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Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Thanks for the feedback.


"Words"? In Nomine, right?


If you read the very end of her backstory, there's a moment when she does express failure and regret, so there is a bit of that element in there. But the title "Scourge of Heaven" was given to Saviel by her brethren because of their awe and unease.



Yup. I rather like the framework--particularly in Heaven, names and titles have meaning.


I like what you've done; I was just in the mood to throw out alternatives.


To me, the core hook is the fact that Saviel is a self-exile; anything that helps explain or flesh out why an Angel would cast herself out of Heaven's Light (without actually rebelling) can be a powerful character hook.

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Yup. I rather like the framework--particularly in Heaven, names and titles have meaning.


I like what you've done; I was just in the mood to throw out alternatives.


To me, the core hook is the fact that Saviel is a self-exile; anything that helps explain or flesh out why an Angel would cast herself out of Heaven's Light (without actually rebelling) can be a powerful character hook.


As it stands, sitting by and doing nothing had finally sunk her into a bout of deep despair -- remember that she was never the "singing the the choir" and rejoicing type to begin with. On earth, she gets to fulfil her purpose -- to fight, to protect, to defend. She worries that if she goes back, she'll never be allowed to return to earth, at the very least. She can't go back to the sadness, to uselessly watching.


I'll try to make that more clear in my next draft. Thanks for the input. :)

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Well, I'm still debating a couple of things on Saviel.


On one hand, it might be more cost-effective to just give her extra CVs. On the other hand, I really like the idea of giving her the Martial Arts package, as another way to really set her apart from the other Angels of War. There are things she can do with the maneuvers that would be a lot harder without them.


But if I cut the maneuvers, I can fit something else appropriate under my self-imposed point cap...

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Meanwhile, here's an old "friend" of Saviel's...



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

25 CON 30 14-

12 BODY 4 11-

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

6 COM -2 10-


10/25 PD 7 Total: 10/25 PD (0/15 rPD)

10/25 ED 5 Total: 10/25 ED (0/15 rED)

4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

15 REC 14

50 END 0

45 STUN 12 Total Characteristic Cost: 168


Movement: Running: 4"/8"

Leaping: 2"/4"

Swimming: 1"/2"


Cost Powers END

45 Armor of Hell: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points)

48 Beyond Mortal Concern: Life Support (Eating Character need not eat; Immunity All poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity All diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)

45 Black Dagger: HKA 1d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Does BODY (+1), AVLD (Power Defense; +1 1/2) (56 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4) 6

10 Darkest Eyes: UV Perception (Sight Group), Discriminatory

49 Deceitful Guise I: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, Human and Animal Forms), Imitation, Instant Change, Makeover 5

37 Deceitful Guise II: Variable Power Pool, 20 base + 17 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (50 Active Points); Only to Simulate Shapeshifted Forms (-1/2); all slots Linked (Deceitful Guise I; -1/4)

50 Depths of the Mind: Multipower, 50-point reserve

5u 1) Anguish: RKA 1d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Does BODY (+1) (49 Active Points) 5

5u 2) Assault: Ego Attack 5d6 (50 Active Points) 5

2u 3) Look Thee Away From Me: Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe (30 Active Points); Only Works vs Sentient Minds (-1/4), Targets Might Get EGO vs EGO Roll - GM Discretion (-1/4) 3

5u 4) No Secret Safe: Telepathy 4d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Cumulative (96 points; +1) (50 Active Points) 5

5u 5) Temptation: Mind Control 4d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Cumulative (96 points; +1) (50 Active Points) 5

10 Hellfire Within: Power Defense (10 points)

5 Hellhole Mind I: Mental Defense (10 points total)

60 Hellhole Mind II: Drain EGO 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1) (90 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)

15 Long Exposure to Fire: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Only vs Fire and Heat (-1)

15 Long Exposure to Fire: Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points)

26 Regeneration: 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, One Power At A Time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (79 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Cannot Restore What was Broken (-1/4)

17 Sense Supernatural: A Class Of Things 14- (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense



15 Beast Speech

26 Universal Translator 20-



10 +2 with HTH Combat

3 Analyze: Minds 14-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bribery 15-

3 Bureaucratics 15-

3 Concealment 14-

3 Conversation 15-

5 Cramming

3 Defense Maneuver I

3 Disguise 14-

3 High Society 15-

3 Interrogation 15-

0 Language: Enochian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 Lipreading 14-

3 Mimicry 14-

3 Oratory 15-

3 PS: Singing 15-

3 Persuasion 15-

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Angels and Demons (3 Active Points) 14-

