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UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign

teh bunneh

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Thanks for the game notes that will help me alot i really liked that idea


Now for my UNITY fix I don't care if i sound desperate the reason i sound desperate is because I am I need a fix and I need it bad!!

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Keyes-Bill what did we do to you? So that you have forsaken us :(


I need my Unity Fix :fear:


I want to know what is happening to my favorite heros in the Champions Universe


I want to know more about all of them and the other movers and shakers that we are just getting know

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I will be able to survive its just you got me hooked with such great stories its like when comicbooks use to be good and you were waiting at the comic store to get the book the day it came out

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


OK, since you asked so nicely... :)


UNITY Team C split up to follow multiple leads. New Man, Thich Nat Han, and Red Dragon were in Sharkey's, a seedy bar that caters to ex-patriot super villains and their hangers-on. New Man was told that a man known as "Evil Eye" could help them find who they were looking for, so he approached the man.

He told the wicked-looking fellow that he had a "package" for Amazon – a pair of young men who might be to her tastes. Evil Eye didn't want to talk at first, but eventually New Man convinced him that he was earnest. "If you deliver a package for me, I will tell you where to find her," he said. New Man wanted to know what was in the package, but Evil Eye was reluctant to say, only giving New Man the name of a tavern and telling him to show the contents of the package to the bartender.

New Man and his team headed out and picked up the package from a courier. New Man immediately mind controlled the young man to open the package and peek inside. "It's a costume or a uniform," the courier told them. "It's green and looks kind of like police armor."

Satisfied that it was neither a bomb nor a drug drop-off, the three heroes found the bar. It was a dangerous looking place, filled to the brim with toughs and criminal types, all of whom were armed. When the heroes entered, every eye in the place fell on them, and followed them up to the bar. "I was told to give this to you," New Man told the bartender. "It's from Evil Eye."

The bartender suspiciously opened the package and his eyes grew wide as he held the green costume up. New Man finally saw what he had been carrying – a VIPER uniform riddled with bullet holes. "You'll give Evil Eye a message from me!" the bartender yelled, pulling a bizarre rifle from under his bar. "When I send him your smoking corpse!"

New Man was going to try to talk his way out of the problem, but Red Dragon immediately drew his blades and charged the bouncer, stabbing the man three times. The fight was on. New Man and Thich wanted to get the heck out, but Red Dragon was lost in his rage and refused to leave (despite being shot several times!). Resigning themselves to battle, the heroes wound up defeating an entire nest of some 30 VIPERs. Of course, since they were supposed to be undercover, the heroes merely fled the scene instead of arranging for an UNTIL pickup.

They headed back to Sharkey's. Evil Eye had set them up, and they were intent on finding out why...

Meanwhile, Vilkacis had arranged for a man named Flamedragon to take him to where Caine was supposedly holed up. Mitarbeit and Aurora were surreptitiously following him to make sure he didn't get into any trouble. Despite Mitarbeit's lack of stealth skills, it appeared that Flamedragon was completely oblivious to his shadows.

The young man took Vilkacis to a grungy apartment building, telling him that Caine and his people were just inside. Vilkacis grew suspicious and refused to enter, instead demanding that the young man tell him what was going on. Another fellow – a big guy – came out of the apartment and threatened Vilkacis, and the battle was on!

Aurora and Mitarbeit joined the fight and together, the three heroes made quick work of the villains (despite a third villain joining the fight and covering Vilkacis in a sticky glue). It turned out the three of them were minor-league American criminals named Bulldozer, Flamedragon, and Binder, and they were on the run from the law after knocking over a bank back home.

Mitarbeit charmed Binder and asked him what was going on. He told her that Eurostar had posted a huge reward for the capture of Raising Caine and his allies, and since Vilkacis was acting like he knew them, the three villains assumed that capturing him would lead them to the rest of EuroBlast – and five million Euros cash!

Vilkacis informed them that if they were so easily beaten by him and two girls, that EuroBlast would make mincemeat out of them. He called for a UNITY pickup and LOKI teleported two of the three captured villains away. Binder was told to try to find where EuroBlast was really hiding, and to bring that information back here within 24 hours – or there'd be hell to pay.

The kid was genuinely frightened, but Vilkacis was pretty sure he'd never see him again. However, Mitarbeit decided to keep his glue gun and try to get Straight Arrow to show her how to use it (after she saved up enough points, of course). ;)

Next week: New Man, Thich Nat Han, and Red Dragon go back to Sharkey's to straighten Mr. Evil Eye out. Vilkacis, Mitarbeit, and Aurora are going to join back up with Straight Arrow and Ifrita.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


BTW, you'll get another update next week, and then nothing for about a month. My best buddy (Straight Arrow) and his fiance (Aurora) are finally tying the knot (yay!) and then going on their honeymoon (yay!), so there won't be a game until they get back.


I might post some "tidbits" about the game world just to whet your appetites for when the game starts up again. Someone'll have to remind me every once in a while. :)

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Last UNITY Update for a while. The wedding went off without a hitch and the happy couple will be hopping a train to the east coast sometime this afternoon (barring any supervillian attacks, of course). ;)



Upset at the set-up, New Man, Red Dragon, and Thich Nat Han went back to Sharkey's to confront Evil Eye. However, far from being upset by their presence, he seemed delighted to see them. "I knew who you were from the moment I saw you," he said. "You are here to join Raising Caine's new gang. He told me that there might be people like you coming here, and he told me to make sure you were tough before I sent you to him."


The heroes were taken aback. This was all just a test? "Yeah, just a test. You cleaned up those snakes nicely – we have to put the fear of god in them every once in a while, just to show them who runs this town. You did a favor for me, so I'm going to give you what you want."


Evil Eye told them that they would find Caine and his crew recruiting new members in La Segura Placido at a cantina called El Scorpion Negro. Armed with this new knowledge, they contacted the other teams and arranged to meet. They decided to go into town in small groups, so as not to attract attention. Mitarbeit arranged for transportation, and they headed out.


Vilkacis, Mitarbeit, and Aurora arrived first. Vilkacis went into the bar to scope the place out while the ladies waited outside. He found a very busy, very loud place. He even recognized one or two known supervillains who had disappeared – apparently, they were laying low here until the heat was off. He talked to the bartender, who told him that Caine and his group were eating dinner, and they'd see him when they were finished.


