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Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


Never actually met an evil twin in the campaign I had Irving in, but there are two valid approaches he could've taken:


Irving-2 could be a simple thug, seeking only territory and comforts and rather animal-like in manners and understanding.


Or, he could be very intelligent as Irving-1 is, but dangerously arrogant. Why yes, he knows how to solve many of the problems of the world. Lots of humans will have to die for these solutions to work-- and that's a shame, because they can be pretty amusing-- but you simply cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. Think Ras al-Ghul, or maybe Ozymandias...

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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


All evil twins should have the same powers and skills, but reversed psychological limitations. The only exceptions should be where a power is undeniably good. Let's face it a healing spell looks plenty evil when used to help Dr. Destroyer.

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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


The Else-world Patriot has shown his head more then once in our campaign.


His Name is Anarchist In one incarnation he was head of the Homeland security...in a bad way .

another time the Evil twins of the main characters In Team Vanguard decided that human kind was not fit to rule itself and took control of the worlds governments ( I realized after i ran the scenario that i had pulled it from a book I hadnt even read) Anarchist Was Commander over then other heros, but they were allowed to reign however they decided to

One time Anarchist came thru a portal and mascaraded around as Patriot for a while, restrainign himself , so he was only a bit more heavy handed then the true Patriot (this also marked the only time Patriot ever killed another out of anger)


yes ...A wild campaign it was.....I miss it....Darn work schedules :weep:

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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


If current characters were involved, I suspect that Nephlim the Fallen angel seeking redemption as a human would find a duplicate that was an angel who had escaped her duties in heaven into the mortal world rather than face hell & now reveled in sin knowing that as a mortal with knowledge of all the rules there were ways of guarenteeing an undeserved spot in paradise.


Hm, so does that mean PRIMUS would be just another corrupt branch of a corrupt government, and there would be an evil Agent Bishop? What an evil couple they would make! Unless the evil Neph just kept him chained to the bed most of the time or something... :nonp:

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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


Evil counterpart ! Don't talk to me about evil (expletive!) counterparts ! Our referee pulled this one on us once, even asking us to play the evil versions of our characters ! Quite frankly I couldn't do it. I am not nasty minded by nature and do not think quickly enough to play an evil "St Barbara". In fact I opted out of that session as I was completly unprepared to even TRY to play an evil counterpart to "St Barbara". I guess that an "evil" "St Barbara" would be a hardened, vicious vigilante with even more psych triggers than she has now. She might be inclined to go after those involve in pornography (especially child pornography) and blow them to HELL (in glorious technicolour !) !

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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


With the Protectors GB they took over the world and had their own castles. the Iron Lady was not an MP but an entertainer who had a skanky costume.


That is an example. See the Protectors numbered nearly 75 including those killed in action.


Other examples. The Sorceror was the evil counterpart to the Magician. One was devoted to protecting their disciple, combating mystic and other threats and looking after the world. They also did not want to be leader. The Sorceror exploited his disciple, encouraged mystic threats and challenged for leadership of the Vanquishers (the anti-Protectors).

The evil Magnetic Mistress instead of talking in poor mutants exploited some and took them in as her bodyguards.

Dr Scorpio fought against his father Arak the Spider god a lord of chaos. Arak Lord of Chaos was a member of good standing in the Vanquishers.

The Avenger was 'just a normal man'. Law Breaker used any method to make himself better than the normal folk and had a contempt for them.

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Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


It's a staple of the superhero genre: the world where good is evil and evil is good. So your hero has gone to Earth-2: what is his/her/its counterpart like?


Colonel Carnage (my battlesuit character) is a serving colonel in the Australian Army. He fights supervillains because that is his current posting. I guess on Earth-2 his equivalent would fight superheroes for the same reason.

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