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UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign

teh bunneh

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I once had a character in a different Champs game who would do exactly the sort of thing that RK suggested. He was a right bastard in a team full of goody-two-shoes (remember Johann, LW?). ;) He did all sorts of really awful (but totally necessary) things so that the rest of the team wouldn't ever have to. He sullied his own soul so the rest of the group could keep theirs pure. He was a lot of fun to play. But that's definitely not Straight Arrow's style. :bounce:


My favorite time playing him was when the good guys knew the megavillain had about 20 nukes in various places, all set to launch towards Washington DC. We staged an elaborate attack on one of the missile silos in the hope of disabling it completely before they could warn the other silos to launch. Once we disabled the missile, we got word that the bad guy had launched his other missiles.


Everyone else: Oh my god! He launched the missiles!

Johann: Excellent, and right on schedule, too.

Everyone else: WHAT?!?

Johann: Think about it. We didn't know where all the missiles were. Now we do. And we have 20-someodd of the world's most powerful supers here, each of which is more than capable of stopping an ICBM in fight. Our enemy just shot his wad; all we have to do is bring tissues.





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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I once had a character in a different Champs game who would do exactly the sort of thing that RK suggested. He was a right bastard in a team full of goody-two-shoes (remember Johann' date=' LW?). ;) [/quote']


Ah, yes, Johann. Now that was a helluva superheroic game. :rockon:


He did all sorts of really awful (but totally necessary) things so that the rest of the team wouldn't ever have to. He sullied his own soul so the rest of the group could keep theirs pure. He was a lot of fun to play. But that's definitely not Straight Arrow's style. :bounce:


Oh, never doubt Straight Arrow's willingness to take a hit for one of his teammates. If someone has to do the dirty, he'll be happy to do so if it means his comrades are unstained. Better him than them in his opinion. :yes:


Everyone else: Oh my god! He launched the missiles!

Johann: Excellent, and right on schedule, too.

Everyone else: WHAT?!?

Johann: Think about it. We didn't know where all the missiles were. Now we do. And we have 20-someodd of the world's most powerful supers here, each of which is more than capable of stopping an ICBM in fight. Our enemy just shot his wad; all we have to do is bring tissues.



That was awesome. The whole lot of us...I think we were up to eight players at the time...were just staring at you with that "WTF?" expression on our faces. Until if finally dawned on us that Johann was right. I mean, what was a couple of missiles (even nuclear capable) to a Green Lantern Power Ring, huh? :D


That was neither the first nor the last time that the lot of us (sans Brian, of course) were of the mind: "Just do what Johann says; at least he knows what the heck's going on!" :hail::winkgrin:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


That was awesome. The whole lot of us...I think we were up to eight players at the time...were just staring at you with that "WTF?" expression on our faces. Until if finally dawned on us that Johann was right. I mean' date=' what was a couple of missiles (even nuclear capable) to a Green Lantern Power Ring, huh? :D [/quote']


Not just a Green Lantern, but also the son of Power Girl, the new Fire Elemental, the new Earth Elemental, the new Wonder Woman, a seriously ramped-up Booster Gold, the spiritual descendent of Superman, and the Big Blue Boyscout himself!


(We were one helluva team. We called ourselves the Justice League Universal -- JLU before there was a JLU!). ;)


That was neither the first nor the last time that the lot of us (sans Brian' date=' of course) were of the mind: "Just do what Johann says; at least he knows what the heck's going on!" :hail::winkgrin: [/quote']


All that power, with Johann in charge. A lesser man would have quailled at the responsibility. :eg:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Filthy must spread rep around before giving it to keyes_bill! Man, what a slick move that was, getting him to launch all the missiles so they could be stopped. Whew, hopefully it was blissfully tense with the questions of whether they would be able to stop them or not.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


My favorite time playing him was when the good guys knew the megavillain had about 20 nukes in various places, all set to launch towards Washington DC. We staged an elaborate attack on one of the missile silos in the hope of disabling it completely before they could warn the other silos to launch. Once we disabled the missile, we got word that the bad guy had launched his other missiles.


Everyone else: Oh my god! He launched the missiles!

Johann: Excellent, and right on schedule, too.

Everyone else: WHAT?!?

Johann: Think about it. We didn't know where all the missiles were. Now we do. And we have 20-someodd of the world's most powerful supers here, each of which is more than capable of stopping an ICBM in fight. Our enemy just shot his wad; all we have to do is bring tissues.