To establish his street cred, Vilkacis chose a supervillain at random and approached him. It turned out to be Radium, who was sitting by himself. Seems that no one wanted to expose themselves to his hard radiation, but as Vilkacis is immune to that sort of thing he sat down with impunity. Vilkacis talked to the villain for a moment before Radium poured a beer into the Russian's lap. Vilkacis, not wanting to start a fight, vanished and reappeared near the bar. "Pay a guy a compliment and get a beer dumped on you," he groused.


The rest of the team had arrived at this point and had positioned themselves around the room, all in disguise. About then, Lyonesse poked her head out of one of the back rooms and summoned the bartender. After a few moments, he came back and told Vilkacis that Caine would see him now.


Vilkacis entered the room and saw Lyonesse, Raising Caine, Amazon, and another guy who he didn't recognize. "Sit down," Caine said. "Have a drink and tell us about yourself."


Vilkacis introduced himself as "Shadowstep," and said that he could turn himself invisible and intangible. He was a loner from one of the former Soviet states and wanted to hook up.


Caine nodded. "Oh, I see I've been very rude by not introducing my companions," he said. "This is Lyonesse, Amazon, and my newest recruit, Psymon. Psymon is a telepath, and he just told me that you're lying, Vilkacis of UNITY."


Lyonesse leapt to her feet and kicked Vilkacis in the chest, sending him crashing through the door. Amazon charged him and smacked him with her swords. The rest of UNITY attacked.


Knowing how dangerous psychers can be, Straight Arrow ordered Ifrita to take out Psymon – which she did with relish, slamming him through a nearby wall. Red Dragon went nuts, ripping off his disguise and charging Amazon. The two of them fought back and forth until Aurora and Ifrita joined in. Together, they were able to take out the Greek villainess. Straight Arrow and Vilkacis concentrated on Lyonesse, beating her down with a withering hail of fire. New Man blinded Caine, who picked up the bar and swung it at Straight Arrow.


Caine then began yelling at the other villains in the room: "This is UNITY! They've come here to arrest us! This is your chance – if you don't act now, they'll arrest everyone in here!" Several of the villains stood up to lend a hand. Then Mitarbeit jumped up on a table. "We're only here for Caine and his friends," she said. "We're not interested in the rest of you, unless you join this fight. If you raise a hand against us, we'll slap you down and haul you back to Hel where you can keep Caine and his people company."


The villains thought about this for a second, then they and everyone else in the bar decided just to leave – this wasn't their fight, after all. There was a mad rush for the door, leaving the bar clear for the heroes to mop up their enemies.


Mitarbeit used the glue gun she had stolen from Binder to entrap Caine – reasoning that this might work against him since it was not applying any kinetic force for him to absorb. Thich Nat Han and New Man then proceeded to pummel his mind into unconsciousness. Even his strong will was not enough to withstand the combined assault.


They wrapped up their prisoners and then called LOKI. "Bring us back home, LOKI," Straight Arrow said. "Mission accomplished."





New Man wrote:

> They wrapped up their prisoners and then called LOKI.

> "Bring us back home, LOKI," Straight Arrow said.

> "Mission accomplished.


"Bollocks! He knows how this genre works; he'd NEVER say anything that lame! :-)



Vilkacis wrote:

How about: "Another evildoer discovers what it is like to be skewered on the pointy end of Justice. A warning, to all you who wish to run from Unity, there is no rock you can hide under, or hovel you can cower in, that will keep you safe from the ever-vigilant gaze of STRAIGHT ARROW!"




New Man wrote:

Hey, he's a bureaucrat, not a thespian! Just 'cause he's probably got a fine arts degree from one of those pommy English upperclass colleges with more history than sense doesn't mean he takes arrogance with his cucumber sandwiches.Or then again....



Vilkacis wrote:

No no, the English have this sort of prose hard wired into their brains. Just like no matter what you do, even if you toss it at him, tie his hands in position, and threaten to kill him, his little finger will NEVER touch the cup.


The Queen demands no less.


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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Now what for our great heros


Is the invasion coming


Where is Unity Team A


How bad is the coruption in Unitil


Will the Hidden Unity team show up again soon


Will Eurostars come after our heros for all the problems they have caused


I cant wait till i get the answers to all there questions

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Since there is no update for the next few weeks, I thought I'd keep interest up by posting bits and pieces of the UNITY world now and again. Today, I'll give you the character history/writeup of Thich Nat Han, the team's resident Tibetan Sorcerer (written by the player, of course). It's told in the format of a radio interview...



Thich Nat Han Background

Peter Furlong (PF): Good evening, this is Peter Furlong for BBC Radio, and today I have the distinct pleasure of talking with one of the newest members on the United Nations group UNITY, Thich Nat Han. It's a pleasure.

Thich Nat Han (TNH): It is my pleasure to have this opportunity. Thank you.

PF: Let me start with a question I'm sure you get quite often. How does a Tibetan Monk end up with a Vietnamese name?

TNH: (laughing) It is a gift from my mothers father. Many years ago my grandfather Thich Nat Han left Vietnam and emigrated to Tibet. It was there he began to study the arts of Tibetan Magic which had been long lost to much of the world. He also discovered my mothers mother there as well. (laughing) So here I am, with his name and his memory. Of course, I still have my Tibetan names as well. My day name is Pem-ba, as I was born on the day of the week you call Saturday, and my virtue name is Lhak-pa Gyal-tshen, which means courageous speech in your language.

PF: Can you tell us some more details about your grandfather? Why did he leave Vietnam? Why travel to Tibet and take up Tibetan Magic?

TNH: Like many Westerners, you seek many details and facts, which you call knowledge. Yet knowledge does not always lead to understanding. There are many things I do not know. Only the things I understand. My grandfather Thich Nat Han left Vietnam when he was 32. I do not know the circumstances of his leaving, only that it was important he do so, and that he was unable to return to his native land ever. He left behind patents, brothers and sisters, but no wife and no children. He traveled to the Tibetan province Ü, which is north of Bhutan and India. There he settled by the river Kyi-chu, living on a small farm between the city of Lhasa and the Drolma Lhakhang Monestary. The climate there is mild and the land fertile. It was here that he raised some foods for himself and for trade, studied the practices of Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Magic. Several years later he met Pasang Lha-mo, which translates into female goddess or beautiful goddess. She became his wife and my grandmother.

