. They seemed to be drawn to a new building in the middle of town. Is this just coincidence, or some kind of trap?


Plot Hook 2) Dr. Simon Xerxes claims that he can reverse any mutation. Test subjects claim this is true, displaying before and after pictures. The problem is some of these unwilling mutants vanish after taking the treatment.


Plot Hook 3) Toad Castle is having an air show. Flying heroes are invited from all over the region to participate and show their stuff. It should be a day to remember.


Background Information: The Ribbon Lady first appeared in Toad Castle at the edge of the Forever National Park. Tourists recorded her battle with Bubba Tub, a spirit sucking monster, as he tried to expand his grip on that section of the city. It looked like he was going to drain every living thing dry.


That's when the Plumber, and his Sidekicks arrived.


Barry O had learned of Bubba's weakness, and with that knowledge the Plumber smashed the monster into pieces. All the stolen spirit energy returned where it belonged. The Ribbon Lady

decided to join the Sidekicks t/o keep her home safe from other such incursions.


Quote: "Time for a vanishing act."


Personality: The Ribbon Lady is a ghost of the vengeful variety. She tends to hold grudges against people who have forgotten about the dispute. She protects Forever Forest since that was where she died, and it has always had a special place in her heart. Other ghosts treat her with a modicum of respect which she accepts as her due.


Appearance: The Ribbon Lady usually appears as a cloud of ribbons around a moon face. She usually is smiling about something.


Powers: The Ribbon Lady possesses the ability to fly, disappear, and render others invisible and intangible. She has a terrific right hook, which can stun armored enemies. She can also scare lesser enemies into fleeing with her glare.


Character Name: The Ribbon Lady

Hair/Eye Color: Multicolored, red

Height/Mass: 5'8", one pound


Cost Characteristic Value

0 STR 10

60 DEX 30

0 CON 10

0 BODY 10

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

0 COM 10

PD 2

ED 2



END 20



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Ghost flight: gliding 6", ground gliding (-1/4), no noncombat movement (-1/4), 4 pts


Ghost Body: Total Life Support 45 pts


Personal Invisibility: Invisibility to sight, no fringe, 30 pts.

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Re: The New Circle


Sidekicks 6

Personal desolidification: 40 pts


Ghost Powers: 70 pt multipower

4u Ribbon Slap: Hand Attack + 14d6, hand to hand attack (-½). 46 pts

4u Hundred Ribbon Slap: Hand Attack + 9d6, armor piercing (+1/2), hand to hand attack (-½) 45 pts

4u Scare Stare: + 70 presence, only to induce fear (-1/2) 46 pts

3u The Veil: Desolidification 40 pts, usable simultaneously (+1/2), not through solids (-1/2), concentration (-1), cannot move (-1/4), no range (-1/2), and invisibility to sight, no fringe 30 pts, usable simultaneously (+1/2), concentration (-1), cannot move (-1/4), no range (-½) 31 pts


Cost Skills

3 AK: Forever Forest 12-

3 AK: Toad Castle 12-

3 KS: sewing 12-

3 KS: weaving 12-

3 KS: Wildlife 12-

3 KS: Creatures of the underworld 12-

3 Lightning Reflexes + 2 all actions


30 pt Contact: Harvey the ghost bunny


150 Points Disadvantages

25 DF: Floating face in a mass of ribbons and bows

20 Reputation: Guardian of Forever Forest (14-)

30 Hunted by Demon 11-

20 Hunted by Lord Ba-Zar 11-

10 Physical Lim: Limited manipulation

10 Psych Lim: Vengeful

15 Protective of Forever Forest

20 DNPC: Toad Castle's wildlife 11-


CHA Cost = 95

Total Powers Cost = 204

Total Skills Cost = 48

Total Cost =350


Plot Hook 1) Developers have targeted Forever Forest for a new building. These corporate moguls have spent cash to put their building up one way or the other. They now need someone to handle the strange problems suddenly plaguing the construction site.


Plot Hook 2) Ghosts have started appearing all over town. Some are frightening and display bizarre behavior. Some are warning of extreme danger in the near future. All are demanding the presence of the Ribbon Lady. No one has seen her.


Plot Hook 3) Forever Forest links up to bigger national parks. Park rangers discover a dumping ground of bones where the wildernesses intersect. The wounds on the bodies make it obvious that something nonhuman is doing the killing.


Background Information: Tina Susha had always loved being a nanny. It was an easy way to make money. She was paid look after kids, but she didn't have take them home with her. It was a perfect situation for her.


Tina took her kids to the Toad Castle Aquarium. It was supposed to be a day trip. Go over the bridge, look around the facility, ride the bus back, drop the kids off to their parents. No one knew that Lord Ba'Zar had hatched a new scheme involving the fish, and aquatic mammals.


Tina was struck by a mutagenic beam as she herded her charges to safety. It caused her to become an amphibian, but she was able to get her kids to a policeman who could look after them. Tina went back inside, turning her new abilities on the Turtle King.


Tina failed miserably to turn the tide. The Plumber arrived at the last second and rescued her from being fried. He held off Ba'Zar's soldiers and the big lizard himself until his friends could arrive. They offered Tina a spot on their team after the battle. Her life had been disrupted by the body wide change she had been subjected to even if she didn't know it yet.


Tina has become a valuable member of the team. Her aquatic powers make her perfect for undersea missions, and rescue operations. Every waterway is her home.


Quote: "It's time to fish, or cut bait."


Personality: Tina has taken her change well. She is still outgoing, and loves children. She's the one Sidekick who is guaranteed to show up at a benefit, or some kind of public gathering. She is often seen riding waves as she patrols the local waterways.


Appearance: Tina is a fish woman with glowing red hair. She routinely wears bikinis for ease of movement since she spends ninety percent of her time in the water.


Powers: Tina is an amphibian, able to operate in water as well as land. She can also shoot streams of water from her mouth, and create waves to wash away any bad guys that get in her way.

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Re: The New Circle


Sidekicks 7

Character Name: Toona

Real Name: Tina Susha

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Red, yellow

Place of Birth: Toad Castle

Date of Birth: 12/01/86

Height/Mass: 5'7, 180 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

20 STR 30

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

30 BODY 25

5 INT 15

10 EGO 158 PRE 18

-1 COM 8

PD 6

ED 4

10 SPD 4

REC 10

END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Fish Body: Armor (10 pd/10 ed), 30 pts.


Hyper Swimming: Flight 20", only in water (-1/4) 32 pts


Night Vision 5 pts


Underwater survival: Life Support, expanded breathing (water), safe environment high pressure, safe environment intense cold. 8 pts


Leaping: + 5" 5 pts.


