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The Force--Need Help!

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Re: The Force--Need Help!


Sorry, I tend to take my star wars rather directly. And does anyone know what general grevious was? some sort of cyborg i guess.


Yeah anakin and obi-wan tend to get carried away, that fight got rediculous, I think obi-wan thought "if i can make then environment get more dangerous i'll win" and then things like a lavafall and swinging from ropes happens.


They have those double sided pike things in ep 3 that block light sabers, why couldn't they make sheilds out of them and fight lightsaber & shield, you really don't need 2 hands on a saber since it has little or no mass (depending on your view of einstiean physics)

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Re: The Force--Need Help!


Sorry, I tend to take my star wars rather directly. And does anyone know what general grevious was? some sort of cyborg i guess.


Yeah anakin and obi-wan tend to get carried away, that fight got rediculous, I think obi-wan thought "if i can make then environment get more dangerous i'll win" and then things like a lavafall and swinging from ropes happens.


They have those double sided pike things in ep 3 that block light sabers, why couldn't they make sheilds out of them and fight lightsaber & shield, you really don't need 2 hands on a saber since it has little or no mass (depending on your view of einstiean physics)

Yeah. A cyborg. He had organic eyes and an organic heart. The cough? Beats me. :)

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Re: The Force--Need Help!


Yeah. A cyborg. He had organic eyes and an organic heart. The cough? Beats me. :)


In my head I pretend that General Grevious was actually Darth Maul, who Sidious rescued much the same way that he did Anakin. So, when Palpatine was talking about the power to save people from death he was talking, in a exaggerated way, about his ability to make people cyborgs. A sort of be careful what you wish for kind of thing. And I pretend that he doesn't cough.


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Re: The Force--Need Help!


Quick thought...


Just because it's 'Lucas' cannon doesn't make it good or necessarily right. The guy can barely keep his own concepts straight, hence the fiasco of Episode 6 "Revenge of the Jedi" - changed at the last minute when something in him said "Uh George, Jedis shouldn't really 'revenge' per se, I thought they were all about knowledge and defense? being at peace, calm?"


"Oh, yeah, you're right, we'd better call it 'Return of the Jedi' instead" - they had to recall all the posters, the film trailers, everything.


Not to mention the glaring ridiculousness of Episodes I and II. Seriously, medichlorians? You've taken a wonderful mystic religious thing and turned it into bad psuedoscience.


Or "A Jedi never uses the Force for attack," per Yoda... but uh, yeah, they do, repeatedly.


Enough rant about how Lucas has destroyed my beloved Star Wars.


I like the idea of stating out some standardized force powers and letting them choose some to fill out a repetoire, but what about some sort of 'prerequisite' system? Make it so they must learn the more basic powers first before moving on to more advanced ones?


Make the difference between padawan, knight, and master, be more than just how good they are with each power. Perhaps differentiate between the types of powers a member of each level might have access to [or be taught].


Perhaps limiting the size of the multipower based on rank? Padawans may only have a 10pt pool, becomming a Knight when they reach a 25pt pool, and finally a master with a 40pt pool?


As for the dark side, [in the SW RPG anyhow] it worked in 'Dark Side Points' - every time you performed an evil act and didn't show remorse, you gained a DSP. Each DSP you had would increase your force skills by one die, showing how the Dark Side is always trying to seduce our beloved heroes. Whenever you got one though you had to make a d6 roll and roll higher than your current DSP to continue playing, as once you failed that roll [or got to 6 DSP, obviously] you went over to the Dark Side and became an NPC.


Not sure how to simulate this... maybe something like a "Dark Side VPP" used only to pump force abilites, or give new temporary new ones, but with lims like: -Only while doing the Dark Side's bidding, and Side Effects in the form of a +5pts toward a "Slave to the Dark Side" psych lim?


Or maybe just a "Dark Side END Reserve" used only to push current abilities. Apply the same sort of lims?


I think it would be intersting to give them each a power like this, therefore tempting them to use it, just like the dark side should.


It depends on how strict you want to be with the light side/dark side issue as well. In the SW game it was a big issue when Jedi went bad. It is basically up to you to determine what is flirting with the dark side and what isn't.


A simple way of looking at it is this: 'if the player has to try to convince you that his character's actions are not evil, then they probably are evil.' It should be pretty evident when characters are not walking the path of light.


In any case, have fun, and I wish I could join in!

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Re: The Force--Need Help!


In my head I pretend that General Grevious was actually Darth Maul, who Sidious rescued much the same way that he did Anakin. So, when Palpatine was talking about the power to save people from death he was talking, in a exaggerated way, about his ability to make people cyborgs. A sort of be careful what you wish for kind of thing. And I pretend that he doesn't cough.



And props to dbsousa for the "audience cut"


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Re: The Force--Need Help!


It is all here, this is the best source on all things Star Wars that I have fournd



this site rocks :rockon:


It has canon history, jedi powers and list of jedi names ship names planets ect


the only thing not here tech specs on ships, which would answer questions like what do force fields stop.


Greivious was injured killing the Jedi whose light sabres he has in the cartoon networks star wars cartoon clone war which was done by Lucas and is consider canon.


check out the site


Lord Ghee

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Re: The Force--Need Help!


I think a good way to do distinction between ranks of jedi, is by feel. The force is mostly about feel anyway, so when a master thinks the Canidate is ready, they probably are, A master is when the other jedi masters acknowledge their one-ness with the forece.


I maybe flogging a dead horse, but i found a good example to prove me wrong.


In "Dark Tide I: Onslaught" by Stackpole, Luke Skywalker uses two lightsabers and flinging rocks at Yuuzan Vong to kill them. Now it could be argued that since the Vong are not part of the force, they fall into the "non-living" definition, but i don't like this explination. So i suppose that i can show conclusive evidience on why i'm wrong.


Also masters like luke can do multiple things at the same time, like dual wield lightsabers, and create a huricane of rocks flying at high velocity ino vong. Maybe a multiple power attack? And it doesn't seem like luke trains with two lightsabers, maybe there is a specific light saber school for it, but i think it's more likely to be a use of a jedi's VPP pool to buy the skill "Two-Weapon Fighting". On the other hand it also tires luke very quickly to use so much of the force so directly. This seems to be the same as with yoda. Maybe an ability to use END that you don't have with taking stun after it goes away? an END reserve?

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