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You can't possibly be!! Redo


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Pleased with the redesign that you did with Flash the guys at DC are asking you to redo another character. This time they are going for Green Lantern (choose which one). Again they are putting on no limits except that he cannot possess a mystical focus (this includes his Lantern Ring). He can become a technologist, gain some powers, gain innate mystical ability, whatever. Let your creative imaginations flow and redesign away. :rockon:

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Re: You can't possibly be!! Redo


Comic artist Kyle Rayner was down on his luck ... after drawing his last superhero project, he's been shelved as last year's talent. Desperately looking for work, he decides to try a few different art styles. After doing some research, he discovers a new method using a rare green-line pencil. Spending the rest of his savings searching for this tool, he finds that the pencil is in fact a cosmic artifact and, after receiving it in the mail from an unknown source, realizes that the pencil makes what ever he draws come to life. Deciding that the world needs heroes, he draws himself a costume and, in hopes of disguising the artifact, calls himself "Green Lantern".


After taking a brutal blow to the head, former teacher Guy Gardner discovers an unknown power that allows him to manipulate an odd green force with only his imagination as its boundry. Inspired by the comic book hero Green Lantern, Guy dons a costume and unleashes his psyche onto the world of crime!

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Re: You can't possibly be!! Redo


Ok Here is My idea. I am sorry but i dont know to much of the diffrence between all the variations of the Green Lantern. But Here it Goes. The Green Lantern is going aganist another villian but this villian has the ability to redirect the lanters powers back on Himself thereby intrapping him in His ring.


Many years later a young man finds the rings and after studying it some how releases the Green Lantern back upon the world. Now after been trapped for many years the Lantern as well You could say not only a few issues but is also a little less sane that what he once was. So He trying to find his way back in a world that has seemingly forgot Him all together. He enrolls in a technical college and combined with his knowledge of the ring and not more complex electronics.. Begins to tackle the worlds Web Thieves and Identiy Stealers.

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Re: You can't possibly be!! Redo


Green Lantern Kyle Rayner is out patrolling the city and discovers that there is a fight going on in a neaby warehouse. Upon entry he discovers that Batman is having trouble with several of his villains. With the cooperation of both the villainous team is soon vanquished. However upon leaving Brainiac entraps them both in an anti-energy barrier, preventing GL from using the powers of his ring. This barrier has an unexpected result. The anti-energy barrier reacts with the ring energy and transforms GL into a being of pure energy possessing superstrength, agility, energy control, and speed. Using his new powers, he eventually messes up Brainiac and makes him disappear again.

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Re: You can't possibly be!! Redo


Kyle Rayner is a down and out alcoholic advertising executive who is deperatley trying to come up with the next great ad campaign. He is desperate to beat out a new kid in the company. The new kid, Alexander Sinestro has been making a name for himself. He is very talented and Kyle realy can't stand him.

Kyle has tried everything he can to get the creative juices flowing. In a fit of drunken desperation, he goes to see a gypsy fortune teller in hopes that she could tell him what the next big ad will be.

Kyle enters the lantern-lit room of the gypsy and sits down. He tells the gypsy that he has a drinking problem and that he needs guidance to get his life back on track. The gypsy sees through Kyle's guise of trying to improve himself and determines that it is Kyle's jealousy of Alexander that has driven him to this point. The gypsy declares that she will empower Kyle to be able to tap into his limitless imagination but to act as a constant reminder of the path he took, she curses him, in that all his imaginary constructs will be the color of jealousy... Green.

Also, since the constructs come from his unconscious mind, Kyle must maintain a pure mind. Feelings of hate are as easily manifested as the willingness to help.

The single lantern starts to glow and then there is a flash of green light. Kyle awakens in his car in the middle of a mall parking lot. Kyle sits and thinks for several hours. Gradualy he realizes that he has been given a great gift (as well as a curse) and that he has to use this gift to help.

What Kyle does not know is that a few weeks earlier, Alexander had happened upon the same gypsy and had asked for the power to tap into his imagination for his own financial gains. The gypsy had granted this request but had cursed him with the color yellow... what she called the color of his sickness... Greed.


Kyle now uses his Green imagination to help those around him.... and Alexander uses his powers to gain possessions and wealth.

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Re: You can't possibly be!! Redo


Hal Jordan is out test flying a new experimental plane. As fate would have it a fist-sized green meteor crashes into the cockpit and imbeds itself into Hal's chest. Instead of killing Hal outright the meteor interacts with the yellow sun's solar radiation and transfers all of its power to Hal. Hal takes the name Green Lantern from the green glow he gives off. Some of the press also call him the Krytonite Man. :)

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