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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle


Flying Fox-

"How long are we going to wait, Captain?" Lt. Marshal Marston chewed gum, wiping away sweat from under the brim of his helmet with the back of his gloved hand. "My guys can do this without any help."


"If you want to get your fellow police officers killed, go ahead." Captain Dobie Daniels unwrapped three peppermints and put them in his mouth. He was trying to quit smoking and this was his way of forgetting the need for a cigarette. "Otherwise we wait until we can get someone who can do some heavy lifting for us. So take five."


A streak of fire appeared above the scene. It dropped straight down, scattering armed men who didn't know if they should shoot or not. Metal plates scattered into rainbow dust to reveal a man dressed like an aviator from the past right down to the goggles and leather helmet. A bright red scarf settled as the cloud dispersed.


"Not him." Marston gave a look at his commanding officer. "He's a nut."


"Heavy lifting." Daniels pushed the peppermints between teeth and gum before adding one more. "We got a problem. Something knocked over the bank over there, grabbed one of the tellers, and took off underground. We need someone fast to go down there and follow it, hopefully get the girl back."


"No problem, gentlemen." The stranger smiled. "Just let me get ready."


The aviator walked over to the hole in the street. He concentrated. Pieces of loose concrete and asphalt came apart around him. Slowly the debris built into a ball of black metal. Then it rolled into the tunnel.


"That was the Flying Fox, Captain." Marston waved over a squad of armored men armed to the teeth and over to the hole. "I hope you didn't get that girl killed."


"I don't care about her as long as the monster is dead too." Daniels started walking over to the hole, making sure his revolver had six bullets in it. "Let's go."


"Back of the line, Captain." Marston nodded. Anchor ropes were secured to vehicles parked next to the hole. The SWAT team started down into the darkness. Light amplifying goggles covered their faces as they slowly descended the incline. Marston didn't want to catch up to the Fox. That was too dangerous. He just wanted to be in a position to grab the girl and run if they had the chance.


Down below them, a light streaked across the ruptured underground landscape. It rounded an invisible corner ahead and vanished. At least the Fox's strange machine was almost as quiet as the men following him on foot.


Only the light betrayed it.


Marston nodded to himself, glad they had hung back. A light like that would paint a target on the Fox. His men had a slight chance of going undetected while whatever was down there tried to deal with the metal ball. That might be all the edge they needed.


"Two man teams, watch out for your buddy." Marston whispered in the quiet air. It sounded like shouting to him. "Stay close to me, Captain. Leap frog."


The squad broke into pairs. One pair would descend behind cover, then the next pair. Marston and Daniels stayed at the back of the jogging force so the heavy firepower could be used without having to think about it. If anything came at them in the tunnel, they needed to be able to saw it apart before it became a serious threat.


Outraged roaring drifted to the SWAT team. Marston called a halt, ordering them to dig in. Broken rock jutting from the ground gave them cover against whatever was down there if it came up.


"It sounds like the Fox has introduced himself." Daniels braced his revolver on his pillar, pointing it down the tunnel. "Get ready for it."


"We'll close the tunnel here." Marston nodded to two of his men. They pulled off their packs to unload gray bricks wrapped in plastic. "It might give whatever it is a headache."


"This is the Flying Fox." The voice echoed up to them, drawing closer with every word. "Clear the tunnel ahead."


"Get off to the side." Marston crowded next to Daniels, blocking his goggles in case the Fox swung his spotlight on them. "Cover your faces."


Something roared by the team on a streak of light. It vanished through the hole in the street above before Marston could register what it was. The pressure dropped in the tunnel as it receded.


"Hurry with those explosives." Marston shouted at his men. "Get ready to fire."


"The Fox left us with the heavy lifting, Captain." Marston glared at Daniels as his men moved with urgency.


The sound of an engine roaring filled the tunnel again.


"No, he didn't." Daniels saw something bulky in the darkness below. "I should have gotten a bigger gun.


Character Name: Flying Fox

Real Name: William T. Fox

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Springfield, Ill.

Date of Birth: 2/23/73

Height/Mass: 5'8, 185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

51 DEX 27

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

8 INT 18

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

COM 10

PD 4

ED 4

23 SPD 6


END 40



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Armor (10 pd/10 ed) 30 pts must concentrate to activate (-½) OIHID (-1/4) Harms the environment when activated (-½) Needs Material to use (-½) 11 pts

Flight 20' 40 pts usable by 8 others (+1) linked to armor (-½) variable advantage (+1/2), variable disadvantage (-1/2) Gestures (-½) 27 pts

Teleport 1" 2 pts Usable by 8 others (+1) megascale (+1), linked to armor (-½) Extra time (-1/2) Must cross intervening space (-1/4) gestures (-½), Must be in the air (-½) 2 pts

Energy Blast 8d6 40 pts linked to armor (-½), gestures (-½) physical manifestations (-½) 16 pts

Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 45 pts linked to armor (-½) gestures (-½) Physical manifestations (-½) 18 pts

Radar 15 pts linked to armor (-½) 10 pts

Life Support Self contained breathing, all safe environments 19 pts Linked to armor (-½) 13 pts


Flying Fox's extras 30 pts + 15 pts VPP linked to armor (-½) 30 pts


Cost Skills

3 Combat piloting 14-

3 Combat driving 14-

6 TF: Wheeled vehicles, jets , planes, helicopters

2 Navigation: Air 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 System operations 12-

3 Tracking 12-

3 KS: Physics 12-

3 KS: Engineering 12-

3 PS: Engineering 12-

3 PS: Vehicle Design 12-

2 Survival 12-

3 Stealth 14-

40 + 5 levels with all combat

20 point Ferriman Institute Package

3 Bump of direction


150 Points Disadvantages

25 Watched by the Ferriman Institute 14-

15 Reputation: Speed Demon 14-

20 Psych Lim: Likes to go fast always

20 Subject to orders

10 DF: Speed Aura detectable with Vril detector

30 Hunted by Ferriman Institute's Rogues Gallery 14-

15 Watched by FAA 8-

15 Overconfident


CHA Cost = 167

Total Powers Cost = 127

Total Skills Cost = 106

Total Cost = _____400_____________

Background Information: William T. Fox has always had the ability to create vehicles out of thin air. His father was a trucker, and his mom worked a factory job making gears. They both said it felt like they were one with their machines, which made it easier to use them.


Unknown to the family, Roscoe and Billy Jean Fox had been exposed to a type of radiation and subliminal programming that allowed them to merge with machinery like it was part of their own bodies.


The Ferriman Institute discovered the Fox family after a routine sweep picked up Vril radiation in a minute quantity. After several interviews, and a demonstration of what Will could do, they hired them on to work for the Institute.


Will joined the Challenger program to help keep the world safe and to go really fast.


Quote: "Time to blow up this popsicle stand."


Personality: Will Fox likes to go wherever the action is as fast as possible. He has antagonized the FAA with his daredevil attitude. They don't like something blasting in a flight path without authorization. Free time is spent at a track, either watching the races, or borrowing a car to get in them.


Appearance: Will Fox is an ordinary looking guy who is either in jeans and shirt, or racing leathers in the Challenger colors.


Powers: Will has the ability to mentally build a vehicle around himself. He does this by stripping material around himself while he is concentrating on what the vehicle should be able to do.


Notes- This character is also a cheat. Log man had a call out for a game that unfortunately never started. My character is based off a character from S-cry-ed who builds vehicles around him from cars to jet boots. I had a slot set aside for Kazuma the Shell Bullet, but I used this character instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle



They came for Ken Carter in the middle of the night. He was worth two million dead to them. Of course they would have done the job for a lower amount. All they had to do was get inside and pull the trigger.


That part was child's play.


The alarm code had been provided. One of the pair had a lockpick gun. The probes entered the keyhole. A trigger pulled opened the lock. A step inside and a tapping cut the alarm off before it could sound. They entered the main foyer, small flashlights under the barrels of their pistols marking their progress.


The target was in his office at the back of the house. They knew this because that was the only room in the whole house that had been lit up. A brief conversation led to the decision to enter. Blinds were drawn over the windows. They would have to enter to make sure anyway, so they might as well do it from inside.


They paced the hall. Their information told them they had a few hours before the family came home. It should only take minutes to walk to the office and shoot the target and leave.


How hard could that be?