PF: So your mother gave you the name Thich Nat Han?

TNH: My mother's father was murdered when I was three years old. In fact it happened upon my birthday, although my family did not find out about it until many days later. My mother took this as an omen that I was to follow the way of her father and bring light to the places he was not able to reach. There was a name changing ceremony conducted by a Lama from the Una Monastery Una Monastery was one of three monasteries near Drigung Qu why my family lived.

PF: Your grandfather was murdered?

TNH: Yes.

PF: By who? And why?

TNH: These things are still not clear. Only that he was traveling to Samye Monastery at the time, and carrying something of great value.

PF: But aren't you curious? Do you have any desire to avenge his death?

TNH: Curiosity is cyclical. Curiosity can only be calmed by understanding, and understanding only leads to more questions. To rush forward in the pursuit of empty knowledge is rash. I wait with patience. All I learn, all I experience, will lead me to where I need to be and when I need to be there. The gods, goddess and the Buddha see to it that all pieces are in place when they must be. My part is but to prepare myself for whatever task I may have. Regarding desire for revenge. I have no such desire. This has happened. I accept it. This is my path.

PF: What can you tell the listeners about yourself, starting with your childhood.

TNH: I was a typical child. Very problematic for my parents. (laughter) Perhaps this is why I was destine to follow the path of my mother's father. Just as he was known for having great curiosity, desire for learning and understanding, so too did I as a child show a great need to investigate and seek understanding. After my grandfathers death I became more curious about who he was, having only some vague memories of him, and began to read through some of his books and writings which were in the possession of my mother. There was much there about Buddhism, but also about the art of Tibetan Magic. Being a curious child, I began to try calling upon the powers in these books and much to the amazement of my family, it came easily to me.

PF: Were you able to use your powers to extend you bedtime or distract you mother when you were naughty?

TNH: (laughter) Alas no. The magic did not provide any useful things for a five year old child. As time went by I found that I could sense if something was about to go wrong, especially in quite moments or when meditating. I could sometimes summon a spiritual attack which at this point in my life was more visually impressive than useful. I also found I could heal small wounds.

PF: Healing wounds? How small?

TNH: Simple cuts or scrapes. Still all of these things took great concentration, silence and tranquility of the mind. I also felt very silly performing the chants that went along with the gestures. You know how the mind of a child can be. I was very self-conscious. Later in life as I came to understand the power of chanting and once I incorporated this as part of the magic my ability to control the spells became much more powerful.

PF: Can you tell us something about Tibetan Magic?

TNH: Tibetan Magic relies upon channeling the power of various Tibetan Gods, Goddess, Spirits and the Buddha himself. Formally known as Vajrayana or Tantrayana, it is known commonly as Tantric Buddhism. The originss and practices of tantrism originated in India and are associated with Shaivism, the cult of Shiva, the god of Yogins. In this was alone Tantric Buddhism differs greatly with the ways of Buddhism practiced in most of the world, those being the two schools of Theravada and Mahayana, commonly called the lesser vehicle and the greater vehicle.

Tantrism is profoundly complex, but to try condensing it for you, Tantrism is an alternative route to enlightenment, requiring intense concentration and induction through special rites of initiation, but offering the hope of achieving enlightenment in accelerated time, perhaps even in a single lifetime. The way of Mahayana, the way of the Bodhisattva requires many lifetimes to achieve, whereas Vajrayana, the tantric way, is a faster, although more risky route. It uses mantric formulas, incantation, ritual, and magic to achieve power over supramundane beings and, ultimately, to transcend the self and become one with the deity.

These rituals, incantations and mantric formulas are the keys to Tibetan Magic. However, meditation, above all, is considered the key to reaching transcendent understanding and spiritual transformation, and the great vehicle for meditation is the mandala. Without this understanding and transformation achieving both control and intensity in the practice of magic can not be achieved and it serves only as what you would call pallor tricks.

With the proper control, training and understand Tibetan Magic can be used for the purpose of influencing the karma of individuals and groups, healing, defensive purposes, the reading of minds, exorcism . . .

PF: Exorcism?

TNH: Yes.

PF: Can you elaborate?

TNH: The casting out of a demon from the body and mind of one who is possessed, followed by is banishment or destruction.

PF: Well yes, but I mean, have you ever exorcised a demon?

TNH: No. The all the demons I have met have been in excellent condition and did not require any exercising in order to improve their physical health.

PF: (laughing) Okay, I walked into that one. Seriously.

TNH: I have participated in one exorcism. It is not something to be attempted individually. While casting the demon from the body is not so difficult for the experienced monk, banishing it or destroying it may be well beyond the ability of a single man, even beyond the ability of ten monks. Exorcisms are always performed by groups of monks in the walls of a monetary.

PF: Amazing. Can you tell us about the monastery where you studied? What you did there? What it's like?

TNH: The Samye Monastery is located near the Brahmaputra River, on it's north side, about 80 kilometers from my place of birth, Drigung Qu. The Samye Monastery is the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet. King Trisong Detsen, who acceded to the throne at the age of 13, formally established Buddhist monasticism in Tibet yet there was great hostility to this action, both from demons and spirits opposed to Buddhism and from the Bonpo aristocratic families which until this time had held much political and spiritual power. Trisong Detsen sent Padmasambhava of Oddiyana to subdue th hostile elemental powers of Tibet, both human and spiritual. To make them either amenable or subservient to Buddhism. Padmasambhava traveled the ranges of Tibet, transforming negative forces into Buddhist protectors, teaching the tantras and rituals to all willing to listen. It was on the summit of Mt. Hepori that Padmasambhava crushed the last of the demons and consecrated the ground as the building place of the first Tibetan Buddhist Monastery.

