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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle


Hear is the start of The Devilfish, which is a tribute to Black Manta, who, if you recall, was one of the first black supervilians EVER (othoe he spent most of the Silver Age masked and without a background).


Oh, and this guy, is an asian-american. No offence.


The Devilfish


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

30 STR 20 15- Lift:1600kg 6d6 [3]

23 DEX 30 14- OCV:8 DCV:8

30 CON 40 15-

10 BODY 0 11-

16 INT 6 12- PER Roll: 12-

16 EGO 12 12- ECV: 5

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

6 COM -2 10-


15 PD 9 Total PD: 30 PD (15 rPD)

15 ED 9 Total ED: 30 ED (15 rED)

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

20 REC 36

60 END 0

60 STUN 20


Total Charatistic Cost: 236


Movement: Running: 3"/6"

Leaping (on Land): 6"/12"

Leaping (from Water to whatever): 20"/40"

Swiming: 20"/60"


Cost Power END

95 Mystical Generation, Control, And Manipulation Of Mirky Water: Multipower 95 points

19m Make Wet: Change Enviroment 8' radious, -4 to DEX Rolls to keep footing, Long Lasting (1 hour), Mobile (+1), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) 5

4u Body Of Mirky Water: Desolidification (affected by heat, cold, fire, and ice special effects), Can Not Pass Through Airtight And/Or Watertight Objects (-1/4) 4

18m Produce Mirky Water: Dispel Fire 9d6, Expanded Effect (All Fire,+2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, -1/4) 5

16m Water Leach: Drain END 4d6, No Normal Defence (defence is Life Suport: No Need To Eat/Drink and/or Life Suport: Expanded Breathing; Water ; +1) 8

12m Mirky Waterpush: Energy Blast 10d6 (physical), Double Knockback (+3/4), Does Only Knockback (-1/3) 9

18m Mirky Water Prison: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF, Backlash (-1/2) 9

5m Mirky Bubble: Force Field 15 PD, 15 ED, Harden (+1/4), Does Not Protect Agenst Powers With A Heat, Cold, Fire, And/Or Ice Special Effect (-1/2) 4

18m Mirky Water Wall: Force Wall 10 PD, 10 ED, 10" length/height, Harden (+/14) 9

12m Mirky Water Knife: Killing Attack - Ranged 6d6 (physical), Reduced by Range (-1/2) 9

16m Move By Mirky Water: Telekinesis 40 STR, Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation 8


98 Shark-like Teath: Killing Attack - Hand-to-Hand 2d6 (4d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (X2, +1), Penatrating (X2, +1), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) 5


56 Iron-hard Scails: Armor 15 PD 15 ED, Harden (+1/4)


30 Swim Like A Fish: Swiming 30" 3

6 Leap Like A Fish: Leaping 20", Upward Movement Only (-1), Only In Water (-1/2) 2

-3 Walk Like A Fish: Running -3" 1


10 Live Like A Fish Life Suport (Expanded Breathing: Water, Safe Enviroments: High Pressure, Low Pressure/Vacuum, Intense Cold)


5 Eyes Like A Fish: Nightvision

20 Echolocation: Active Sonar, 360-Degrees


10 Grip Like A Barnical: Clinging 30 STR

40 Getting Beter In Water: +30 REC, Only In Water (-1/2)



11 +2 w/all Combat, Only In Water (-1/2)


6 Aquabatics: Acrobatics, Only In Water (-1/2): 18-

4 Animal Handler (Aquatic Animals): 18-

5 Combat Driving (Boats): 16-

8 KS: The Scientist World: 18-

4 KS: The Mystic World: 14-

8 AK: The Waterways Of The World: 18-

8 Navigation (Marine): 16-

5 Power: Aquamancy: 16-

7 SC: Marien Biology: 18-

7 SC: Zoology: 18-

1 TF: Small Rowed Boats

1 TF: Large Rowed Boats

1 TF: Small Wind-Powered Boats

1 TF: Large Wind-Powered Boats

1 TF: Small Motorised Boats

1 TF: Large Motorised Boats

1 TF: Submariens


Total Power Cost: 585

Total Cost: 821


200+ Disavantages

15 Distinctive Features: Humaoid Fish (Concelable, Cause Fear)

10 Distinctive Features: Souless (Not Concelable, Always Noticed, Detectable by Detect Souls and Detect Magic)

20 Hunted by The New Circle (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Capture/Deposess)

20 Hunted by Kanae (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Capture/Deposess)

20 Physical Limitation: Affected As Both Animal (Fish) Class Of Mind And Human Class Of Mind (All The Time, Greatly)

15 Physical Limitation: Webed Fingers, -2 To Skills Which Use Hands When Using Skills For Find Manipulation (All The Time, Slightly)

15 Physical Limitation: Colorblind (All The Time, Slightly)

20 Psychological Limitation: Killer And Eater Of Humans (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Obsesed With Kanae (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Obsesed With Water Animals And The Sea (Common, Total)

15 Social Limitation: Public Idenity (Profesor Sam Wu, Frequently, Major)

20 Vulnerability: 2X STUN From Good Aligned Magic

20 Vulnerability: 2X BODY From Good Aligned Magic

591 Experence


Background/History: Profesor Sam Wu was a marien biologist, looking for a backer for his latest expdition into the dark Alantic waters. One day, an odd man with bright red hair answered his call. "If you let me fund this expdtion, I will garentee you will find a new species of fish. All you have to do is sign on the botem line." Sam did, and started his expdition later that week.


When it was only him and a couple of other scientist inside a cramp submarien, the change happened. And during the change, he killed and ate the rest of the scientits. He then drove the sub to the surface, where he again met the red heaired man, this time wiith a few oddly costumed peopple with him.


"I see you survied your change." He then showed Sam a mirror. "Diden't I tell you you would see a new type of fish?" And with that, whatever was left human was submerged in this...Devilfish...and the Devilfish joined the Black Tryangle.


Quote: "Shall I eat you wet or dry?"


Personality/Modivation: Profesor Sam Wu was always obsesed with the sea, and all life within it. Now, transformed as he is, he is doubly obsesed, to the point of the losing of his humanity. Now he eats people, and spends as much time under the waves than above them.