The flashlight beams led them to the back of the house. They paused at the office door. A silent conversation and the one on the left kicked the door in. Ken Carter turned at the sound, hands raised as if to fend off a blow. They shot twice. No one would hear the gunfire, but they only wanted two fatal wounds to keep blood to a minimum.


They picked up their spent cartridges. Time to leave without a trace. They headed for the front of the house to reset the alarm and lock the door behind them.


Their two million would come after the reading of the will.


A walk down the driveway, a climb over the shallow wall, and a street crossing got them to their car. They got in and drove off. They would need to wait before they could get their money.


And if the client didn't come through, there would be another death. One more murder wouldn't make much of a difference as far as the court was concerned. And you could only be executed once.


The passenger pressed buttons on a dummy cell phone. He waited for the other line to pick up.


"It's done. Throw the phone away." He ended the phone call, then broke the phone apart. The driver stopped by a public trash can in a shopping strip for him to throw it away. That would be one less piece of evidence for the prosecution.


The next thing to do was get rid of the gun barrels. Once they did that, the state could not prove they had the pieces, and could match the bullets from Carter to them. The most they could be charged with is owning a gun when they weren't supposed to have one.


Everything was going according to plan. All they had to do was sit tight. Once the police were done with their investigation, the spoils would be divided.


"How much did Mrs. Carter pay you?" The voice came from the back seat of the car. "Don't turn around. I would have to shoot you then."


"I don't know what you're talking about." The passenger thought about trying to reach his pistol and shooting through the seats at their unwanted guest.


"Carter knew you guys were after him when you missed the first time. He didn't know what exactly was going on. So he hired me. Everyone in America just saw you try to kill Carter. We rigged cameras up in his office and set the trap. I followed you out of the house, and have a camera going right now." The man in the back seat nudged the passenger's head with the barrel of his own pistol. "The only thing that matters now is do you cop a plea, or go down for attempted and conspiracy to commit. Your choice."


The men tossed their weapons in the back seat.


"Thank you." Blue lights lit up the white face mask with a blue target on it. "I think that's your ride."

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Decoy

Real Name: Frank Fortune

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: brown/brown

Place of Birth: Salem, Mass

Date of Birth: 9/16/1975

Height/Mass: 5'8", 175 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

33 DEX 21

20 CON 20

10 BODY 15

15 INT 25

20 EGO 20

PRE 10

COM 10

PD 3

ED 4

29 SPD 6


END 40



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

10 Super Disguise: Shapechange sight, touch, and hearing, any humanoid form, imitation (+10), OIF (supplies -1/2), extra time (5 minutes -2)


12 Bulletproof clothes: armor (12 PD) 18 pts OIF (-1/2)


Cost Skills

3 acting 11-

3 deduction 14-

2 WF: small arms

3 stealth 13-

2 navigation 14-

3 paramedics 14-

3 combat driving 13-

3 combat piloting 13-

5 TF: Wheeled vehicles, planes, boats, parachuting

3 disguise 14-

3 mimicry 14-

3 demolitions 14-

3 streetwise 11-

3 KS: The underworld 14-

3 AK: Salem, Mass 14-

3 AK: The United States 14-

3 AK: The world 14-

5 cramming

3 system operations 14-

3 survival 14-

3 KS: security systems 14-

3 lockpicking 13-

3 mechanics 14-

3 electronics 14-

3 research 14-

3 lightsleep

4 choke

3 legsweep

4 block

4 disarm

4 escape

3 grab

3 throw

4 nerve strike

5 offensive strike

25 + 5 with HTH combat

5 eidetic memory

9 lightning reflexes + 6

5 Wealth

27 danger sense

2 concealed weapon permit

2 private investigator license

7 Contact: Bennie the Rat 11-


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Fearless

20 The mercenary's code

15 Public Identity

10 Reputation: Master of Disguise 11-

20 DNPC: Mrs. Johnson, secretary 14-

10 DF: Scarred face

10 Hunted by Tim Marvin, the trap master assassin 8-

15 Physical Lim: Migraines

10 Vulnerable to Sonic Attacks

20 Enraged if Client is killed 14-/11-


CHA Cost = 132

Total Powers Cost = 22

Total Skills Cost = 189

Total Cost = ___350____


Background Information: Frank Fortune had a normal childhood, characterized by run-ins with the local bullies. He found that he didn't feel fear at these confrontations and wondered if there was something mentally wrong with him. In any case, Frank outgrew his neighborhood, taking to the stage to learn to act.


Frank found that he wasn't a star. Instead he could mimic others so he could use the adopted personas to lift his performance up. Essentially he became a man impersonating another man impersonating a third man. That could only work so far, but Frank's natural ability with disguises helped him along, allowing him to make a comfortable living.


That all changed when an arsonist decided to burn the theater down. The fire was a hit on the theater company and the building for the insurance. Frank acted to save as many people as he could. A piece of debris fell on his face leaving a long scar along his profile as he ushered people out of the death trap. The actor was taken to the hospital to recover. Depression set in as he was told his face would never look normal again by the doctors.


While in the hospital, Frank discovered that someone was trying to kill the patient across the hall. He intervened by switching places with the helpless man, using his disguise skills to hide the man as him in his room, and cover his own face with the other patient's. He tricked the killer into trying to kill him while he was supposedly helpless. The confused assassin was turned over to the police where he quickly gave up his employer.


Frank found he enjoyed the cat and mouse game with the hitman. He decided that he should switch careers. He undertook some training and set up an office that offered a unique bodyguard service.


That was the beginning of the Decoy Protective Service.


Quote: "Let me get rid of this mask."


Personality: Frank has adopted a buttoned down persona for conducting business. He takes the client's money and does whatever he can to find out who is trying to kill the client before he himself is killed.


Appearance: Frank always looked average before his accident. He tended to be able to blend in unless he was mimicking some other actor on the job. The side of his face bears a long, wide burn down one side. He uses his disguise skill to hide it when necessary.


Powers: Frank is an actor with some training in other parts of the business. He uses his knowledge to build masks he can wear to impersonate other people.


Plot Hook 1) A player has to protect his secret identity. He needs a stand-in for a public function. Naturally he hires someone to do the job while he arrives in his mask and costume. Hopefully everything goes as planned and no one found out the person under the mask didn't attend as such.


Plot Hook 2) Someone has been threatened with murder. He hires the Decoy Protective Service. The problem is heroes get involved and the situation grows out of control. And what happens when the client goes missing?


Plot Hook 3) The players need to know how to disguise themselves, or need someone to make a credible disguise for them. They turn to Frank Fortune for help and a bit of tutoring. Will the players need to take their master of disguise along to keep the illusion alive?


Notes: Frank Fortune is based on a detective called the Human Target. His shtick was based on impersonating people and trying to figure out who was trying to kill them before he got killed.

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Re: The New Circle


Water surged out of the ocean south of Japan. Something large started swimming for the island nation, sparking a flood of requests for help. The defense force and UNTIL scrambled planes to check out the approaching monster.


The planes tried to herd the thing back to the depths. Their best weapons merely caused the creature to swim for shore faster. Evacuation for Kyoto and Tokyo started but civilian deaths were estimated in the millions. Superhumans from around the world went on alert to at least try to reach the threatened country. The sea monster touched the shore, rearing out of the ocean.


Super Silver Astro Force Man punched it in the head as he leaped from the roof of a nearby building. The blow barely staggered the behemoth. The protector of the country readied himself for a long fight against the angered thing trying to get to the city proper.


A Man and the squid lizard squared off, trying to size each other up. Finally the monster lost patience and charged with talons extended on its paws. The silver shield threw the monster into the water as a delaying tactic.


Being thrown back into the ocean wouldn't stop that leviathan. A Man readied his next attack as he waited for the beast to return. He wondered where a giant lizard like that had come from.


The sea monster reared up. Both giants went down. A Man kicked out with his tremendous feet, hoping to encourage to go out to the sea. It seemed that the beast would rather not fight and get away from heavy lifting.


"Please turn and leave Japan's waters. We'll get your information later. Try to stay out of trouble."


The sea monster grabbed the hero's leg and dragged him under water. Bubbles marked their position for long minutes. Super Silver Astro Force Man burst into the open. He raised one arm and took off to space.