The monastery is constructed as a mandalic representation of the universe. The overall design was based upon the Odantapuri Temple of Bihar in India. The central temple represent Mt. Meru and the templs around it in two concentric circle represent the oceans, the continents and the subcontinents of Buddhis cosmology. At the center of the monastery ground is the Utse. The Utse is the most elaborate of all the building in the monastery. In the very center of the Utse is a pole which represents the core of the universe. Directly north is a Moon Temple, directly south a Sun Temple. Around the Utse are four stupas: red, black, green and white. Samye Monastery has 108 buildings, and 1008 chortens on the circular wall around the monestary.

It is because Padmasambhava subdued the last of the reluctant spirits at this site that Samye has become the home of the most powerful Tibetan Magicians. At this place the spiritual forces drawn upon in Tibetan Magic are most powerful.

PF: How did you get the opportunity to study at Samye and what was it like?

TNH: My parents sent me to Samye at a later age, eight. While my mother desired me to follow the ways of her father, my father was not so certain. He hoped I would abandon my curiosity for magic. When he finally accepted this was not to be, he saw the wisdom in sending me to Samye where I could be taught the correct path to use and focus my powers. I spent 18 years training, studying and working.

PF: What work did you do?

TNH: Translations of text. I have always enjoyed reading and the written word. I view it as an art form which everyone can partake in.

PF: What languages can you read and write?

TNH: In addition to English and Tibetan I know Cantonese, Mandarin, Burmese and Sanskrit.

PF: So you translated books and manuscripts?

TNH: Correct.

PF: By hand copying?

TNH: Correct.

PF: Didn't this become monotonous?

TNH: Not at all. In fact it's very restful. It's a form of meditation in fact. One misconception in the Western world is that meditation is about blocking out the external world. This is not true at all. Meditation is about acknowledging the outside world and letting it go. Each work is acknowledged then let go. Each sentence acknowledged, then let go. Each paragraph, page, chapter, book and so forth. Yet at the same time, each piece of the manuscript that has been let go must also be held within, retained, so that each subsequent piece is translated correctly, with regard for what has come before it. It is a letting go and a holding on. It is both, it is neither. It is meditation.

PF: What about your studies? What does one study to become a Tibetan Monk and Magician?

TNH: I spent 18 years in the Monastery. The first six years were Prajnya parramita, Perfection of Wisdom. One studies the manuscript "The Jewel of Realization", written in the 4th century. This text concerns the nature of nirvana, deep levels of meditation and the wish for enlightenment.

The next four years are Madhyamika, The Middle Way. This is analysis of the quality of emptiness and the ephemeral properties of such emotions as joy, illness and jealousy.

Then two years of Abhidharma, or Higher Knowledge. The text which is central to Abhidharma is "The Treasure House of Higher Knoweldge" written by Master Vasubandhu in 350CE. This text investigates the role and creation of karma, the nature of bardo, which is the intermediate state between death and rebirth, the constituents of time and space and the destruction of the world.

PF: Now all of this study, is this typical for a Tibetan Monk?

TNH: Yes, this sequence of study and these text are what all monks must undertake. The entire process takes 32 years. My process continues even now.

Then two more years are spent in Vinaya, or Vowed Morality. This is the consideration of the nature of monastic vows, both in terms of their benefits and the attendant loss of freedom.

Finally there are two steps left, which can take place concurrently. These are the two steps of learning which I am still experiencing. Pramana, or Buddhist Logic and Lam Rim, The Steps to Buddhahood. Pramana examines logical reasoning and the validity of many arguments at the root of Buddhist faith. If you will it is a testing of the faith by the intellect. "The Steps to Buddhahood" is a 15th century text written by the founder of the Gelug sect which prepairs the student for the ritualistic meditation required along the path to enlightenment. I have a copy of this text with me and read from it each day before mediation.

PF: How often do you meditate?

TNH: Three times a day, for approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes.

PF: Did your study at Samye include physical training?

TNH: Indeed. I am accomplished at yoga and acrobatics. I engage in one hour training each day in each of these arts.

PF: What about your encounter.

TNH: My encounter?

PF: With the Chinese supergroup?

TNH: Much has been made of this. More than exist.

PF: When the Dali Lama chose you to join UNITY, there was a public threat issued by the Chinese supergroup know in the west as Metal Storm. They did mention you by name.

TNH: The story is very simple. I was deep in one of the underground sections of the monastery one day. When I emerged I walked into a battle between my fellow monks and Metal Storm. The battle was waning, with Metal Storm getting the best of the situation. I raised my powers against them and was able to force them into retreat. I only accomplished this due to their exhaustion after battle and my fully charged state. Had I encountered Metal Storm at the height of their power and alone, I would not have stood a chance. I was younger and bolder, or stupider as you might say, at the time.

PF: None the less, an impressive showing.

TNH: If you insist. Most likely it is what you would call "the right place at the right time".

PF: If you insist. (laughter) Can you explain to the listeners how Tibetan magic works?

TNH: No.

PF: No?

TNH: No. I can not.

PF: Can not, or will not?

TNH: Can not.

PF: But if you don't understand it, how can you use it?

TNH: I understand. But I do not have the knowledge of how it works.

PF: Aren't they one in the same?

TNH: Can you explain to me how a computer works?

PF: Well . . . I can explain how . . . Yes and no.

TNH: You can explain how to use a computer to accomplish something, correct?

PF: Yes.

TNH: But can you explain have every atom of the computer is behaving at any given moment?

PF: Of course not.

TNH: There is the difference between understanding and knowledge.

PF: Okay, I'm going to take your word for it. How about this, can you give us a demonstration? Fire something harmless across the studio?

TNH: (laughter) Fire something harmless. Yes, I can give you some pyrotechnics. Could I have quiet for a moment.

(After a brief pause, chanting is heard, then a rustling like wind in trees then a small 'pop'.)

TNH: Was that sufficient?

PF: Amazing. Let me see if I can describe for the listeners what I just witnessed. Thich Nat Han stood up, took a moment to compose himself then began a series of gestures with his hands and arms which chanting in . . .

TNH: A mixture of Sanskrit and Tibetan.

PF: . . . then ghost, spirits, something I can't define seemed to materialize around his body, glowing red they swirled around him, then, directed by his outstretched hand they formed into a globe over his left palm. The globe then flew across the room and left a slight black mark on our wall.