2 2) KS: History (3 Active Points) 14-

2 3) KS: Magic (3 Active Points) 14-

2 4) KS: Politics (3 Active Points) 14-

2 5) KS: War (3 Active Points) 14-

3 Seduction 15-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Sleight Of Hand 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 15-

3 Tactics 14-

3 Teamwork 13-

3 Tracking 14-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 592

Total Cost: 760


300+ Disadvantages

15 Distinctive Features: Demonic (Easily Concealed; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Demonic Aura (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

10 Hunted: "The Fallen" 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

10 Hunted: "The Powers that Be" 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

15 Physical Limitation: Bad Leg (see movement) (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)

0 Physical Limitation: Crippled Wings

15 Psychological Limitation: Conflicted (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Hatred: Saviel (Uncommon, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Lust: Saviel (Uncommon, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Sadistic (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Common, Strong)

15 Reputation: Fallen Angel, 14- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)

310 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/History: Coriel was once an Angel of War -- proud, strong, and true. He served and trained under a great officer, or so he thought at the time. She instructed him in combat both armed and unarmed, and tactics. He lived for the thrill and satisfaction of the good and noble fight. Only, the fight never really came. The angels in charge, Michael and his generals, would not use the mighty and glorious forces of heaven for anything other than border patrol and parades. When Abigor came to him and spoke of overthrowing Michael, his dissastisfaction blossumed into outright rebellion. All he had to do, they told him, was bring his commander over to the rebel side. They knew that she felt unfulfilled, and that she took no part in the rejoicing, and so they believed she would be easy to turn. They were wrong, as Coriel soon found out.


His commander rejected the notion of rebellion, rejected the chance for glory and honor. He hid his disgust, and pretended to heed her talk of loyalty. He respected her, and wanted her to join with them so badly, and now instead he wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and make her pay for her blindness, for betraying his respect and admiration. In deceit and confusion, the first seeds of his Fall took root.


When the rebellion came, he was among the first to draw the blood of another angel. He fought gloriously, and well, in the name of Lucifer's new order. There were early successes, and their dream seemed so near at hand. But the loyalists rallied, thanks in part to his former commander. On the day of the decisive battle, he found her, cutting a path through Lucifer's army, on a converging path with that detestable Michael. She shattered Lucifer's standard, and would have cut Azazel down had Coriel not interupted her. He knew in that moment that the only way to make her understand was to defeat her, and so he attacked, using everything she had taught him. Only, it wasn't enough. He failed. He made one tiny mistake, left the slightest of openings, and she shattered his knee. She struck down upon his wings, and crushed them.


Broken before her, he looked up, and saw his own oblivion in the green fire of her eyes. Her face a mask of rage, she let swing the deathblow. Only, he didn't die. The detestable Michael had intervened. Coriel would not die, but would instead be cast out, with all the other surviving renegades.


Personality/Motivation: Conflicted. Take, for example, his feelings towards Saviel. He'd love to give her a long, deep kiss...maybe so that he could bite her tongue out. It's a twisted combination of admiration, lust, and loathing. Is he an utter failure, or was he bested in glorious combat by an awesome foe? Is it better to serve in Heaven, or rule in Hell? He doesn't know, and this drives him to drag mortals down into confusion and despair with him.


Quote: "Let us sit and talk for awhile."


Powers/Tactics: Coriel, once a paragon of open combat, has been twisted into a creature of confusion, doubt, and deception. His body and spirit broken, his powers now center around deceit and obfuscation.


Campaign Use: A master of deception, a corrupter of souls and spreader of doubts.


Appearance: In his true form, Coriel is slightly hunched over -- he'd be taller if he could stand completely upright and straight. His body has lost the definition it had when he was an Angel of War. His skin is pale grey. Two tattered, crippled black wings sprout from his back, and are constantly molting feathers. He wears fine black robes.


Character and Original Content Copyright 2004 KWG

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Well, I'm still debating a couple of things on Saviel.