The battle was over for the moment.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Super Silver Astro Force Man

Real Name: Ken Himura

Nationality: Japanese

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Hazel

Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan

Date of Birth: 10/17/85

Height/Mass: 5'8", 125 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

33 DEX 21

24 CON 22

20 BODY 20

5 INT 15

10 EGO 15

PRE 10

COM 10

PD 4

ED 4

19 SPD 5


END 44



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Armor 20 pd/20 ed, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), extra time to start up (-3/4) 30 pts.


Giant elemental control 30 pts Linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 17 points

Growth 60 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 34 pts, 17 pts

Physical Strength 60 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4), can only use ten points of strength per ten points of growth. (-½) 26 pts, 9 pts

Density Increase 60 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4), can only use ten points of density increase per ten points of growth (-½) 26 pts. 9 pts

Flight 15" 30 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 17 pts

Ranged killing attack, 5d6 75 pts Linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 42 pts, 25 pts


16 pts Fast healing 2d6 20 pts reduced endurance (+1/2), persistent (+1/2), extra time (-1), self only (-1/2)

20 pts Find weakness all hand to hand attacks 11-

32pts Danger sense


Cost Skills

3 Combat piloting 14-

3 Combat driving 14-

5 TF: Fighters, Helicopters, wheeled vehicles

2 Navigation 12-

3 System operation 12-

3 AK: Japan 12-

3 AK: Tokyo 12-

3 KS: Monsters 12-

3 Streetwise 11-

2 Survival 12-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Lockpicking 14-

2 WF: small arms

3 KS: the Law 12-

2 police powers

3 Analyze monsters 12-

25 + 5 with hand to hand

10 Contact: Head of the Monster Squad 11-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Secret Identity

15 Reputation: Monster Hunter 14-

10 Rivalry with other monster hunters

15 Protective of people

20 Psych lim: hatred of monsters

10 DF: Silver Giant

25 Hunted by giant monsters and alien invaders 14-

15 Watched by the Japanese Government 14-

20 Subject to orders

5 Harmful secret: police impersonator


CHA Cost = 121

Total Powers Cost = 155

Total Skills Cost = 74

Total Cost = _____346____________


Background Information: Ken Himura acts like any other cop assigned to the special weapons unit of the Japanese Defense Force's Monster Attack Squad F. He plays cards, drinks a little, jumps through hoops to remain certified, and attacks any giant beast that wanders on the island nation from the Pacific.


Ken has two secrets that he keeps to himself. The lesser secret is that he isn't really Ken Himura. The real Himura was killed during an attack, and Ken took over for him, taking his place in the squad. He explained his problems with procedures and his new features with emergency surgery after the attack. So far only the head of the squad suspects that Ken is an imposter, but has decided to let it lie since Ken is obviously connected to Super Silver Astro Force Man in some way.


Ken's other secret is he is the giant defender of Japan.


Ken was fishing on the ocean when the attack that killed the real Himura took place. Something was there, trying to stop the rampage crossing the landscape. It broke apart under the strain of battle. Some of it pierced the fisherman in the heart, granting him power to finish the fight. Ken drove the monster off after several minutes of fighting. After the battle was done, he found the pilot from the JDF charred beyond recognition. He took the dog tags and buried the body before reinforcements could arrive. He had been wounded in his other identity and used that to conceal his face until he was released from the hospital and returned to active duty.


Every since he has been living his weird triple life.


Quote: "Take some of this, you (&*^(*&!"


Personality: Ken has done what he can to blend in with the other pilots and ground crew of the MASF. Unfortunately he is very protective of civilians and hates monsters. These two traits in his current job has put him on watch for being too brash in certain situations.


Appearance: Ken looks like a fairly young Asian with a small scar on his face that he claims is from plastic surgery. He typically dresses in uniforms for the squad, but he always seems to be too casual in how he wears them.


Powers: Ken is a fast healer and senses danger when he is just himself. When he calls on the power within, he becomes a super tall, super dense brick, that seems made of silver. He can fly and shoot beams of energy in this state.


Plot Hook 1) The monsters start attacking in bigger numbers. Ordinary criminals also cut loose at the same time. Japan's authorities are swamped. Will the players respond to the state of emergency?


Plot Hook 2) The players are faced with a trail of clues from crimes on their home turf that lead back to Tokyo. Have the powers of monsters been harnessed by Organized Crime?


Plot Hook 3) Super Silver Astro Force Men appear around the world. They request that the missing member of their party reveal himself. What happens if he doesn't or can't?


Notes: Naturally the base for this was the first Ultraman from my childhood.

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Re: The New Circle


Dr. Strangehold-

Dr. Dale Strangehold poured himself a cup of tea, reading the paper in his other hand. Some things jumped out at him. Eventually the police would be calling on him by the looks of things. Two of the articles were connected and strange even from the casual reading he was doing that evening.


Dr. Strangehold put the pot down and added sugar to his tea. He put the paper aside as he stirred the sugar into the hot water. He wondered briefly what was behind the lines of print that interested him.


The good doctor stood, taking cup and saucer to the window. He looked out on the quiet avenue below his small garret apartment. He had done some redecorating when he moved in to the drafty place. He owned the whole house, but mostly kept to his small rooms away from the ground.


He had given the rest of the house to his descendants as long as they didn't mind the occasional late night visit from people who needed his expertise in certain matters. It was a grudging arrangement but so far they had made it work despite some of the things that had happened already.


The doctor smiled. Someone had entered the cul-de-sac, and was headed on foot to his home. Finally someone would tell him what was going on.


Of course, the way this stranger moved, it probably wasn't someone he wanted to meet in a dark alley.


"I best make my examination of this personage in person." Strangehold put his cup down on the window sill, and hurried downstairs. This was one time he didn't want Timmy answering the door. Trouble soured the air.


Strangehold reached the front door with a flapping of his smoking jacket as the first ring of his doorbell floated through the house. He waved Timmy and Tooty back as he opened the door on his visitor. The man didn't seemed please to see the doctor. It was hard to tell because of the missing parts of his flesh on his face.


"Can I help you?" Dr. Strangehold frowned at the zombie. Obviously this was because of the stories he had read also. He could almost applaud a preemptive strike.


The zombie grabbed Strangehold's neck with both rotting hands. At least it didn't say anything with its foul breath already wafting on the air. The doctor grabbed the thumbs of his attacker in the hopes he could slow it down enough to work something out.


"I think that's enough of that." Strangehold gasped as he tried to force the hands from his throat. Hands on tendrils ripped from his back to seize the arms. The zombie's limbs came off with the crack of breaking wood.


"I think we have upset my grandchildren enough." Dr. Strangehold raised both of his regular hands above his head. Invisible waves collected there for a second. Then he brought the fire down on the armless monster. Flames lit up the threshold as the dead man walked backwards from the blow.


"What's going on now, Grandpa?" Timmy stepped out of his room with a baseball bat on his shoulder.


"I don't know, Timmy." Dr. Strangehold raised his two hands again. He brought them down decisively. The zombie exploded. "I plan to find out."


Strangehold looked down at his stained and ripped smoking jacket.


"As soon as I change, that is."


The doctor shut the door, turned and headed upstairs. The jacket went into a hamper next to his door. He would fix it when he had the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Dr. Strangehold

Real Name: Dale Strangehold

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown with gray, brown

Place of Birth: Vibora Bay

Date of Birth: 12/07/43

Height/Mass: 5'8", 140 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

33 DEX 21

32 CON 26

16 BODY 18

15 INT 25

30 EGO 25

10 PRE 20

COM 10

PD 4

ED 5

4 SPD 4


END 52



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Life Support: Aging 5 pts

Ectoplasmic Limbs: Extra Arms (4) 5 pts, 6" Stretching, only with extra arms (-½) 15 pts, 30 Strength, only with extra arms (-½) 15 pts


Hard Skin Shell: Armor (8 pd/ 8 ed) 24 pts


Magic 50 + 25 Variable Power Pool 75 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Monsters 14-

3 KS: The Magic World 14-

3 KS: History 14-

3 KS: Magic 14-

3 KS: Medicine 14-

3 PS: Medicine 14-

3 Forensics 14-

3 Paramedics 14-

3 AK: Vibora Bay 14-

3 AK: other dimensions 14-

3 AK: The World 14-

3 KS: Herbal remedies 14-

3 System Operations 14-

2 Navigation 14-

2 Survival 14-


1 License to practice medicine

17 Danger Sense


150 Points Disadvantages

20 DNPCs: Timmy and Tooty Tucker 11-

10 DF: Mystic Aura

20 Psych Lim: Monsters should be dealt with

10 Reputation: Delver into the unknown 11-

25 Hunted by Demon 11-

25 Hunted by the Sylvestris 11-

10 Rivalry with other mystics.

15 Public Identity

15 Code versus killing


CHA Cost = 150

Total Powers Cost = 139

Total Skills Cost = 61

Total Cost = ____350______________


Background Information: Dale Strangehold started as a country doctor on the edge of Vibora Bay. He found several artifacts, leading him to a natural ability to manipulate ectoplasm. He worked on this until it was second nature to armor his skin with a hard covering and creating extra arms to help with tasks around his small home.