TNH: I will clean that up before I leave.

PF: You don't have to do that.

TNH: I insist.

PF: And I can see that we are almost out of time, so I have to cut the interview here. Thich Nat Han, thank you for your time.

TNH: Thank you for allowing me to speak to your audience. It has been an honor.

PF: All the best to you in your endeavors with UNITY.

TNH: Thank you Peter.

PF: This is Peter Furlong for BBC Radio saying good day until tomorrow.

This transcript it copyright BBC Radio, 2010.


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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


I have to admit that it is a unique way to flesh out a character. It made me think of my characters history. I was thinking of writing it up as a Larry King or Barbara Walters interview. Actually, I'll probably use a world-specific character/reporter to do it.


Can you see Dr. Destroyer on Dr. Phil.... I would love to see what would happen when Dr. Phil tried to hug Dr. Destroyer.


Worse yet.... What if Dr. Destroyer broke down and started crying... sobbing about how mother left him alone and his father was a brutal man that beat him on a dailt basis and made him wear a dress.


After that... Oprah would jump at getting him on the show. They could bill it as "Dr. Destroyer...A man with a hurt soul"

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Here's some tidbits about the world of UNITY 2010 -- superheroes around the world. I passed these out to the players as information that their characters would know. The first was for Ifrita, the second for Straight Arrow, the third for Red Dragon, and the last for Aurora.


Muslim Superheroes

About ten years ago, the League of Arab States tried to take a leaf from the European book and form their own superteam, made up of the greatest heroes from each nation.

It was called the Defenders of Islam, and consisted of Desert Cat and Janissary, from Saudi Arabia; Fist of Allah and Pharaoh’s Daughter, from Egypt; and Mamluke, from Syria. However, many problems plagued the project from the beginning. Only three governments volunteered to participate; the other Middle Eastern states took a “wait and see†attitude, or simply refused to join.

Also, infighting split the group from the very start. The governments squabbled over where the group would be based, who should lead the team, and so forth. They never could not come to an equitable agreement. The promised multi-million dollar base (reminiscent of EuroGuard’s Bastion 1) never came through. Corruption riddled the process, and millions of dollars simply vanished without a trace.

After two years in limbo, Pharaoh’s Daughter quit the team in order to sign on with UNITY. Desert Cat, never a joiner to begin with, left shortly thereafter. The remaining members of the team still have a “temporary†base in Saudi Arabia, near Medina, but they seldom come together any longer; each of them is kept busy by their own governments in their own nations.

Most of the Arab world is very happy that UNITY has recruited another Muslim for its team.


Superheroes in Great Britain

The British Isles have a long tradition of superheroes, dating back at least to the days of World War II. Indeed, the English were among the first to field superhuman troops in battle against the Nazis. Such stalwarts as Bull Dog, Thistlerose, Faith, Union Jack, Crusader, Supermarine, and Blackburn are still remembered fondly to this day.

The Germans struggled to keep up with the British in the superhuman arms race, fielding such fearsome agents as Ubermann, Blutjagdhund, Panzerjäger, Wulf, Sturmtiger, Herr Doktor, and Blutegel. Many of the Nazi supers were not used as front-line combatants, but instead were assigned to infiltrate British (and American) society and cause havoc – weakening the Allies’ resolve and ability to fight. It is believed that they even attempted to recruit “Fifth Column†traitors from within the Allies’ own ranks.

Many of the Nazi supervillains were never captured after the end of the war. It is widely thought that they fled/immigrated to South America, possibly to the fledgling nation of Destruga. Dr. Zerstoiten (AKA Dr. Destroyer) has never confirmed (nor denied) this possibility.

Although historians cannot point to a single battle in which the superheroes (on either side) were pivotal one way or the other, their boost to morale and value in securing special objectives is not in dispute.


According to UN estimates, the United Kingdom should currently be home to roughly 13-18 superhumans. Assuming these things fall into their usual pattern, about a third to a half of them will work against the law as costumed criminals. So there should be about 5-9 active superheroes from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Two British supers are members of EuroGuard – Tick Tock and Doc Giant. One of them is a member of UNITY – that’s you, Straight Arrow. The only active hero currently working in the UK is Sea Change, a Scottish woman with the power to turn her body into water and control water around her.

During the Great War, though, things were different. The UK had ten superheroes fighting for it – more than any other country in the world! Their names were Bull Dog, Thistlerose, Faith, Union Jack, Crusader, Supermarine, Blackburn, Spitfire, Crimson Lion, and of course, your grandfather Phantom Knight.

You have heard that a handful of them are still alive – Bull Dog, Union Jack, Supermarine, Thistlerose, and Crusader at least are still here. What’s more, several of them are sitting members of the House of Lords.


The Superhero World of Japan

Though a small nation (both size and population-wise), Japan has an inordinate number of superhumans. Most of them are members of the so-called Sengoku Teams, founded and organized by Japanese corporations as a community-minded way to promote awareness of their brand.

The Sengoku Teams wear matching outfits (usually tastefully emblazoned with the corporate sponsor’s logo) and are often armed with high-tech experimental weapons and vehicles. They are highly trained actors, and usually spend as much time posing for the cameras and signing autographs as they do fighting crime and protecting the nation.

However, many people (mostly those outside of Japan) claim that most Sengoku are not superpowered at all; they are just athletic young men and women, and they have a terribly high casualty rate because of this.


The Other Races of the Galaxy

Apart from the alliance of five races which attempted to conquer earth nearly 50 years ago, mankind knows of one other alien race – the Mithnari.

However, your people are much older and more experienced than the humans, and know of many other races scattered throughout the galaxy. Most of them are like the humans – confined to one planet and largely ignorant of the rest of the universe. Your people do not consider them particularly interesting.

However, you find humanity extremely interesting for a reason: you see many similarities between your race and theirs. For instance, in its early space-faring days, your people encountered a hostile alien race known today only as the Worms. Like the Mon’dabi, they were masters of a large empire and were extremely aggressive. They were a horrible, cruel people with great powers of the mind and the disgusting habit of using other sentient beings as food sources.

You fought a desperate war against them, ranging from one end of the galaxy to the other, before you finally defeated them forever. The memory of that horrible time still fills your people with dread, such that Mithnari parents (to this very day) tell their children to behave or the Worms may get them.