Well it's unique.. I'll give you that..


Sometimes doing the right thing means doing the "not so right" thing.


If your moral compass gets too messed up don't forget... helping cats out of trees and little-old-ladies to cross the street always indicate a true north.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Hmmmmph. Ruthlesness has it's place, but not when millions of lives are on the line. How could this Johann know that you could actually catch all of those missiles? Anway, back to the real show.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Appearance: Penny Dreadful is a beautiful and buxom blonde woman with an athletic build, bright green eyes, and a crazed grin. She appears to be an American (based on her accent), but was nevertheless welcomed into Eurostar. She wears blue and green tights, pointed elf-shoes, and a harliquin's mask (complete with bells).


Um, so...where's the mod photo? :whistle:

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Um' date=' so...where's the mod photo? :whistle:[/quote']


Right now I'm just using an unmodified DCClix Harley Quinn model (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/heroclix/dc/figuregallery.asp?unitid=2477). If she makes many more appearances (and with a bad guy this fun, how could she not?) I'll probably make a special mod just for her. :bounce:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


The Penny Dreadful Saga (AKA "Puppy Love") Continues! :bounce:



Against his better judgment, Straight Arrow agreed to take Penny Dreadful along with him to rescue his teammates. He knew just how dangerous – and deadly – Scarlet Specter could be. However, he gave Penny a few rules that she had to abide by, chief among these being that she couldn’t kill anyone. She promised to behave, and said the two of them would make a great crime-fighting duo, just like Bonny and Clyde!


“Bonnie and Clyde weren’t crime fighters,†Straight Arrow corrected her. “They were bank robbers.â€


“Hey, what a great idea!†she squealed. “Let’s do that instead!â€


Straight Arrow just rolled his eyes. “OK, now we just have to find them.†He began thinking of places to look, all the while Penny tried to get his attention. “What do you want now?†he asked.


“I bet I know where he is!†she said.


“How do you know where he is?†the hero demanded.


She sighed. “I’ve been stalking you for like a month now. I know everything about you, including your arch-nemesis. I did my homework. If I were him, and I were stealing airplane parts, I’d find a place where I could build an airplane of my own (hey! What a great idea! File that away for later…).â€


Straight Arrow got on the computer and began searching for places that Specter might be able to assemble an airplane. He found a recently decommissioned factory where they used to assemble missiles, and it was nearby. The dynamic duo headed there with all haste.


Meanwhile, the four prisoners slowly came to. They found themselves separated, each in a small stone cell with an iron door. They felt groggy, half-asleep, and had trouble making their powers work. Red Dragon was without his swords, but he was still wearing his armor. Aurora began rattling the bars of her cell, yelling for the guards. Seconds later, a guard showed up and told her to shut her yap-hole or he’d shut it for her. She angrily dared him to try, so he opened the cell door and came in.


She immediately threw a bolt of blinding lightning into his face, then while he was groping around for her, she ducked under his arms and ran out of the cell, shutting the door behind her.


Ifrita also yelled for her guard, who obligingly showed up. She challenged him and he also opened the door. The young Jordanian tackled him, yanked the stun-rod out of his hand, and zapped him with it.


Red Dragon also began yelling, and his guard showed up. As soon as the guard started to open the door, Red Dragon let out a mighty “Kiia!†and kicked the man into the wall, then pummeled him unconscious.


The three heroes found themselves in a long stone corridor, lit by flickering florescent lights. Ifrita rummaged through her guard’s pockets until she found a key, which she used to open New Man’s cell. New Man used his telepathy (though he found it difficult to focus) to read the mind of Aurora’s guard. The guard didn’t know much, so the team left him and headed up the corridor, to the guardroom.


Meanwhile, Straight Arrow and Penny Dreadful crept up to the seemingly abandoned factory. Straight Arrow spotted three guards on the roof, obviously highly alert and waiting for something. He told Penny to be extra quiet; they were going to try to get past the guards without alerting them.


Unfortunately, they forgot about the bells on Penny’s harlequin hat. The guards heard her and got ready to fire their weapons. Straight Arrow fired off a snapshot – a “white noise†arrow that would prevent the guards from using their radios to warn Scarlet Specter. One of the guards started to shoot at Penny, but suddenly he had a change of heart. How could he shoot someone so beautiful and perfect as her? Instead, he decided to shoot his CO, the man who ordered him to shoot that lovely angel! Penny giggled maniacally as the CO’s injured and unconscious form dropped to the ground.


