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A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


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Butterfly - quick 5th ed revamp


[b]Butterfly - Ruby-Kaye Nevill[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
18    STR     8   18      13-       HTH Damage 3 1/2d6  END [2]
18    DEX     24   18      13-       OCV 6 DCV 6
20    CON     20   20      13-
18    BODY    16   18      13-
13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-
13    EGO     6   13      12-       ECV: 4
14    PRE     4   14      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
20    COM     5   20      13-
5    PD      1   5/30             5/30 PD (0/25 rPD)
5    ED      1   5/20             5/20 ED (0/15 rED)
4    SPD     12   4                 Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
10    REC     4   10
45    END     3   45
45    STUN    8   45
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
4    LEAP     0   3 1/2"                3 1/2" forward, 1 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 115[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
20     [b][i]Shapeshifting[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 40-point powers - END=
20     1)  [b][i]SHAPESHIFTING[/i][/b]: Shape Shift  (Sight, Touch and Hearing Groups, limited group of shapes), Imitation (36 Active Points) - END=4
20     2)  [b][i]SHAPESHIFTING[/i][/b]: Shrinking (0.1254 m tall, 0.0244 kg mass, -8 PER Rolls to perceive character, +8 DCV, takes +12" KB) (40 Active Points) - END=4
13     3)  [b][i]WINGS[/i][/b]: Flight 10", x4 Noncombat (25 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (only when shrunk; -1/2) - END=2
40     4)  [b][i]TOUGH SKIN[/i][/b]: Armor (25 PD/15 ED) (60 Active Points) - END=0
27     5)  [b][i]WEAPON HANDS[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +12d6 (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) - END=6
25     6)  [b][i]CLAWS[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6 (4d6 w/STR) (45 Active Points) - END=4

[b]POWERS Cost: 165[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
4      Martial Strike:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5 1/2d6 Strike
5      Passing Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 3 1/2d6 +v/5; FMove
5      Passing Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Disarm, 28 STR to Disarm; FMove
4      Martial Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 18[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
15      +3 with HTH Combat
3      Acting 12-
7      Breakfall 15-
3      Lockpicking 13-
3      Mimicry 12-
5      Paramedics 13-
3      Security Systems 12-
3      Seduction 12-
7      Stealth 15-
3      Streetwise 12-

[b]SKILLS Cost: 52[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Social Limitation:  Secret ID (Frequently, Major)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Code Against Killing (Common, Total)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Mischevious (Common, Strong)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Flamboyant (Common, Strong)
20     Hunted:  Villain Expermientation Group 11- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
15     Dependent NPC:  rescued kids from the facility 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
10     Physical Limitation:  Unpredictable Response to Drugs (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)
20     Accidental Change:  Asleep or distracted 11- (Very Common)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

Base Pts: 200
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 350


Snopsis: There's no real way to tell what Ruby really looks like. As a shapeshifter, she can pick any look she wants. Her standard form is up to the player. She is very flamboyant and a little frivolous. She has very little patience for the doom-and-gloom types. She's into this hero stuff as much for the thrill as anything.


The Stats - The first ten rows of statistics are the base statistics and mean just about what they look like. The range is more or less from ten to twenty, with ten indicating the level of a healthy, normal human and twenty indicating the limit of human capacity. Ruby is average strong for a hero, pretty nimble, moderately bright and not very self- controlled. Obviously, she's a knockout. The second column are the figured statistics. The rest of column are the figured statistics. If you don't know the system, just don't worry about them. I'll tell you if you need them


Disadvantages - HEROworks on a point system. You pay for skills and powers with points, some of which you get by taking disads. Ruby has a habit of playing tricks on people, and a strong moral problem with homicide. The group that performed the experiment that gave her her powers is after her. Sometimes when she is not paying attention, her form will 'drift' a little bit over time.


Powers - Ruby can change her shape at will. She can mimic just about any other person as well as change her size. She is called Butterfly after her flying form. She has to get small enough to be light enough to fly, but she then "grows" wings and can fly about. She also can shape her fingertips into claws and toughen her skin for self-defense.


Skills - these are what they sound like. Rolls work the same way as the skill rolls in the "Stats" section.


