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Question about Two Perks

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Hello, I've been away for more than three years. I had given up on Hero. However, I've been getting the urge to run supers again and just can't get myself to run SAS. I have too many fond memories of Champs. So I'm rereading the rules and had a couple of questions. I've posted them on the 5th edition Rules questions with Steve Long, but I'm not sure if the second one is really clear. Did I miss the boat on that description? Is it much more straight forward than I'm thinking? Thanks. I'm also posting questions as they come up. I just don't have the patience to wait and find out my question is answered about 400 pages into the text. But I appreciate your patience with my quetions.


1) What is the difference between Deep Cover and Secret Identity?


2) Is the cost structure for Followers and Vehicles/Bases different?

The reason I'm asking this last one is because the example given of the Champion base on page 85 does not match my understanding of the rules. I thought any points spent to create a base or vehicle costing more than the total character points of the main character (i.e. Base and Disads) cost 1/1. So, in the example given of the Champions base the first 250 would be 1/5 then the additional 40 (from disads) would be 1/1.


Now going over the Follower example, I'm newly confused. It lists Jacko's base points and disads at 175. The first 100 points cost 1/5 to create him. But if he were created on 250 his first 100 points are at 1/5 and the following 50 are 1/1. There is no mention of remaining 100 points within that 250. But the example seems to suggest that since Jacko (Base and Disad totals) costs more than Captain Australia (Base and Disads totals), Jacko's additional 50 points should be 1/1. Is this somehow different for base and vehicles?



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Re: Question about Two Perks


1) This can be summed up as "one is a disadavantage, one is an advantage"


-Secret Identity is a disadvantage, meaning you get points for taking one. That means you have make, inconvientiont efforts to make sure people don't figure out that wally weakling is actually wonder warrior. Your character should be concerned that he might be found out & it would be bad if he was.


-Deep Cover is a perk, meaning that you have an alternate identity that is so well established and so hard to link to your other identity that you can "hide out" in it with some confidence. While some work to maintian it might be nesseccary it is so slight that it can happen "off stage" in your spare time and you can generally rest assured that nothing short of an intensive investigation by a large well funded team even has a chance to link your identities. (assuming you don't wreak it yourself)


2) I think the example may be in error (which is possible, but I'm suprised no one noticed before). If you posted this in the rules quesitons area Steve should be along shortly to tell us.

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Re: Question about Two Perks


At the office right now so I don't have access to the book....can you post the following from the example that you're citing:


1. The base points of the Follower

2. The disad points of the Follower

3. The total points of the character that is purchasing the Follower (base points + disad points + experience)


Because of the split nature of the Follower cost calculation when the total points exceed those of the character, the math can work out a bit differently than you may expect at times....

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Re: Question about Two Perks


The example he is citing is from page 82 of 5th Rev.


According to the example:

Captain Australia is built on 200 pts.

If Jacko (the follower) is built on 100+75 then he costs 100/5 = 20 points

If Jacko is built on 250 he would cost (100/5)+(50/1) = 70 points



It looks to me like the example is a bit confusing. If Jacko is supposed to be 250+disads, and Captain Australia's value hasn't changed then the math in the second line is off, it should be (200/5)+(50/1) = 90 points


Unless I'm missing something.

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Re: Question about Two Perks


The example he is citing is from page 82 of 5th Rev.


According to the example:

Captain Australia is built on 200 pts.

If Jacko (the follower) is built on 100+75 then he costs 100/5 = 20 points

If Jacko is built on 250 he would cost (100/5)+(50/1) = 70 points



It looks to me like the example is a bit confusing. If Jacko is supposed to be 250+disads, and Captain Australia's value hasn't changed then the math in the second line is off, it should be (200/5)+(50/1) = 90 points


Unless I'm missing something.

I'm currently talking to Steve on this, but if my understanding of the rules is correct, the math shown on 82 would indicate that Jacko is biuld on a _total_ of 250 points, 100 base + 150 disad.


That would give you 100/5 + 50/1 for the total cost.


If Jacko were built on 250 base + 100 disad (for example), the cost would come out to:


200/5 + 150 = 190 points.


As a note, I remembered that I had the PDF of 5ER on my laptop, so I checked the pages referenced. It looks like the calculation for Jacko is correct.


The calculation of the base on page 85 is not my understanding of the rules, since the total cost of the base (base points + disads) is greater than the character total (in this case, 250). That should mean that the final point tally is:


250/5 + 40/1 = 50 + 40 = 90 points.


Steve is going to look things over and get back to me once he runs the numbers (he's a bit busy right now).

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Re: Question about Two Perks


Deep cover is also used for identities like Matches Malone. The Batman trots him out for a quick underworld looksee and no one suspects. Deep Cover, like mentioned before, is like a permenent disquise with all the id and background one would suspect.


Perks however require some care and feeding or they could fade by GM fiat. So be warned.



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Re: Question about Two Perks


Deep cover is also used for identities like Matches Malone. The Batman trots him out for a quick underworld looksee and no one suspects. Deep Cover, like mentioned before, is like a permenent disquise with all the id and background one would suspect.


Perks however require some care and feeding or they could fade by GM fiat. So be warned.

Agreed, and well said. By the way, I think this does not make the two mutually exclusive. The Secret ID can represent the care and difficulty required to keep your well-established alternate identity (the Deep Cover).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Question about Two Perks


I'm currently talking to Steve on this, but if my understanding of the rules is correct, the math shown on 82 would indicate that Jacko is biuld on a _total_ of 250 points, 100 base + 150 disad.


That would give you 100/5 + 50/1 for the total cost.


If Jacko were built on 250 base + 100 disad (for example), the cost would come out to:


200/5 + 150 = 190 points.


As a note, I remembered that I had the PDF of 5ER on my laptop, so I checked the pages referenced. It looks like the calculation for Jacko is correct.


The calculation of the base on page 85 is not my understanding of the rules, since the total cost of the base (base points + disads) is greater than the character total (in this case, 250). That should mean that the final point tally is:


250/5 + 40/1 = 50 + 40 = 90 points.


Steve is going to look things over and get back to me once he runs the numbers (he's a bit busy right now).


Hi. I was wondering if you ever confirmed this point cost total? Thanks.

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Re: Question about Two Perks


Steve sends his apologies...he's working on Pulp Hero right now and can't take the time to trace through everything. He wants to be sure that the answer he gives is correct....so we have to wait ;)

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