On one hand, it might be more cost-effective to just give her extra CVs. On the other hand, I really like the idea of giving her the Martial Arts package, as another way to really set her apart from the other Angels of War. There are things she can do with the maneuvers that would be a lot harder without them.


But if I cut the maneuvers, I can fit something else appropriate under my self-imposed point cap...



Well... specifically what things do you want her to do that lend themselves to a Martial Arts package? Effects like "target falls"?


If you lower the OCV and DCV of her Maneuvers, you can shave points; the savings would be offset somewhat by the need for more Dex and/or CVs, but in the end, assuming you have at least 4 or 5 or so maneuvers in her package, that would save a few points.

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Well... specifically what things do you want her to do that lend themselves to a Martial Arts package? Effects like "target falls"?


If you lower the OCV and DCV of her Maneuvers, you can shave points; the savings would be offset somewhat by the need for more Dex and/or CVs, but in the end, assuming you have at least 4 or 5 or so maneuvers in her package, that would save a few points.


I want to represent her skill in combat in a way that simple CVs don't, at least on the level of cinematic fluff. She's harder to keep ahold of than her STR would indicate. She's very good at counterattacking. That kind of thing. I'm going to post her as-is, in rough-draft form, and get some feedback.

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming




The Scourge of Heaven

Angel of War


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

40 STR 30 17- Lift 6400.0kg; 8d6 [4]

30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

40 CON 60 17-

15 BODY 10 12-

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

20/40 PRE 10 13- / 17- PRE Attack: 4d6/8d6

16 COM 3 12-


15/30 PD 7 Total: 15/30 PD (15/30 rPD)

15/30 ED 7 Total: 15/30 ED (15/30 rED)

6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

20 REC 8

80 END 0

60 STUN 5

Total Characteristic Cost: 271


Movement: Running: 10"/20"

Flight: 15"/60"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 6"/12"


Cost Powers END

60 Arsenal of the War Angel: Multipower, 60-point reserve

4u 1) Eldritch Sword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), +2 STUN Multiplier (+1/2) (44 Active Points) 2

Notes: Use Standard Effect of 4.5 (2.5+2) for the STUN Multiplier

4u 2) Spirit Sword: HA +8d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 6

Notes: 16d6 w/ STR

6u 3) Sword of the Scourge: HKA 4d6 (6 1/2d6 w/STR) (60 Active Points) 6

Notes: Use Standard Effect of 2.5 for the STUN mulitplier.

5u 4) Fires of Retribution: Drain BODY 3d6, Ranged (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Cannot Harm the Truly Innocent (-1/4) 6

3u 5) Shield: FF (10 PD/10 ED) (Protect Carried Items) (30 Active Points) 3

5u 6) The Touch: Healing 3 1/2d6, One Power At A Time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (52 Active Points) 2

4u 7) Spirit: Desolidification (affected by Mystic Powers) (40 Active Points) 4

3u 8) Tongues: Universal Translator 24- (30 Active Points)

42 Armor of the Stars: Force Field (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (42 Active Points)

15 Immortal Form I: Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED)

19 Immortal Form II: Damage Resistance (10 Mental Def./10 Flash Def./10 Power Def.), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points)

15 Immortal Form III: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

15 Immortal Form IV: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

12 Angel Eyes: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points), Hardened (+1/4) (12 Active Points)

19 The Fire Within: Power Defense (15 points), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points)

14 The Will: Mental Defense (15 points total), Hardened (+1/4) (14 Active Points)

29 Regeneration: 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, One Power At A Time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (79 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

48 Beyond Mortal Concern: Life Support (Eating Character need not eat; Immunity All poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity All diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)

10 Angel Eyes: IR Perception (Sight Group), Discriminatory

32 Sense Supernatural: A Class Of Things 14- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Targeting

35 Wings of Light: Flight 15", x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), combat acceleration/deceleration (+1/4) (52 Active Points); Wingspan - 3 meters (-1/2) 2

16 Manifest Presence: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Offensive Use Requires Angelic Manifestation (-1/4)

7 Weapon Master: Variable Power Pool, 5 base + 2 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (11 Active Points); Weapon Familarities and Elements Only (-2)

The Arts of Combat

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Counterstrike +2 +2 Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block