Some of your people speculate that the race known to the humans as “Wraiths†are actually the Worms, returning to this galaxy from their thousand-year exile…

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


She's been keeping her alien status secret -- humans are understandably twitchy about aliens after their planet was invaded (even if Aurora's race wasn't involved in the invasion). I think the entire team knows about it now, but up until recently only Straight Arrow and New Man were aware. :)

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Here's some more character details, for New Man, Vilkacis, and Mitarbeit...


Character background: New Man

John Hernan Aguilado, child of Phillipino immigrants who moved to Canada and established a successful home maintenance empire, was born in Toronto. A child of privilege, he was classically educated at the most prestigious university in Ottawa. On graduation he entered government service. After a few years working for national law enforcement, he took a new job as an intelligence analyst for UNITY.

At about this time John was briefly engaged to Montreal heiress Deirdre Soulon. It was a bad match - they were temperamentally almost completely unsuited to one another - but her family favored it heavily. It ended badly, and several members of the Soulon family still hold John culpable - and occasionally seek revenge.

During his service with UNITY John distinguished himself well enough for Viper to put him on a hit list. He also developed a contentious professional rivalry with David Corinth, another analyst at UNITY. Corinth developed a theory that super mutations were an evolutionary and ecological dead end, and postulated that this inevitability would drive the super villain community to progressively greater extremes of violence. He tends to occasionally apply this principle to his professional analyses. John, who in fact subscribes to an opposing viewpoint (the so called "new man" theory, where super mutations constitute a jump-start in the normal human evolutionary process), frequently calls Corinth on his analyses, resulting in bad blood between them.

About 5 years into his UNITY service, John started exhibiting unusual compulsions, obsessively cleaning and ordering everything around him. As these became more pronounced, his superiors began to become alarmed and eventually referred him for evaluation by UNITY staff doctors. They quickly diagnosed an emerging obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, it also became quickly apparent that the disorder was closely coupled to a blossoming psionic talent. After some little debate and experimentation, the medical staff settled on a treatment regime which controlled the obsessive behaviors while still allowing the psionic behaviors to be developed and trained. When the power reached a sufficient level and both its control and that of his disruptive behaviors was deemed consistent and stable, John was extended the invitation to join UNITY as an active agent. When asked to choose a nom de guerre, he reflected on his philosophical conflicts with David Corinth (among others) about the meaning and importance of the mutant phenomenon, and on how it had ironically assumed this new personal significance for him, and elected to take the term which had come to encompass the optimistic view he had so long held - "NewMan."



“It really doesn’t matter.â€

That’s where this all started. Up until that point I was a simple man who was doing what he had been bred to do. My parents, they died in a gulag before I could even form an opinion about them. My grandfather, who found me after they had been taken away, would have no time to raise a boy in a world where work was only balanced by ones need for food and clothing. Besides, he owed his idiot son nothing.

I found out years later, during an indoctrination briefing, that my parents were going to defect. It was quickly discovered, and the family home they were using as a base of operations for them and others was quickly confiscated. My grandfather turned me over to the KGB Future Agents Project for what amounted to a minor promotion. I am sure his time as foreman of the new plant in Tajik very enjoyable for him, at least until it blew up 6 months after he arrived.

I suppose, it really doesn’t matter what happened during my childhood. I learned, I grew, I watched as other children washed out (By “washed out†I am relatively certain they did not find their way into any gainful life once they were taken with their few personal belongings down the Grey Hall.) and I watched as more children came in from all over the Republic.

I took many things from my training, more than just basic police work, certain questionable techniques, and an intimate understanding of the Soviet bureaucracy. I came to love the Union. I came to live and breathe for the betterment of Mother Russia and all of her ‘Children.’

I still do.

But I suppose, that really doesn’t matter.

My guess is, they told me the story of my parents to instill in me a sense of what would happen if I were to ever stray from the path. Instead it planted a seed. Deep in the recesses of my mind an option appeared that I previously didn’t even have the capacity to understand. Not knowing what it was or what it meant, I buried it. It wasn’t a choice, it was my own mind protecting itself… and me.

Years went by, mental scans by various Gifted, interrogations and loyalty tests and the seed laid dormant in my mind. It might have been there because deep down I knew what I was doing was wrong. It maybe was an escape route for my own mental stability, should my work ever get too horrific. Any number of possible reasons why the seed never died, I suppose, it really doesn’t matter.

I came of age. University in Moscow, then back to the real KGB training, and it was there Mother discovered my true powers. It sometimes amazes me that my brain could have hidden the seed for so long, but not the powers that manifested in me as a young man. Maybe it knew I would need the powers to help the seed blossom someday. Maybe the powers were too great to hide. Maybe my own fascination with the powers I was developing brought them past my defenses.

Again, it really doesn’t matter.

Halfway through Special Ops training, my powers showed themselves during a particularly rigorous field session. Before I knew what hit me, I was transported to a base in what I assume to be Siberia and began training for my true calling… Defending Mother Russia and her Children from the threats of the outside world.

My powers made me indispensable. Or maybe I made myself that way when I realized that “wash outs†were very publicly executed in front of the others to make the point. Or maybe I was just that good, and could make a mean cup of coffee.

Another thing that really doesn’t matter.

My powers, though they have been invaluable since The Seed, really didn’t help me that day. It came as a surprise, to be called into an old missile silo along with another one of the secondary units from The School. I was usually sent alone, or with a single contact, and my briefings were almost always limited to the very specific information I needed and most often, the others did not. Maybe they were intending to finally integrate me into one of the teams. Maybe they didn’t want to contain the situation more than once. Maybe they just wanted to reward me for my many successful missions.

Why, I suppose, is one more thing that really doesn’t matter.

Crates, each with gold rebar wrapped around it, stood in front of a large truck that had been backed into this dead end. The trickles of water and snow that crept through the closed silo doors, hundreds of feet above, barely made it to the floor. The leftenant spoke about a new bunch of ‘inventions’ they had ‘found’ and though their scientists had determined heir basic functions, they were still at a loss for their purpose. We were to be outfitted and sent out into the training grounds to test, in the hopes out supernatural endurance would protect us. Should anything go wrong, the fact we didn’t really exist was an added bonus.