Water Control 60 pt Multipower

3u Squirt: 12d6 Energy Blast, OAF (Water of opportunity)(-1) 30 pts

3u Wall: Force Wall (12pd/12ed) OAF (Water of opportunity) (-1) 30 pts

2u Tidal Wave: Energy Blast 20 pts, AOE 8" line (+1), double knockback (+3/4), OAF (Water of opportunity) (-1) 27 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Nannying 12-

3 KS: teaching 12-

3 AK: Toad Castle's waterways 12-

3 high society 12-

3 conversation 12-

3 paramedics 12-

2 Animal handler 12-

3 Stealth 13-

25 + 5 DCV

3 lightning calculator

3 absolute range sense

3 bump of direction

3 absolute time sense

3 ambidexterity


150 Points Disadvantages

20 DF: Fish Woman

20 Hunted by Ba'Zar 11-

20 Hunted by Viper 8-

10 Reputation: Protector of Toad Castle's waters 11-

15 Psych Lim: Protective of Children

10 Dependence: Water, 1 hour (3d6)

15 Public Identity

10 Rivalry: Other Sea Heroes

30 Vulnerable to Fire Attacks (2 x STUN damage)


CHA Cost = 144

Total Powers Cost = 143

Total Skills Cost = 63

Total Cost = 350__________________


Plot Hook 1) A giant fish is seen hovering off shore, threatening shipping. It's up to the PCs to move it away from the lanes without hurting it.


Plot Hook 2) An earthquake has caused a river, or several branches of the same river, to flow to the surface of the campaign city. Someone has to find out where this new water came from, and see if it is reversible. Time for some aquatic heroes to the rescue.


Plot Hook 3) A conglomerate has decided that it needs undersea exploration in an area where it wants to set up a lab for one of its member companies. There have been several serious accidents in the area. The call has gone out for heroes to find out what is going on.


Background Information: The extradimensional traveler known as Shock by the people of Toad Castle was spawned from a random current running through an experimental machine. He was captured and used as a battery by Ba'Zar's forces. His ability to generate energy was invaluable for the technologically poor Turtle Army. He was placed in the care of General Guy, and used to power the Omni Tank.


When the Plumber crossed paths with General Guy in his quest to save Princess Daisy Pink, he freed the energy creature by causing the Omni Tank to explode. Shock immediately wanted revenge on General Guy, and used his electrical touch on the members of the Guy Battalion. The Plumber pressed on after his objective. Shock followed, glad to have met someone who could be his friend.


Shock followed the Plumber back to Toad Castle and joined the Sidekicks. He has become the most visible of the group with his nightly flights over the town.


Quote: "This will be a little bit shocking."


Personality: Shock tends to stick to the background as much as possible for a living piece of lightning whirling around in a vortex. He has developed a case of claustrophobia due to his imprisonment into the Omni Tank's battery. The only showy thing that he indulges in is his patrols across Toad Castle. He has been known to light up a city block as he moves along.


Appearance: Shock resembles lightning, or electrical current, that is wrapped around itself. Two blazing white eyes rest on the top of the spooled construction. It has no limbs attached to its torso.


Powers: Shock can light up an area, even show normally invisible objects within his range. He has two different attacks. Both are basically an energy blast, but one is done by touching a person. The other is an area of effect against groups of enemies. Shock can also emit a blinding flash.


Naturally basically being a floating head, Shock flies everywhere he needs to go.


Character Name: Shock

Hair/Eye Color: None, White

Place of Birth: The Box Kingdom

Date of Birth: 9/25/99

Height/Mass: 8", 5 ounces


Cost Characteristic Value

0 STR 10

60 DEX 30

0 CON 10

0 BODY 10

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

1 COM 12

PD 2

ED 2

10 SPD 5


END 20



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Electric Flight 20" 40 pts, 0 end(+1/2), always on (-1/2), no noncombat movement (-½). 30 pts


Electric Light Powers: 60 pt multipower

1u Light: Images 10 pts, Increased size 8" (+3/4), Only to create light (-1), no range (-½) 7 pts

4u Electric Touch: Energy Blast 12d6 60 pts, no range (-½) 40 pts.

6u Turbo Blast: Energy Blast 6d6, AOE radius (3", +1) 60 pts

6u Light Flash: Flash versus sight 12d6 60 pts


Reveal the invisible: Suppress invisibility 2d6 10 pts, linked to images (-½), no range (-½) 5 pts


Electric Immunity: Desolidification 40 points, affects real world (+2), cannot pass through solid barriers (-1/2), does not protect against damage (-1), only to protect against electricity (-1) 34 pts

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Re: The New Circle


Cost Skills

3 Tactics 12-

3 Teamwork 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 AK: Toad Castle 12-

3 AK: General Guy's Box Kingdom 12-

3 System operations 12-

3 Computer Programming 12-

3 Navigation 12-

3 Shadowing 15-

3 Stealth 15-

12 + 8 lightning reflexes

10 + 5 with Turbo blast


100 Points Disadvantages:

20 DF: Floating head.

20 Physical Lim: No body

20 Hunted by General Guy 11-

25 Hunted by Demon 8-

15 Claustrophobia


CHA Cost = 102

Total Powers Cost = 146

Total Skills Cost = 52

Total Cost = 300


Plot Hook 1) Gilbert Guifoyle announces the birth of his island city out of nowhere. The massive display of energy involved bothers some who have seen pictures of the place. There aren't any generators big enough to power the manmade atoll. What's going on?


Plot Hook 2) Other energy beings resembling Shock take hostages in an effort to declare a private kingdom for themselves. The problem is their proposed kingdom is bigger than the city, and all humans have to leave. Someone will have to go in and negotiate.


Plot Hook 3) Shock begins to grow out of control, absorbing electricity as he goes. The more he takes in, the bigger he gets. Something has to be done before he blacks out the East Coast, or worse explodes with all the energy he has taken.


Background Information: Herman Lackland was the least extraordinary man in Toad Castle. He lived in a quiet neighborhood, rarely talked to anyone, read his books, and basically was a borderline recluse. He would stayed like that for the rest of his life if he hadn't wandered into the cloud.


Lackland had spent most of his day on the job, getting off in the early evening with the moon hanging over the city. He drove home like he had done many times before. He expected to watch a little television, read, and turn in. That changed with the yellow cloud that covered his car. His lights couldn't cut the thick fog. Dizziness overwhelmed him, pushing Herman toward sleep.


When he awoke, Lackland found his car was full of the same yellow fog he had driven into. He opened the door. The fog rushed out, dragging him out with it. He experimented a little. The cloud covered his feet, forming a platform for him to stand on. It gave him the ability to fly. He just couldn't turn it off.


Lackland drove home with his windows down, and called in sick for work. He needed time to figure out what was going on with him. He decided maybe he should burn up his vacation days and try to think of a way to live with his new ability.


As Herman tried to deal with his problem, Ba'Zar launched another attack on the city. That attack cut through Lackland's neighborhood, destroying homes, and hurting people. The recluse decided something had to be done, so he tried to stop the Turtle King on his own.


That was a failure. Lackland suffered a beating like he had never had before. He should have given up, returned to his old habits. Instead he stepped back into the fight, trying to drive the angry Ba'Zar back to his home dimension. He held the horned lizard long enough for help to arrive.