His other obsesion is a love/hate relationship with Kanae. He wants to mate with her, but beyond that, hates her and her goodie goodie coexistance between man and the deep (which, he realy has no opinion about except to hate the ideal just because Kanae repersents it). Once he can get her to lay her eggs (if she can indeed mate like a fish), his use for her would be done, and then she too will be food.


He works with Black Tryangle not out of respect or comarodity, but more because he has no where else to go. The only member he understands is The Claw, for thay colectly are more animal than human.


Powers/Tactics: The Devilfish can generate a mirky fluid which acts like water. He can also move water, change his body to water, dehidrate others by touch, and even move objects with water.


His body has also transformed into something more akin to a humaoid fish than a human. He has long, sharp teath capable of biting into steal, hard scails, strong limbs which alow him to swim far and fast, and can even use sound to find objects.


Tacticly, he likes to fight in water as much as posable. If he has his choice of battelfields, he would lead his oponents to a huge body of water then strike for the kill. If forced out of the water, he will fight anyone which blocks his way to the water.


Apperance: When he was Profesor Sam Wu, he was a handsome (if short) man of oriental decent with brown eyes, short black hair, and glases. Now, as The Devilfish, he is a scailie green man with webed fingers and toes, no hair, a huge frog-like body, and gills on his neck. He no longer has hair, and his eyes are black with no aperent iruses. His nose is basicly two slits. He usaly wears no clothing, but does wear a huge trenchcoat and fadora when he needs to move around unnoticed.


Campain Use: To make The Devilfish stronger, give him more water related powers (like the ability to drown people to death while on land), or prehaps some fish control abilities. To reduce him, reduce or remove some of his water control powers, and/or make his bite less damaging by removing a level of penatrating and armor piercing.


Beyond freely hunting Kanae, he only hunts for food, or on orders from Lucifer. When he hunts, he likes to lure his victoms near some kind of water, then strike. If he feals that his victom is fighting back with to much power, he uses the water for an easy excape.


Plot Seads


A Shadow Near New Hampster: The Devilfish learns about Kanae's "race", and plans on kidnaping her and taking her to meet "her people". Can the heros save her before Mother Hydra and Father Dagon pass judgement upon her?


The Tidel Threat: Using an artifact he stold, The Devilfish creates a giant wall of water near the citys of Chicago, Milwaukee, and Melimum City. He demonds from each city a fifty person a day 'lunch' in order to keep thoes citys above water. Can the heros find a way to counter his artifact before all the cities which border the Great Lakes get flooded?


The Sinking Lanes: The Devilfish finds an alantian artifact which alowers him to control the minds of all aquatic animals around him. Using the artifact, he starts sinking important ships and eating the crew. Can the heros figure out what he wants with all the ships?

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Re: The New Circle


Steriaca, I appreciate that you have limited computer time, so the number of typos in your immediate replies can't be helped much...but is it possible for you to check the character writeups for spelling errors at home, when you presumably have a bit more time to do so?


It would help me immensely to read your writeups if I didn't get thrown by the spelling every couple of lines.


Thanks in advance.

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Re: The New Circle


Steriaca, I appreciate that you have limited computer time, so the number of typos in your immediate replies can't be helped much...but is it possible for you to check the character writeups for spelling errors at home, when you presumably have a bit more time to do so?


Unforcently, I realy do not have that time. Since I work a full 40 hours a week, and have no acess to a dictinarie, nor the time to go over my work with one. I am not a profesinal writer, just a Utility Clerk with a small hobbie, is full of ideals, and varie littel cash flow.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Steraica, don't let SKJAM! get you down.


There's a reason why some people are editors, and some people are called CREATORS.


You are a CREATOR. Don't fret it.

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Re: The New Circle


Steraica, don't let SKJAM! get you down.


There's a reason why some people are editors, and some people are called CREATORS.


You are a CREATOR. Don't fret it.


Still, you could beter understand what I create if you could read it. Basicly SKJAM! has a good point. Not that I will let that stop me.


By the way, is it real Soulless or Souless? And why the extra "l" in it in the first place?

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Nicely done. The Black Tryangle seems a solid antithesis for a mystical team. Since many of them are scientific in origin, they can exploit magical weaknesses. And the others seem to not have that non-magic blind spot. It gives the mystical New Circle something to truly work against.

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Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 8

Lily Veil's form reduced itself to a flat shadow as she drifted into the airlock opened by the Scarlet Scarab. He bounded to the inner door, popping that open with the ease of a born thief. She sensed light ahead of them, and flowed through the door first.


Guards in green armor waited beyond the airlock's inner door for the intruders. Their energy weapons were ready for conventional enemies. They weren't ready for a living shadow to penetrate their armor and suck the life from each of them with a touch. That made them forget the crimson gadgeteer in need of a distraction. A blast of wind bowled the surviving barricade over as those touched by Lily succumbed. She moved on in search of more prey.


Her hunger wanted to gorge itself, and she could only point it in the right direction, and try to keep it from killing any living thing in her way as she searched for the control room.



Lily Veil had started life as Gidget McIntyre, a beautiful girl who lived for surfing, sailing, even diving in the Pacific. Her father and mother ran a small business from their home, and had plenty of free time and money to indulge her desires. It was a slice of heaven on earth for them.


Everything went south when Gidget found a wreck on one of her diving expeditions. Instead of notifying anyone of her intentions, she began to explore the sunken boat. She had done it numerous times before with tours, so had a basic idea what to do if there were problems.


Gidget started exploring the wreck, trying to be careful how she moved, and what she touched. After a few minutes, she found a chest locked up and pushed against a wall in what could have been a cabin. She noted how the wood seemed to be just like new which she knew must be impossible. Curiosity made her open the chest without trying to get it to the surface first.


Black tar erupted from the chest, devouring Gidget, becoming one with her. A silhouette climbed on the deck of her boat after minutes of pain. Finally the tar sank beneath her skin, becoming what she refers to as the Hunger. She practiced with the ability until she had control over what her new body could do.


Gidget adopted the name of Lily Veil, becoming a minor heroine. The council contacted her, and asked her to join their team of dimensional commandoes. Supposedly it was for her ability as a sneak and spy, but really because the Hunger marked her, and they wanted to keep an eye on her for its vampiric tendencies.

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Re: The New Circle


Looks pretty good' date=' the NND Drain is nasty![/quote']


It should be, but seeing that I did write him for a mystical campain, even a low level mystic with a small VVP will be imune to it if he puts his points the right way. Of course, most normals will be dry, shiveled up shells by that time..