The boxes were opened and ten young men looked into them expectantly. We found what looked like used body armor, old and dusty, and rifles that looked like they might have been impressive had they not laid in the snow for half a decade and then were jumped on by an Asian elephant. Obediently, we donned the gear and headed out for our training.

Immediately, we each began to explore these new pieces of equipment. As each of the group began to show in controlled tests, it was obvious each was meant for a specific purpose. Firebrand, a Kazakh and a pyrotechnic was the first to attempt his powers. At the first hint of his englufment, the old grey armor seemed to light up and there was a great vacuum sound. The body of the young man crumpled to the ground, seemingly as if subject to explosive decompression. This made the rest of us very apprehensive, but loyalty and a few proddings of our preprogrammed keywords encouraged us to continue.

When The Comrade, with his super strength and speed, began to move in his suit, it shattered, killing two officers and another trainee who went by the name Yaga, whose powers were rumored to be sorcerous in nature. After two more attempts, and a near drowning when Yenisei (a Hydrotechnic) tried to extend himself beyond the suit and it filled with liquid, seemingly from nowhere, the tests were called off.

The equipment was confiscated and we returned to our barracks. Even with the prohibition on speaking that we had grown accustomed to, the ones who did not return to the infirmary expressed a ambivalence, between disappointment of not being able to try our suits out, and fear of what would have happened had we done so. We had never even gotten to the weapons.

For years, layer after layer of programming had guided all but my most personal of functions. It could have been The Seed utilizing those networks already laid in my mind to guide me. It might have been sleep walking, my subconscious taking me where I needed to be. Or, if I were to believe my dreams, I was being called to do it.

One of the last things that really doesn’t matter.

I remember speaking to The Cossack, a member of the School with whom I had developed a friendship (Despite the rules prohibiting extracurricular contact). He and I were theorizing as to what the suits would have done, had we tried them. His powers, of empathy and the ability to inflict powerful rages on people (I always thought he could inflict other emotions, but he swore up and down he would not try because he had not been told to) did not affect the physical world, and therefore he should have been fine. After a few minutes in which we both agreed he should have been allowed to try his equipment (As dangerously close to dissent as we ever had gotten prior) he pulled himself from his perch on the cafeteria table and shrugged his shoulders, lamenting as he left, “Oh well, I guess it really doesn’t matter.â€

I am sure he meant that it didn’t matter what we wanted. Or that it didn’t matter if he got to try the suit or not, or that it didn’t matter what we said in the few minutes before light out. What he meant, well, it really didn’t matter.

That sentence, with all of its frustration, apathy, disappointment and curiosity, was the first drop of water on The Seed.

I went back to my bunk and I laid there in the dark, staring at the mesh ceiling and trying to get that sentence out of my mind. Each time, however, that I came to the end, I added something else. Another drop.

It really doesn’t matter…

What I wanted.

It really doesn’t matter…

How loyal I am.

It really doesn’t matter…

What they want me to do with my powers.

It really doesn’t matter…

How much they tell me that I am sworn to my duty.

It really doesn’t matter…

It really doesn’t matter…

It really doesn’t matter…

Thoughts rushed through my head that I had never dreamed of. It was like a traitor was finally waking up and I shook with the knowledge that the traitor was me. I laid there and knew… I had to escape.

In an age where every six months my thoughts were read. In an age were secrets were kept only by the dead (And sometimes not then). In an age where the mind is an open book to any dozens of agents trained to look for these things… these were more than just thoughts, they were a death sentence.

I pulled myself slowly out of bed and made my way across the barracks floor. Only one of my bunkmates stirred, The Cossack and I stared in each others eyes across the dark, cold room for what seemed like hours. Finally, he nodded, and rolled over. One action, less than a moment long, would end his life, I was sure… and save my own.

Even with my abilities, it was treacherous to get to the silo. The crates, reloaded, were guarded by three soldiers in uniform and by The Comrade. I froze, not knowing what to do. It could be that seeing Yaga, the man he killed, walk out from behind the doorway was more than his already badly shaken mind could handle. Or on some level, even though by far the most programmed of us all, he wanted me to find the freedom he could never have. More likely, it was all of the above mixed with the fact he was a moron, that forced him to hide in the corner, the smell of urine the only thing that gave me pause as I entered the room.

Why, I guess, really doesn’t matter.

Stepping over the unconscious bodies of the three soldiers and around the fetal position of Mother’s Greatest Hero-to-be, I moved to the boxes lined at the base of the truck. Opening the one I knew had my prize, I pulled it from the padding and quickly put it on. The suit seemed to fit me like a second skin. Instead of just dingy grey it seemed to shine and as I pulled one of the rifles from the same crate, it too took on an air of power that seemed lacking this afternoon.

I slowly, deliberately, put each crate onto the truck. Thinking back, I should not have been able to lift them, each a few hundred pounds, but at the time it felt natural. It was like the suit moved with me, lifting as I did to make the job easier. As I slid the last box onto the truck bed, a whimper from behind me drew me back from my fugue, “What…. Wh…. What are you doing?â€

I turned my head, to see The Comrade pulling himself from the floor. “What I am doing, my friend,†I smiled behind the slightly ragged grin of my fallen sorceror companion, “really doesn’t matter.†I pulled the rifle from my shoulder and felt it come alive in my hand. As if to respond to my need, a silent golden beam followed by the slightest rushing sound quickly reduced the truck, and the remaining crates to slag. An audible sigh from behind me meant even without empathy I know The Comrade would not miss these suits.

I heard the klaxons go off as I climbed out onto the permafrost above the School. I remember moving fast, but not feeling cold at all. The armor seemed to wrap itself completely around me, and when I slipped into my shadow form, it followed suit, as if it had possessed these same abilities itself.

I am not sure if it was my idea, or the The Seed, or just a natural response to years of what I would later refer to as abuse, or if it was something… else driving my actions that night. It became so that even after years of running, eventually landing on the doorstep of UNTIL, my most honest response has always been, “It really doesn’t matter.â€

And it doesn’t. That was before. Now I see what they were doing to me, with me. I have pangs of regret for what I have done, but that is for me to deal with and no one else. Now I do not need to hide my friendships. I do not need to bite my lip at things I know to be wrong. I know who I am.