Lackland was offered a place in the Sidekicks by the Plumber. He accepted reluctantly. Herman would rather live a normal life without complications, but knows that his former existence is forever beyond his grasp because of the stand he made.


Quote: "No. I can't turn the cloud off."


Personality: Lackland was always buttoned down, almost a ghost before he became gifted with the ability to fly. That much has not changed. He rarely speaks unless spoken to, maintains interest in his limited hobbies, keeps interaction with others to a minimum.


On the other hand, he also won't back down and handles every problem with the same methodical way as he learned to fly.

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Re: The New Circle


Appearance: Lackland tends to wear casual clothes like sweaters, khakis, and tennis shoes when he is adventuring. His hangdog face and demeanor makes him seem older than his thirty years. Premature gray flecks his hair.


Powers: Lackland's principal power is the emitting of a cloud around his feet that he can use to fly. He can even carry others with him if they aren't heavy. He can break off pieces of this cloud to form bullets to be thrown. He can generate a wind to blow against targets to push them away by whirling the cloud under his feet like a giant fan.


Character Name: Lackland

Real Name: Herman Lackland

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: brown with gray/brown

Place of Birth: Toad Castle

Date of Birth: 9/27/76

Height/Mass: 5'8, 145 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

30 DEX 20

20 CON 20

16 BODY 18

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

0 PRE 10

0 COM 10

PD 3

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,12

Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Flying Cloud: Flight 20" 40 pts, (0 end, +1/2), Always On (-½) , visible (-1/4) 34 pts


Flying Cloud 60 pt Multipower

4u Cloud Bullet: Energy Blast 12d6, gestures (-1/4), range limited by strength (-1/4) 40 pts

4u Cloud Shotgun Blast: Energy Blast 8d6, autofire (+1/2), gestures (-1/4) range limited by strength (-1/4) 40 pts

2u Hurricane Wind: Telekinesis (20 str) 30 pts, AOE cone (7", +1), affects whole object (-1/4), only to push things away (-1) 26 pts


Cost Skills

3 PS: Accounting 12-

3 KS: Accounting 12-

3 Bureaucratics 12-

2 TF: Common Ground Vehicles

3 Systems Operations 12-

3 KS: History 12-

3 AK: Toad Castle 12-

3 Deduction 12-

3 Trading 11-

3 Shadowing 13-

15 + 3 DCV

3 Bump of Direction

3 Lightning Calculator


100 Points Disadvantages

20 DF: Always Standing on Cloud

10 Physical Lim: Must hover three feet off the ground.

15 Psych Lim: Introverted, methodical, and won't back down

15 Public Identity

20 Hunted by Ba'Zar 11-

20 Hunted by Demon 8-


CHA Cost = 96

Total Powers Cost = 104

Total Skills Cost = 50

Total Cost = _250___


Plot Hook 1) A vast cloud floods the city. When it lifts, the citizens have been turned into flying monsters. Someone has to stop the changed populace and find out who was responsible for dumping the cloud in the first place.


Plot Hook 2) A company the characters have worked with before ask them to get a sample of Lackland's cloud. They believe they can harness its extraordinary lifting properties for private use. The best example is hot air balloons that would not need heated air to fly. They hope to be able to channel the cloud sample into a profitable air business of some kind.


Plot Hook 3) Cloud tours have opened up in various cities. The guides all have the same condition as Lackland. The only difference is they seem to have no will of their own. They live to show tourists homes of the rich and famous. What kind of scheme could be behind this?


Background Information: Lou Marso grew up in the shadow of his brother Mark. The older boy tried to get Lou to express himself, to show that he had his own ideas and skills. Lou balked, saying it was easier to help Mark to glory than grab the attention for himself. Mark did everything he could to boost his brother so that others knew how good he was.


Mark designed the first Plumber suit to help him in his explorations that he undertook of the underground of Toad Castle. There were vast areas under the city that no one had seen in years. Artifacts could be waiting to be discovered.


Mark found an underground army led by a maniacal lizard instead. He turned the tide just barely. He realized he needed help, but no authorities would believe him without evidence. Mark turned to his brother Lou for the assistance he needed. The brothers have been dealing with Ba'Zar ever since, but Mark fell in love with the Princess Daisy Pink and moved to her kingdom as her champion while Lou has stayed behind to protect Toad Castle.


Quote: "It's me, The Plumber."


Personality: Lou is content to tinker, and stay out of the limelight. He never wanted to be a hero, but takes his responsibility seriously. He was THE sidekick before there was a team, and he acts as the mentor for the rest of the team if they have problems dealing with things brought on by their conditions.


Lou is also the most tech savvy of the group, and able to create solutions out of thin air with the right equipment.


Appearance: Lou is a tall, lanky man with a huge mustache. He is prone to wearing overalls and a cap. His tool belt is always at hand in case he needs to use it to build, or adjust, something.


The Plumber suit is a green and blue shell with a round featureless helmet.


Powers: All of Lou Marso's special abilities rely on the Plumber suit he wears. It gives him protection from hostile environments, allows him to leap vast distances, and he can punch through most anything in his way.


Additionally the Plumber suit has an array of weapons that can be changed out when needed. An example is the shockwave generator. This device is fitted in when the Plumber wants to create waves of impact along the ground to deal with multiple enemies.


These extras eat up a lot of energy to use, and are reserved for emergency situations only.

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Re: The New Circle


Character Name: The Plumber's Assistant

Real Name: Lou Marso

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: brown/blue

Place of Birth: Toad Castle

Date of Birth: 9/28/72

Height/Mass: 6'2", 182 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

45 DEX 25

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

9 INT 19

20 EGO 20

2 PRE 12

1 COM 12

PD 3

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Armor Systems 30 pt multipower

2u Plumber's Armor: Leaping +30" 30 pts OIF (-½) 20 pts

2u Plumber's Armor: Running + 15" 30 pts, OIF (-½) 20 pts

2u Plumber's Hammer: Hand Attack + 6d6 30 pts, OIF (-½) 20 pts


Plumber's Armor: Total Life Support 45 pts, OIF (-½) 30 pts

Plumber's Armor: Armor (10 pd/ 10 ed) 30 pts, OIF (-½) 20 pts

Plumber's Armor: + 30 str 30 pts, no figured char (-1/2), OIF (-½) 15 pts


F-power 75 pt Variable Power Pool, can only be changed in a lab (-½), Only armor boosting powers (-½), can only feed off battery (-1/4) 33 pts


F-Power Battery Endurance Reserve for Power Pool (300 End, 30 REC), can only be recharged at lab (-2) 10 pts


Cost Skills

3 System Operations 12-

3 AK: Toad Castle 12-

3 AK: The Princess's Realm 12-

3 AK: The underground 12-

3 KS: Plumbing 12-

3 PS: Plumbing 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Computer Operations 12-

3 TF: Common Ground Vehicles

3 TF: Air Vehicles

3 Combat Driving 14-

3 Combat Piloting 14-

3 KS: Physics 12-

3 KS: Robotics 12-

3 Paramedics 12-


30 pts Contact City government


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Psych Lim: Excessive avoidance of fame

20 Psych Lim: Protective of Toad Castle

20 Hunted by Ba'Zar 14-

25 Hunted by Plumber's Rogue's Gallery 14-

15 Secret Identity

10 Reputation: Second Rate hero 11-

20 DNPC: Sidekicks 14-

15 DF: Mustache

10 Rivalry with other gadgeteers


CHA Cost = 121

Total Powers Cost = 144

Total Skills Cost = 81

Total Cost = 346


Plot Hook 1) The underground has begun to teem with monsters again. The city needs a Plumber to go in and handle things. The problem is neither has been seen for days.