Maneuvers - These happen in combat. If you don't already know the system, don't worry about it.


Origin/Background - Ruby might have been a changeling. She was awkward and creative in a family of don't-rock-the-boaters. In the small, conservative town she grew up in, nothing she did seemed to quite fit, and having a beautiful, popular, sister didn't help. Ruby became convinced that if only she were really pretty, people would like her. When the promised "blossoming" of growing-up never happened, Ruby decided that if anything was going to happen, she was going to do it herself. Against her better judgment, she answered an ad in the city paper, miles away. "Do want to change yourself?" it asked. She did. The ad was a front for a group of scientists wanting to create a new race of pliable servants. Except Ruby didn't go along with the plan. When she realized what the researchers were really doing, she went in to destroy the lab. She managed to blow up the machines - while she was still inside. By some miracle, she survived, and came out a changed, or at least changeable woman. Ruby decided that she was never going home. She could make a fresh start just where she was. Ruby lives alone, but keeps an eye on some of the other escapees from the lab. She works as a model, when she works.

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Dreamer - 5th edition update


I'm not entirely happy with this one, but I have to run a convention game with these tomorrow, so this is what I've got.


[b]Dreamer - Noah Webster Kensington[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
10    STR     0   10      11-       HTH Damage 2d6  END [1]
13    DEX     9   13      12-       OCV 4 DCV 4
13    CON     6   13      12-
12    BODY    4   12      11-
18    INT     8   18      13-       PER Roll 13-
18    EGO     16   18      13-       ECV: 6
13    PRE     3   13      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
14    COM     2   14      12-
3    PD      1   3             3 PD (0 rPD)
3    ED      0   3             3 ED (0 rED)
3    SPD     7   3                 Phases:  4, 8, 12
5    REC     0   5
26    END     0   26
24    STUN    0   24
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
2    LEAP     0   2"                2" forward, 1" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 56[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
65     Duplication (creates 300-point form), Easy Recombination (Half Phase Action at 1/2 DCV), Altered Duplicates (50%; +1/2), Ranged Recombination (+1/2) (130 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Original Body "Asleep" when Duplicate Exists; -1) - END=0
10     [b][i]LINK WITH ASTRAL FORM[/i][/b]: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance - END=0

[b]POWERS Cost: 75[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
14      Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Personal Computers, Mainframes and Supercomputers) 17-
4      Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 14-
2      Language:  French (fluent conversation)
7      Cryptography 15-
4      Electronics (Communications Systems) 14-
5      Mechanics 14-
5      Stealth 13-

[b]SKILLS Cost: 41[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
20     Psychological Limitation:  Code Versus Killing Common, Total
10     Social Limitation:  Curfew (Frequently, Minor)
35     DNPC:  Parents 14- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Shy / Undersocialized (Very Common, Strong)
15     Social Limitation:  Teenager (Frequently, Major)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 135[/b]

Base Pts: 200
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 172


[b]Dreamer - Noah Webster Kensington[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
31    STR     8   31/41      15- / 17-       HTH Damage 6d6/8d6  END [6/7]
19    DEX     27   19      13-       OCV 6 DCV 6
18    CON     16   18      13-
16    BODY    12   16      12-
18    INT     8   18      13-       PER Roll 13-
18    EGO     16   18      13-       ECV: 6
20    PRE     10   20      13-       PRE Attack: 4d6
18    COM     4   18      13-
5    PD      1   5/17             5/17 PD (0/10 rPD)
5    ED      1   5/22             5/22 ED (0/15 rED)
4    SPD     11   4                 Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
10    REC     4   10
40    END     2   40
40    STUN    6   40
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
6    LEAP     0   6"/8"                6"/8" forward, 3"/4" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 126[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
10     Density Increase (200 kg mass, +10 STR, +2 PD/ED, -2" KB) - END=1
16     LS  (Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing) - END=0
20     Elemental Control, 40-point powers - END=
20     1)  Desolidification  (40 Active Points) - END=4
20     2)  FF (10 PD/15 ED) (25 Active Points) - END=2
25     3)  Flight 15", x16 Noncombat (45 Active Points) - END=4
13     4)  +13 STR, Affects Physical World (+2) (39 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) - END=4
32     5)  EB 12d6 (60 Active Points); 6 Recoverable Charges (-1/4) - END=[6 rc]
25     6)  EB 4d6, Damage Shield (Affects Mental And Physical Attackers; Offensive; +1 1/4) (45 Active Points) - END=4