5 Grappling Block +1 +1 Grab One Limb, Block

5 Joint Break -1 -2 Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable

4 Joint Lock/Throw +1 +0 Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 50 STR to Disarm

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Escape +0 +0 55 STR vs. Grabs

3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on

4 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon +2 DC Strike

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 8d6 +v/5, Target Falls



9 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)

3 Bump Of Direction

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

15 Combat Sense 14-

5 Eidetic Memory



16 +2 with All Combat

10 +2 with HTH Combat

3 Acrobatics 15-

5 Analyze: Combat 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Concealment 14-

3 Deduction 14-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

3 Interrogation 13- (17-)

3 Language: English (completely fluent)

1 Language: Enochian (imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)

3 Meditation 14-

3 Persuasion 13- (17-)

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Angels and Demons (3 Active Points) 14-

2 2) KS: Dimensional Lore (3 Active Points) 14-

2 3) KS: History (3 Active Points) 14-

2 4) KS: Magic (3 Active Points) 14-

2 5) KS: The Supernatural (3 Active Points) 14-

5 6) KS: War (6 Active Points) 17-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Stealth 15-

9 Tactics 17-

3 Tracking 14-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 606

Total Cost: 877


400+ Disadvantages

15 Distinctive Features: Obviously an Angel when manifesting powers (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Supernatural Aura (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

10 Hunted: "The Powers That Be" 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

5 Hunted: Religious Organizations 8- (As Pow, NCI, Watching)

10 Psychological Limitation: Hatred: Takofanes (Uncommon, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Loathes Religious Hypocrisy (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Protection of Innocents (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Sense of Justice (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Common, Strong)

10 Reputation: Angel not all of it accurate, wildly contradicting, 11-

10 Social Limitation: Enemy - Azazel, the Standard Bearer (Occasionally, Major)

10 Social Limitation: Enemy -- Coriel, the Broken One (Occasionally, Major)

5 Social Limitation: Sought out by "believers." (Occasionally, Minor)

322 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 155




"In the Beginning..." Genesis 1:1


None can say with certainty where the legions of angels arose from. They appear in the texts of many religions, and each has its own explanation. And yet, Saviel's kin do not precisely match any one them, and their number includes many who are named not in religious texts, but in the poem and prose of the ages, and in apocryphal texts no religion claims as truth. Perhaps, then, there is magic in the soul of humanity, and their hopes and fears, their terrible and noble impulses, all have power. Perhaps Saviel is a force of nature, a concept personified, arisen whole cloth out of the cumulative power of human belief. She vaguely remembers coming forth into the realm of heaven, but as with all her kind, she cannot remember when or how. Much, however, has come to pass between then and now, and so it must have been in some distant and ancient past.


What is true, beyond all doubt, is that she is an Angel of War. In the legions of heaven, she was a lieutenant. Personally, she had never been in the presence of the One, but her orders were said to come ultimately from His will, through Michael and his generals and eventually down to her. The greater number of angels were not of the militant orders, but rather messengers and embodiments of faith, hope, joy, deliverence, mercy, healing, and peace. Even the angels of war took great joy in that heavenly realm, in the light of the One. Saviel never sang in their choirs, and never took part in their rejoicing. She drilled her troops and studied her deadly art with grim dedication. Her purpose was war, and she would be ready. But for a few minor actions against malignant old spirits, there was no fulfilment of her purpose.


"And there was war in heaven..." Revelation 12:7


Time passed. Angels grew aware of mankind, and some grew jealous of the increasing attention that the One was paying to the "dirty little monkeys." Other angels grew restless with routine. Beginning with a few of the highest, whispers of rebellion spread, even to the angels under Saviel's command. Knowing of Saviel's grim focus and fierce disposition, the leaders of the rebellion sent her own protege, Coriel, to entice her to their side, thinking that she would embrace their call to war. They were mistaken. She spoke to Coriel not of war and strife, but of duty and loyalty and purpose, and he went away promising to consider her words. Saviel attempted to warn her commanders, and was chastised, accused of lusting for war and letting her imagination exagerate the discontent.