Plot Hook 2) A master villain has given a warning that he has planted a bomb somewhere in the city's infrastructure. Heroes with experience in tunnels have been asked to help out. Can the bomb be found while negotiations are going on, or will the villain realize he has been stalled and blow the bomb anyway? And what are the consequences if it is blown?


Plot Hook 3) Several minor dimensional conquerors have hatched a scheme to merge the Earth with their dimensions to form a bridge and neutral zone for other expansions. The hope is to rival the likes of V'han and Tyrannon with less effort. Naturally when the invasion happens, someone will have to drive the combined forces back across the dimensional shores.


Notes: The inspiration for the Sidekicks team is a video game called Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 for those who didn't know. Bowzer captures seven star spirits, steals an artifact, and steals Princess Peach's whole castle and takes it into the air. Mario must save the day by rescuing the star spirits with the help of characters (a goomba, a koopa, a boo, a parakarry, a cheep cheep, a watt, a lakitu) he meets during his travels. At the end, he defeats Bowzer and drops the castle back to the ground. There's a big party, and everyone is invited.


I have to go back and finish the rest of the Rovers, and D-Men, a small list of independents and a team of potential world beaters designed from teams, basically five in ones. Then I will be done with my own thoughts and open for suggestions.


I'd also like to thank you for the reputation I have gained out of this, and the comments.


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Re: The New Circle


A crooked house sat in perpetual shade and drizzle at the edge of a road leading nowhere. Bent trees dotted the front of it like fingers sticking out of the ground. The thing had a resemblance to an old man's face if you looked at it the right way. The boy's fearful screams just completed the nightmarish tableau.


A door opened in the gray air, dropping a man in silver and green to the cloudy ground. A helmet in the same color scheme covered his face, but blue eyes peered intently at the dirty wood of a cackling image. A short cape of green flapped behind him raggedly as he walked up to the porch of the thing.


"This is the third time this week, Olgolth," the new arrival said to the air. "Why do you keep bringing me back here? I have other things to do."


"I'm just doing my job, Doctor," said a voice in reply. "Terror needs to be spread for lessons to be learned. I'm within my rights as a dream wraith."


"Giving someone a heart attack is out," said the doctor. "Open the door and let your victim go. I don't want to have to get rough with you."


"You always say that," said the voice of Olgoth. "You're as predictable as time in the waking world. I think you should meet some friends of mine. Maybe that will stop you from pestering me."


Skeletal hands punched up from the colorless ground. Dried flesh revealed the position of bones underneath. The cry went out for brains as more and more of the zombies sprang to life.


The doctor's eyes narrowed at the threat, one hand flexing. A wand appeared, summoned from his imagination. He pointed the wand at the front of Olgoth's house and pressed the button on the side. The door blew apart, blood splattering around the green and silver hero as he leaped inside the house.


"Always the hard way, Olgoth," the doctor said as he looked around. One hand flicked a screen over his eyes as he sliced the inside of the wooden mouth. "I told you what would happen."


Olgoth's screams of pain prevented him from stating his opinion of his visitor.


The doctor leaped across the false room. One swipe of his wand opened a space to reach and pull out Olgoth's latest victim. The boy was in the middle of a scream when a slap quieted him down.


"Time for you to wake up," the doctor said, pointing the wand at the boy in the pajamas. Another touch of a button and the dreamer vanished.


"I'm going to make you pay for this, Dream," Olgoth said as zombies clamored to get inside the house. "I've had it with your two bit interference."


Dr. Dream pointed his wand at the slowly rampaging mob. Streaks of light erupted from the end. Two inch bubbles fell to the cloudy ground. Featureless things banged on the sides of the prison cells.


"Time to take your medicine," the doctor said, aiming his wand where he thought Olgoth's brain would be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Dr. Dream 2

Background Information: Dr. Grant Beame specialized in pediatrics, feeling that treating children was helping the future in some way. Beame was devoted to helping others, even spending more time at the children's ward than he could afford. He was on the verge of a breakdown when he encountered his toughest case ever.


Children were coming into Brenner's unable to sleep. They stayed awake screaming, scared to death. Some even died from this. If the hospital put them to sleep, they died in their sleep almost immediately. No one had an idea what to do.


If they stayed awake, they screamed until they died. If they were knocked out, the child died instantly.


It was like nothing Beame and his colleagues had ever seen before. They didn't have a course of treatment they felt could work. Something was attacking these kids while they were asleep. That was the consensus. They just couldn't figure out what. They kept them in quarantine and hoped something would turn up.


Dr. Beame, at the edge of collapse, fell asleep in the isolated children's ward. One second he was filling out charts, the next he was looking at some foggy blacked out city. Someone ran into him. Snatching that little person up, Dr. Beame recognized one of his patients that had been awake when he had been. They must have fallen asleep at the same time.


"You have to save me," the boy screamed. "He's coming for me. Please. Please do something."


A thing like a mechanical dragon emerged from an alley. It roared when it saw the two together. Dr. Beame pulled the child behind him, running from the dragon. He didn't know what was going on, but he needed a weapon to deal with that thing. He picked up a banner pole they passed as they ran. It wasn't much, but it was the best he could do at the moment.


He had an idea that if he died in his sleep, then he would die in the real world.


The steam dragon surprised the dreamers, smashing through a window in front of them. Dr. Beame didn't hesitate. He flung his makeshift spear into the eye of the beast before it could do anything more than open its mouth. A burst of steam escaped the smashed socket. Dr. Beame grabbed the pole and jammed it in as far as he could. The beast wailed, and thrashed around, shattering the walls of the buildings around it. Then it vanished in a puff of smoke.


"There are more of them," said the boy.


"There won't be," said the doctor, hefting his weapon. "This is a dream, and we run it, not them."


Dr. Beame has found he can enter the dream dimension in his sleep ever since, meeting the Sandman, building an armor and weapons to help fight the nightmares that want to destroy the sleeping.


As a Rover, Beame has worked on several cases with the others, but his specialized area of operations means he is more on his own in his home ground, and only needs to help the others in cases of some kind of sleep disorder.


Quote: "The doctor is operating."


Personality: Grant Beame has very little social life outside of work. He spends every working hour with patients, patients' relatives, other doctors. He most likely to grab food from the hospital diner, and sleep in a spare room off the pediatrics ward.