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Re: The New Circle


Nicely done. The Black Tryangle seems a solid antithesis for a mystical team. Since many of them are scientific in origin' date=' they can exploit magical weaknesses. And the others seem to not have that non-magic blind spot. It gives the mystical New Circle something to truly work against.[/quote']


I woulden't realy say "scientific". Right now, only the Brain has anything to do with science, and even that has a mystical bent (alchemisty). The Homoculs is also created by alchemisty. All the others gain there powers via Lucifer's contract, or were discovered by Lucifer, and he used his contacts and a few mystical skills in there favor.


Basicly most of them fall into the shaired/simuler orgin thing. None of them are "true" mystics, and most of them get there powers from being demonicly posesed.

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Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 9

Lily Veil

Hair/eye color- black, brown

Height/mass- 5'2", 145 lb.


Place of birth- Los Angeles.

Date of birth- 05/01/81


STR (15 pts) 25

DEX (60 pts) 30

CON (30 pts) 25

BODY (30 pts) 25

INT (10 pts) 20

EGO (20 pts) 20

PRE (10 pts) 20

COM (5 pts) 20

PD 5

ED 5


REC 10

END 50





PHASES 3,6,9,12



Shadow Vision: night vision 5 points


Shadow Body 154 pts OIHID (-1/4) 123 pts

2u Living Shadow: Desolidification (40 pts.), not through solids (-½) OIHID (-1/4). 22 pts

5u Hunger's Bite: Transfer body to body, 5d6 (75 pts) delayed return (+1/2), target must be alive (-1/4), must grab target first (-½) OIHID (-1/4). 56 pts.

1u Blindfold Grip: Darkness to sight group (10 pts), no range (-1/2), must grab target first (-½) OIHID (-1/4). 4 pts.

4u Shadow Claws: HKA 5d6 (75 pts) reduced penetration (-1/4), no knockback (-1/4) OIHID (-1/4) . 42 pts.

4u Dark Blade: RKA 5d6 (75 pts) reduced penetration (-1/4), no knockback (-1/4) OIHID (-1/4) 42 pts.

3u Long Reach: Stretching (40 pts) 8" OIHID (-1/4). 32 pts

1u Shadow Merge: Invisibility (20 pts), only in darkness (-1/4) OIHID (-1/4). 13 pts

1u Grab of Steel: Clinging normal strength (10 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 8 pts


Cost Skill Roll

1 jet skis 8-

1 water skiing 8-

1 surfing 8-

1 wind surfing 8-

1 scuba 8-

1 small planes 8-

1 helicopters 8-

1 small rowed boats 8-

1 small wind-powered boats 8-

1 small motorized boats 8-

1 large motorized boats 8-

2 common motorized vehicles 8-

3 combat driving 15-

3 combat piloting 15-

3 stealth 15-

3 shadowing 15-

2 navigation 13-

2 AK- Pacific Ocean 11-

2 AK- Atlantic Ocean 11-

2 AK- Pacific Rim 11-

2 AK- United States East Coast 11-

2 KS- Shipwrecks 11-

2 KS- History 11-

2 KS- Oceanographer 11-

2 KS- Marine Life 11-

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

25 + 5 DCV

4 Choke Hold

4 Killing Strike

3 Leg sweep

4 Martial Dodge

4 Nerve Strike

3 Martial Throw

6 + 4 lightning reflexes all actions

6 Ambidexterity

5 money

5 Membership: Trismegistus Council


Disadvantages 150 pts

20 Dependence: others' life force (common, 3d6, powers are affected 11- activation, 1 day)

10 Vampiric Aura (Not concealable, always noticed, detectable by unusual senses)

15 Hunted by Demon (more powerful, kill 8-)

15 Secret Identity

5 Rivalry with other oceanographers

20 Vulnerable to light based attacks (x 2 stun)

20 Vulnerable to light based attacks (x 2 body)

10 Reputation Vampire 11-

25 Accidental Change Shadow body to regular in extreme bright light Always

10 Code versus killing (common moderate)


Characteristics Cost: 180

Powers Cost: 149

Skills Cost: 121

Total Cost: 450


Plot Hook 1: Lily Veil's Hunger has grown out of control. She is leaving a trail of drained bodies everywhere she goes. Is this natural, or caused by some outside force?


Plot Hook 2: Lily's parents have been kidnaped. The ransom is a relic from a wreck that she dove on in her normal identity. The heroes get involved through chance as she tries to secure the item. Does she ask them for help, or does she go it alone? And why doesn't she ask the Council for help?


Plot Hook 3: People that Lily has taken life force from begin to take other people's life force. Can the heroes prevent an outbreak of shadow vampirism? And why has Lily dropped out sight?



Warnings of the strange intruders reached the control room as the turtle-like ship headed for its target. Nothing could stop it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 10

Fu landed lightly on the hull of the intruder, T-shirt billowing slightly from the slipstream as he caught his fellow commando by the arm. The slight man held his bigger companion to the hull as he watched to see how the Scarab and Lily did. A moment later, he saw a hatch pop open at the bidding of the technomancer.


Now it was time for him to do the same thing with his natural talents. He felt along the hull with one hand, while holding Swithin with the other. He wasn't entirely comfortable with the other man's fantastical luck.


He had always been taught to make his own luck.


Fu found a seam. It wasn't much to work with, but it would have to do. Physical assaults were what he did on missions.


Fu concentrated, drawing on his inner energy until it manifested as a vaporous cloud around his fist. He willed his hand to be like iron, like the sword. The fist came down against the metal hull. It kept going through the metal, dropping the wall section into corridor below. Circuitry in the walls short circuited, dumping that section of the ship in darkness.


"Looks like you hit a main, or something," said Swithin, dropping into the corridor before the martial artist could recall from the impact of his punch. There was an exchange of fire as Fu readied himself to follow his teammate. The lights flickered back to life as he touched down on the metal floor.


Two piles of soldiers moaned at either end of the hallway. Swithin stood in the middle, untouched by the fire that had been lobbed his way. He straightened his jacket, and started down the hall. Fu followed, taking the time to disarm one man before he could try to pull his pistol's trigger again.


That move may have saved the trooper's life.