Dale practiced with the ectoplasm, working out mechanics for magical type spells. Part of this was aided by the fact that ectoplasm reaches into the next world, forming bodies for various supernatural things. The good doctor had to exert his authority and rights to a better understanding of his abilities as he pressed on.


Dale gained immortality through constant sourcing of ectoplasm. With his extended lifespan, and reputation as a monster buster, he has turned to keeping the world around him a better place for those in need.


This has not sat well with Demon who have run afoul of the doctor, or the Sylvestris who have lost a family member or two. Both have deep seated grudges against this minor protector of the universe but generally ignore him unless he gets in the way of a current scheme.


Then they try to get rid of him before he damages their plot with his meddling.


Dale has learned that he has distant relatives and has invited the latest generation to live in his house as partial protection for them, and out of a sense of family obligation.


Quote: "I prescribe a loss of bodily fluids if this continues, young man."


Personality: Dr. Strangehold prefers to work quietly in the shadows, avoiding attention where possible. He takes his oath seriously even after centuries of taking care of the sick and injured. While he prefers not to harm humans, any monster or demon he comes across will be dealt with as finally as the doctor can bring to bear with his talents and knowledge.


Appearance: Dr. Strangehold has an average appearance but frequently dresses in clothes that were popular when the Revolutionary War was being fought. In a fight, his skin will take on a sea shell sheen and four arms will burst out from his back to protect him.


Powers: Dr. Strangehold is a minor magician who can summon ectoplasm to perform tasks such as carrying him through the air, opening dimensional rifts, and slipping through drains to evade a castle's defenses.


GM's Notes-Dr. Strangehold is based on a one shot character from Fairly Oddparents called Dr. Crocktopus. For those who don't know, it's a kid show where the hero has fairy godparents who grant wishes. One time he wished everyone had superpowers. One of his nemeses became a combination of Dr. Strange and Dr. Octopus with extra metal arms and weird fashion colors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle



The Atlantic gleamed in the hot sun, almost like stained glass than water. Dolphins played for a moment before breaking off and chasing dinner. The white luxury liner cast a bow wave on its way across the Caribbean, heading for the Bahamas and tourist traps among the islands.


In the distance, a cloud formed on the water. If it had been hurricane season, a massive storm would have been the suspect. Those who saw it put it down to a summer storm that sometimes plagued the region. Lightning seemed to agree with them.


The storm rushed toward the liner, causing some concern from the crew. The speed of contact seemed unworldly. Sharp eyes spotted a silhouette sailing with the oncoming rain. It looked like a sailing ship from some bygone era.


That caused some wonder. A sailing ship moving in front of a massive storm line could mean trouble for the relic if it was caught. Rain began lashing the decks of the liner, causing people to move inside away from the open.


When the sky cleared they could go back to enjoying the day.


One of the tourists waited until the bystanders moved away before approaching the railing in a long overcoat, holding an umbrella over her tightly bunned hair. She gazed down at the approaching vessel with a trace of anger in her eyes.


A man in a long coat stared up at the white behemoth from the deck of his wooden sailboat. He produced an old fashioned megaphone and held it to his lips.


"Ahoy." The man's accent was atrocious and missing some teeth. "Throw down your treasure, or the next place you're sailing is the bottom of the ocean."


The woman on deck frowned even more at the demand. Her umbrella spun in her gloved hand, casting rain around her in a circle.


"Push off, hoser." The woman leaned over the rail to shout down. "I'm trying to take a vacation."


The man with the megaphone looked around. The crew on deck looked back. Apparently no one had told them to take their leave with such venom before. Their next move required boarding if no one gave up easily. Grappling hooks ascended to the safety railing of the cruise ship. Boarders started up the lines, some already thinking of the gold and jewels that must be on board such a prize.


"I told you to push off." The woman walked to each line and severed the rope with a silver dagger from her coat. Some of the men had actually been able to ascend halfway before heading back to the ocean's surface.


"Don't make me come down there." The woman shook her fist at the pirate captain.


The captain began shouting orders to his crew. Men in the water suffered rescue as the wooden battleship tacked to keep up with the modern ship. Cannons poked out the side of the pirate galleon as charges were readied to be fired into the side of her prey.


The woman climbed over the railing and jumped down, holding her umbrella to catch the air. She floated down to the deck of the other ship. Pirates began drawing pistols and swords to deal with this threat.


"I would really like to enjoy the rest of my vacation." The woman held the rain away with her umbrella, other hand in her overcoat. "Please rob someone else today."


"Woman, we rob who we want when we want." The captain pointed his pistol at the intruder on his deck. "Be happy you're worthy of a ball."


The pistol's hammer dropped. A cloud of smoke trailed behind a round projectile. The umbrella dipped in the way. The sphere hit and bounced to the deck. The captain stared at it.


"I'm worthy of a great many things." The woman folded her umbrella, strapping it closed. "You have really made me unhappy right now."


The captain drew his sword. One stab from the poisoned blade and this strange mortal would turn to stone. No one had ever bested him with a blade.


The two met at the stern, umbrella and sword sweeping the air in short arcs. The captain tried to close so he could plink a hand, or shoulder with his sword. The unconventional weapon met his attempts with swift raps on his arms as he tried to move in past her guard. Finally he grabbed the end of the umbrella so he could stab over it.


The vanes opened in front of his face in a shielding move. The umbrella's point stabbed into the captain's chest, pushing him backward. His legs hit the railing that bounded the stern. He fell overboard into the ocean.


The crew stopped what they were doing, shocked by what had just happened.


"I'm your captain now." The woman blocked the storm again with her umbrella. "You will sail to Innsmouth and wait on me. Am I clear?"


"I don't think we can wait in one place, ma'am." A one eyed pirate with most of his teeth missing doffed his hat at the new captain's glare.


"Then you will sail around in a circle until I return home." The woman stepped to the rail of the wooden ship. "I am going to finish my vacation. I will see you when I am done."


The wind caught her umbrella and carried the Hexbreaker toward the fleeing liner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Hexbreaker

Real Name: Katrina Possilovich

Nationality: Russian

Hair/Eye Color: Red/Hazel

Place of Birth: Siberia

Date of Birth: 1/6/1880

Height/Mass: 5'8"/ 125 pounds.


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

24 DEX 18

30 CON 25

16 BODY 18

11 INT 21

30 EGO 25

8 PRE 18

2 COM 14

PD 3

ED 5

2 SPD 3


END 50



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

5 Life Support: Immortality

3 Analyze Curses 13-

25 5d6 Luck


Cursebreaking 60 pt multipower (gestures -1/2, concentration-1/2, extra time -3/4, OAF -1) 16 pts

2u Cursebreaking: 4d6 major transform 60 pts, (limited target cursed items -1, gestures -1/2, concentration-1/2, extra time -3/4, OAF -1) 16 pts

1u Cursebreaking II: 10d6 Dispel magic 30 pts (Cumulative +1/2, gestures -1/2, concentration-1/2, extra time -3/4, OAF -1) 12 pts


Bag of Tricks 50+ 25 Multipower, OAF (-1, Weapons of Opportunity) 62 pts


Cost Skills

6 + 3 Levels with powers

3 WF: Swords, pistols, rifles

3 KS: The Magic World 13-

3 KS: Curses 13-

3 KS: Magic Spells and Potions 13-

2 Navigation 13-

2 Survival 13-

3 AK: Siberia 13-

3 AK: Russia 13-

3 AK: Innsmouth 13-

3 AK: The world 13-

3 AK: Other Dimensions 13-

3 KS: History 13-

3 KS: Secret Histories 13-

3 TF: cars, carts, sailboats

3 Riding 12-

2 Animal Handler 12-

3 Climbing 12-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Combat Driving 12-


27 Danger Sense

20 Universal Translator

1 Passport


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Psych Lim: Bad tempered

10 Psych Lim: Vengeful

10 Reputation: Specialist in stopping curses 11-

10 Rivalry with other mages

30 Hunted by Demon 11-

30 Hunted by the Scarlet Moon 11-

15 Watched by the Council 8-

10 DF: Mystic Aura

20 Public Identity


CHA Cost = 128

Total Powers Cost = 114

Total Skills Cost = 108

Total Cost = ________350__________

Background Information: Katrina Possilovich was born in Siberia in the middle of winter. She should have died since there wasn't enough food to go around for the village where she was born. Instead the village began to prosper, to grow around her. Unfortunately, the site became the last battlefield for the last Archmage and was destroyed.