As Dr. Dream, Beame knows that he has very little time in the dream zone before his patient wakes up. That pushes him to hurry with his adventure before he is sent back to the real world. That makes his demeanor come across as impatient in the extreme.


Appearance: Beame is an ordinary looking man, thin, slightly balding. He usually wears scrubs since he is at the hospital more than he should be. When he does take a day off, he can be found wearing casual clothes.


In the dream zone, Beame is encased in green and silver armor, with a green and silver helmet that covers most of his head. A green cape hangs down from the shoulders to about mid thigh.


Powers: Dr. Dream has one real power: the ability to mentally enter the dream zone when he is asleep. Once in the dream zone, he can use his imagination to create the variable wand, and his armor, he uses to battle the dream wraiths that threaten dreamers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Dr. Dream

Real Name: Grant Beame

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Brown.

Place of Birth: Louisville, Kentucky

Date of Birth: 10/26/70

Height/Mass: 5'9", 185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

0 STR 10

15 DEX 15

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

10 INT 20

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

0 COM 10

PD 2

ED 4



END 40


OCV: 5 DCV: 5 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 6, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Duplication (350 pt character) 70 pts, 100% altered (+1), feedback (-1), original body is comatose (-1), no conscious control (-1)and Extradimensional movement to dream zone (25 points), usable as attack (+1/2) no conscious control (-1), only to move duplicate (-1). 47 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Medicine 13-

3 PS: Medicine 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Forensics 13-

3 KS: Pathology 13-

3 KS: Diseases 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Research 13-

1 Perk: Medical license

3 AK: Louisville 13-

3 AK: The Dream Zone 13-


3 Money well off (300,000 a year)

2 Reputation-Child Doctor 14-

16 Contact: Dr. Jonas Salk CDC.


100 Points Disadvantages

20 Protective of children

10 Hunted by the Bogeyman 11-

20 Code versus Killing

15 Secret Identity

35 DNPC: Hospital Pediatric Ward 11-


CHA Cost = 100

Total Powers Cost = 47

Total Skills Cost = 53

Total Cost = 200 __________________


Character Name: Dr. Dream

Real Name: Grant Beame

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Brown.

Place of Birth: Louisville, Kentucky

Date of Birth: 10/26/70Height/Mass: 5'9", 185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

15 DEX 15

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

10 INT 20

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

0 COM 10

PD 2

ED 4

30 SPD 5


END 40



OCV: 5 DCV: 5 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Dream Suit: Armor 15ed/15pd 45 pts (OIF -1/2) 30 pts

Dream Suit: Full Life Support 45 pts (OIF -1/2) 30 pts


Night Stick Wand 60 point Multipower (OAF -1) 30 pts

3u Entangle 6d6, 6 def, OAF -1

3u Energy Blast 12d6, OAF -1

3u Flash 12d6 OAF (-1)

2u Teleport 30", OAF (-1), only inside the Dream Zone (-1)


Imaginary 60 pt Variable power pool only to enhance own natural characteristics (-1) 30 pts


Arsenal of dreams 60 pt Variable power pool for gadgets OIF (-½) 40 pts


Lightning Reflexes +6 for all actions 9 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Medicine 13-

3 PS: Medicine 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Forensics 13-

3 KS: Pathology 13-

3 KS: Diseases 13-

3 Deduction 13-

1 Perk: Medical license

3 AK: Louisville 13-

3 AK: The Dream Zone 13-


4 Contact Sandman 8-


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Protective of children

10 Hunted by the Bogeyman 11-

20 Code versus Killing

15 Secret Identity

35 DNPC: Hospital Pediatric Ward 11

15 Hunted by Demon 8-

15 Physical Limitation: Can't exist when Dr. Beame is awake

10 Rivalry with the Sandman

10 Reputation: Meddler in Dreams 11-


CHA Cost = 100

Total Powers Cost = 180

Total Skills Cost = 70

Total Cost = 350_________________


Plot Hook 1) Trapped by a storm near Louisville, the characters begin having bad dreams. News of a similar thing combated by the local hospital gives them a clue to ask for help.


Plot Hook 2) One character finds himself lost in a surreal landscape after an accident. Someone has to go in and get him. None of the other characters has the necessary powers to do the rescue so they have to find someone who can.


Plot Hook 3) The world is having nightmares. Everything points to a disturbance in the dream zone reaching into the real world. Someone has to go in and fix the problem.


Character Notes: This character is based on the Simon and Kirby Sandman from the seventies. I don't know if I modeled the duplication right, but every time Dr. Beame falls asleep, he sends his other self to work in the dream zone. Well that's how it's supposed to work.


As a Rover, Beame has limited access since he is only active versus nightmares. His status is debated since he has only worked extensively with Tim Timmson.

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Re: The New Circle


Mr. Creature 1


Kenza Kim felt something move behind him. He turned, bringing his rifle up. He wanted to shoot, wanted to stop the feeling he was being followed. He just didn't have a target.


Kim had been a poacher for many years, crossing the border with his catches and staying ahead of the law. He specialized in rare animals, dead or alive. The problem was there was someone in the area who didn't like the trade he was engaged in.


This thing had already ran a few of Kim's colleagues into the ground. He had talked to one, a hunter named Mahdi. The man had talked about weird demon animals that attacked his camps in the night. Several other men had echoed the talk when he inquired why they had fled the field.


Kim didn't believe in monsters, but poachers quitting or getting hurt before they reach some kind of authority meant something. He was smart enough to realize that. He just didn't know what yet.


Kim checked his cart absently as he walked back down the trail. He had some pelts piled up under a disguise of fruit. He was crossing the border in a day. If his disguise failed, the penalty was severe.


The idea of having his hands chopped off made sure he had done the best he could to create a believable cover for the guards and forest rangers he might encounter on his trip.


On the other hand, Kim was deathly afraid of running into anything out here that might jeopardize his future profit making expeditions. He would rather lose one load and live to go back into the jungle than get caught, or killed.


A branch moved down the trail. Kim brought his rifle up, peering to get a better look at whatever was hiding in the foliage. He hoped it wasn't someone he had to kill. He had done that once or twice. He hated it no matter how necessary for his freedom it might be.


Two lambent eyes looked out through a hole in the low bushes. He could see the reflection of light from their green orbs. Might be another tiger to feed his family and run his estate for another few months. The poacher took aim, ready to fire if it charged. A tiger wouldn't give him a second chance.


A frog leaped on the trail. Kim knew something was wrong at once. The amphibian was red all over, as big as a plate, and smoked as it moved. The hunter froze, uncertain what to do. A thing like that explained why everyone else thought this part of the jungle was haunted by demons.


Then the frog belched flame at the poacher. The attack caught his shirt and arms on fire. He dropped the rifle and started beating his arms out to keep his burning at a minimum. Finally he dropped to the ground and shoved his arms into the dirt of the trail. A whimper escaped as he reckoned how much pain he would suffer when the shock wore off.


More frogs joined the first on the trail. They glared at Kim with empty eyes. He could see flame building up in their gullets. The poacher got to his feet, and started running. The hidden hides would have been a good sale, but you can't make money if demon frogs set you on fire.


