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Golden Age adventures


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I'm starting a WW2 supers game and I was wondering if anyone who had done so prior had any advice, anecdotes, useful sources and or webpages, adventure and or character ideas you'd like to toss my way.


To give you some idea of what page I'm on, here is a brief introduction to my campaign.


We are running 5th edition and using J.I. and Golden Age of Champions. We borrow heavily from Marvel and DC continuity of characters with players having the choice of playing pregens ot established heroes or of making their own.


The campaign started off in October of '41 with the pcs getting together to stop the Joker's Halloween rampage. From there we proceeded to an alternate history of Pearl Harbor then induction into the Oss. Currently, the heroes are in 1940s Wakanda, trying to stop the nazis from grabbing the Vibranium deposits and recreating the experiments that created Captain America's invulnerable shield.


This makes it sound like I'm a continuity hound but what what I am really interested in any advice anyone has to offer.


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Golden Age adventures


Originally posted by Redmenace

I'm starting a WW2 supers game and I was wondering if anyone who had done so prior had any advice, anecdotes, useful sources and or webpages, adventure and or character ideas you'd like to toss my way.


To give you some idea of what page I'm on, here is a brief introduction to my campaign.


We are running 5th edition and using J.I. and Golden Age of Champions. We borrow heavily from Marvel and DC continuity of characters with players having the choice of playing pregens ot established heroes or of making their own.


The campaign started off in October of '41 with the pcs getting together to stop the Joker's Halloween rampage. From there we proceeded to an alternate history of Pearl Harbor then induction into the Oss. Currently, the heroes are in 1940s Wakanda, trying to stop the nazis from grabbing the Vibranium deposits and recreating the experiments that created Captain America's invulnerable shield.


This makes it sound like I'm a continuity hound but what what I am really interested in any advice anyone has to offer.


Thanks in advance.


You might want to designate theaters of operation for all of your German and Japanese Masterminds. Red Skull here, Baron Blitzkrieg there, etc.


If you need to generate a few extra Nazi villains you might check the Project 3000 thread. I have a bunch of Nazi characters' names that I offered recently to the list. The problem with your resources from the comics is that most of the Nazis are schemers and not good in an all out fight. These names will suggest more "Super" in the Nazi Supervillains.

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To help put yourself in a "period" frame of mind, try to find The Complete Superman Collection.


My wife picked it up on DVD on a whim at the local library to help entertain the kids over the weekend, and we were both surprised to discover that it was a collection of original animated "shorts" dating from 1941 to 1943.


Quite worthwile in its own right, it should help put you and your players in an appropriate frame of mind.

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Originally posted by Tom

To help put yourself in a "period" frame of mind, try to find The Complete Superman Collection.


My wife picked it up on DVD on a whim at the local library to help entertain the kids over the weekend, and we were both surprised to discover that it was a collection of original animated "shorts" dating from 1941 to 1943.


Quite worthwile in its own right, it should help put you and your players in an appropriate frame of mind.


Some of Max Fliesher's best work. Be aware, however, before treating the kiddies to a view that some of the themes present the Japanese in a very unflattering light.

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Re: Golden age


Originally posted by Patriot

I would love to play in that campaign....Anyone playing the Knight owl?


Sadly no so far the characters are


Eaglescout, a Native American US Army Ranger in a costume

Batman 2, the first Robin taking over for Bruce

Captain America, the 1941, newly emerged hero

Victory Siryn, a Helenistically beautiful sonic blaster

Nachtfeur, a defector from the Nazi Ubermensch, a blaster

American Eagle, a Thanagarian Hawk cop, investigating 1) why there is a

Hawkman already on Earth, 2) why there is a Green Lantern here as well, 3) trying to figure out if Superman is actually a surviving Kryptonian, and 4) If he is, trying to recruit him for Thanagar and/or deprive the Lantern Corp the same.

The Catwoman, reformed, atleast for the duration of the War

Bazooka Joe, a Army demolitions expert assigned to the Heroes who has taken to wearing a lone ranger mask, a complete loony.

Liberator, a black superhero who is forced hide his race less it demoralise the White Allied fighting man, or so say his commanders.



Watch The Movie 1941....make your players watch it to..it will get them in the mood.


Excellent suggestion. I was thinking of showing them the WW2 Justice League Finale but that will work well.



At the risk of heading farther afield, other good WW2 Training Films for Champions should include Rocketeer


Another good selection, every scene in that movie is overflowing with period style



To help put yourself in a "period" frame of mind, try to find The Complete Superman Collection.


I had no idea it was on DVD. Much thanks for the heads up on that. I'm off the Suncoast vidstore.



Some of Max Fliesher's best work. Be aware, however, before treating the kiddies to a view that some of the themes present the Japanese in a very unflattering light.


All our players are childless adults, unless you take into account our state of maturity. Thanks for the warning though,

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Other films to check out should include the serials of the day.

Captain Marvel, with Tom Tyler is fantastic, even though C.C. Beck hated it.

Spy-Smasher is also good. But the creme de la creme is the Commando Cody stuff. Zombies of the Stratosphere, Radar Men on the Moon, King of the Rocketmen... that sort of stuff.


Pure Gold!


Anyhoo, sounds like your campaign is in good hands, mate.

Have you read the Byrne Batman/Captain America 40's crossover? That's also good.





(Serial thriller)

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Yeah, the serials are always good for plots and cliffhangers. Not that I need the excuse. I'll see what I can do about finding some.


Most of my visual "research" has been watching the Indianna Jones trilogy, episodes of Batman the animated series, and various specials on the History Channel.