Katrina fled the scene, helped by the explosion that had consumed the area. It covered her tracks almost completely. She wandered Russia for a while until the Great Revolution. While she wasn't a monarchist, the new regime had no use for any who seemed to be different. She escaped a bullet and crossed the border, heading south.


Katrina visited many of the countries of the world. She crossed paths with some of the mystics of the day. She found that she had a talent for two things. She could break hexes with the proper keys. The second was that she could take ordinary objects and use them as powers.


The witch settled in Innsmouth, Massachusetts, after traveling through Europe, across the Atlantic, and through various other countries. She set up a small business as a palm reader, but her reputation has drawn people with extraordinary problems to her door. Frequently she can be found curing a werewolf, helping a ghost, or exorcizing a possession from demonic control.


Naturally other forces see Katrina's hex breaking as a threat and want to deal with her as lethally as possible. Unfortunately this has led to several battles that have attracted the attention of other superhumans in the area, public exposure of resources, and the loss of specialized personnel.


And it has made Katrina angry.


Quote: "Money first. Then we talk about a cure."


Personality: Katrina has two defining traits. She is bad tempered, and frequently sees the world as intruding on her personal space.


The other is that she is vengeful for any slight. This has led to some weird things in Innsmouth, as well as minions of Demon being caught in embarrassing ways.


Appearance: Katrina is an attractive red head who has retained the plain clothing she grew up with in Siberia. She wears a colorful bandana to cover her hair, and frequently carries an umbrella.


Powers: Katrina's main ability is to transform people back to normal, or disperse any spell on them, with the proper time and equipment.


Her secondary power allows her to transform common objects into magical instruments.


Plot Hook 1) One of the heroes has been changed into a frog by some kind of magical effect. Time to call an expert and try to reverse things.


Plot Hook 2) First it was one banker turning into a bank robber, then a couple on a killing spree, then a gardener turned bomber. Can a fountain pen be behind the carnage? How do the heroes stop it for good?


Plot Hook 3) The Bermuda Triangle has started to swallow more ships than ever before. The heroes have been asked to deal with it. Luckily they know a mage they can hire to dispel the effects while they investigate the cause.


GM's Notes: The original heroine Hexbreaker was based on was the Scarlet Witch, the mutant that learned magic, then became a world shaking power.

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Re: The New Circle


"This is Jimmy Duggan reporting from the scene of a building collapse on 42th street. Earlier a crane smashed into this high rise, destroying several support columns. Part of the structure started to fall on the street, injuring several pedestrians.


"As the rest of the building threatened to fall on the street, the city's invisible protector, Ghost Girl, arrived on the scene. Thanks to her efforts, residents not hurt in the initial damage, and people on the street were able to get clear of the falling rubble.


"Even now she has entered the damaged building to search for survivors. Reports of people being carried out by invisible hands support this even though no one has been able to see her in action."


Duggan looked over his shoulder. A piece of a brick cornice exploded behind him. Luckily he ducked, covering head and face. The camera wasn't so lucky, taking a piece of stone in the hard plastic eye.


"Do you think we got enough, Jimmy?" Abe Rothstein shook his head as he looked his camera over.


"I hope so." Jimmy looked up at the devastation. "Let's move back out of here. Sooner or later, the rest of that is coming down. We don't want to be around when that happens."


"No argument here." Abe started packing his gear, placing the damaged camera on top. "We're already too close for my comfort."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Character Name: Ghost Girl

Real Name: Renee Raine

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Blond, Blue

Place of Birth: Central City, New Jersey

Date of Birth: 1/17/1986

Height/Mass: 5'6, 125 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

2 STR 12

42 DEX 24

16 CON 18

0 BODY 10

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

7 COM 24

PD 2

ED 3

6 SPD 4


END 36



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Invisibility, no fringe, 30 pts. OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts

Desolidification 40 pts Str affects real world (+1), OIHID (-1/4), Linked to Invisibility (-1/4) 53 pts


Invisible Protector 120 pt Multipower, OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4) 80 pts

5u Force Wall (12pd/12ed) 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4) 48 pts

3u Leaping + 60" 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to invisibility, (-1/4) physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts

3u Running + 30" 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to invisibility (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts

3u 12d6 Energy Blast 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts

3u Telekinesis 40 str, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts

1u Life Support: Self Contained Breathing 10 pts, OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4). 6 pts


Cost Skills

3 Acting 13-

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

1 TF: Automobiles

3 AK: New York 12-

3 AK: Major Cities of the World 12-

3 Disguise 12-

3 KS: Photography 12-

3 KS: Modeling agencies and Models 12-

3 High Society 13-

3 Seduction 13-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Wealth

1 Passport

20 + 5 with powers


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Secret Identity

10 Reputation: Invisible protector of New York 11-

20 Code versus Killing

20 Protective of New York

25 Hunted By Viper 11-

5 Watched By the Media 8-

20 Accidental Change (at extreme danger 14-)

15 DNPC: Carter Dupree, Manager 11-

10 DF: Model

10 Rivalry with other models


CHA Cost = 108

Total Powers Cost = 175

Total Skills Cost = 67

Total Cost = ______350____________



Background Information: Renee Raine has been a child actor, pageant winner, and model since she could walk and land gigs. Her face has graced the covers of magazines and televisions everywhere. That's the public face that she cultivates for the paparazzi.


Her other face is kept hidden from everyone. Whenever danger threatens, she becomes invisible and gains physical powers based on manipulating energy into solid constructs. She has built her reputation as a superhuman protector and a supposed supernatural entity.


Renee credits her powers to a storm in New York, while she was on a photoshoot at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Lightning struck around the island as the rain poured down. She thought she saw a face in the clouds above. She could have been wrong.


Renee became invisible for the first time when the boat ferrying them to the mainland began to sink. She rescued the crew while keeping silent. She didn't want anyone to know what happened to her.


After that, Renee came up with a costume to wear when invisible with a mask. She was aware that some cameras could take a picture of heat sources. She didn't want that to happen to her while she was trying to rescue someone. Blackmail would have a disastrous effect on her career.


Renee tries to keep her two lives separate as much as possible. She models and acts as much as possible in New York, and avoids using her powers in a public display in other parts of the countries.


Quote: "..."


Personality: Renee is a personable, friendly person. She treats her coworkers as family for the most part. Sometimes she has to exhibit some tough love for friends much to her chagrin.


Ghost Girl has to move fast and silently when her powers are triggered. She doesn't know how long her powers will last once they are activated. She tends to try to move directly to the source of whatever danger appears and take care of it.


Appearance: Renee is an example of supermodel, clad in sensible clothes when off duty and not on a shoot, or stage.


Ghost Girl wears a full face mask, a jacket and jeans.


Powers: Ghost Girl is invisible and intangible when danger threatens. She can project energy to provide force walls, bridges, slides, lifting hands, and flying fists.


Plot Hook 1) An invisible presence starts haunting the local team. Does the invisible protector need help becoming solid, or is there a bigger danger that no one knows about? Why doesn't she talk?


Plot Hook 2) Emergencies are being answered by some invisible creature. The heroes are suffering an ego battering. Do they try to exorcize this unwanted competition, or try to add this new heroine to their line up.


Plot Hook 3) Dozens of people vanish all over the country. They reappear after a few moments. Is this a sign of terrible danger from above, a random effect from an experiment gone bad.


GM's note- The invisible girl was the basis of this heroine.

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Re: The New Circle



A blazing light cut across the sky. It headed across the midwest like a blazing comet. When it reached the Rockies, it cruised through the mountains as if looking for something. It hovered above a rescue party camped out for the night.