The frogs watched Kim leave blankly. A man laughed quietly as he stepped out on the trail. Scales, fur, feathers, and at least one turtle shell made an outlandish costume that covered the newcomer from head to foot.


"Well done, my friends," he said, a smile conveyed by his voice. "I couldn't have frightened him so well on my own. I think you should be getting back to your natural habitats before he comes back with help to look for the unnatural creatures that burned him."


The head frog seemed to nod its bump of a head. Then it opened its mouth as far as it would go. Flame erupted into the air and vanished. Its followers did the same. A group of normal frogs looked at the man in the animal costume for a moment. Then they fled.

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Re: The New Circle



Background Information: The hero known as Mr. Creature was first noticed around the time that the British had taken control of India. Rumors persist of many before this one, and the line has stretched into modern times.


The current hero is Radu Singh.


Radu hails from a small village in Eastern India. His father taught him things about the surrounding jungle, about the villages, about animals. Occasionally the older Singh would vanish for a few days, returning a little worn, sometimes wounded.


Finally Radu learned his father's secret when the older man returned after one such foray into the jungle. He was told that the Singhs had been fighting for the jungles for a long time, trying to preserve the natural balance of things. The elder Singh had lost this particular battle.


Before he died, Radu's father handed over the suit the Singhs' had passed down from one generation to the next. He made Radu find something from an animal, the remains of a turtle shell in this case, and sew it into the already crowded suit as a patch for the bullet hole in it. This ritual adding on to the sacred vestments filled Radu with power.


Radu took his position as the next in line as Mr. Creature. As the protector of the wilderness, he has journeyed away from his home more than most of his predecessors, joining the loose network of heroes known as the Rovers, and clashing with both the Scarlet Moon and Demon over their plans to despoil the Earth.


Quote: "The panda is angry, my friend, very angry."


Personality: Radu takes his mission seriously as the protector of the jungles, but he is prone to play strange tricks on any he catches doing wrong. Poachers have been hounded for days with animal attacks, traps, and other things. Radu likes to let Nature take its course with only a small helping hand from him.


Appearance: Radu is a thin man, with brown hair and eyes. He usually dresses in shirts and pants woven from natural plants in the wilderness.


Mr. Creature is a thing consisting of different patches of animal skin, and feathers, and one turtle shell sown together in a suit of clothes. Even the hood over the head is of similar construction.


Powers: As Mr. Creature, Radu possesses any animal power that occurs in the wild. He can fly, tunnel, even swim like a fish. He can talk to and command any animal that he comes across. Lastly he can summon spirits of a type and pour them into normal animals to make something more.


These three powers combined allow Radu to sit back and act behind the scenes. He can go anywhere an animal can, even burrowing through concrete. Animals are natural spies, and commandoes, even without his prompting. With a human mind behind their efforts, sabotage becomes that much more effective. And when that isn't enough, he can boost their abilities with some spirit help. Nothing is scarier than squirrels armed with thunderbolts.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Mr. Creature

Real Name: Radu Singh

Nationality: Indian

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, brown

Place of Birth: Mongyai

Date of Birth: 12/6/86

Height/Mass: 5'8", 125 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

30 STR 25

60 DEX 30

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

8 INT 18

26 EGO 23

5 PRE 15

1 COM 12

PD 5

ED 4



END 40



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Animal Power 75 pt variable power pool (only animal powers -1/2) 50 pts


Animal Control 75 pt Multipower

2u Animal Telepathy: telepathy 10d6 50 pts,(animals only) no range(-1/2), communications only (-1/4), incantations throughout (-½). 22 pts

4u Animal Control: mind control 6d6, 30 pts,(animals only -1/2), AOE 6" radius, (+1 1/4) 45 pts

4u Spirit Animal Fusion: 5d6 Transform (75 pts) animals (-1/4) into animals with powers, no range (-½). 42 pts.


Cost Skills

3 KS: Zoology 12-

3 KS: Animals 12-

3 KS: Spirits 12-

3 KS: veterinarian 12-

3 animal handler 12-

3 stealth 15-

3 shadowing 15-

3 riding 15-

2 TF: riding animals

2 jungle survival 12-

2 navigation (land) 12-

3 ak: Indian wilderness 12-

3 ak: Chinese wilderness 12-

3 ak: Afghanistan wilderness 12-

3 ak: Russian wilderness 12-

3 ak: Thai wilderness 12-

3 ak: Asia 12-


150 Points Disadvantages

10 DF: mystic aura

15 Psych Lim: Protective of nature

20 Psych Lim: Needs to live up to reputation.

20 Secret Identity

10 Reputation: Immortal Defender of the jungle 11-

25 Hunted by the Scarlet Moon 11-

25 Hunted by Demon 11-

25 Hunted by Rogue's Gallery 11-


CHA Cost = 170

Total Powers Cost = 135

Total Skills Cost = 45

Total Cost = 350


Plot Hook 1) Strange animals are appearing all over the Asian wilderness areas. They seem to be attacking any human who happens into a defined patch of the region near the India/China border.


Plot Hook 2) Construction has begun in the jungles. The workers on site start having accidents. They blame the local wildlife for what's happening.


Plot Hook 3) Animals have begun to demonstrate unusual intelligence. Worse, they are leading revolutions against human civilization. Who can investigate this weird war?


GM's Note: Like all entries in the New Circle, this one is based on an existing hero, the B'wana Beast. Great white hunter finds mystical helmet and it gives him the power to control animals, even combine two different animals into one like winged elephants.


Like most of DC's d-list heroes, the original was killed and replaced by another trying to live up to his minor reputation some years ago in the pages of Animal Man. I don't know if that possessor of the helmet is even active.

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Re: The New Circle


Jahnni Djinn 1

He felt out of place walking the streets among the western clad pedestrians. His loose clothes marked him as coming from the desert to the big city. Some people moved out of his way, even though he smiled at them.


He loved people, projecting a reasonableness and sensibility to avert any confrontations.


His friend didn't like confrontations.


He had found something out in the desert. He had come to the city to figure out if it was true. He couldn't claim to be the smartest person around. But this should be such a simple task, any idiot could do it.


Jahnni knocked on the door to the building he had come to see. Luckily his friend knew nothing about distances and had carried him almost all the way before he had left. That didn't worry Jahnni.


His friend returned when he wanted. That was just his way.


Jahnni waited on the doorstep, listening to the door without thinking. It was too thick for him to hear anyone moving around. Maybe they hadn't heard him knocking on the heavy wood.


He knocked again, a little louder. He didn't want to be rude, but he wanted to talk to the man who lived in this house. He had heard things, and he wanted to make sure what he had heard was wrong.


Planting a bomb in the middle of a crowd was something he wanted to make sure he was wrong about before calling the authorities.


They tended to shoot without thinking, and Jahnni didn't want anyone hurt.


That was against his principles.


The door opened, revealing a thin man. He glared down at the man in the burnoose looking at him.