I am Leshey Patrovic. I am The Vilkacis (Vill – Kah – Sees).

A Russian Special Agent originally trained for the KGB since being turned over to the state and later recruited to be a super powered test subject, Vilkacis (so named after a Latvian shape-shifting killer) shook his programming and stole an alien suit of armor and weapon. Found by a UNITY team member and tested thoroughly to make sure he was honest with them, he hopes to use his powers, knowledge and technology to help the world and his own Beloved Mother Russia. They do not know of his new identity, and his new face, but if they ever do, they may try to retrieve him, or his armor.

Description: Born with green eyes and dark brown hair, his sharp chin and cheekbones as well as his pock-marked face became a distant memory. Most often, he uses what he refers to as his “neutral face†which is that of a twenty-something (though its hard to tell early or late), brownish/blondish/blackish haired, green or blue eyed (depending on the light) male with no distinguishing tattoos, marks, scars or facial features. His clothing is often a non-descript jumpsuit, though this changes often. He carries with him at all times as walking stick/cane/pool cue/etc that is equally hard to describe in any great detail.


Metamorph: He can change his body shape, size and appearance to match anyone with whom he has had a chance to study. With effort, he can drastically change his shape (Such as into a baby, or an abnormally large man, or into a frightening but otherwise harmless man-wolf thing)

Shadow Body: His body can take on what he refers to as a “Shadow Form,†making him very difficult to see in all but the brightest light and allowing him to move through cracks and small passages with no difficulty.


Body Suit: Of unknown alien origin, this normally drab grey suit of obviously armor can match his shape-shifting without losing its benefits and also enhances his physical attributes. It instinctually responds to his commands and can provide an environment suitable for living for extended periods of time in harsh conditions. It also provides for basic hygiene, though food and water are still required.

Rifle: Of the same alien origin, it also mimics his abilities (Disappearing in shadow form, becoming a pool cue or staff, etc). So far he knows of three settings:

Silent: Emitting a beam of golden light, it makes almost no sound .

Neutralizing: A non-lethal beam that incapacitates and confuses the enemy

Lethal: Exactly what it sounds like.

Both items seem to be of intense emotional attachment to Leshey (he never takes it off), but the scary truth is that the attachment may go both ways…

Motivation: Seeing a lot of injustice in the tiny world he lived in growing up, he always knew there was something better to be doing with his skills. Now he has years of programming, another motivating force to contend with, feelings of separation from the country he loves, and a past filled with unconscionable acts, he needs to find a place to make amends, and a place to friends with people again.

Personality: Somewhat dour, but can act however is required for a situation. Its not just his body that changes, its his entire demeanor. With his guard down, he is pensive but friendly. He has a tendency to make wisecracks in dire situations, both to relieve stress and lighten the mood, but also to get his point across. In the field, he is very military minded and while he has been trained to think on his own and problem solve, he will go along with the group and follow orders as best he can.

Tactics: He is much more suited for recon, though he is a good ranged fighter and can handle himself in hand to hand in most normal situations. He tries to trick or otherwise use his powers to avoid direct conflict whenever possible, but will get his hands dirty of needed. He will go to great lengths to avoid collateral damage, but will not compromise the mission.


ID: Mitarbeit (Cooperation)

Name: Astrid Zubriggen

Origin: Raised in the Swiss public school system of moderately wealthy parents Barbel and Reto Zubriggen. Her powers appeared at the same time as other signs of blossoming maturity. Always friendly and able to illicit cooperation, her powers only enhanced a good reputation and a positive demeanor. Though at this early stage, they had a subtle effect, and it was not until she was assigned as a Morale Officer during her required military service years shortly after high school that she really came to understand what she was meant to be. Though not forced to exhibit her powers during her service, she gladly used everything she had to raise the quality of life in the sometimes Spartan military bases to which she was assigned. Her final power manifested during a training exercise in which a small helicopter crashed into the building in which she worked. Unable to save the two airmen, she stumbled out of the wrecked building, much to the relief of her superior officer but to their astonishment, completely unharmed. She still shows some signs of guilt in not saving the two men, though official records to not hold her responsible.

After this incident, a recruiter from the UN was allowed to meet with her and after she spoke with her parents, CO, and friends she decided she could better help people through an organized super team. She agreed to sign up with UNITY, and hopes to make her home country proud.


Cooperation: She can enhance the ability of others to work together and can intensify (To a small degree) the powers and abilities they already have.

Entrancement: She is very hard not to like, and if she focuses, she can force a person to at worst be neutral to her, though in already neutral people this can lead to intense feelings of loyalty or affection.

Ghost Form: She instinctually responds to personal danger by becoming intangible, appearing as a clear but translucent image of herself. In this form she can still speak and can decide to move through walls or floors, though she cannot physically affect the world. Her other powers still work in this form.

Personality: Friendly, outgoing, empathetic, she likes to see people work together and achieve their own goals. She very much does not like to be alone, bordering on agoraphobia. She makes suggestions to others, but she also follows orders.

Tactics: Her primary tactic is to go intangible and then help her teammates work together. She has never hurt anyone physically, and seeks to minimize emotional trauma where she can (She realizes her power of entrancement can leave scars if abused). She usually takes a central position to the battle and works from there to help the team.

Appearance: She is a 24 year old Blonde haired blue eyed Swiss who dresses appropriately for her age and social class. In costume, she has made an effort to be subtle and non-threatening, and the pinks and greys tend to comfort those with whom she deals.

Motivation: She was instilled at a very young age with a sense of duty to others, and this extended easily into the UNITY mission. She likes to make friends, and she likes the potential for helping Supers work together better.

Quote: “It isn’t a matter of doing what we do best, it is a matter of doing together what we can do better.â€

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Thanks to all for the well wishes on my wedding! Everything went off without a single hitch and we had a great time. We are now back from our honeymoon so the dry spell of UNITY story posts that you all have patiently suffered through can now end. We promise to try to maintain the high quality of entertainment to which you all have come to expect. :D



aka Straight Arrow

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