Straight Arrow snapped off another shot and took out the third guard. Penny ordered her love-slave guard to take off his armor, and Straight Arrow bound him with UNTIL-issue manacles. The two of them found a door in the roof, and Straight Arrow disarmed the alarm and they entered as stealthily as possible…


Meanwhile, the ex-prisoners came upon another iron door. Red Dragon, tired of sneaking around, let out a yell and charged the door. He smashed it down, but stumbled. The guard on the other side of the door raised his weapon, but Ifrita and Aurora charged him and zapped him with the stun-sticks they had taken earlier. The guard collapsed in a heap. New Man found a shower and cleaned off as best he could (he was still stinking from the sewer treatment that Scarlet Specter had given him). Aurora and Ifrita searched the room but found nothing interesting. Red Dragon located his swords and felt much better.


Once everyone was back together, they located another iron door and headed through.


Meanwhile, Straight Arrow and Penny Dreadful crept carefully down the stairs. Straight Arrow noticed guards standing at the bottom of the stairs. As a perfectly choreographed team, he and Penny took out the guards without a sound. Penny was just about bursting with pride, since she had yet to kill anyone! Straight Arrow (reluctantly) acknowledged her good behavior.


They saw a strange blue light and heard voices, so they went to investigate. They found a large room filled with computers and other strange devices, dominated by four large glass tubes. Each tube was filled with a glowing blue liquid, and each held an unconscious member of UTC! Scarlet Specter was there, along with three henchmen, monitoring the condition of the tubes and their occupants.


Straight Arrow told Penny to sneak around and distract the guards (without killing them!) while he dealt with Scarlet Specter and his captured compatriots.


Meanwhile, the three prisoners found themselves in another corridor, identical to the one they just left. They peaked in to the cells to see if anyone else was being held, and found nothing but ancient skeletons, hideous rats, and large cockroaches. They knew this place was weird, but it just kept getting weirder. They continued to try to find a way out, but the corridor seemed to be endless.


Meanwhile, Straight Arrow silently knocked an arrow and let it fly, directly at the tube holding Ifrita. The tube shattered, sending a wave of blue glowing goo over everything and releasing the superheroine, who slowly came to her senses. Scarlet Specter cursed and tried to blast his nemesis, but Straight Arrow was too quick. The other guards raised their blasters, but one of them had a sudden change of heart and blasted his own computer console. Penny Dreadful, hiding in the shadows, giggled and wondered what color her wedding dress would be.


Meanwhile, the three prisoners were wondering what their next step would be when a trap door opened under Ifrita and she disappeared! They searched the stone floor, but could find no indications of how to open it again, or even that a trap door really existed!


In rapid succession, Straight Arrow shattered the remaining three tubes, releasing his friends. They slowly came to and realized that they were never in a stone prison – they had been in some sort of virtual reality the whole time! Angry at being tricked, Ifrita and Aurora blasted a nearby guard. Red Dragon, finding himself without his armor or weapons, crawled away to find shelter from the super-battle raging around him. Penny’s love-slave started doing a little dance in the middle of the battlefield, stripping off his armor and singing, “Shoot me! Shoot me! It’s my turn to be shot! Why won’t anyone shoot me?†– all the while, Penny Dreadful was laughing at her cruel little joke.


Now that his companions were free and taking care of the guards, Straight Arrow turned his attention to Scarlet Specter. “It’s all over, you filthy murderer!†Straight Arrow spat.


“Perhaps,†Specter replied, his gauntlets crackling with energy. “But I’ll make sure you don’t live long enough to enjoy your victory.â€


Straight Arrow charged his nemesis and in one mighty blow sent the armored fiend flying into a bank of computers. The electronics exploded in a flash of light, and Scarlet Specter lay still, finally defeated.


Cleanup didn’t take long. LOKI sent a few squads of men to clear out Specter’s labs and take him (and his men) away. Aurora and Straight Arrow began going through Specter’s surviving computer records, and what they learned shocked them.


Specter had been keeping careful tabs on Straight Arrow and UNITY Team C, meticulously cataloging their powers and their weaknesses. He knew as much – if not more – about each of them as UNTIL did (including their true identities). What was even more surprising was that he had reached the conclusion that Aurora was not a human at all, but was in fact an alien – and he had pages and pages of documentation to back his theory up.