"What do you want?," said the man, hiding behind the door.


"My friend," said Jahnni. "I have come to ask a question. Are you really going to bomb a restaurant here in the city?"


"Who are you?," asked the man. "What are you talking about?"


"My friend," said Jahnni, holding up both hands. "The desert is alive with what you plan. I would appreciate it if you didn't kill anyone."


The thin man pointed a pistol at the stranger, looking up and down the street. No one seemed to be noticing the exchange between them. He had to kill him to keep their plan a secret. It was the only way.


"My friend," said Jahnni. "You don't want to do that."


"Why not?," said the thin man. The pistol in his hand didn't waver from Jahnni's face. The look on his face showed that he was prepared to kill to keep his secret.


"My other friend wouldn't like that," said Jahnni, pointing up with his thumb.


The thin man looked up. His jaw dropped. A red humanoid glared down at him from a cloud of smoke where his waist should be. The thing must be twenty feet tall. Yellow eyes frowned down at the Arabian.


"Put the gun down," said Jahnni. "I would like for you to think about whatever you're doing, and consider more peaceful means. Otherwise I will have to do things to prevent you from harming others. Neither one of us will like that."


"Someone must pay," said the thin man, slamming the door in the wanderer's face.


"My friend Ali," said Jahnni. "I must get inside and stop whatever he plans to do."


The vaporous apparition nodded, bringing a fist down on the building. The clay brick front exploded inward, leaving a gaping hole for the wanderer to hope through to get inside the square block house. The thin man had been going up some stairs. He had been driven to his face by the giant's blow.


Jahnni didn't pause. He ran to the stairs, kicking the pistol away from the thin man, dragging him back. Another man appeared with an AK-47. Jahnni ducked for cover as bullets started flying around the opened area.


"I would like a little help, Ali," Jahnni called, not sure if his ally heard him.


Water appeared in a horizontal rain, pushing through the hole in the wall. It blinded the man with the assault rifle, making him retreat up the stairs. Jahnni made sure the first man had been knocked out before rushing to the stairs. His cotton clothes dragged at him as he ran up after the other man.


He had to stop the man from doing anything rash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Jahnni Djinn 2

Background Information: Jahnni Djinn was born the son of nomads in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula. He maintained the small herd of animals for his clan, working as a shepherd and horse wrangler. It was an idyllic life for the youngster.


Jahnni's family wandered in search of water, and food. They camped close to what was known as the Haunted Village. It was a necessity at the time, but something they would have rather avoided. Only the shepherd boy enjoyed the prospect of camping in such a mysterious locale.


Jahnni explored the broken down houses as he watched his flock. He couldn't see any reason for the villagers to have fled. In fact, he found a ring buried under the dirt floor in one of the decrepit domiciles. It was shining gold, and fit his finger perfectly.


The trouble started after that.


A strange vaporous apparition began appearing around Jahnni. It went away when he asked it to do so, but mostly hung around him, glaring at anyone who came too close. It appeared and vanished almost whimsically. Occasionally it would do something to help Jahnni's family. The nomads named the apparition Ali when they were no longer terrified of it.


Jahnni began asking Ali for help, and it responded positively but silently. It did what he wanted, but never spoke, only smiled or frowned depending on the circumstances. Still the two of them became local legends, battling evil across the Middle East, even encountering the Iron Iman once.


Jahnni earned the name Jahnni Djinn after helping members of the Rovers defeat an extradimensional menace during a United Nations relief effort to the region. Some of the local fundamentalists believe that the simple shepherd is a devil, or consorts with devils thanks to his companion.


Jahnni believes that he has been given a gift to help his fellow man, whether to bring rain, or prevent harm. While he is based in the Mideast, he has traveled with the Rovers and on his own enough to think people are the same all over, and deserve help. As long as Ali appears, he will lend that hand.


Quote: "My friend Ali, and I, would like to pass please."


Personality: Jahnni is laid back, protective of others, and is always looking for the next horizon. He has a certain distrust for technology, but more for rigid attitudes. His role as a shepherd is extended to humanity at large.


Appearance: Jahnni dresses in the loose shirt, pants, boots, and head dress of a Beduin popularized by such movies as Lawrence of Arabia, and Hidalgo. He still wears his lucky ring on one hand.

Otherwise he could blend in with any Eastern community without drawing notice.


Powers: Jahnni's doesn't have any natural powers. He earned his fame by being able to ask his sometimes companion, Ali, to help him succeed at any given task. He has picked up numerous skills to reflect the amount of wandering he has done across that part of the world. Other than his command of Ali, he is not extraordinary in the least.


Character Name: Jhanni Djinn

Real Name: Jahnni Bin Mustafa

Nationality: Saudi Arabian

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Brown

Place of Birth: Arabian Desert

Date of Birth: 12/20/1986

Height/Mass: 5'9, 120 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

18 DEX 16

20 CON 20

32 BODY 26

8 INT 18

40 EGO 30

10 PRE 20

0 COM 10

PD 4

ED 4

20 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 5 DCV: 5 OECV: 10 DECV: 10

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Summon Ali: Summon specific 500 pt genie (+1), Slavishly loyal (+1), 12 continuing charges lasting one hour each (+1), Incantations (- 1/4), IIF ring (-1/4) 200 pts

Watched by above: 4d6 luck 20 pts

Cost Skills

3 survival desert 12-

3 KS: Shepherd 12-

3 Animal Handler 13-

2 TF: Riding animals

2 TF: automobiles

3 Combat driving 12-

3 Navigation: land 12-

3 stealth 12-


150 Points Disadvantages

5 DF: archaic clothing

30 Hunted by Demon 11-

15 Hunted by Terrorist Extremists 14-

20 Protective of people

15 Rivalry with Iron Iman

15 Master of Djinn 14-

20 Public Identity

20 Honorable

10 Dnpc: Sallah the archaeologist 8-


CHA Cost = 158

Total Powers Cost = 220

Total Skills Cost = 22

Total Cost = 400


Plot Hook 1) Two mighty djinn have erupted in a populated area. Their wild spells have caused chaos to the town/city/country. The players have been asked to go in and save the day.


Plot Hook 2) The players find a list and a lead to an artifact stealing group, possibly linked to Demon. One of the things mentioned on the list is Jahnni Djinn's ring.


Plot Hook 3) A castle builds itself in the desert overnight. Governments on all sides want an answer to the mystery.


GM's note-Jahnni Djinn is based on Johnny Thunder and Aladdin. Have fun with him.

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Re: The New Circle


The US Government, through NASA, invested a small amount of its budget into the exploration of space. This fueled the need for improvements, to make something better to help operations. That technology filtered down to the public, improving life on Earth a little.


Sometimes these grand experiments and fact finding missions go wrong. Sometimes a probe never made its mark, and simply vanished without a trace. Occasionally a mission would come back online without an explanation for the ground crew.


No one knew what to make of it until the Neptune Glider mission.


