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a Hero Idea

Amoeba Man

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It's late. I'm sick, and I can't seem to sleep. I also have this hero idea tumbling around in my brain that I think is cool, but I don't even know if it's possible. The essence of the concept involves a character that has a multipower that he can't normally use. He also has an Endurance Reserve and a Transfer. The Transfer goes into his Endurance Reserve, and the Endurance Reserve is the only source of power for the Multipower. Oh and the Endurance Reserve starts at zero.


So what do you think? Totally gimped design or as cool as my medicated head thinks? All criticism is appreciated.

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Re: a Hero Idea


I've had similar characters. Except I've built them with Absorbtion instead of Transfer, but the principle is the same.


HD will even let you purchase the REC and the END Reserve down to 0.


You are going to have to monitor the level of END Reserve though. Out of combat, a character may try to keep a little juice in the Reserve, just enough for a single shot perhaps.

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