Straight Arrow looked at Aurora. “We’ll need to talk,†he said. Aurora nodded. “But I don’t think that UNTIL Intel needs to know this little fact.†He hit the delete key, much to Aurora’s relief.


They located Tank (who had been partially disassembled) and Red Dragon’s armor and weapons. Straight Arrow put in an official request to examine Scarlet Specter’s equipment (he thought he might incorporate some of the evil genius’ gear into his own armor). They also found all the computer records and parts that Scarlet Specter had stolen, dumped in a forgotten corner. Apparently, all the thefts (and the deaths) were just bait to lure UTC in. Penny Dreadful snuck out after the fight and got away, but when Straight Arrow got back to Midgard, he found about 40 emails and PMs waiting for him. Penny told him that she had a wonderful time on their date and she couldn’t wait to see him again…


Overall, their mission was considered a qualified success, and everyone got a silver star on their record.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Great update...


It was a great session. I don't think my dice have ever performed so well. :D


Of course...I'm probably due for a really bad night after that chapter. Gotta balance out the karma, y'know. :rolleyes:


And if you liked this, wait until you read about our misadventure in Japan.... :winkgrin:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


It was a great session. I don't think my dice have ever performed so well. :D


Yup. Straight Arrow one-shotted Scarlet Specter. It was very cinematic.


And if you liked this, wait until you read about our misadventure in Japan.... :winkgrin:


I think that was the best session yet. Everyone was laughing so hard our sides hurt. Y'all will get that update in... one week. :D



(I'm such a tease!) ;)

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


The next recounting of UNITY Team C's Thrilling Adventures!


With an added bonus: A photo of the climactic battle! :bounce:


Hope y'all enjoy it half as much as we did. ;)



Due to the “mistakes†in their last mission, UNTIL assigned UTC to a series of training missions to work some of the bugs out of their team. It is a grueling two weeks, spent both on field and in-house training. But during a rare break, Red Dragon received a phone call from his publisher. The animation company asked him to come to the studio so they can do measurements, take photographs, and film his signature moves. They also asked him to bring his “sidekicks†along so they can get some pictures/film of them, too.


Red Dragon reluctantly approached Straight Arrow about the idea (reluctant because he knows that Straight Arrow has not been treated in a flattering way in the manga, and also because Red Dragon has enemies in Japan that he’d rather not meet again). Straight Arrow wasn’t sure he liked the idea, but he promised he’d bring it up with Major Bec in their next meeting.


Major Bec thought it was a great idea – there were no emergencies that needed addressing, and it’s always good to do a little UNITY PR. He quickly cleared the whole thing with the uppity-ups, and the team left immediately.


They received an unexpected reception when they arrived. Hundreds of screaming fans (ranging in age from schoolchildren to retirees) waited on the tarmac for them, waving copies of Red Dragon’s manga, wearing UNITY t-shirts, the whole schmere. They threw themselves at the team, barely kept in check by the constabulary. Red Dragon was eating it up – he loved the attention.


But his autograph-signing session was soon interrupted by Mr. Hanigara, the head of the animation studio. He was a polite man who bowed deeply and shook all the characters’ hands. He looked shocked when introduced to most of the heroes (especially the heroines), since they didn’t look at all like how they’re drawn in the manga. He privately mentioned this to Red Dragon, who assured him that UNITY was just trying out some new costumes.


The heroes checked into one of Tokyo’s finest hotels and were treated to a sumptuous (western-style) dinner. The next morning, they went to the animation studio. Red Dragon was informed that UNITY lawyers contacted the studio and insisted that everyone on the team get shown in a favorable light (though Red Dragon can still be the hero of the show, since it is, after all, Japanese). Red Dragon readily agreed to this – after all, manga are frequently very different from the anime that they spawn.


The costume people tried to get Aurora and Ifrita in little Japanese schoolgirl outfits, and were profoundly disappointed when the ladies refused. However, New Man had a little “talk†with Mr. Hanigara, who told his people to back off.


