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Is there such a thing as TOO evil?

Michael Hopcroft

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil?


No no no! We want him to live long. At least the 23 years before he's eligible for parole. Granted, I also want his fellow inmates to know what he did, and act as they see fit.


I just want him to survive it. Every. Single. Time.


While he's utterly evil and despicable... I gotta say, the wife seems like a cold person too.


Not that that justifies what he did... but at least both of them are out of the gene pool for now.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil?


So he punished his wife for her lack of empathy by marrying her, getting her pregnant, and killing his own son?


a) at least he showed some evidence of remorse, unlike most serial killers and many gang bangers

B) if he's mentally retarded it's still hard to comprehend, but possibly more viable


he'll have the rest of his life to sit in a small confined space and contemplate the horror of what he did. If he's truly capable of remorse, the agony should be more unbearable than anything any of his fellow prisoners might do to him.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil?


No no no! We want him to live long. At least the 23 years before he's eligible for parole. Granted, I also want his fellow inmates to know what he did, and act as they see fit.


I just want him to survive it. Every. Single. Time.

Yeah but the problem with that, is that his wife, and the baby's grandparents and such are all tax payers. Which means continually paying for the priveledge of supporting this for his entire life.


3 hots and a cot, plus health care for the rest of his life, paid for by the survivors? This don't seem right to me.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil?


Maybe it's stuff like this that makes comics so appealing sometimes. Most comics involve big, brightly-colored, grandios evil with big plans and big goals. They're clearly crazy, or want to take over the world, or get stinking rich, or they have a noble end pursued throgh terrible means, or whatever.


I don't know, I guess I'm just trying to kick the thread back over to a somewhat non-NGD discussion.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil?


Good thing I didn't post the URL of the Japanese guy who spent a few hours torturing a stray cat he found to death-- and taking pictures. (Even the jaded and cynical Portal of Evil found that one hard to take.)


Putting this back into the context of fiction, the "Born to Die" story might've actually had some fascination/repulsion if I read it in a book; in RL it's just revolting. This would probably also be true of Seven's John Doe, Lecter, and many other fictional nasties.

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