[b]POWERS Cost: 181[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
14      Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Personal Computers, Mainframes and Supercomputers) 17-
4      Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 14-
2      Language:  French (fluent conversation)
7      Cryptography 15-
4      Electronics (Communications Systems) 14-
5      Mechanics 14-
7      Stealth 15-

[b]SKILLS Cost: 43[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
20     Psychological Limitation:  Code Versus Killing Common, Total
15     Physical Limitation:  Loses Focus When Outside the Same City as "Noah" (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (Common, Strong)
10     Social Limitation:  Curfew (Frequently, Minor)
35     DNPC:  Parents 14- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Shy / Undersocialized (Very Common, Strong)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

Base Pts: 200
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 350


Snyopsis: It should be noted that while Noah is a kid in person, his astral form appears significantly older and larger. He's also precocious enough that most of the other heros take him for a somewhat immature adult. And a lot of heros are pretty immature, so it's not really all that noticeable.


The Stats - The first ten rows of statistics are the base statistics and mean just about what they look like. The range is more or less from ten to twenty, with ten indicating the level of a healthy, normal human and twenty indicating the limit of human capacity. For Noah, this translates as unimpressive strength (for a hero), fair dexterity/agility, and pretty good looks. He's very bright and very strong willed. The second column are the figured statistics. If you don't know the system, just don't worry about them. I'll tell you if you need them


Stats - Anything ending in CV is a "combat value". I'll ask you for these numbers when you get into a fight. The speed and dexterity tell me who goes first in a fight, and who moves in what phase (a round has twelve phases, the phases you move in are listed at the bottom of this section). The rolls are just what they sound like. If one of those skills comes into play, I may ask you to roll 3d6 (you want to roll under this number to make a successful skill roll).


Disadvantages - HEROworks on a point system. You pay for skills and powers with points, some of which you get by taking disads, Noah is, underneath it all, still a kid, and a little shy, although he picks up some bluster in his hero form. He has a little trouble balancing his secret id, with a curfew from his parents, and heroic friends who set their own schedules.


Powers - Noah, or Dreamer at this point, rarely adventures in person. He separates an astral/energy self from his body and physically stays at home. This is how nobody's caught on to the fact that he's a kid. His body as Noah is not strong enough to channel the energy powers, although he hopes that will change as he ages. He can turn his energy form intangible, or even a little more dense. He can throw energy bolts, but only a few per excursion as they are, in a way, parts of himself.


Skills - Noah can use a computer, basically. He also speaks accented, but understandable French. He's pretty good with puzzles and mechanical things.


Maneuvers - These happen in combat. If you don't already know the system, don't worry about it.


Origin/Background - Noah started having unusually vivid dreams when he was twelve. Being a fairly bright child, he soon realized that the stuff he was dreaming really happened. He'd already developed a reputation as the Dreamer, so he stuck with it. He joined up with his current hero team last year and is having a ball. Noah always wanted to be a hero, and now he is! Cool! Noah lives with his parents (surprise, surprise) and goes to school like a normal 14-year old. He's geeky enough to have no real social life, so he spends a lot of his afternoons and weekends "doing homework" in his room (really out being a hero). His parents have no clue. It's the family that's always the last to know.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


You are a star, thanks!


You didn't happen to craft a HERO Designer export template for this, did you.... :D Kidding, kdding, though maybe we could persuade the master of such things, RPMiller...


I can't rep you yet, though, I ran out for the day.

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


You are a star, thanks!


You didn't happen to craft a HERO Designer export template for this, did you.... :D Kidding, kdding, though maybe we could persuade the master of such things, RPMiller...


I can't rep you yet, though, I ran out for the day.


I used one of the publication rtf formats and then cropped down like a madwoman.


I suppose you could start off by removing the cost column and not showing active points. It's kind of a judgement call power-by-power which advantages/limitations you choose to leave out. A lot of these characters have NCM, too, which I took out because you only need to know that when spending XP.