They spent the morning taking still photos of the heroes, and then Mr. Hanigara introduced the team to Tomo Ariwashi, the stuntman. Hanigara asked the heroes to shoot the stuntman, from various angles, so the animators could see exactly how their powers work. Ariwashi was wearing a shiny silver jumpsuit and looked haggard, hollow-eyed, and wild-haired. He kept insisting he could take it. When the heroes refused to use their powers on the poor man, Mr. Hanigara fired him. Feeling pity, they (reluctantly) agreed to shoot him. He certainly proved capable of taking a hit – he kept getting back up every time (though he got up slower and slower each time). Eventually, Ifrita came up with the idea of hitting Red Dragon instead of Mr. Ariwashi, since he could take a hit better than anyone (and he’s the one who got them into this).


That night, the studio took the heroes out for a night of traditional Japanese fare (including karaoke!). Red Dragon had the time of his life (even singing an “Ebony and Ivory†duet with Tank), but most everyone else bailed early. Straight Arrow summed it up nicely: “I’ll battle to the death against psychotic supervillains and marauding aliens. I’ll put my life and my very soul at risk for the good of the world. But I will not sing.â€


However, on the way home, Aurora (who was one of the few who wasn’t drunk) noticed that they were being shadowed by a group of suspicious people. After she got her companions back to the hotel, she went back to check it out, but the shadows were gone.


The next day, the studio treated the heroes to an all-expenses paid deluxe tour of Tokyo. It was guided by a cute couple of college kids – one boy (Yuki) and one girl (Suki), dressed in matching white uniforms. They were relentlessly cheerful, very informed about the city, and spoke excellent English. They were both huge fans of UNITY (the whole team, not just Red Dragon), and knew everything there was to know about the team (even quizzing each other over bits of UNITY trivia).


The tour was nice, except for one thing: everywhere the team went they were mobbed by swarms of teenage girls and boys, all waving copies of Red Dragon’s manga and magazines about UNITY, and begging for autographs and pictures. Everyone was alert for the shadows that followed Aurora home the night before, but no one noticed anything unusual. Of course, mobbed as they were, it would have been tough to see if anyone was following them.


While they were taking a lunch/shopping break in heart of downtown Tokyo, Ifrita and Straight Arrow noticed one of the giant Jumbotron TV screens flicker and change from a Coca-Cola ad to a beautiful young woman pounding on the screen from the inside, a look of panic on her face, mouthing “Help me!†At first, they thought it was just another bizarre Japanese TV ad, but as the woman’s pounding became more desperate, it dawned on them that this might be real.


Straight Arrow ordered Aurora to fly up to the screen and see if she could follow the TV signal back to its source. But before she could do that, there was a flash of light and suddenly the woman fell from the TV screen (10 stories up) and plummeted towards the ground. Ifrita leapt into the air and caught the woman, then lowered her gently to the ground.


Our heroes surrounded her to see who she was and if she was OK. She opened her eyes, and looked at Red Dragon. To him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. In fact, she was more than a woman – she was a goddess. Both the samurai spirit and the Japanese Otako felt the desire to worship her, the perfect woman – pale skin, blue hair, sparkling eyes, bow-shaped lips, slim form, petite hands and tiny feet, dressed in flowing shrine-maiden clothing.


Then she looked around and terror returned to her eyes. She whispered one word: “Ninjas!â€


Suddenly all the TV screens in the immediate area started flickering off, one by one, showing nothing but utter blackness, and then each screen spat out a ninja, who leapt to the ground with amazing grace and skill. They surrounded the heroes, looking more like smoke than solid beings, each of them holding a blade carved from the blackness of space itself. They faced off with the heroes for a moment, time seeming to come to a standstill as the two groups starde each other down, then one of the ninjas spoke:


“Do not involve yourselves in this. This matter does not concern you.â€


Straight Arrow stood up. “Nobody wants any trouble. Why don’t we try to talk things over before this get ugly?â€


Red Dragon screamed a mighty war cry and leapt at the nearest ninja, bashing him and sending him flying into a parked car. “Well, so much for the diplomatic route,†Straight Arrow sighed.


The mysterious goddess-girl watched all this with horror, and then said, “No, don’t! They’ll kill you too!†She then vanished from sight. At that moment, Aurora recognized her. “She’s running away!†Aurora yelled, pointing at a nearby electrical junction box. The ninjas, one by one, flickered out like shadows, pursuing the goddess-girl, and the heroes tore out after them.