As to the Batman-Capt. America book, yes I've read and enjoyed it very much. SPOILER BEGIN I never quite bought that the Joker would be that bothered to be working for the nazis though. He seems to be more of a "I like the cut of their jib" sort. SPOILER END

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Originally posted by Redmenace


As to the Batman-Capt. America book, yes I've read and enjoyed it very much. SPOILER BEGIN I never quite bought that the Joker would be that bothered to be working for the nazis though. He seems to be more of a "I like the cut of their jib" sort. SPOILER END


:) I kind of liked that twist on Joker. He's a dirty, psychotic murderer, but darn it, he's still an American. It seemed to catch the nationalism of the time. For a similar incident just a little earlier, check out M with Peter Lorre, where the bad guys organize a manhunt to find the child killer.

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Originally posted by Law Dog

:) I kind of liked that twist on Joker. He's a dirty, psychotic murderer, but darn it, he's still an American. It seemed to catch the nationalism of the time. For a similar incident just a little earlier, check out M with Peter Lorre, where the bad guys organize a manhunt to find the child killer.


Sort of reminded me of that scene in Rocketeer where the Mob and the FBI gang up against the Nazis because: "I may not make an honest living, but I am 100% American!"


I love that stuff

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Originally posted by MisterVimes

Sort of reminded me of that scene in Rocketeer where the Mob and the FBI gang up against the Nazis because: "I may not make an honest living, but I am 100% American!"


I love that stuff


In my campaign, many Golden Age American villains joined the Armed Services to fight the Axis.:)

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Originally posted by MisterVimes

That's a classic 'bit'... We had the heroes guilt the villains into signing up. Two villains got in an arguement because one wouldn't join in to fight the japanazi rats!

I like how all the Big Lugs are always patriotic, "Aw, shucks. Nobuddy better call me a Turncoat Gerry"
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Originally posted by Agent X

I like how all the Big Lugs are always patriotic, "Aw, shucks. Nobuddy better call me a Turncoat Gerry"


One of my favorites is when the JSA join the army and Johnny Thunder tells them he's not joining and they almost kill him. Then he reveals he is joining the NAVY... they all laugh and chuck him on the arm. It seems cheesey today, but that's how it was, so many people confident what they were doing... it must have been an amazing time to live in.

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Interesting twist on the 'American Villains are still AMERICANS, by golly!' thing...


It has a basis in reality.

Before the US entered the war, representatives of one of the 5th column groups contacted high-ranking mob bosses about destablisiing the forces of law and order.

Several days later, a couple of bullet-riddled surprise packages were droppped off at FBI Headquarters, with a note.


I'll try and find the references for ya, but I read this quite a while ago, and it may require some digging.





(Dirty Ratzis!)

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My last Golden Age GM (the incomparable Mr. Darren Watts) really helped out our game with his atmospheric touches and encyclopedic knowledge of WWII. We had such things as taped radio messages from the era to start sessions, music from the era, etc.


We also faced things I'd never heard of like, like the black fascist groups on the West Coast. Who knew?


As a side note, I've been in two Golden Age campaigns, and both started with Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast...and in both cases, the Martians really were invading.



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To "Professor Moss" But of course, a little martian invasion to whet the appetite for World war 11 ! If you can get hold of the comics "All Star Squadron" and "Toung All Stars" are useful material as well. I know that you COULD get the complete "Adventures of Captain marvel" with Tom Tyler a couple of years ago (Which is when I got it). As others have suggested it is well worth a look. A reference book on the movie serials of the period might give you some ideas as well. I hope that you will tell us how the campaign is getting on at some time in the future.

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Thanks for all the advice, very helpful and very appreciated. I'd like to put out a question-


Gurps World War 2, is it useful for more than the usual professionally detailed attention to the topic? I know that there will be a thorough timeline, lots of Gurps stats, and 1 paragraph, genre specific plot seeds but is it better to buy the Core or several of the cheaper specific subject supplements, in your opinion?



Pol Rua wrote:

Interesting twist on the 'American Villains are still AMERICANS, by golly!' thing...


I'll try and find the references for ya, but I read this quite a while ago, and it may require some digging.


I really appreciate the offer but I don't want to waste your time, don't feel any obligation to do so. I can use it and its a great bit.



Re: the Martian Invasion

Its a fun idea. The campaign has already begun in 1941 but it might be interesting to have the martians attack just before the war in Europe closes. The Axis is desperate and needs new super weapons technology, foo fighters etc. American war production is at it's apex and they are close to developing atomic weapons so the martians see a window of opportunity.


It would also be very useful to have a big plot curve in reserve to throw at the players should the War story ever start to get too routine.



Agent X wrote-

In my campaign, many Golden Age American villains joined the Armed Services to fight the Axis.

If you ever want to share any of the details I'd love to hear them. That pretty much goes for anyone on the list with Golden Age/WW2 stories. I promise not to steal without permission.


One of the players is running a semi reformed Catwoman as a agent of Bruce Wayne. The Joker is still a villain because We have Robin becoming the second Batman while Bruce sees to Wayne aviation's wartime production and helps Doc Savage start up the OSS. Batman 2's player took the Joker as a hunted so he'll have to stay villainous.


The posts make a good point about using villains coming out of the cold to fight. It really underscores the national spirit.


Wish I'd been bright enough to have thought of this sooner but then the players are just now returning from their first mission overseas and coming home to a less "shell shocked/more angry" unified America could be interesting.



Re: sharing how the campaign is going

I'm game and I'd like to hear anyone else's. Is there a unofficial rule about that? Like keep it brief or don't clog up the boards with your campaign stories?



Too funny


Young All Stars/All Star Squadron

I'll ask at my local shop. Thanks for the mention of them.



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