The Neptune Glider was supposed to fly to the edge of the solar system, and orbit around Neptune taking pictures much the same as similar Saturn and Jupiter missions. It reached its destination, and slid into its rotation. Then it had a systems crash.


Ground Control started panicking at the thought of their expensive observer floating dead in the water before it could send back data and pictures. No manned mission could reach it, there was no way to fix it from the ground. Writing it off seemed inevitable.


Then it turned itself back on for no apparent reason.


Pictures flowed back to NASA from the reactivated satellite. Careful examination showed a masked face peering at the camera lens the moment it came back on line. It wasn't in the next picture taken a moment later.


It was decided that the errant face was a natural reflection in the background that vanished when the satellite shifted in orbit. How else could you explain a man's face in only one picture?


NASA's analysts were wrong. Data from other probes placed in the solar system revealed someone was helping their projects along. Disasters were being averted by someone operating in the vacuum of space. They didn't know who, or what, could be saving their projects at the last minute.


Finally they caught a glimpse of the mystery man when the Rovers and Victory warded off a small fleet of raiders. He confronted the aliens and held them off until help could arrive. He vanished after the battle was over.


He has appeared several more times, helping out with space emergencies, and then vanishing. The media have got wind of this mysterious hero, naming him the Phantom ‘Naut.


The Naut has helped the Rovers since then, usually on space based missions. He is the loosest member of the loose knit team, operating beyond the atmosphere. Still he is in good standing with Mr. Thunder and the rest. He can be depended on to protect the world from menaces beyond the blue sky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Background Information: Scott Shepard had joined the space program as NASA tried to rebuild after several space invasion attempts averted by UNTIL, the Champions, the Rovers, The T-Men, and others. He had been rushed through training so he could be one of those sent to Mars to set up a listening outpost. The long days of training followed by the long flight to Mars didn't bother him in the slightest.


A long trip across space meant nothing when he spent every moment preparing for landing and setting up his equipment.


When Shepard touched down, his team started building their habitation and setting up their devices. The thrill of being the first colony on another planet was outweighed by the amount of hard work they had to undertake to get started. Their camp was ready after a few days, and they could start the real work.


That was before he was destroyed.


Shepard was prospecting miles away from the camp. He located what looked like a former water hole. He decided to explore the interior, believing that he would come back to map it later. At the bottom of the shallow cave, a jewel glinted in the weak sun.


Shepard touched the jewel without thinking. It took him apart in a flash of light. Extreme pain replaced everything else. When it was over, he found himself floating above the surface of the red planet, aware that he was invisible to anything that might be looking for him.


More astounding than that was the fact he was floating in the harsh atmosphere without protection, or need of any. He realized touching the gem must have worked the amazing change on him. He quickly learned to fly and headed back to the habitation to report his new situation.


The outpost had been destroyed by a large kinetic weapon of some sort. Shepard learned later that everyone had thought he had died in the strike with the rest of the crew. At the time, he just wanted to find out what had happened and deal with it, or them as the case may be.


Other heroes were awarded credit for stopping the first Musol Invasion, but the Phantom Naut was the first to respond to battle their advance in the system, checking them until help arrived to turn them back.


The Phantom Naut carried on his career, helping any who made it into space. The Rovers have worked with him the several times they needed to leave the atmosphere.


Quote: "I'm just a ghost lost in space."


Personality: The Phantom Naut's two defining characteristics are his interest in helping the space program succeed in their missions to learn more about the solar system and expand into space, and his silence over his background.


He typically appears when he learns there is trouble in space, acts to solve the problem, then vanishes without explaining himself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Appearance: The Phantom Naut, when he is seen, is often spotted wearing what looks like the tattered remains of a space suit. He uses a protective hood as a mask to hide his features.


Powers: Shepard has been empowered with a wide variety of abilities in his new role. He is able to live in space, fly, become invisible, and control various energies. He can hear radio waves as well.


Character Name: Phantom NautReal Name: Scott Shepard

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: brown/brown

Place of Birth: Key West, Florida

Date of Birth: 1/15/72

Height/Mass: 5'9", 185 pounds.


Cost Characteristic Value

20 STR 30

30 DEX 20

20 CON 20

28 BODY 24

11 INT 21

28 EGO 24

10 PRE 20

1 COM 12

PD 6

ED 4

20 SPD 5

REC 10

END 40



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Full Life Support 45 pts

Invisibility to sight group, no fringe 30 pts, only when not attacking (-½) 20 pts

Radio hearing/transmission 10 pts


Flight 60 pt multipower

6u Regular Flight 30" 60 pts

6u Megascale 10" Flight (1"= 10 million km, +2) 60 pts


Energy Powers 60 pt Multipower

6u Force Field 30 ed/30 pd 60 pt

6u Force Wall 12 ed/ 12 pd 60 pts

6u Power Beam 6d6 energy blast, variable advantage (+1) 60 pts

2u Tractor Beam 40 str telekinesis, only to push/pull (-½), affects whole object (-1/4) 22 pts


Cost Skills

3 Systems operation 13-

3 TF: spaceships, jets, cars

3 combat driving 13-

3 combat piloting 13-

3 electronics 13-

3 mechanics 13-

3 stealth 13-

3 navigation: space 13-

3 navigation: earth air space 13-

3 PS: astronaut 13-

3 KS: astronaut 13-

3 SS: physics 13-

3 SS: astronomy 13-

3 SS: geology 13-

3 AK: air force bases 13-

3 AK: solar system 13-

3 AK: Cape Canaveral 13-

3 Computer programming 13-


20 Universal Translator 13-

3 Bump of direction

15 combat sense 13-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Hunted by alien invaders 8-

20 hunted by Viper 11-

10 DF: Torn space suit

10 Reputation: Phantom astronaut 11-

15 Secret ID

15 Psych Lim: protective of space program

20 Code versus Killing

10 Watched by NASA 11-

20 DNPC: NASA space missions 14-

10 Rivalry with other space based heroes

5 Secret: supposedly dead astronaut


237 phantom experience


CHA Cost = 168

Total Powers Cost = 327

Total Skills Cost = 92

Total Cost = _587


Plot Hook 1) NASA has launched a new satellite to fly into the oort cloud and count comets. It's a long trip to the edge of the solar system. When the vehicle misses a check in, they turn to the PCs for help in locating their instrument.


Plot Hook 2) Instruments from around the world have noticed an increase in activity of some sort approaching Earth. Then a message is intercepted on a NASA radio frequency. The news is not good. Someone has to launch as a vanguard to stopping a fleet of invaders.


Plot Hook 3) NASA has decided to establish a base on one of Jupiter's moons. It will take years of planning, but it is hoped that eventually several bases will be built as stepping stones. The problem is someone is sabotaging the planning missions. Warnings have been heard over the radio system but no one is sure what to make of it.


GM's Note: This character is slightly based on Space Ghost. Hopefully he will be an okay addition to any space based adventure.


The only thing he is missing is the teen sidekicks, a phantom cruiser, and a base. Additional points can go to building one under Mars if the game master is so inclined.

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