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Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


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Re: Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


This is massively from memory...


Golden Age: Dan Garrett started with an Uber vitamin, somewhat similar to Miraclo. So he got heightened strength, speed, healing, cognitive ability and senses.


He had to pop a pill before going out on a case and seemed to not realize he could carry extra or something. ;)


The Silver Age Beetle was also Dan Garrett...no relation...(Possibly serious, as the original was a cop, and this version is an archeologist) and he got his juice from a mystic scarab amulet that he wore as belt. He got Super strength, flight, and low level invulnerability.

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Re: Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


Electric Company version: a fat guy in a T-shirt, domino mask, and deely-bobs on his head with no appreciable abilties (super or otherwise). Never did any actual superheroing. (Apparently the Children's Television Workshop was either unaware of the comic book character or just liked the name -- although they had a deal with Marvel for the use of Spider-Man, the Blue Beetle has never been a Marvel character.)


The original Blue Beetle was with a comic book publisher that was actually shut down druing WWII, ostensibly because of paper shortages. The more likely reason is that he, along with Samson and the Flame, was featured in an anthology book called Big 3 -- which was also the 'group name" given to wartime leaders Franklin roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin by the media. There seemed to be enough paper for National Perodicals, Timely and all the other publishers who were churning out superhero comics to fuel the wartime prooaganda machine....

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Re: Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


This is massively from memory...


Golden Age: Dan Garrett started with an Uber vitamin, somewhat similar to Miraclo. So he got heightened strength, speed, healing, cognitive ability and senses.


He had to pop a pill before going out on a case and seemed to not realize he could carry extra or something. ;)


The Silver Age Beetle was also Dan Garrett...no relation...(Possibly serious, as the original was a cop, and this version is an archeologist) and he got his juice from a mystic scarab amulet that he wore as belt. He got Super strength, flight, and low level invulnerability.

Jibes with what I recall, but that's why we have an Internet - - so we don't have to remember things... :winkgrin:

Golden Age Blue Beetle

Some Silver Age BB info

How SA BB fit into DCU continuity...

Passing the mantle - Dan to Ted

Modern BB


...for a quick summation (as well as Dan's "magic word")...

MOA entry on BB


...and, for the much more esoteric files...

Thrill to the old Blue Beetle radio shows(!!)

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Re: Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


The original (1940's) Blue Beetle/Dan Garrett was a cop who wore a bulletproof costume and took a special vitamin that enhanced his strength.


The 1960's BB (also called Dan Garrett, but no relation to the 40's BB) was an archaeologist who found an ancient egyptian scarab gem that gave Superman-type powers. At some point, he became mortally-wounded and he was discovered by inventor, Ted Kord, who took on the BB ID when Garrett died, but fought crime using his martial arts and inventions (instead of using the scarab). Later on, it was discovered that the gem itself was an alien parasite, but I think this has been retconned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


Well I am going to hijack this dead thread for the homage/rewrite of the character





Background:The original Beetle was an archeologist turned super hero when he discovered a mystic scarab in egypt. He was not a great hero, but did do his part in small ways. During the last days of his life he had retired and started teaching in a university. He became close to one exceptionaly bright student, finaly sharing his secret with him.


That student got in some trouble and Beetle helped him out, but during it the beetle lost his life. His last words were for the student to take the scarab and become the new beetle. Unfortunatly the cave caved in seperating the student from the scarab


Years later the student had trained himself and built himself an arsenal for use as a super hero. He never made it to the A-List, but he got a lot of respect as a B-List hero. He did come across the scarab again later on, but did not use it. Then he died, when an alledged friend shot him in the head.


Now a new hero resides in the City the Beetle called home, he is darker, where the beetle was a wise cracker, this hero says little. From a bright costume to a dark suit of armor. From Acrobatics & Martial Artist, to flight, strength and invulnerability. The New Beetle is not someone to underestimate.

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