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*pant*, *pant*


Because I was trying to steal ideas from you all for tomorrow night's game, and it was getting annoying trying to find stuff and I'm a little compulsive like that. That's why:



Guide to Characters in the Thread


The New Circle Homepage



The Circle


Legend – 350 pt Superman tribute


Legend – 750 pt experienced Superman tribute


team dynamics for Legend




Night Hunter – 350 pt Batman tribute


Night Hunter – 750 pt experienced Batman tribute


Avenging Angel – 649 pt Atlantean attack craft vehicle for Night Hunter


Hunt Lodge – 626 pt base for Night Hunter


team dynamics for Night Hunter




Athenian – 350 pt Wonder Woman tribute


Athenian – 750 pt experienced Wonder Woman tribute


team dynamics for Athenian




Always – 350 pt Flash tribute


Always – 750 pt experienced Flash tribute


team dynamics for Always




The Light – 350 pt Green Lantern tribute


The Light’s Jade Tigers – 142 pt summonable for The Light


The Light – 750 pt Green Lantern tribute


The Light’s Jade Dragon – 375 pt summonable for The Light


team dynamics for The Light




The Master – 1717 pt mystic mentor


The Lucky Dragon – 350 pt Chinese restaurant base




Enemies of The Circle


The Sinister Chang Kar Wai – 750 pt enemy of The Light


Golden Chinese Demon – 719 pt summonable for Chang Kar Wai


Arthur Wellington Smyth Jacoby – 600 pt adventuring ghost minion for Chang Kar Wai


Golden Monkey Warriors – 459 pt minions for Chang Kar Wai


Maria Chang – 150 pt lawyer for Chang Kar Wai




Allies of The Circle


Kanae – 350 pt Aquaman tribute



Silence – 350 pt Martian Manhunter tribute



Haunt – 350 pt Specter tribute



Oppenheimer – 350 pt The Mighty Atom! tribute



Dog – 350 pt super-pet



Boudicca – 350 pt Green Arrow tribute


The Lion of Shaolin – 350 pt Black Canary tribute






by Moody Loner


Tao – 350 pt Captain America tribute


Tao – 750 pt experienced Captain America tribute



the Baffler – 290 pt Baffler tribute



Cold Iron - 600 Point Power Armor Foe of the Fey Folk






by Enforcer84


The Legendary Ithecles – 1300 pt Thor tribute



Empowered – 350 pt Hour Man tribute


Empowered – 750 pt experienced Hour Man tribute



The Marvel - 350 point Captain Marvel Tribute


The Marvel - 850 Point Captain Marvel Tribute



Balrog, the Demon – 350 pt KISS tribute


Idol, the Star Child – 350 pt KISS tribute








Howling Man – 350 pt Wolverine/Vixen/Animal Man tribute






by Kristopher


T'Shenk Kennet – 805 pt mystic hero






by Killer Shrike


Legend – 446 pt version (played by OddHat in Killer Shrike’s campaign?)



Epitaph – 447 pt dystopian version of Legend



Alex Abraxas – 800 pt Lex Luthor tribute



Silvera – 750 pt Metallo tribute



Schism – 425 pt Two-Face tribute



Gentleman Jim – 1100 pt Gentleman Ghost tribute



Bipolar – 600 pt Two-Face tribute






by JohnOSpencer


Lotus – 398 pt mystic heroine



The Golden Skull – 1093 pt master-level mystic villain






by Lightray


The Lady In Black – 1125 pt NPC plot device



Valentine – 600 pt John Constantine tribute



Vespero – 500 pt Hawkman tribute



Vespera- 500 pt Hawkwoman tribute



Black Swan - 350 Point Zatana Tribute



The Undying Ka - 590 point Multiforming Master Villain and Lord of the Underground Empire


Gorilla Ka – 480 pt Ka multiform


Ant Ka – 480 pt Ka multiform


Dolores Summers – 480 pt Ka multiform


Ushabti Ka – 480 pt Ka multiform


Giant Ant – 115 pt creature minion


Hidden Sanctum – 200 pt base


bonus scenario sketch for the Undying Ka



Golden Knight – 350 pt Booster Gold tribute


Sapphire Scarab II – 375 pt Blue Beetle tribute


Scarabaeus – 245 pt beetle ornithopter



Djinna – 230 pt “teen champions†Jakeem Thunder tribute



Sibyl – 800 pt Oracle tribute



The Fairest – 500 pt Mirror Master tribute


Shuriken-san – 500 pt Captain Boomerang tribute


Piper – 500 pt Pied Piper tribute


Van der Decken – 550 pt Captain Cold tribute


The Flying Dutchman – 260 pt ghost ship






by Fireg0lem


Lumina – 350 pt mystic lunar/solar PC



White Wizard - 600 pt racist KKK wizard



Knucklebones – 999 pt master villain






by Myrmidon


Black Lion – 611 pt mystic villain



Black Rose – 605 pt mystic villainess






by Nexus


Sin – 450 pt mystic demon PC






by Chuckg


Starguard – 815 pt mystic PC with sunny disposition






by bblackmoor


Thornmallow - 1014 point Giant Iron Gollem Lich / Doctor Doom Tribute



Nightveil - 343 point lighthearted Sorceress






by Skaramine


The Quarter - Fantastic Four Tribute, Allies and Rivals of the New Circle


Professor Tesseract - 350 point Mister Fantastic tribute


Phantasma - 350 point Invisible Girl Tribute


Goyle - 350 point Thing tribute


Feyfire - 350 point Human Torch Tribute


The Manse Knight - 240 point base for the Quarter


Comte Ste. Germain – 1275 pt foe of the Quarter



Dragonstar – 350 pt blend of Green Lantern/Captain Marvel


Boneface – 350 pt blend of Mr. Miracle, Deadman, Nightcrawler, and Dick Grayson


The Bison – 350 pt Cyborg/Thing analog


Soulrider – 800 pt master villain



Captain Deadboy – 350 pt John Constantine + Incredible Hulk mix



White Eagle – 350 pt Black Canary tribute







by megaplayboy


Deux Ex Machina – 17,734 pt (!) ominous god king


Deus Ex Machina, part deux






by csyphrett


Captain Steve Charlton – 450 pt. Dimensional Commando


Q-Man- 450 pt Dimensional Commando


Q-Man, part deux ?