I should also separate out all of the that's the same on every sheet (explaining what the Notes section does, for example), leaving blanks for the character specific stuff.

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


I'm very strongly considering this format for my con games, I am fairly sure I'll pass the PCs through this or something very very similar, and this gives me enough time before DDC to do so. I'm not good at all at formatting, myself. In fact, I'm going to search for a collaborator to help me redesign the sheet for the game I'm working on, I hate it but my limited design skills when it comes to that sort of thing just aren't up to it on my own. It's kind of weird, because I don't have any problems with creating PowerPoints for reasonably visual and non-technical presentations or with creating "dry" forms or with creating questionnaires, but when it comes to doing something with boxes and a visual "flow" I'm just crap at it.


So IOW this is valuable to me and the best one I've seen to suit my tastes so far (no diss to other formats, it's just my sense of aesthetics and game interaction materials).

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


With no control over the change of powers, I see Facet as a sort of "Dial H for Hero" type character. Very nice. I was always a big fan of that comic in all it's incarnations. You have done a very good job on all your characters, but Facet is my favorite, so far.


Thanks for sharing. I plan on using a few of your write ups in my game. :thumbup:




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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


With no control over the change of powers' date=' I see [b']Facet[/b] as a sort of "Dial H for Hero" type character. Very nice. I was always a big fan of that comic in all it's incarnations. You have done a very good job on all your characters, but Facet is my favorite, so far.


Thanks for sharing. I plan on using a few of your write ups in my game. :thumbup:




The only caveat with Facet is that s/he either needs to go to the most experienced player at the table (who is comfortable constructing appropriate power builds on the fly) or the least experienced player at the table (who is confortable with having me construct appropriate power builds on the fly). If I'm running this as a teaching game, I'll often describe the effect and then casually mention what power from the book it was. As always, VPPs require a little more GM attention, but I find I can handle it.

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


I'd keep this character ready for either player (experienced or not). I have run many Champions games at several Cons. Inevitablely, there is someone who shows up who loves champions and has played it longer than I have (Over 13 years).


Depending whether you have veterans or novices at your table, I'd decide the power changes myself. Just have a lot of cool changes ready. They will probably change often through what they don't like or want at the time.


The character is cool. I see myself using it in my next Con game.



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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


With no control over the change of powers' date=' I see [b']Facet[/b] as a sort of "Dial H for Hero" type character. Very nice. I was always a big fan of that comic in all it's incarnations. You have done a very good job on all your characters, but Facet is my favorite, so far.


Thanks for sharing. I plan on using a few of your write ups in my game. :thumbup:




I once created a Random Power construct just because of Dial H for Hero. I liked that comic when I was a kid.

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  • 2 years later...

Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


I've got these about all blocked in, using 6E. Yeah - 4th ed to 5th to 6th! Background and narrative character sheets to follow.


Here's Butterfly to start. I apologize for the slight messiness. I did these in Excel rather than HD so I'd be referring to the new rules more closely. There is no good export from Excel to BBCode, so I just tried to get the text output legible. I'm attaching the sheet I used in a .zip (Excel 2007). It's actually got all seven characters on it blocked in.



Value	Characteristic	Spent	 
13	STRength			 3	 
18	DEXterity			16	 
20	CONstitution		10	 
11	INTelligence		 1	 
10	EGO				 0	 
19	PREsence			 9	 

6	OCV				15		
6	DCV				15		
3	OMCV				 0		
3	DMCV				 0		

4	SPeeD			20		

5	Physical Defense	         3		
5	Energy Defense		 3		

10	RECovery			 6		
40	ENDurance			 4		
20	BODY				10		
40	STUN				10		
				Total:	125		

Value	Movement		Spent		
20	Running		         8		
20	Swimming			 8		
4	Leaping			 0		
40	Flight				 *		

Roll	Skill			Spent		
15-	Acting			 7		
15-	Breakfall			 7		
13-	Charm			 3		
13-	Concealment		 7		
13-	Lockpicking			 3		
12-	Mimicry			 5		
11-	Paramedics			 3		
13-	Security Systems	         7		
18-	Stealth			13		
13-	Streetwise			 3		