The light descended, becoming a man dressed in orange and red, half mask concealing his features. Sparks rested where eyes should be. He looked around the camp, pouring a small amount of light out as if reflecting the fire the rescuers had built as they settled in for the night.


"You guys sent out a message you wanted to see me." The newcomer looked around for anyone to come forward. "What's going on?"


"I don't believe it." One of the men, a ranger on the edge of retirement, came out of one of the tents. "I thought you were a comic book character."


"I am." The blazing man smiled slightly. "Why did you send out the signal? What's going on?"


"I don't know about a signal." The ranger shrugged. "We had an avalanche. We have been looking for a party of hikers that were supposed to be touring the valley ahead. So far we haven't been able to get to them."


"Let me have a couple of flashlights." The blazing man held out his hands. "Maybe I can find them."


Small searchlights came from supplies as the rangers looked at this stranger, wondering what he could do other than fly. Only the old captain seemed unsurprised at the request. Maybe he had read about the trick before.


"There might be some flooding." The blazing man took flight, hovering for a second. "You might need to move camp as fast as you can."


The comet headed up the mountain, vanishing in the darkness.


"Who was that?" A younger member of the search party asked the captain as he watched the light disappear in the distance.


"If I told you that guy looked like a comic book guy from when I was a kid, would you believe it?" The captain went to his tent and began to tear it down.


"I guess so since he's flying around like a firefly." The younger man started helping with the tent. "Do you think he can melt a mountain of snow?"


"I don't know." The captain waved at the other rangers. "If he can find them and bring them down, we'll still have to move out. I doubt they will be in good enough shape to get down to the nearest tower on their own."


An explosion of light punctuated the words. The captain looked up at the mountain, glad there was not a rumbling or other signs of another avalanche. He did wonder about what kind of signal could call a comic book hero to life.


Maybe there was some hope for the hikers after all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Cometeer

Real Name: Harrison Burrell

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington

Date of Birth: 2/7/1985

Height/Mass: 5'8"/120 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

10 BODY 15

8 INT 18

18 EGO 19

6 PRE 16

0 COM 10

PD 3

ED 4

6 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 4 DECV: 4

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)


The Signal: Detect Emergencies 3 pts, Megascale (+1 1/4) no conscious control (-2) 2 pts


Comet Endurance: End Reserve for multipower, 100 end, 10 rec 20 pts, powered by light (-1/4) 16 pts


Comet Skin: Armor (10 pd/ 10 ed) 30 pts OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts


Cometeer 120 pt multipower OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 80 pts

3u Combat Flight: Flight 30", 60 pts Visible (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 34 pts

1u Full Speed Flight: Teleportation 1", 2 pts, Megascale (+1), must cross intervening space (-1/4), not through solid objects (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 1 pt

4u Comet Burning: Energy Blast 12d6, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 40 pts

4u Comet Explosion: Ranged Killing Attack 4d6, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 40 pts

4u Comet Flash: Flash 12d6, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 40


Beam of Light: Desolidification 40 pts, only in flight (-1/2), only through transparent objects (-1/2), does not protect against damage (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) linked to Armor (-1/4) 13 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Writer 12-

3 PS: Writer 12-

3 KS: Sciences 12-

3 Research 12-

3 Conversation 12-

3 Interrogation 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Systems Operation 12-

3 AK: Pacific Northwest 12-

3 KS: Current Events 12-

3 KS: Technology leaders 12-

1 TF: automobiles

2 Navigation 12-

2 Survival 12-

3 KS: The Cometeer's Comic Book Career 12-

1 press pass

25 + 5 levels with Comet powers

11 Contact: Eisner the editor 11-

3 Bump of direction


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Psych Lim: Has to answer the signal

20 Psych Lim: Code vs Killing

10 Reputation: Comic book character come to life 11-

25 Accidental Change when the signal sounds.

25 Accidental Change when the end reserve runs out.

25 Hunted by Demon 11-

25 Hunted by Viper 11-


CHA Cost = 118

Total Powers Cost = 151

Total Skills Cost = 81

Total Cost = ____350______________

Background Information: The Cometeer was created in the real world when reporter Harry Burrell was caught in a storm at the top of Mt. Rainier. Burrell was observing the use of equipment to analyze the volcano for his paper, trying to determine if the mountain would ever fire again. One of the devices, an experimental particle accelerator, misfired. The beam struck Burrell. He was rushed to the closest hospital, near death.


Burrell struggled to recover, lapsing in and out of delirium. In one lucid moment, his eyes fell on a revision of the Cometeer character being read by another patient. His mind latched on to that image. Caught under powerful examination room lights, he vanished between bed checks.


Burrell floated high above the city, hearing a beeping. He followed the sound with rocket like speed. A motorist had broken down on a railroad tracks in front of a train. It was a moment's work to push the car out of the way before the train crushed it.


Burrell thought that he had used up his new power with that dramatic rescue.


He returned to the hospital, checked out, went back to work. Days later, he heard the signal and found that his body charged up to track it down without his urging. Only after using up his energy, did the reporter return to normal.


Burrell got an outfit together to resemble the original costume of the Cometeer and started his superheroic career.


Quote: "I heard the signal. I came as fast as I could."


Personality: Harry Burrell likes writing, likes to look at things and find out how they work. As the Cometeer, he tries to figure out what caused the signal to summon him, and do what he can to shut it down. This gives him the appearance of being in a rush sometimes in his civilian identity since the signal can sound from anywhere in the world and won't quit until the danger has passed whether he answers it, or not. Harry prefers to answer it because once he is doing something, it quits that much faster.


Appearance: Harry Burrell is an average looking guy given to suits. The Cometeer wears a bright yellow costume consisting of pirate boots, breeches, a loose shirt, and a visor that covers most of his face and head.


Powers: The Cometeer is able to fly at great speeds and fire energy beams of light.


Plot Hook 1) The Cometeer has intrigued scientists with the suggestion that he comes from a comic book. One has decided that he has created a device to test that theory. What happens if he succeeds?


Plot Hook 2) The Cometeer is struck by an experimental ray during a rescue. His body begins to absorb light at an astonishing rate. His very presence begins to eclipse the sky. Can the heroes help him?


Plot Hook 3) One of the Cometeer's old enemies appears and demands his presence. He even takes hostages to enforce his demands. The Cometeer is nowhere to be found.


GM's Notes- The Cometeer was based on the Ray, created by the Eisner group for Quality Comics and subsequently a Freedom Fighter from Earth X for DC Comics.

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Re: The New Circle


Yami the Summoner

"I'd like to thank you all for coming to the show." Yami the Summoner spread his arms wide to include all of the audience. "I only have one last act of magic to show you before the show ends."


Yami the Summoner stood in the middle of the stage. His assistants spread to the sides, resembling beautiful birds in their colorful costumes. He brought his hands slowly together. Light danced around him. When the sparks vanished, a dragon remained, towering above the outdoor arena. It breathed flames in the air before it carried the magician away in a claw.


Flowers rained down on the audience as the dragon vanished into the night sky. Cheers and clapping followed the surprise at the sudden exit and the strangeness with which it was done. Of course none believed that a real dragon had appeared to carry the magician away to his next port of call.


The audience got to their feet and filed from the stadium, talking about the small miracles they had seen. The assistants watched them go before they began packing up the more mundane equipment. They knew how those tricks worked but none knew how Yami created the illusion of soaring away on wings of flame.


Roadies appeared to help pack the illusions away for travel to the next city. Every year they toured, and every year the venue got bigger and bigger. That meant turnover among the help was high at the best of times. And then there were the things that seemed to happen in the places where Yami performed. No one could explain that.


Yami only made some flip comment about marsh gases and the light of Venus reflecting off a mirrored surface somewhere.


Eventually the show had everything arranged on the tractor trailer they used for transport. The assistants had their bus to use to clean up and get some rest for the next show. They all knew their boss would be waiting on them to arrive with nothing more than he flew the distance.


For all they knew, maybe that's exactly what he did to get there first.