Lily Veil – 450 pt Dimension Commando


Lily Veil, part deux



Scarlet Scarab – 450 pt Blue Beetle (?) tribute






by steriaca



Lucifer Morningstar – 819 pt Lex Luthor analog


The Laff – 758 pt Joker/Riddler fusion


The Brain – 968 pt Braniac/Gorilla Grodd analog


The Great Eye – 1180 pt Starro analog


The Claw - 713 pt Cheetah analog


The Cold – 593 pt Captain Cold analog


The Corpse – 694 pt Solomon Grundy analog


The Dark – 747 pt Sinestro homage


The Devilfish - 821 pt Black Manta analog

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Re: *pant*, *pant*


Because I was trying to steal ideas from you all for tomorrow night's game' date=' and it was getting annoying trying to find stuff and I'm a little compulsive like that. That's why:[/quote']


Repped, and thanks. Updating first page now.

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Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 11

Fu had started his training almost before he could walk. Everything his father wanted him to do was geared to increasing his physical abilities as much as he could, more than any other person within walking distance of their rural home.


Fu worked to master the disciplines his father forced on him. He knew that others felt that there was no need for the archaic studies in the perfectly protected domain of the people's republic. Fu's father felt they were wrong, and his son had to be ready for the challenges ahead.


Fu tired of the obsessive training when he felt that he could go no further without a true challenge to his skills. That's what led him to staking a small area around his village, and protecting it from all comers. No menace of any kind could hurt those under his protection as long as he was ready to defend them. When he thought he had driven away any that would do harm, he expanded his area of operations.


Fu's activities did not go unnoticed. The Chinese government, local criminals, and various masters of martial disciplines wanted to test this boy who had declared a safe zone in the middle of the jungle. They were not pleased at how the young master preferred to conduct his business.


Fu was overwhelmed and forcibly recruited for the Tiger Squad. The government was not going to allow him to wander freely, punishing anyone he wanted to just because he could. That was out of the question.


The Tiger Squad found themselves in battle with a dimensional eruption deep inside the country. Fu was present, adding his martial skills to the fray. When the portal was disrupted, he decided to hold the bridge against the invaders while the rest of the Squad retreated to their own dimension. The gate snapped shut on the fighter.


Fu was believed dead until news photos placed him at the scene of a similar outbreak in Great Britain. Again the portal was disrupted, but this time he remained on Earth. A representative of the Council contacted him before operatives of Chinese Intelligence could. The fighter agreed to work with the D-Commandoes until they began to hamper his personal activities away from the team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had to spend some time tonight statting up characters for upcoming games. Thought I'd post this one here, both for enjoyment and because if any of my players read this it'll make 'em sweat.


This is intended to be a Darkseid-equivalent in my campaign -- which is probably lower-power than most games. So you might need to beef him up quite a bit to be useful.


Maybe I'll post some of his lackies after they show up in my game...





Alternate IDs: Yum Cimil, Hun Hau, Mictlantecuhitli, Mictecacihuatl


Val Char Cost

60 STR 50

20 DEX 30

30 CON 40

20 BODY 20

20 INT 10

20 EGO 20

35 PRE 25

0 COM -5


20 PD 8

20 ED 14

6 SPD 30

20 REC 4

60 END 0

65 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

12" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 246


Cost Power

37 Lord of Death: Elemental Control, 74-point powers

25 1) Face of Death: Change Environment 8" radius, -2 : OCV, -3 PRE Roll and all Skill Rolls based on PRE, Multiple Combat Effects, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)

78 2) Death Gaze: Killing Attack - Ranged 6d6 (vs. ED), Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (135 Active Points); Beam (-1/4)

19 3) Undying: Healing 2 BODY (Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

25 4) Spies of Death: Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing Group), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Megascale (1" = 1,000 km; +1), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (75 Active Points); Only Through The Senses Of Others (Owls & Spiders; -1/2) [Notes: see through the eyes of owls and spiders]


75 Lord of Death: Multipower, 75-point reserve

5u 1) Death Touch: Drain BODY 6d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Only Works Once Per Victim Per Combat (-1/2)

4u 2) Death Cry: Flash 6d6 (Hearing Group), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1) (45 Active Points)

5u 3) Command the Dead: Mind Control 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds (Dead; -1/2)

5u 4) Speak to the Dead: Telepathy 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds (Dead; -1/2)

5u 5) Find the Dead: Mind Scan 8d6, +15 ECV (70 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds (Dead; -1/2)

1u 6) Minions of Death: +0 PRE, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (70 Active Points); Only For Presence Attack (-1), Costs Endurance (Costs END Every Phase; -1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) [Notes: Overrun with spiders.]


62 Diminished Godhood: Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 25 base + 37 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (62 Active Points)

0 1) Return To Death's Realm: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Mictlan, Any Location) (25 Active Points) Real Cost: 25

0 2) Pass Through Death's Realm: Teleportation 5", Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Megascale (1" = 1,000 km; +1), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (25 Active Points) Real Cost: 25

0 3) Spy From Death's Realm: Naked Adder on Clairsentience (Single Dimension) , Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Megascale (1" = 1,000 km; +1), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (25 Active Points); Only Through The Senses Of Others (Owls & Spiders; -1/2) Real Cost: 17

0 4) Will of a God: Mental Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points) Real Cost: 20

0 5) Owl's Flight: Flight 9", Invisible Power Effects (Hearing Group; +1/4) (22 Active Points); Linked to Divine Mask (-1/2) Real Cost: 15

0 6) Owl's Size: Shrinking (0.4953 m tall, 0.2476 m wide, 1.5592 kg mass, -4 PER Rolls to perceive character, +4 DCV, +6" KB), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (25 Active Points); Linked to Divine Mask (-1/2), No Growth Momentum (-1/4) Real Cost: 14

0 7) Spider's Legs: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Linked to Divine Mask (-1/2) Real Cost: 7

0 8) Summon Spiders: Entangle 1d6, 2 DEF, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (22 Active Points); Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) Real Cost: 18

0 9) Summon Owl: Summon 115-point Owl (23 Active Points); Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2) Real Cost: 11


30 Divine Mask: Shapeshift (Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch Groups; Variety of Shapes: (male, female, owl, spider), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (30 Active Points)

20 Divine Invulnerability: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED)

50 Divine Body: Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: Immortal, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep

5 Senses of the Dead: Nightvision

9 Senses of a God: Enhanced Perception (+3 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups)

20 Know the Quick and the Dead: Detect Life & Death 13-, Discriminatory, Range

15 A God Does Not Bleed: Does Not Bleed (15 Active Points)

16 A God's Mind Is Beyond Mortal Ken: +16 Mental Defense (20 points total)

15 A God Sneers At Mortal Magic: Power Defense (15 points)

20 A God Stands His Ground: Knockback Resistance -10"


98 Servants of Death: Variable Power Pool (Follower Pool), 70 base + 28 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1) (140 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available (Followers; -1), VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Given Circumstance (-1/2)

0 1) Undead Ball-players: Follower (x4, 295 Base, 20 Disad) (69 Active Points) Real Cost: 69 [Notes: Use "Wight" from Monsters, Minions, & Marauders. Add PS: Sacred Ball Game.]