Talents / Perks					
Talent/Perk		Spent		
Contact: Fan Club Website 		4		
11- (2), useful (1), good rel. (1)				
				Total:	 4		

Power / 				Spent		
SHAPESHIFTING			        26		
	Sight (8) + Touch (5)			
	Human shapes			
	Unified Power			
TOUGH SKIN				42		
	Resistant Protection			
	Unified Power			
HARD FISTS				33		
	Hand-to-Hand Attack			
	+10d6 (total: 13d6)			
	HtH Attack			
	Unified Power			
CLAWS					24		
	Hand Killing Attack			
	+2d6 (total: 3d6)			
	Unified Power			
SHRINKING				        19		
	4 levels  (12.5 cm / 25 grams)			
	Unified Power			
WINGS					23		
	40 meters			
	Lim: Only When under .5m			
	Unified Power			
ACE FLYER				        13		
	+4 OCV			
	Lim: Only When under .5m			

Martial Arts					
Maneuver				Spent		
Martial Strike			 4		
Passing Strike			 5		
Passing Disarm			 5		
Martial Dodge			 3
				Total:	17		

Matching Complications					
Complication / (Severity)		Spent		
Accidental Change: Startled or Dreaming		15		
Common (10), 11- (5)				
DNPC: Other Experimental Subjects			25		
Incompetent (10), Frequently (10), Group (5)				
Negative Reputation: Flighty/Frivolous		 5		
Infrequently (5)				
PsyCom: Won't kill							15		
Common (10), Strong (5)				
PsyCom: Cant Help Showing Off				15		
Common (10), Strong (5)				
									Total:	75		

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


And here's the text portion. The .gif attached should be a passable version of the formatted character sheet. I'm still not 100% happy with the "How to read..." section. It's hard to find a balance between being informative and being too technical.






Butterfly is a shapeshifter, who can appear however she pleases. It’s up to the player what she picks as her default appearance. She is very flamboyant and a little frivolous. She has very little patience for the doom-and-gloom types. She's into this hero stuff as much for the thrill as anything. Her real name is “Ruby-Kaye Nevill”, though she rarely bothers with a civilian identity anymore. Butterfly is a lot more fun than plain old Ruby ever was.



Ruby grew up awkward and creative in a family of don't-rock-the-boaters. In the small, conservative town she grew up in, nothing she did seemed to quite fit. Ruby became convinced that if only she were really pretty, people would like her. When the promised "blossoming" of growing-up never happened, Ruby decided that if anything was going to happen, she was going to do it herself. Against her better judgment, she answered an ad in the city paper, miles away. "Do want to change yourself?" it asked. She did. The ad was a front for a group of scientists wanting to create a new race of pliable servants. When she realized what was really going on, Ruby didn't go along with the plan. She interrupted “the process” before it could wipe her personality and managed to destroy the machines from inside. By some miracle, she survived, and came out a changed, or at least changeable woman. Ruby decided that she was never going home. She could make a fresh start just where she was. Ruby lives alone, but keeps an eye on some of the other escapees from the lab. She works as a model, when she works.



Character Summary / How to read the character sheet


Characteristics: The first group of six characteristics are the basic stats; Butterfly is very tough, leaves a strong impression, and has very good reflexes. The characteristics ending in –CV are combat values; I’ll ask for them when they come up. SPD reflects how many times a character acts in combat; Butterfly is fairly fast. PD and ED are physical and energy defense, respectively; Butterfly has more of this with her superpowers. ENDurance represents how much energy the character has, and RECovery how fast the character recharges. BODY represents how much damage a character can take before dying, and STUN how much damage a character can take before losing consciousness.


Skills: Skills are about what they sound like. For a skill challenge, you’ll roll three six-sided dice and try to roll less than the skill number. Sometimes, if a character does not have an appropriate skill, I might ask you to roll using your base characteristic; that’s why there’s a skill roll number next to the characteristics.


Perks: Butterfly has some obsessive fans, who can occasionally be asked for favors via her website.


Powers: Butterfly can change her shape and size. She can disguise herself, or even impersonate other people. She can harden her skin to protect herself, harden her hands in order to hit harder, and sharpen her fingers to claws. She can shrink down to about five inches high, and when she’s smaller than a foot and a half, she’s light enough to form wings and fly.