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Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Yami the Summoner

Real Name: John Sakamura

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Las Vegas

Date of Birth: 2/12/1980

Height/Mass: 5'5" 125 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

30 DEX 20

20 CON 20

16 BODY 18

8 INT 18

30 EGO 25

15 PRE 25

3 COM 16

PD 3

ED 4

10 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Summon Monsters and spells 190 Multipower OAF (deck of cards -1) 95 pts

6u Summon any 4 175 pt monsters 45 pts (+1/2), Devoted (+1) 113 pts OAF (deck of cards -1) 56 pts

8u Summon any devoted 375 bigger monster 75 pts, (+1 1/2), 188 pts must summon and dispel lesser monsters first to create this monster (-1/2), OAF (deck of cards -1) 75 pts

3u Force wall (12pd/ 12 ed) 60 pts, Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 30 pts

3u Energy Blast 12d6 60 pts, Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 30 pts

3u Transfer 4d6 body of target to monster 60 pts, Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 30 pts

3u Ranged Killing Attack 4D6 60 pts Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 30 pts

3u Entangle 6d6, 6 defense, 60 pts Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 30 pts

3u Teleport 10" 20 pts Usable as attack (+1), ranged (+1/2), Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 25 pts

3u Extradimensional Movement to monster dimension 20 pts, usable as attack (+1), ranged (+½) Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 25 pts

3u Dispel 13d6 Summons 39 pts, Cumulative (+1/2)Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 29 pts

3u Dispel 15d6 Magic 45 pts, Any one power at a time (+1/4) 56 pts, Has no control which power will activate -1, OAF (deck of cards -1) 28 pts


9 Life Support: Extended breathing, longevity

Cost Skills

3 Sleight of hand 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Electronics 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Demolitions 12-

3 Systems Operations 12-

3 Contortionist 13-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Oratory 14-

4 Wealth

3 Riding 13-

3 Absolute Time Sense

1 Passport

3 KS: Magic World 12-

3 KS: Magic 12-

3 KS: Monsters 12-

3 KS: Stage Magic 12-

3 PS: Stage Magic 12-

3 KS: History of Magic 12-

3 AK: The World 12-

3 AK: Las Vegas 12-

3 AK: Other Dimensions 12-


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Psych Lim: Duelist's Code

20 Gunslinger Mentality

30 Hunted by Demon 11-

20 Hunted by other summoners 11-

25 DNPC: The Yami the Summoner Stage show 11-

10 Reputation: Stage Magician 11-

15 Public Identity

10 DF: Mystic Aura


CHA Cost = 137

Total Powers Cost = 145

Total Skills Cost = 68

Total Cost = _____350_____________

Background Information: John Sakamura grew up in the urban sprawl that was Las Vegas. His grandfather ran a magic shop, selling minor tricks, running some sideshows on his own. John learned to assist from an early age. He dreamed of the day that his name would be added to the neon lights that marked the marquees of the Strip and its tourist trap hotels.


As part of his training, John learned the history of the craft. He went over every trick ever performed, every legend of a magician, how to work the illusions. Every piece of knowledge pointed him further down the road to success.


As John and his grandfather went over a new trick they were going to try out, a young man entered the shop and challenged the old man to a duel. Mr. Sakamura asked for time to prepare, but the challenger attacked before the other could move.


John grabbed a trick sword as a winged dragon erupted in the middle of the shop. He tried to defend his grandfather from the fiery blast that set the store on fire. A watery rain washed the fire out. John watched avidly as the two dragons fought. Finally the water dragon struck and blasted the young duelist out on the street. The fire dragon turned and carried its master off.


Mr. Sakamura explained that a fighting underground existed and many people took to it to win glory and fame as monster duelists. He had not wanted to show John the pieces of true magic that he knew but it appeared that inevitably he would have to deal with other duelists wanting to battle the old magician. It was better that he knew enough to defend himself than nothing at all.


John took to this training, learning everything he could. He summoned his first monster within a year. After that, he worked and worked to improve. Along the way he used his summoning ability to create a show, and land his first gig as Yami the Summoner.


He has also dealt with various enemies who see him as an obstacle in their path to master magician status, and Demon who use summoning for corrupt ends.


Quote: "Face the power of the Gizmo Gyro."


Personality: John tries to maintain his stage persona while performing, but has no problem dueling any other summoner at any time, any place. He also tries to live up to the code of his grandfather, which means he will keep his word, give quarter, and only fight if he has to do so.


Appearance: Yami the Summoner usually wears a performing tuxedo with a rose in the lapel, hair slicked back, and a ring he won off someone. He manipulates a deck of cards out of habit, and carries one around everywhere he goes.


Powers: Yami the Summoner can summon four minor monsters, then use them to summon one big monster. His spells work through the cards he pulls off the top of the deck when dueling. He never looks at the card, just tries to use the random effects to his advantage.


Plot Hook 1) Sightings of various monsters pepper the town. Yami the Summoner has been seen at some of these battle sites. Can the heroes put a stop to the battles before someone is hurt?


Plot Hook 2) Yami the Summoner is taken through a rift from a show by gigantic hands. Other magicians appear to have also been kidnaped. A messenger arrives from Yami with a request for help. Is it a trap, or the only chance the magicians have?


Plot Hook 3) Yami the Summoner is reputed to be able to travel across time and space. When the heroes have need of such talents, will he be able to help them?


GM's Notes: Yami is based on the Yugioh franchise where duelists battle with spirits turned to monsters.

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Re: The New Circle


The Ranger-

He pulled back the string attached to his bow. His target sat a table, drinking something. The target was worth a chunk of change either dead or alive. He released the arrow, letting it fly across the intervening space. His prey sat with three other men, and he wanted to scare them off so they wouldn't try to look around to see who had shot one of them with an arrow.


The missile pinned the target's hand to an umbrella shaft sticking out of the café table. He screamed as the blood poured out of his hand. His three companions jumped to their feet. More arrows flew, stabbing hands that had reached for weapons. The three men decided to run off under the assault.


The bowman walked up, bow stored in the quiver at his hip. He pulled out a wanted poster, compared the grainy picture to his captive. He yanked the arrow out with one swift tug, putting cuffs on his victim with ease.


"How's it going, Melvin?" The bowman smiled. "I think a lot of people in Texas will be glad to see you again."


"You'll never get me there, you freak." Melvin grimaced from the pain in his hand. "I'll make you pay for this."


"Don't make me tape up your mouth, Melvin." The Ranger walked him along. "It's a long ride back to the Lone Star State. You don't want to spend it in a trunk, do you?"

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: The Ranger

Real Name: Tracy Hunt

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Black/Green

Place of Birth: Vibora Bay, Florida

Date of Birth: 3/13/1979

Height/Mass: 5'9"/185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

15 STR 25

60 DEX 30

20 CON 20

10 BODY 15

5 INT 15

10 EGO 15

8 PRE 18

COM 10

PD 5

ED 4

10 SPD 5


END 40



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Detect Quarry's Trail sense 12 pts

Clairsentience 20 pts, retrocognition +20 pts, retrocognition only (-1), only to simulate deductive/tracking skills (-½) 16 pts

Regeneration: Healing 3d6 30 pts, reduced end (0 end +1/2), persistent (+1/2), self only (-1/2), extra time (one turn-1), OAF (large supply of food-1), gestures (-1/4) 16 pts

Find Weakness 11- with all attacks 30 pts,

Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, 45 pts, variable advantage (+1), OAF (Bow -1), Str minimum (-1), gestures (-1/4) 28 pts

Hand Killing Attack 3d6, 45 pts, variable advantage (+1) OAF (blades of opportunity -1) 45 pts


Cost Skills

3 Tracking 12 -

2 Survival 12-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Shadowing 15-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Lockpicking 15-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Fast Draw 15-

3 Climbing 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Combat Driving 15-

2 Animal handler 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Riding 15-

10 TF: common motorized vehicles, small rowed boats, small and large wind powered boats, small and large motorized boats, sleds, riding animals

4 WF: common melee weapons, common missile weapons

10 +5 OCV with bow

1 Passport

1 Bounty hunter's license


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Physical Lim: Has to hunt

10 DF: Pupil less, nonwhite Green Eyes

25 Hunted by Demon 11-

25 Hunted by Viper 11-

10 Watched by Vibora Bay Police 11-

25 Dependence on hunting, character's powers are affected 11- activation, one minute

10 Reputation: Deadly Archer 11-

15 Psych Lim: Fearless

15 Psych Lim: Overconfidence


CHA Cost = 138

Total Powers Cost = 147

Total Skills Cost = 65

Total Cost = ___________350_______

Background Information: Every few generations, stories will emerge of one man who can follow any prey across any distance, given enough time and patience. Some claim it's a gift from a benevolent goddess of the hunt, some claim it's a curse to force a hunter into a Flying Dutchman existence.