It was not long before she was vindicated. The rebellion struck quickly, and Lucifer's renegades were organized and thorough. Assassination and the taking of outposts by suprise were the order of the day. Angel slew angel, and many others simply collapsed in horror and shock at the truth of it. Even before the trumpets were sounded to raly the loyal, however, Saviel was at her grim task. Consumed with wrath and seething against betrayal, she struck down any renegade she found in her path through the streets. So terrible was the sight of her that even many loyalist angels of peace would cower or flee as she passed by. As the loyalist militants recovered from the initial shock, they marshalled their forces, and war raged in heaven, until the final battle came to pass. On that day, Saviel's terrible rage and will focused on one objective: the enemy standard. As another fought his way toward the renegage general himself, she cut her way through the renegade host, until she came to the standard bearer. She struck Azazel down, shattering the standard and sundering his helm. The next stroke of her sword would have finished Azazel, but for the opposing blade that stopped it -- Coriel's blade. He attacked her in earnest, hurling curses and epithets. She returned his assault in kind, but in a cold rage beyond words, she said nothing. None dared interfere as master and protege dueled there on the battlefield, such was the fury of their engagement. Finally, though, by way of secrets left untaught and raw outrage, Saviel came to prevail. She would have struck the deathblow, but again, another's blade blocked her way. Turning to face yet another foe, she was but an instant from striking down Michael himself, who stood holding Lucifer's crown in one hand, and his own sword in the other. She spoke to him through clenched teeth.


"I would kill him, Michael."

"You must not -- they are defeated. They will be cast out -- such is the word I have received. You have faught well in these dark days, but the time of strife has come to an end. Put down your sword, and rejoice that heaven is preserved."

"I feel no joy."


Green fire still burned in her eyes as her gaze passed over the broken Coriel, and as she walked away, shoulders slumped, the rage finally and slowly seeping out of her. Time passed, but the survivors of that war never looked at Saviel as they had before. In heaven and far below, it was known that no other had slain so many in the war. She came to be known as "The Standard Breaker" and "The Shatterer of Wings", but the appellation "Scourge of Heaven" has stuck with her to this day. There were those among the Seraphim, and the Cherubim, and the Messengers, who could no longer bring themselves to meet her gaze. As a creature of intense temperment and fierce disposition, she had never truly fit in amongst most of her fellows, and the war had only served to widen that gulf.


"The giants were on the earth in those days--and also afterward... They were the heroes of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4


The myriad ages of men came and went in the mortal realm, and eventually a new age of giants and heroes came to pass, in a time of great evil and of great promise. Mortals possessed of greater and greater powers fought over the fate of their race. The forces of evil seemed always to be more powerful than the forces of good, and always held back by the slimest of margins. If such giants and heroes walked among men, if such powers were displayed openly amongst the mortals, if the Fallen themselves were taking ever-greater liberties, then Saviel saw no reason why an angel could not go forth unto the Earth, and fight the enemies of man as she had fought the enemies of heaven. Her requests were flatly denied. Heaven no longer interfered freely in the affairs of men, she was told. Some remembered her role in the war, and shuddered to think of her let loose on earth. Others remembered her role in the war, and felt gratitude for her grim service. And so, to ease Saviel's concerns and express that gratitude, they sent one of their own to a young woman in the place known as "New York", and blessed her with the powers of their kind, to battle evil. She took for herself the name "Archangel", and served well in her role for many years. Saviel's concerns over the ongoing war of giants and men of renown were somewhat eased, for a time.


"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sack-cloth of hair, and the moon became as blood..." Revelation 6:12


Then, an ancient evil awakened, and came forth from the depths of the earth to plague the world once more. Archangel was among the first to oppose Takofanes, and was slain with alarming ease. Overcome with grief and rage, Saviel broke down into tears for the first time in her long existence. Nearly incoherent, she railed at her fellows. She had wanted nothing more than to oppose evil as it manifested upon the earth, and instead they had burdened an innocent mortal girl with power, and sent her to die a terrible death. She demanded to know what had become of Archangel's soul, but none could tell her. The crushing realization of what had happened to Archangel was more than even Saviel could take, and it was the blow that finally drove her into a dark and terrible sadness.