0 2) Ancient Undead: Follower (x100, 130 Base, 60 Disad) (61 Active Points) Real Cost: 61 [Notes: Use "Skeleton" from the Bestiary, with "Fingerbones Like Claws" option added.]

0 3) Fresh Undead: Follower (x100, 155 Base, 30 Disad) (66 Active Points) Real Cost: 66 [Notes: Use "Zombie" from the Bestiary, with "Claws" option added.]

0 4) Undead Colossus: Follower (325 Base, 75 Disad) (65 Active Points) Real Cost: 65 [Notes: Use "Flesh Golem" from the Bestiary, with the "Huge" template added.]

0 5) Giant Spider: Follower (330 Base, 45 Disad) (66 Active Points) Real Cost: 66 [Notes: Use "Giant Spider" from the Bestiary, with "Webs" option added.]

Powers Cost: 644


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

5 Backhand: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, STR Strike

3 Death Grasp: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on

4 Death Grip: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +4d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab

4 Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

4 Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, +15 STR vs. Grabs

Martial Arts Cost: 20


Cost Skill

30 +3 Overall

6 +3 with EGO Roll

10 Defense Maneuver: I-IV

5 Rapid Attack (HTH)

5 Rapid Attack (Ranged)

5 Cramming

9 Power: Death God (EGO-based) 16-

3 Analyze: Magic 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Conversation 16-

3 Deduction 13-

3 High Society 16-

3 Oratory 16-

3 Persuasion 16-

3 Navigation (Astral, Dimensional) 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Tactics 13-

4 PS: Sacred Ball Game (DEX-based) 14-

4 PS: Mortician (INT-based) 14-

3 Linguist

4 1) Language: Ancient Mayan (imitate dialects)

4 2) Language: Náhuatl (imitate dialects)

3 3) Language: Spanish (idiomatic)

2 4) Language: English (completely fluent)

3 Traveler

1 1) CuK: Aztecs 11-

1 2) CuK: Mayans 11-

1 3) CuK: Mexicans 11-

Skills Cost: 136


Cost Perk

20 Fringe Benefit: Death God

4 Reputation: Death God (A large group; 8-) +4/+4d6

20 Bases: Mictlan (100 Base, 55 Disad)

Perks Cost: 44


Cost Talent

10 Universal Translator 13- (20 Active Points); Only Speech (-1)

Talents Cost: 10


Total Character Cost: 1100


Pts. Disadvantage

0 Dependence: Worship Powers Gain 14- Activation Roll (Uncommon; 1 Season)

15 Distinctive Features: Skull-faced Pale Man (Easily Concealed; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Distinctive Features: Aura of Death (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Tezcatlipoca 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find)

10 Hunted: New Circle 11- (Less Pow; Harshly Punish)

10 Reputation: Death God 11-

10 Physical Limitation: Divine Restrictions (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing) [Notes: Must accept outcome of Sacred Ball Game.]

5 Physical Limitation: May Only Manifest Where Death Has Occurred (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Seeks To Regain Lost Divine Stature (Very Common; Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Angered By Disrespect (Uncommon; Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Uncaring Toward Mortal Fates (Very Common; Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Cannot Resist Challenge To Sacred Ball Game (Uncommon; Total)

15 Social Limitation: Death God (Frequently; Major)

10 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently; Minor)

10 Social Limitation: Unfamiliar With Modern World (Very Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)

10 Unluck: 2d6

20 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN & BODY Blessed Objects (Common)


Disadvantage Points: 200

Base Points: 500

Experience Required: 400

Total Experience Available: 400

Experience Unspent: 0


Background/History: The last Death God has had many names - known to the Mayans as Yum Cimil or Hun Hau, and to the Aztecs as Mictlantecuhtli or Mictecacihuatl in his male or female aspects. Mictlantéotl came into being when the Death Gods of earlier pantheons had dwindled or died altogether, when the last gods came into being before no more gods were known. As the last, Mictlantéotl perhaps remained closer to his original position and outlook than the other Death Gods, who have changed or moved on from what they once were.


The last Death God still rules the underworld called Mitnal or Mictlan. It was the realm of the dead when Hun Hau was of the Mayan pantheon, and remained so when Mictlantéotl was of the Aztec pantheon. However, all too soon even the last pantheon began to fade. The age of gods was over; it was now an age of mortal men. The other gods departed or went into hiding -- Quetzalcouatl departed on his raft of snakes to shores unknown, and Tezcatlipoca hid to plot and scheme. Some of the gods died, and their spirits came to Mitctlan, but even the minions of the Death God departed -- Camazotz the bat god of death refused to obey his onetime master any longer.


Mictlantéotl returned to his great temple pyramid in Mictlan to brood for an age. With no worshippers remaining, the still lands of Mictlan remained empty, and Mictlantéotl began to fade as the other gods had. It was unbearable; the Death God refused to die.


However, the mortal world had changed greatly since the days of the Mayans and the Aztec. Mictlantéotl found the modern world confusing, and was opposed by beings of great power that he believed might be the newest generation of gods...


Personality/Motivation: Mictlantéotl is a god who is powerful but confounded by the modern world, who demands respect but is fearful of the slow death all gods face. Above all else Mictlantéotl desires to return to what once was, to rule again as the God of Death. Mictlantéotl tends to invest in grand schemes to return to godhood, affecting entire nations. After the scheme fails, though, Mictlantéotl retreats to Mictlan to brood on the failure, until something goads the death god to act once more.