Tracy Hunt believes it's more of a curse. He continually has to move, looking for the next target, turning his bounties in on the run as he crisscrosses the country. He hopes to one day find an answer to his problem, but every expert has told him only one thing can break the curse.


All he has to do is find it.


Quote: "I can see the trail from here."


Personality: Tracy seems impatient at the best of times. Having to hunt constantly has worn on him so that he will often take the straight line to whomever he is looking for even if that isn't the best solution. If the target is behind something he judges he can't punch through, he will wait for the best time to catch that person in the open and drop him.


Appearance: Tracy wears army surplus most of the time, with sunglasses to conceal his eyes since they are green without pupils, or whites. He carries a bow and quiver full of arrows, and a short sword to use on his enemies when in action.


Powers: Tracy's primary power is the ability to track the path of the target he has selected. This allows him to follow that person, or thing, until he can get close enough to engage.


Sometimes he needs some more specific information. An examination of the scene (retrocognition) where the target happened to be can allow him to pick a route to get ahead of the target and get closer faster.


When Tracy is close enough, he will use his bow and find weakness to bring the quarry down. If the bow isn't feasible, he will move in with a blade and try to take the target at close range.


Tracy has found that if he is hurt while trying to arrest someone, he can heal faster than a normal man if he chows down on large steaks, ribs, and other meats.


Plot Hook 1) The Ranger is known as an expert tracker and hunter in any environment. He's just the type of guide for a group of heroes who have to affect a rescue in a wilderness.


Plot Hook 2) Several villains and crime bosses have been found with arrows like the Ranger's piercing their vitals. Has the hero gone bad, or is it an elaborate frame? Who's next on the hit list?


Plot Hook 3) The FBI, PRIMUS, Until, and other law enforcement agencies post most wanted lists. The Ranger has started taking down everyone on every list one after the next. This has put him on a most wanted list of his own. What happens when the heroes find out about it?


GM's Note: The Ranger is based very loosely on Steve Ditko's Stalker, a short lived DC fantasy character that was gifted with various weapons skills and sensory abilities from a deal he signed for revenge.

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Re: The New Circle



Janet Holden watched in horror as the giant thing in the leather and chains picked up a car and threw it at her. She dove for the ground and knew it would be too late to help her. When the car hit, she was going to be a smear on the asphalt.


She closed her eyes against the inevitable.


The sound of cracking glass and twisting metal opened Janet's eyes. She looked around. She was on a roof hundreds of yards from the impact.


"Have no fear, my lady." A cool voice drifted to her ear. "No one shall harm such a beauty while I am here to carry out a rescue."


Janet turned to face her rescuer. Someone had taken a hairless monkey, jammed it into a pirate's outfit, glued horns to its forehead, and given it a set of swords to wear in its flowing sash. She must be dead. That was the only explanation she could come up with in the face of what she was seeing.


"I shall have to teach that ruffian a lesson." The pirate monkey bowed with a flourish of its hat. "Please take the stairs and make sure to watch out for more flying automobiles."


Then he was gone, leaving Janet with plenty of questions and very few answers.


She decided to be glad she was alive and made her way off the roof as quietly and quickly as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Hotspur

Real Name: Karl Witter

Nationality: Belgian

Hair/Eye Color: bald/yellow

Place of Birth: Paris, France

Date of Birth: 3/26/75

Height/Mass: 5'8"/140 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

60 DEX 30

20 CON 20

10 BODY 15

5 INT 15

10 EGO 15

5 PRE 15

-2 COM 6

PD 3

ED 4

20 SPD 6


END 40



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Teleportation 60 point multipower

5u Teleport: 20" 40 pts, no relative velocity 10 pts 50 pts

3u Blinking: +8 dcv 40 pts, costs endurance (-½) 27 pts

1u Crossing the country: Teleport 1" 2 pts Megascale (+1) 4 pts

3u Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 45 pts (OAF-1, blades of opportunity) 23 pts

3u Hand Killing Attack 3d6 45 pts (OAF -1, blades of opportunity) 23 pts

3u Energy Blast 9d6 45 pts Indirect (+1/4), OAF -1, blades of opportunity 29 pts

5u Flight, 30" 60 pts, only along a solid surface (-1/4) 48 pts

3u Extradimensional Movement to the Abyssal Plane, 2x mass 30 pts


Prehensile Tail: Extra Limb (1) limited manipulation (-1/4) 4 pts


Invisibility to sight, 20 pts, only works in shadows and darkness (-½), 13 pts


Damage Resistance: 10 pd 5 pts


Cost Skills

2 WF: Swords, daggers

10 + 5 ocv with swords

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Climbing 15-

2 Animal Handler 12-

3 Riding 15-

10 Two Hand Fighting

9 Ambidexterity

3 Stealth 15-

3 Sleight of Hand 15-

3 Lockpicking 15-

2 Navigation 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Shadowing 15-

2 Survival 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Concealment 15-

3 KS: Circuses 12-

3 KS: Circus Performers 12-

3 AK: The world 12-

3 AK: Europe 12-

15 Languages: English, German, Italian, Rumanian (French is native)

3 Oratory 12-

5 Wealth

1 Passport


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Psych Lim: Daredevil

20 Psych Lim: Overconfident

20 Psych Lim: Fearless

30 Hunted by Demon 14-

15 DNPC: The Wapner Circus 14-

25 DF: Horned Pirate Monkey

15 Secret Identity

5 Rivalry with other heroic circus teleporters


CHA Cost = 136

Total Powers Cost = 108

Total Skills Cost = 106

Total Cost = ____350______________

Background Information: Karl Witter was born to Belgian parents in Paris, France during a tour by the Wapner Circus. His parents were crushed by his unusual appearance to say the least. Still Jacques Witter put the best face he could on the situation, and began to train his son in the high wire as soon as he was able to walk.


Young Karl excelled in his studies, became something of an adopted son by the rest of the circus folks. He became the star attraction in no time as Hotspur, the demon high wire act. When he learned to teleport, he drew in more crowds. The circus kept his connection to the Witters a family secret because the way he looked might cause them problems among the more superstitious where the performers toured.


Karl saw his first swashbuckler and decided that was the flamboyant style he wanted to use. He worked in a mock sword fight with the clowns in his act, sharing the wealth and glory. They worked on adding more stunts to the act, trying to take it to ridiculous levels of acting and style.


Demon attacked during a performance in England. The crowd thought the sudden interruption was part of the act. Karl was forced to use his teleportation powers to defend himself against the attackers. The arrival of the Watch turned the tide, and drove the masked minions away.


The secret that no one but upper echelons of Demon knows is that the Witters had been cursed in the hopes that their son would have the power to open the door to the dark Abyssal Planes to the edge of the Land of Legend. They planned to use him to secure a way to that plane by using him as a permanent gate. Only they lost the baby when the circus moved on and they had no way to find which mother had been successfully cursed until Hotspur started performing.


They hope to reboot their scheme, but so far have had no luck in their attempts to capture the horned horror.


Quote: "Shall I use two swords, or three?"


Personality: Hotspur likes to act as swashbuckler from the movies, gallant to the ladies, willing to play with his enemies. The circus is still his home, and he takes part in performances all over the world, glad to entertain the crowd with his antics.


Appearance: Hotspur resembles a hairless monkey with a tail and two short horns on his head that stole a costume from the Pirates of the Caribbean when acting as a hero. He carries three swords as weapons, but also tends to have daggers on his person. He wears sweats off duty, working at the circus, or sightseeing.


Powers: Hotspur can teleport, can blink in place, can cross vast distances, can climb almost any surface, and teleport to the Abyssal Plane. He can teleport his swords into a target and back to his hand.


Plot Hook 1) Hotspur is attacked during a charity show. He wound up in a hospital. Can the heroes protect him until he recovers?


Plot Hook 2) The heroes discover that Demon summoned Hotspur from a netherworld. His purpose is to kill targets as a demonic hitman. There is some evidence that he has done that. Is Hotspur hiding a hidden purpose?


Plot Hook 3) Hotspur and another teleporter have engaged all over the city. Collateral damage has been high. Can the heroes stop the war?


GM's notes: Hotspur is based on the X-man Nightcrawler created by Wein and Cockrum for the New X-men.

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