"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger..." Ezekiel 25:17


Saviel sat, alone, as five years passed upon the earth. She watched, unmoving, as the heroes and villains of the age fought. Then came a terrible day, marked on much of the Earth as July 23rd, 1992. As a superhuman battle larger and greater than any before raged below, a dark forbiding came over Saviel, and she felt a spark inside her return. She arose, and went directly to the gate that lead to the mortal realm. The guards, however, would not let her pass, and they sent for others. As she argued with them, she could hear the distant sounds of battle in her ears, and knew that every moment she delayed was a precious moment wasted. She heard good warriors dying, and innocents dying, and it turned her dark sadness into anger until finally she threw aside the nearest guard, and cast such a baleful glare upon the rest that they fell upon themselves to be away from her.


Without looking back, she launched herself towards Earth. Dropping out of the sky, she landed with such force that she drove a crater into the asphault of a Detroit street. Fully manifested, green fire blazing in her eyes and wings of light spread out behind her, she summoned her sword and, after a few moments of observation, waded into the fight. The enemy was as wheat before the scyth -- some ran, some fought, and she cut a terrible path towards her ultimate foe, whose position she had noted before leaving Heaven. Two of the powerful costumed villains came forth to stop her, and she cut them down, leaving one dead and the other badly injured. She had no time, as an undefined but increasing sense of urgency drove her forward. Finally, as she was about to reach the fulcrum of the battle, a great light appeared above her. She had barely the time to make herself immaterial before the power of the stars crashed down around her, reducing all that it touched to nothing and igniting a firestorm around it as it moved across the city. Thousands of souls were cut loose all around her, and the screams of both the dead and the living filled her ears.




One of the first news crews on the scene after the Battle of Detroit caught a few moments of tape that would play over and over in the weeks to come. A young woman, with feathered wings of light and haunting green eyes, dragging a sword of fire in one hand, and carrying a small child in her other arm, walked out of the fire and ashes of Detroit. As she handed the child to a fireman, she could be heard saying "I was too late. I'm sorry." Without another word, she flew off into the smoke-filed sky.


Saviel never returned to heaven.


Personality/Motivation: Saviel has determined to remain on earth. She cannot go back to the dark and terrible sadness that came of doing nothing, and her sense of purpose drives her to be a hero. So, she lives among humanity now, in self-imposed exile from the only existence she had ever known. She is lonely sometimes, and feels isolated among the mortal population. There are a few she considers comrades, maybe even friends, but her rather muted ability to express everyday emotion makes her seem more distant that she really is. She supports her modest needs mainly through her own version of "civil forfeiture" -- it's amazing how much cash the typical VIPER or DEMON opperation has lying around...


Ironically, it is religion that seems to cause her the most grief. She cannot completely hide what she is, and believers of all sorts will come to her looking for guidance, blessings, or even vindication of their own petty notions. The established churches always seem to be prying. None of what they believe could begin to encompass the truth. She finds bigots and hypocrits infuriating, and harbors a particular loathing for those who claim divine blessing for their wicked acts.




"I'm good, not nice."

"'On the side of the angels?' Do you have any idea what you're talking about?"


Powers/Tactics: If there is a tactic, a maneuver, or a trick, that mankind has ever employed in combat, one can rest assured that Saviel is aware of it, its application, and any counters. Unlike many of her kin, Saviel does not underestimate the human species. She has been watching humanity wage war for millenia, studying them in all their noble and monstrous deeds. She has paid particular attention to superhumans, and knows that at their most impressive, they rival any of the angels in their raw power, and in their capacity for good and for evil. She takes nothing for granted.


Despite her caution, Saviel is actually capable of striking down most superhumans easily with any of her attack powers -- if anything, she has to hold back to avoid inflicting mortal wounds. She's quite resilient, but relies as much on her ability to avoid a hit as she does on her ability to take one. Despite being one of the most devestating Angels of War, she has grown to the point that her powers have begun to blur the line with her other kin.


Campaign Use: The Mystic World is shaken to the core when a true Fallen Angel begins to work with the Crowns of Krym. Who can tell the PCs how to defeat such a creature? Does Saviel come to the PCs for help in dealing with this new unholy alliance?


Demon is hunting an Angel. Who can help her?


One calling himself the Messiah has come, and people are flocking to him across the world. His powers are vast, and his magic seems to be divine! Are things as they seem? Saviel doesn't think so.


The Devil's Advocates have been joined by Kabalah, a mage who does indeed seem able to bind Angels to his will. Are these really Angels? How can they be freed? Is Saviel vulnerable to his magic, or does something about her -- fierce will, self-exiled status, or something else -- exempt her from Kabalah's bindings?