But fate intervened. As the heroes turned the corner, they came face-to-face with a team of sentai heroes, all dressed in flashy matching color-coded costumes. “Ha!†the leader (dressed in red) pontificated. “You thought you could attack this city? You thought wrong! No servant of Gruesome Gordon can assault Tokyo while the Ultimate Science Ninja Fight Squad is on patrol! Hiyah!â€


Red Dragon rolled his eyes. He knew a poser when he saw one. He didn’t even slow down, he just charged forward and bowled the Red Ninja over. “Just ignore them!†Red Dragon yelled to the rest of the team. With a faint shrug and a brief pause, UTC ran through/over the Science Ninjas without stopping.


Lying in a heap in the gutter, the Red Ninja weakly raised a hand. “We need Ultra-Dino Power!†he groaned, then he passed out.


The heroes followed the electricity and flickering shadows around the block to a large, open park surrounding a lake. The ninjas had the goddess surrounded. She was trapped in an area where there were no readily accessible power lines that she could jump into. The goddess was surely doomed, so UTC rushed in to help her, when suddenly:


The surface of the lake began to boil and churn violently. Before anyone had time to blink, a giant creature rose up out of the water, a hundred feet tall. As water poured off it, the heroes saw what it was – a giant jellyfish!


…More than that. A giant jellyfish with big googly eyes and a huge, fang-filled mouth. Then, to make things even more surreal, it spoke: “Tremble! Tremble in fear, puny surface-creatures, for I am Jell-Or the Fierce! Your weapons are useless against me, your cries for pity fall upon deaf ears! You will all be my slaves, and I will rule over your Earth forevermore!â€


People around the park began to panic and tried to flee in every direction. Aurora rushed to try to help the goddess, but she couldn’t teleport because of the lack of power lines. The rest of the heroes, knowing a big threat when they saw one, went after Jell-Or. Red Dragon leapt to the top of its head and tried to stab it, but his blade didn’t do any damage to the big, gloopy creature. Tank hurled a car at it, to similar (non-)effect. The beast’s great tentacles snaked out and began grabbing women (including Ifrita and Aurora). The jellyfish acid, however, did not harm them – it merely disintegrated their clothes!


“Ha ha ha!†Jell-Or laughed. “You will all be my lovely wives!†Most of the women shuddered and shrieked at this prospect, but at least one of them seemed to be OK with the idea.


However, the heroes soon learned that Jell-Or was vulnerable to fire (stupid monster actually *told* them that fire was its only weakness!), so they made short work of it. And just in time, too, as the Japanese Self Defense Tanks arrived at that very moment to clean things up.


At about that moment, Red Dragon’s cell phone rang. It was his little sister. “Hey big brother,†she said. “You’ll never guess what happened to me. I got kidnapped by Yakuza! They say they want one million… no, five million dollars or they’ll chop me to pieces. They told me to tell you that you’ve got one hour to get to the Sanyo Tower with the money. And, um, that’s all. So anyway, I hope you’re having fun!â€


Red Dragon told Straight Arrow about this problem. “What am I going to do? She’s the only family I’ve got – and I haven’t got five million dollars!†Straight Arrow sighed. “Let’s deal with one problem at a time,†he counseled. “We’ve got an hour to take care of your sister. Let’s catch up with the mysterious blue-haired girl, and then we’ll deal with your gangster friends.â€


Aurora saw the goddess (barely) escape from her tormenters and skip away over the power lines, with ninjas still hot on her tail. She called to UTC to follow her. Red Dragon wasn’t sure where she was, so he rushed off in a random direction. But before he got too far, someone stepped in front of him. The stranger was dressed in a bright orange gi; his hair stuck straight up from his head; he was heavily muscled and had a perpetual scowl on his face.


“Hold!†he said. “I witnessed your battle from afar. I am impressed – and I am not easy to impress. Finally, I find a foe worthy to challenge me!†He struck a pose. “I am Fist-Star, Master of the North, Greatest Fighter in the Cosmos! I challenge you – stand and fight, or be forever branded a coward!â€


Red Dragon couldn’t stand the idea of being forever branded a coward, so he drew his katana. Fist-Star began to perform a series of elaborate katas, his hands glowing with raw energy as he powered up. “None can stand against my Ultimate Power-Up Northdragon Ballstar Fury!†he screamed. Then Red Dragon attacked, smashing the guy with his sword and sending him flying through a shop window. Fist-Star was heard to utter the words, “Flawless victory†before he collapsed in a twitching heap.