The only other interest he shows is for the sacred ball game; he is an obsessed fan of a game that has not been played by the living for centuries.


Quote: "I accept your challenge to the sacred ball game. We shall play for your life."


Powers/Tactics: Mictlantéotl is not accustomed to dealing with problems personally, preferring to send minions instead. However, time has not been kind, and few of the death god's minions remain now. Mictlantéotl will generally send minions to do his bidding, while watching from the sidelines. No minion or plan would be likely to motivate Mictlantéotl into taking a hand in a fight. If the fight comes to him, though, Mictlantéotl responds in kind.


Mictlantéotl will rely on his Face of Death and defenses to protect himself while he uses his Death Gaze. If annoyed, he will use his Death Touch and Death Grip in combination. Fortunately, Mictlantéotl is rarely motivated enough to take the effort to personally kill an annoyance.


Campaign Use: Mictlantéotl is intended to be a master villain that is a credible threat to the player characters -- but not undefeatable. They players should feel that they can face Mictlantéotl in combat and possibly win, but they should be reluctant to allow things to go to combat if there is any other resolution available.


In higher-power campaigns, it will be necessary to increase the active points of his powers (especially attacks) and to add 50% resistant Damage Reduction, as well as increasing his special defenses as appropriate. If necessary, increase his Diminished Godhood VPP to a 75 point pool.


Plot Seed: Mictlantéotl sends one of his few remaining subordinate gods -- Muan, the owl god of death -- out into the mortal world to stir up those monsters still remaining who are loyal to the Death God. Monsters such as the Ahuizotl and Cipactli go on rampages, but this only attracts the attention of Tezcatlipoca, who considers such monsters to be his own creatures. While the heroes deal with the monster outbreak, the two gods send their proxies to battle each other, making the entire situation even worse.


Plot Seed: Among the dead of Mictlan are many of the lesser gods and goddesses of the Mayan and Aztec pantheons. The heroes need information on Tezcatlipoca, and somewhere among the dead of Mictlan is Xochiquetzal, the goddess of flowers and love, who was once the bride of aging Tlaloq, but stolen by Tezcatlipoca until he abandoned her to the slow death of godhood. If the heroes can bargain with Mictlantéotl to allow them to speak to her, they can learn many of Tezcatlipoca's secrets...


Plot Seed: One of the few times in the year that Mictlantéotl regains what time and fading belief have taken away is on the Day of the Dead, el Dio de los Muertos. On that day, Mictlantéotl now seeks to turn back the ages -- by calling upon its power to raise up all the dead being venerated throughout Mexico. If successful, fear and terror will drive mortals back to propitiate Death once more, and the power of Mictlantéotl will be restored. Tezcatlipoca desires that Mictlantéotl be stopped, but chooses not to challenge the Death God directly. Instead, his minions ensure that it is suggested to the heroes that they challenge Mictlantéotl to a "ball game". If successful, the Death God will be forced to return to Mictlan -- but do the heroes know how to play the ancient ball games of the Mayans and Aztecs?


Plot Seed: Although Mictlantéotl nominally rules only the dead worshippers of the Mayan and Aztec pantheons, any death god can break the rules. To punish the heroes for the plans they have thwarted, Mictlantéotl seeks out the dead foes of the heroes -- both their corpses in the mortal world, and their spirits in the netherworlds. They are made an offer: Mictlantéotl will restore them to unlife, in return they must arrange the downfall of the heroes. With all their dead foes returned to unlife, and working together, can the heroes survive to defeat them all once again?


Plot Seed: According to legend, Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcouatl created the world from the corpse of the Tlaltecuhtli, a female toadlike earth monster that dwelt in the primeval waters. All of the Aztec dead are to be found in Mictlan - including the Tlaltecuhtli. Somehow, the heroes learn that Mictlantéotl plans to bring the dead spirit of the Tlaltecuhtli back to Earth. Can the heroes find their way to Mictlan, to face Mictlantéotl on his home, and to stop the death god? If not, what will happen when the undead spirit of the primordial Earth returns?


Appearance: Mictlantéotl has several forms, but his most favored one is that of a powerful man, with pallid skin, and the face of a skull. He may also appear as a woman of similar aspect, or as a livid corpse with the head of an owl. He wears regalia similar to that of a Mayan or Aztec priest, of obsidian and jade, and tarnished gold. Often, he wears human eyeballs as jewelery. Occasionally he assumes the forms of his favored creatures -- an owl or a spider.

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Re: The New Circle


I am sorry. I had a small bit of burnout. But I still have four menbers of The Black Tryangle to post. And also, remember the new Batman movie coming out soon. So I present my Scaircrow analog, The Fear.


The Fear


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR 2 11- Lift: 75kg 1 1/2 d6 [1]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8 DEC: 8

30 CON 40 15-

20 BODY 20 13-

16 INT 6 12- PER Roll: 12-

16 EGO 12 12- ECV:5

40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6

8 COM -1 11-


10 PD 8 Total PD: 30 PD (20 rPD)

10 ED 2 Total ED 30 ED (20 rED)

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

20 REC 24

60 END 0

50 STUN 11


Total Chratistic Cost: 216


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 1 1/2" / 3"

Swiming: 2"/4"

Teleportation: 10"/20"


Cost Powers END

75 Elemental Fear: Multipower 75 points

12m Drain Braivety: Drain PRE 6d6 6

8m To Scaired To Move: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Based On ECV (+1), Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks (+1/4), Backlash (+1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (_1/4), Can Be Damaged Via PRE Attacks Made By Entraped Victom (-1/4) 6

5u Scaired To Death: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, No Normal Defence (Defence is anything which prevents victom from fealing fear, +1), Does Body (+1), Invisable Power Effect (seight sence group, still detectable by mental sences and Detect Magic, +1/2) 6

6m Let Me Show You Your Fears: Mental Illusions 6d6, No Normal Defence (Defence is anything which prevents victom from fealing fear, +1), No Conncious Control (Can turn power on, but can not control what the victom sees...the vision is ALWAYS terorfing...for the victom, -1) 6

9m I Can MAKE You Fear: Mind Control 5d6, No Normal Defence (Defence is anything which prevents victom from fealing fear, +1), Telepathic (+1/4), Only To Cause Fear (-1/4) 6