Complications: Heroes always have some things that complicate their lives – Butterfly sometimes loses control of her shapeshifting if startled. She still feels the need to look after the other subjects she rescued from the lab, whose transformations were less fortunate than hers. She’s a bit of a show off, which means that some people have a hard time taking her seriously.

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


ooh cool!


So is that a fairly standard 6e character sheet? Or is that your design? It looks a lot like the character sheet you handed out for Hellenback (sp?)


It looks like the Hellenback sheet because that's what things I hand-edit tend to come out looking like. It's got all the necessary 6E information on it, though.


It's actually an excel sheet - I chose not to use HD because I wanted to have to refer to the book as I worked. That way I'd learn the system better.

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


And the next one. I waffled on this one, because I was reminded of something that I've noticed every time I've updated these sheets - Chris has no business being on this superteam. Chris wants to be a pulp character built on a third this many points. I'd originally wanted something non-spandex to give variety, but I think, really, it's just not a good match. What I need to do is scrap Chris and make a couple replacements. I think I could do with a proper speedster and a proper brick.


Anyway, here's the 'raw' character. Pretty sheet and text to follow.



Chris Craven

Value    Characteristic    Base/Cost/Spent        Roll
   14    STRength        10    1    4        12-
   14    DEXterity       10    2    8        12-
   12    CONstitution    10    1    2        11-
   18    INTelligence    10    1    8        13-
   20    EGO             10    1    10        13-
   12    PREsence        10    1    2        11-

   7    OCV              3    5    20        
   5    DCV              3    5    10        
   6    OMCV             3    3    9        
   6    DMCV             3    3    9        

   3    SPeeD            2    10    10        

   3    Physical Def.    2    1    1        
   3    Energy Defense   2    1    1        

   5    RECovery         4    1    1        
   25    ENDurance       20 1/5    1        
   13    BODY            10    1    3        
   30    STUN            20 1/2    5        
                       Total:    104        

Value    Movement    Base    Cost    Spent        
   15    Running        12   1    3        
   6    Swimming        4  1/2    1        
   6    Leaping         4  1/2    1        
                       Total:    5        

Roll    Skill                Spent
   11-    Bureaucratics           3
   14-    Concealment             5
   11-    Conversation            3
   14-    Criminology             5
   13-    Deduction               3
   13-    Forensic Medicine       3
   11-    Interrogation           3
   12-    Lockpicking             3
   13-    Paramedics              3
   13-    PS: Private Detective   4
   13-    Security Systems        3
   17-    Stealth                 13
   16-    Streetwise              13
   13-    Tracking                3
   *    WF: Small Arms            2
   *    CSL: +3 with hth         24
                       Total:    93

Talents / Perks                            
   Talent/Perk                Spent        
   Eidetic Memory                5        
   INTUITION                    29        
   15-    Danger Sense                    
       (sense, self, any, +2PER)                    
   Contact: Street Connections    5        
   11-(2), has contacts (1), v. useful (2)                        
   Contact: 'the Grapevine"      12        
   Fringe Benefit: PI License     2        
   Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weap. Permit    2        
   Animal Friendship             20        
                   Total:        75        

   Power / (Adders/Advantages/Limitations)                Spent        
   PSYCHOMETRY                            16        
       Sight (20) + Hearing (5) 25            
       Retrocognition           20            
       Retrocognition Only     -1            
       Concentrate (0DCV)   - 1/2            
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   EMPATHY                                26        
       Enhanced Senses                    
       Detect Emotions (Mental) 10            
       Sense                    2            
       Targeting                10            
       360 degree perception arc          10            
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   SEE GHOSTS                              4        
       Enhanced Senses                    
       Sight        0            
       Dimensional (Spirit Plane) 5            
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   EMOTIONAL FOG                          43        
       Mental Illusions                    
       15d6                     75            
       Limited Conscious Control - 1/2            
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   BODY ARMOR                        
       Resistant Protection               11        
       12PD/12ED        16            
       Obvious Inacessable Focus  - 1/2
                            Total:        100        

Martial Arts                            
   Maneuver                Spent        
   Defensive Strike                5        
   Martial Dodge                   4        
   Offensive Ranged Disarm         5        
   Nerve Strike                    4        
   Offensive Strike                5        
                    Total:        23        

