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Russian Sleep Device


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Ok, how would you make something that puts another character to sleep. What I'm thinking of is a headband that is used when transporting supervillians, while they are wearing it, they are in an unwakable slumber.

I came up with this:


Suppress vs Speed 48d6 (standard effect: 144 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (360 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1 1/4)


Problem is, you cant supress a stat, and it is really expensive. (120 cp is to get that evil speedster, with a few extra to counter power D. Got to be ready.) There has to be a better way.

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Re: Russian Sleep Device


That definitely needed more than one smiley. Perhaps there ought to be a cheesy icon you can put in there too.... :)

Thanks! :D What gave me the idea is that the character I currently play (Dr. Anomaly) is a gadgeteer and a sorcerer, and has two VPPs and a bunch of Skills. The Gadget pool is much larger than the Magic one (75 pts. vs. 30) but even so there never seems to be enough to go around!


Not long after D&D 3E came out, I went through the PHB looking at all the low-level spells and using the new "making magic items" rules in the DMG to create a bunch of "weak" magic items that could be used as treasures/rewards for low-level or starting characters without "breaking" the campaign, yet were useful enough of nifty enough that players would be glad to get them.


I decided to do the same thing for Dr. Anomaly, creating a bunch of low-point gadets and spells as pre-constructed things of the sort that you might expect to find in a "utility belt". To that end I looked not only at all the Powers, but things like Talents, Perks, and so on.


One of the things that occured to me was a way to save the life of someone critically injured until they could reach a hospital emergancy room. Simulate Death seemed like a good way to do it, and so I created the Stasis Drug:


Stasis Drug (16 Active, 2 Real)


Simulate Death, (+13 to roll)


Extra Time: 5 Minutes (Only to create serum, May take no other actions during prep, -1 ¼)

Req. A Biochemistry Roll to Create Serum (-½)

Serum (must be drunk or injected -¾)

Must Attempt Same-Phase Entry (-1)

1 Charge (-2)


A serum that, when ingested or injected, causes the body’s functioning to slow to a point that is virtually indistinguishable from death. The amount of time the user will be “out†must be pre-determined when the serum is created. Since the serum is based on the extremely potent toxin secreted by a particular species of puffer fish, use of the serum is not without risks. In rare cases the user may suffer an adverse reaction, in which case they will need immediate medical attention or will most likely die.


Game Notes: The roll is a (9 +13 - 4 = 18). If the roll is failed (a roll of exactly 18) then proceed as outlined in FREd, p. 65.


It was defined as a Universal Focus, meaning that anyone could use it, and the Skill Roll was only needed to create the drug, not to administer it.


It's just a short step from that to creating a version that can be used on an unwilling character, and in reusable headband form instead of a one-shot injectable drug. :)

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Re: Russian Sleep Device


I've built these things before ... I usually do it as a continuous NND, defense is LS: No Need To Sleep or extremely nonhuman biology/brain structure, with a linked Suppress (or drain, depending on my mood) of Recovery. If I use a Drain, it has a limitation that it wears off as soon as the helmet is removed, and the NND has a limitation that it can't take the STUN below -29 (so you can reasonably expect to take a few minutes to wake up after it's popped off).

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