The heroes continued to give chase to the electricity and shadows, crowds of Japanese shoppers fleeing out of their way. No one wanted to be run over by a charging team of superheroes – no one, it seemed, except two young teenage girls, who stepped out of the crowd. “Hold it right there!†they both said in unison. Both girls simultaneously levitated into the air. There was a flash of bright light as their clothing flew off, then they both reappeared in matching sailor suits. One of them was dressed in green and held an enormous mallet; the other was in red and was holding a deck of cards.


“Tokyo cannot stand this kind of destruction any longer!†the one in green cried.


“Surrender now, for what you are doing is wrong!†the one in red shouted.


Red Dragon recognized them as two young Japanese heroines (he read their manga) – Shoujo (in green) and Baka (in red). “Straight Arrow, don’t attack them!†he shouted. “They’re good guys!†He then explained to the girls that his little sister had been kidnapped by gangsters and they needed to save her.


“Gangsters!†cried Shoujo. “We hate gangsters!â€


“Of course we will help!†agreed Baka, and the two super-girls joined the chase.


Finally, the heroes caught up with the fleeing goddess and her pursuers. They were at the very edge of the city. The goddess was forced stop when she came upon a downed power junction (giant lizard footsteps all around the area), and had no other way out.


Aurora could tell just by looking that the goddess was exhausted, close to the very edge of her reserves, and near death. The ninjas were after the girl – they didn’t attack the heroes unless the heroes were between them and the goddess. They were tough, but not unstoppable, and each time a hero dropped one, it vanished in a puff of black smoke.


But their best efforts weren’t good enough. One of the ninjas got through their defenses and slashed the woman. She screamed in agony and collapsed. Once all the ninjas were defeated, Straight Arrow rushed to help her. “Can’t you save her?†Aurora begged, but he couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Physically, she seemed unharmed – but to Aurora’s enhanced senses, she could see the girl’s life force leaking away as surely as if she were bleeding to death.


The goddess looked up and seemed to recognize Aurora. She beckoned the heroine closer, and whispered her last words. Then, she died. Her body dissolved in a flash of energy, and she was gone.


Red Dragon and Aurora were both broken up by the death (though Red Dragon quickly found solace in Shoujo’s willing arms). But they still had one last mission to accomplish – rescue Red Dragon’s sister from the Yakuza. Fortunately, this proved simple since Mariko’s kidnappers consisted of five or six young thugs who were no match for the combined power of Earth’s greatest heroes!


The exhausted team headed back to their hotel. They saw that Tokyo had returned to normal (the city is used to this kind of thing, apparently). Shoujo and Baka expressed interest in joining UNITY. Red Dragon told them that UNTIL was recruiting for UNITY Team D, and Straight Arrow said he’d talk to the recruiters about them.


The next morning, UTC headed back home, wondering exactly how they were going to explain this in their report…


For Aurora:

The goddess’ last words were: “I came to warn you, war has broken out. Even we are caught up in it. The Earthlings are dead; their ship was destroyed. The Wraiths are goading the Mon’da’bi on. The great war-fleet will arrive soon, greater than any other fleet assembled. There are traitors within, and when the attack comes, Earth will have no defenders left. Be watchful…â€

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


My Jell-Or prop was the best part. I put that thing in the middle of the table and my players are all like, "Dude, seriously, WTF?"


I spent the day before the game trying to think of a way to model a giant jellyfish on the table. I thought about going down to the local nature toys store and seeing if they had a stuffed jellyfish or something, but decided that I didn't really want to spend the money. So I finally just grabbed a cat toy (that giant purple thing on top), an Arizona Tea can from the recycle bin, some old shoelaces (more cat toys), and a whole bunch of masking tape. It certainly helped with the bizarre, surreal feeling I was going for. ;)



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Yeah, when that thing came out, we were in serious Whiskey Tango Foxtrot mode. :eek: We didn't believe Bill was actually serious until he announced, "Okay, Phase 1!" :jawdrop:


So, for the sake of his players' sanity, quit encouraging him! :help:




(Just kidding, bro! :snicker: )

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


So' date=' for the sake of his players' sanity, [b']quit encouraging him[/b]! :help:




(Just kidding, bro! :snicker: )



Quit encouraging him? I only wish I had a GM with that much initiative!!!


keyes_bill, keep up the great work and keep posting!! I think I can post for many people when I say the adventrues are great.

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