Matching Complications                            
   Complication / (Severity)                Spent        
   PsyCom: Fear of Crowds                 20        
   Very Common (15), Strong (5)                         
   DNPC: Secretary                        10        
   Normal (5), Useful (-5), Frequently (10)                        
   Hunted: Organized Crime                20        
   Less (5), NCI (5), Freq (5), Easy to Find (5)                        
   PsyCom: Won't kill                     20        
   Common (10), Total (10)                        
   SocCom: In the Phone Book               5        
   Infreq (0), Minor (5)   
                                 Total:    75        

               Char    109        
               Skills/Talents/MA    191        
               Powers    100        
               Total    400        

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


Chris Craven


Description / Origin / History


Chris Craven is an eccentric, but reputable, private investigator, specializing in missing persons. Clairvoyant from birth, Chris learned early not to admit to paranormality, but appreciates the edge it provides in investigations. Like most telempaths, Chris is uncomfortable in crowds and dislikes being around death. Chris was born with the paranormal abilities, and is well-adjusted. The powers are something of a secret. Some people are uncomfortable around telempaths. It's only fair. Chris is uncomfortable around some people. It's not always fun to hear other people's hysteria. Chris maintains an office in the outskirts of the city and a house an hour into the 'burbs. The secretary, Liz, is shared with a two-person accounting firm in the same office building.


Character Summary / How to read the character sheet


Characteristics: The first group of six characteristics are the basic stats; Chris is above average at most things, and has a very strong mind. The characteristics ending in –CV are combat values; I’ll ask for them when they come up. SPD reflects how many times a character acts in combat; Chris is faster than the man on the street, but average as a hero. PD and ED are physical and energy defense, respectively; Chris is relatively vulnerable. ENDurance represents how much energy the character has, and RECovery how fast the character recharges. BODY represents how much damage a character can take before dying, and STUN how much damage a character can take before losing consciousness.


Skills: Skills are about what they sound like. For a skill challenge, you’ll roll three six-sided dice and try to roll less than the skill number. Sometimes, if a character does not have an appropriate skill, I might ask you to roll using your base characteristic; that’s why there’s a skill roll number next to the characteristics. Chris also has some hand-to-hand training.


Perks: Chris’s sensitivity includes a feel for impending danger. As a PI, Chris has various connections to help in investigations. Chris has a PI license and can legally carry a gun. Animals like Chris.


Powers: Chris is a psychometrist, possessing the ability to read impressions left on physical objects. Chris can sense spirits, both ghosts and something about the spirits of living humans. Chris can fog peoples minds, causing them to see whatever they expect to see. Chris also has an armored trenchcoat.


Complications: Heroes always have some things that complicate their lives – Chris doesn’t deal well with large groups of people. Local crime organizations are pretty unhappy with Chris. Chris is easily found by both enemies and people in need, and needs to look out for the office secretary when trouble comes to the office.

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens


Next along, Daystar., Here's a raw output:


Daystar                            400
   Value    Characteristic    Base    Cost    Spent        Roll
   15    STRength        10    1     5        12-
   16  DEXterity         10    2    12        12-
   13  CONstitution      10    1     3        12-
   14  INTelligence      10    1     4        12-
   11  EGO               10    1     1        11-
   13  PREsence          10    1     3        12-

   6   OCV                3    5    15        
   6   DCV                3    5    15        
   3   OMCV               3    3    0        
   3   DMCV               3    3    0        

   3   SPeeD              2    10    10        

   5   Physical Defense   2    1    3        
   5   Energy Defense     2    1    3        

   8   RECovery           4    1    4        
   40  ENDurance         20   1/5   4        
   12  BODY              10    1    2        
   30  STUN              20   1/2   5        
                         Total:    89        

   Value    Movement    Base    Cost    Spent        
   14    Running         12    1    2        
    4    Swimming         4  1/2    0        
    4    Leaping          4  1/2    0        
                          Total:    2        