6m I KNOW What Makes You Afraid: Telepathy 6d6, No Normal Defence (Defence is anything which prevents victom from fealing fear, +1), Receve Only (-1/2), Only To Find Out What The Target Fears (-1/2) 6

12m I Use You Bravido To Feed Your Fear: Transfer 4d6 PRE to PRE 6

5m Your Not Afraid? I Can Make You Afraid!: Major Transformation 2d6 (Person Without A Fear To Person With A Fear), Based On ECV (+1), Invisable Power Effect (seight sence group, still detectable by mental sences and Detect Magic, +1/2), Extra Time (1 Hour, -3) 8


30 Fear Protects Me: Armor 10 PD, 10 ED

20 Your So Afraid, You Can't Aim Streight: Armor +10 PD, +10 ED, Only Works Agenst Thoes Who Are Affected By His Fear Attack Powers (-1/2)

21 Fear Shields My Mind: Mental Defence 20 points, Harden (+1/4)

25 Fear Shields My Powers: Power Defence 20 points, Harden (+1/4)


31 Fear Is Eveywhere: Teleportation 10", Position Shift, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) 3

14 Fear Is On The Cealing: Clinging 20 STR


42 I Sence You Are Afraid: Detect Fear (mental sence group), Discriminatory, Analyse, Three Hundred And Sixty Degree Preception, Sence, Targeting, Tracking, Ranged


27 The Aura Of Fear: Change Enviroment 4" radius, -4 to PRE for purpouses of resisting The Fear's fea based PRE Attacks, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Personal Imunity (+1/4), Nonpersistant (-1/4), No Range (-1/2) 0



16 +2 w/Mental Combat

10 +2 w/Elemental Fear multipower


13 Analyze (Fear): 18-

9 Computer Programing: 16-

9 Interagation: 21-

6 KS: The Writing World (sub-gendra: Horor Writers): 16-

6 KS: Monsters Of The World: 16-

6 KS: Horror Fiction: 18-

3 Power: Mystical Fear Control: 18-

6 PS: Writer: 16-

9 Shadowing: 16-

9 Stealth: 16-

9 Tactics: 16-

9 Tracking: 16-


Total Power Cost: 474

Total Cost: 690


200+ Disavantages

10 Distinctive Features: Souless (Not Concelable, Notic And Reciognised, only detectable by Detect Souls/Detect Magic)

20 Hunted by The New Circle (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Capture/Deposess)

20 Psychological Limitation: Phobophile, Obsesed With Fear, And Causing It In Others (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Heartless Killer (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Coward, Dislikes Getting Directly Involved In Physical Combat (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Idenity (James Smith, Frequently, Major)

15 Social Limitation: Famous Horor Author (Frequently, Major)

20 Vulnerability: X2 STUN From Good Aligned Magic

20 Vunerability: X2 BODY From Good Aligned Magic

329 Experence


Background/History: James Smith was a strugling writer who just finished his first noval manuscript, a horor noval named Oniba, and sent it to Morningstar Publishing. In four weeks, Lucifer Morningstar himself came to his house to sign him up. That night, James felt odd. He had odd dreams of a horoic nature, but theas dreams did not frighten him at the least. That morning, he started on his second noval, Fell Dreams. After finishing up the noval manuscript, Lucifer visited him again.


"I see your getting use to having a demon atached to you. Come and work for me, and you can see real fear." He agreed to join The Black Tryangle, and never looked back.


Quote: (in a horsed whisper) "I know your afraid. I can taist it on your soul."


Personality/Modivation: James is a murderous man who is obsesed with fear and causing the fealing in others. He enjoys makeing others cower, eather through his natural PRE, or using his powers on others.


James has only one fear left inside him, and that is the fear of being harmed physicaly. This, plus the nature of his powers, forces him to use more indirect aproches to harm his victoms.


James new novals are always inspiered by his dreams. He uses what he sees in his dreams as plots for his books (starting with Fell Dreams). When he is not "working", eatring, or sleaping, he is writing about the dream he had that night, and working it into his curent manuscript.


Powers/Tactics: The Fear has the ability to control and manipulate the fears of others. He can "eat" the braido of others (eather via drain or transfer). He can make others so afraid that there bodies lock up. He can even induce a heart attack via fear. He can even read fear in the minds of others, force them to see fear based visions, and make a person fear something thay normaly do not fear (both short term and long term).


The demon atached to him also protects him, makeing him harder to hit and damage with vareous attacks. Also, he can teleport and cling to any surface (alowing him to walk on walls and cealings as if thay were flores).


Tacticly, The Fear likes to keap in sight of the battel, but usaly in hideing. From his hiden spot, he likes to manipulate the fears in others till thay go mad. If push comes to shove, he will excape via teleportation, then plot revenge.


Apperance: James Smith looks to be an avrage looking man with short blond hair and grey eyes. Something about him spooks people, but nobody can exactly place a finger on exactly what. As The Fear, he wears a pale green robe with a matching hood and cape. His face is covered by a greenish-grey skull mask. People who seen him usaly describe fearsome features from him (like blood red glowing eyes, or the fact that he is a floating skeliton with glowing green bones), but thoes are usaly from people being afraid of him, and the unreliability of witnesses.


Campain Use: The Fear is not ment to be more powerful. To make him less powerful, remove or reduce many of his fear powers.


The Fear freely hunts anyone, especaly people who apear imune to his fear powers. It upsets him greatly that someone can not feal fear. He usaly hunts in hideing, using his powers to make his target eather kill himself, or enter a dangerous situation. Rairly will he show himself.


Plot Seads:


Destroyerphobia: The Fear realises that many people are afraid of Doctor Destroyer. So, using the anuiversity of The Battle Of Detrot, he plans on kidnaping vareous people who have seavear Destroyerphobia (the fear of Doctor Destroyer), and hook them up to a semi-mystical device designed to project this fear all over Milimum City. Can the heros stop him?


A New Noval From James Smith...: A PC hero starts having odd dreams. Then he somehow gets his hands on the new noval by James Smith, reads it, and recognises his dreams as something in that book. The thing is, he never read that book before. Is there any explanation to this? Is this the doings of The Black Tryangle?


Fear Of You: After a big adventure which sends the hero away from the city, he returns. Only to have him feared by eveyone in the city. Is The Fear doing something to the populance? If so, what artifact is he using (cause normaly his powers have limits)?

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