Takofanes is on the march again, killing and raising hundreds of thousands in Mexico. Even Saviel is no match for the lich and his undead horde. She needs support -- magical support.


Appearance: Normally, Saviel appears to be a tall, athletic, and fairly attractive young woman, if a little pale. There's nothing that remarkable about her, until she uses her powers. Then, her true nature is unmistakable. When she is fully manifested, her eyes glow with green fire, her hair stirs in a wind no one else can feel, her wings appear, and it seems as if she is about to unleash all the powers of heaven and earth upon some unfortuate soul.

Her wings are more light than substance, and will pass through solid objects unhindered -- she only needs open space in order to fly. The Armor of The Stars appears as ornate, but only vaguely visible, plate armor; when it is struck, ripples of light spread from the point of impact, and then fade.


Character and Original Content Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 KWG

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


So...any comments, questions, or concerns? Anything too much, or too little? Attacks, defenses, characteristics, skills...are they right, or out of whack? Anything you'd expect to see that just isn't there? Anything out of place?


PS: for the person who already said they'd comment, thanks in advance. :)

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


So...any comments, questions, or concerns? Anything too much, or too little? Attacks, defenses, characteristics, skills...are they right, or out of whack? Anything you'd expect to see that just isn't there? Anything out of place?


PS: for the person who already said they'd comment, thanks in advance. :)


First off, I like the writeup so far, it certainly "feels right".


So, given that Saviel's overall writeup seems to fit, I'll now be nitpicky.








You might want to rename Saviel's Multipower. The first few slots certainly fit "Arsenal of the War Angel", but Healing and Universal Translator... less so.


On the other hand, you could certainly defend that particular Title simply by arguing that Saviel interprets her role *very broadly*--the same way Batman's tools are all part of his "arsenal" against crime.


I also note that have both Flying/Passing and "normal" versions of Dodge, Grab, and Throw. From a point-shaving perspective, you could save a few points by eliminating the non-Flying versions (since they don't have any "in flight only" limitations on them, they could still be used in conventional situations), and putting the points saved into a skill level in HtH (for example), which would give her a little more overall utility without upping the point cost.



I'm very, very suprised at an angel who has no KS: religion of any kind, as well. Her Psych. Lim of "Loathes Religious Hypocrisy" makes a lot of sense, but without some kind of detailed knowledge of religion, she'd be a particularly passionate, but not informed, commentator on religion...


But, as I've mentioned, I like Saviel's writeup a lot.



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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


First off, I like the writeup so far, it certainly "feels right".


So, given that Saviel's overall writeup seems to fit, I'll now be nitpicky.




You might want to rename Saviel's Multipower. The first few slots certainly fit "Arsenal of the War Angel", but Healing and Universal Translator... less so.


On the other hand, you could certainly defend that particular Title simply by arguing that Saviel interprets her role *very broadly*--the same way Batman's tools are all part of his "arsenal" against crime.


I'll keep thinking on that one, and see if any ideas come up. Still, medical care, and the ability to understand what the enemy or the natives are saying, are certainly important things for a soldier...


I also note that have both Flying/Passing and "normal" versions of Dodge, Grab, and Throw. From a point-shaving perspective, you could save a few points by eliminating the non-Flying versions (since they don't have any "in flight only" limitations on them, they could still be used in conventional situations), and putting the points saved into a skill level in HtH (for example), which would give her a little more overall utility without upping the point cost.


I'd be more likely to drop the FMove versions, since they require a Full Move when they're used.


I'm very, very suprised at an angel who has no KS: religion of any kind, as well. Her Psych. Lim of "Loathes Religious Hypocrisy" makes a lot of sense, but without some kind of detailed knowledge of religion, she'd be a particularly passionate, but not informed, commentator on religion...


But, as I've mentioned, I like Saviel's writeup a lot.





Religions are a human invention, as far as Saviel is concerned. I might change the exact wording of the Disad to be less specific, or more descriptive.

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


I like Saviel. :) There are things I would have done differently, but those are quibbles.


Actually, I'm interested in what other people would have done differently. Even if I don't change a thing, that kind of discussion gives me insights for when I'm building characters in the future.


How do you see using her in a campaign?