   Roll    Skill            Spent        
   13-    PS: Police Officer        4        
   13-    Bureaucratics             5        
   14-    Combat Driving            7        
   16-    Criminology              11        
   12-    Deduction                 3        
   13-    Interrogation             5        
   13-    Lockpicking               5        
   15-    Paramedics                9        
   12-    Security Systems          3        
   12-    Stealth                   3        
   *    Lang: Spanish (conversation)2        
   *    WF: Small Arms              2        
   *    CSL: +4 with light powers  12        
                     Total:        71        

Talents / Perks                            
   Talent/Perk                Spent        
   Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers   2        
   Contact: Police Department           12        
   11- (2), v. useful (2), good rel. (1)                        
   limited by id (-1), org. (x3)                        
   Contact: Street Connections           5        
   11-(2), has contacts (1), v. useful (2)                        
                          Total:        19        

   Power / (Adders/Advantages/Limitations)                Spent        
   SHARP EYES                        7        
       Enhanced Senses                    
       +6 to Sight PERception rolls            
       Telescopic (Sight) +6                   
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   PROTECTIVE LIGHT AURA            32        
       Resistant Protection                    
       Protects Carried Items              
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   LASER BEAM                       56        
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   BLINDING LIGHT                   32        
       8d6 to Sight                 40            
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   TROMPE L'OEIL                    20        
       -5 to PER Rolls         
       Unified Power            
   BENDING LIGHT                    16        
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
   DAZZLE                           56        
       4d6 to OCV                              
       AoE: 16 meter radius   3/4            
       Unified Power        - 1/4            
                     Total:        219        

Matching Complications                            
   Complication / (Severity)       Spent        
   DNPC: Kid Sister                10        
   Slightly Less(0), Freq (10)                        
   SocCom: Secret ID               15        
   Frequent (10), Major (5)                        
   Rivalry: Twin Brother            5        
   Professional (5)                        
   PsyCom: Code vs. Killing        20        
   Common (10), Total (10)                        
   PsyCom: Honorable               15        
   Common (10), Strong (5)                        
   SocCom: Day Job                 10        
   Frequent (5), Minor (5)                        
                         Total:    75        

               Char                 91        
               Skills/Talents/MA    90        
               Powers              219        
               Total               400        

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Re: A Blast From The Past - old 4th ed pregens





DayStar has light powers. Alex Chandler can shoot bursts of concentrated light (lasers) from the hands, make light illusions and disguises, and turn invisible. Daystar is also protected by a force field of light. Alex, his/her twin sibling Sandy, and his younger sister Alys, grew up in orphanages. When the twins grew old enough to be on their own, they took different paths. Alex became a police officer, and in the off hours, a hero. Alex was recently able to locate his sister and has taken custody of her. Alys is sixteen. Alex lives in a small apartment in the city. Alex does have to live on a cop's salary and has very little margin. Daystar's identical twin, NightStar, was born with (go ahead, guess) dark powers. NightStar has, unfortunately, fallen prey to the temptation of greed, evil, and general nastiness, causing all sorts of confusion.


Character Summary / How to read the character sheet

Characteristics: The first group of six characteristics are the basic stats; Daystar is above average at most things. The characteristics ending in –CV are combat values; I’ll ask for them when they come up. SPD reflects how many times a character acts in combat; Daystar is faster than the man on the street, but average as a hero. PD and ED are physical and energy defense, respectively; With powers, Daystar is pretty tough. ENDurance represents how much energy the character has, and RECovery how fast the character recharges. BODY represents how much damage a character can take before dying, and STUN how much damage a character can take before losing consciousness.


Skills: Skills are about what they sound like. For a skill challenge, you’ll roll three six-sided dice and try to roll less than the skill number. Sometimes, if a character does not have an appropriate skill, I might ask you to roll using your base characteristic; that’s why there’s a skill roll number next to the characteristics. Daystar also has some extra practice with light powers.


Perks: Alex’s day job provides some authority and a lot of useful connections.


Powers: Daystar manipulates light, with the ability to create a protective sheath, a laser beam or blinding light, as well as illusions and confusing sparks.


Complications: Heroes always have some things that complicate their lives – Daystar’s family causes a lot of stress; Daystar feels the need to look after Alys, and to make up for Nightstar’s poor choices. Daystar is a straight shooter. As a police officer, Alex has obligations that can cut into hero time.

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