That almost always seems to be the last thing I come up with. Typically, there's some inspiration, or the spark of an idea, and I become engrossed in a character...and then I have to figure out how to fit them in if I ever use them.


My first thought is that I'd use her in the same general way that one would use the New Circle's high-powered versions as NPCs. Or she could be a catalyst. She lacks the actual sorcery or mystic senses needed to track down Takofanes or Doc D, so she might need some help on those fronts. She probably knows more about angels and demons than almost anyone on earth, so she's a good source of information. Any hero that needs tactical advice or combat training might come to her seeking help.


Any suggestions for plot seeds?

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Well, a whole bunch of angels were supposed to have defected along with Lucifer, so you can always fall back on that as an origin.

I rather like this idea. :smoke:


No longer willing to follow Lucifer (a decision made either long ago, or recently -- as you wish) but no longer welcome in Heaven. Very useful for a "seeking redemption" theme if you go that route...

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Actually, I'm interested in what other people would have done differently. Even if I don't change a thing, that kind of discussion gives me insights for when I'm building characters in the future.


That almost always seems to be the last thing I come up with. Typically, there's some inspiration, or the spark of an idea, and I become engrossed in a character...and then I have to figure out how to fit them in if I ever use them.


My first thought is that I'd use her in the same general way that one would use the New Circle's high-powered versions as NPCs. Or she could be a catalyst. She lacks the actual sorcery or mystic senses needed to track down Takofanes or Doc D, so she might need some help on those fronts. She probably knows more about angels and demons than almost anyone on earth, so she's a good source of information. Any hero that needs tactical advice or combat training might come to her seeking help.


Any suggestions for plot seeds?


All of these are suggestions only. Some of them tie together with the changes I's have made if writing her myself. The first is the least important:


1) I'd try to fit her into 700-750 points. That would let players and GMs use her as a starting character in a Very High Powered campaign. As I said, not important, just my prefference.


2) No Universal Translator in the multipower. As it is, she can't understand what people are saying around her once she draws her sword. Languages don't make sense for an Angel either (imo). They were never afflicted with the curse of Babel, and should be able to speak with anyone. I'd drop the languages, find points from elsewhere, and just give her 15 or less Universal Translator as a straight talent.


3) Too many martial maneuvers, many of them duplicating effects. I'd drop all but those with special attributes you want, buy a few 3 point levels with Martial Arts, and be done with it. You'll save points and you won't lose any functionality, and it will all look the same in the game world.


4) +20 Offensive PRE and +20 Defenive PRE looks odd to me. I'd treat the drop in offensive PRE in her "human" form as a special effect and leave it at that.


5) As a long distance flyer with no Bump of Direction, special vision powers, or Navigation skill, she'd get lost a lot in my campaigns, or spend a lot of time stopping at gas stations and asking for directions. ;)


6) Her KS list looks a little off to me, and here is where things like plot seeds come in. If she were an NPC, I'd add skills like "Celestial Lore" and "History (Secret)" to give players more of a reason to find her, and maybe "Fate Touced Mortals" to give her a reason to seek them.


7) I don't see what she does when she's not Fighting Evil. She has a human form; what does she do with it? Self defense instructor? Police woman? Wandering do-gooder Mike Landon style?


So, plot seeds:


1) The Mystic World is shaken to the core when a true Fallen Angel begins to work with the Crowns of Krym. Who can tell the PCs how to defeat such a creature?


2) Demon is hunting an Angel. Who can help her?


3) The Messiah has come, and people are flocking to him across the world. His powers are vast, and his magic seems to be divine! Are things as they seem?


4) The Devil's Advocates have been joined by Kabalah, a mage who does indeed seem to be able to bind Angels to his will. Are these really Angels? How can they be freed?


5) Tak is on the march again, killing and raising hundreds of thousands in Mexico. Saviel is no match for him. She needs support, magical support.

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Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming


Nice write-up. I don't see anything I'd call a "mistake", except I'm not sure why you have languages in the skills plus the Universal Translator. I'd suggest perhaps calling the Universal Translator "Tower of Babel" instead of Tongues. :)


I would also personally reduce/streamline the martial arts but not a big deal.


Personally I'd go with Damage Reduction with smaller Defenses where appropriate; I would think of her as only somewhat ever physical, thus DR.

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