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Can anyone help me?

VR Dragon

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Okay I new to the game system and am trying to make a FH version of an awesome old text mud I use to play. I love the background story of it and its classes and am very familar with the game. But my problem stems from trying to make something akin to its magic system.


some information links.


Stat info.




Skill Info




Class info





If some of you might be able to give me some adive on it I would be greatful. If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.

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Re: Can anyone help me?


Okay I new to the game system and am trying to make a FH version of an awesome old text mud I use to play. I love the background story of it and its classes and am very familar with the game. But my problem stems from trying to make something akin to its magic system.

I looked over the magic chapter very briefly, since I have no intention of playing the game in the near future. Can you describe the magic system (or rather the feel, as you observe it) and some generic spells.

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Re: Can anyone help me?


well, the thing I am trying to capture from the game for now is the magic skill set. I'm hoping to work something up (with help from yall) that while not an exact copy would give the impression.


Instead of just one magic skill to activate a spell or use an ability of a magic item. I'm curious what could some out of having 5 magic skills.



The skills:


Primary Magic: Ability to cast increasingly difficult spells, and to effectively use more mana when casting. ( How many active points in a power a character can use?)


Harness Ability: Ability to harness and hold mana, and apply more mana to spells. (How many stamina points the character can drain from the stamina pool of the enviornment)


Power Perception Effects: Ability to perceive mana in the environment and objects, increases radius of land from which mana can be harnessed. (Two things. This allows one to tell if an item is magical by focusing you magical awareness on it. and secondly how large of a stamina pool the local environment provides him.)


Magical Devices: Ability to make, adjust and use magical devices. (Self explanitory)


Targetted Magic: Increases accuracy of targetted attack spells. (Skill at nailing things with fire balls and lightning bolts. maybe something with OCV?)

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Re: Can anyone help me?


This is one way you could do it.


Primary Magic: Magic Skill the more you make by the greater the effect


Harness Ability: End Battery and Recovery dependant on the surounding enviorment


Power Perception: Sence Mana maybe Discriminatory and or Targeting


Magical Devices: Skill for creating, using, and modifing items


Targetted Magic: CSL's and PSL's

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Re: Can anyone help me?


Primary Magic: Ability to cast increasingly difficult spells' date=' and to effectively use more mana when casting. ( How many active points in a power a character can use?)[/quote']

The easiest way to handle this is thru XP (experience points), in other words by "upgrading" known spells (new power modifiers or adding dices).


Harness Ability: Ability to harness and hold mana' date=' and apply more mana to spells. (How many stamina points the character can drain from the stamina pool of the enviornment)[/quote']

Just to keep it simple:


Harness Ability: +25 END (13 Active Points); Only For Magic (-1/2)


To improve the Harnessing ability, just buy more END. You could also add limitation at (-1/2), that makes the amount of END available shifts (+/- 5 END)depending on where you are in the world.


Power Perception Effects: Ability to perceive mana in the environment and objects' date=' increases radius of land from which mana can be harnessed. (Two things. This allows one to tell if an item is magical by focusing you magical awareness on it. and secondly how large of a stamina pool the local environment provides him.)[/quote']

Power Perception: Detect Magic 11- (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Analyze


This power (or skill if you want) costs 15 Character Points.


Magical Devices: Ability to make' date=' adjust and use magical devices. (Self explanitory)[/quote']

If you want to, you could use PS: Magical Device Creator. The normal way of creating Magical Devices in the Hero System is with XP. Most magical devices have the Focus limitation. If others should be able to use the device, it should have the Independent limitation too.


Targetted Magic: Increases accuracy of targetted attack spells. (Skill at nailing things with fire balls and lightning bolts. maybe something with OCV?)

That would be the 3-point version of Combat Skill Levels (+1 with Magic).

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Re: Can anyone help me?


You could also Use a Multipower

Primary Magic = Multipower Reserve

Harness Ability = END Reserve for MultiPower

Power Perception = The Detect magic above, or an Analize Magic Skill.

Magical Devices = for this you could do somthing similar to how Enchantment is handled in the Turakien Age.

Targeting: 3pt-"Magic"-CSLs

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Re: Can anyone help me?


Primary Magic: Ability to cast increasingly difficult spells' date=' and to effectively use more mana when casting. ( How many active points in a power a character can use?)[/quote']

Another take on it could be to base the Active Points limit on the Magic Skill. For example, no spellcaster can have a more with more AP than three times his Magic Skill.

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Re: Can anyone help me?


Given that Power Perception is supposed to allow the character to pool more energy' date=' I'd use an END Reserve, with the REC on it represented by the Harness ability, and the size of the END pool represented by the Power Perception (in addition to the Enhanced Senses it gives).[/quote']

I must have read it wrong, but from what I can see the "Pow Per" let you percieve how much (that's what "Discriminatory" is there for) mana that can be harnessed. The power doesn't let you harness the mana itself, that is done with the harness power.

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Re: Can anyone help me?


I would base mana on an Endurance Reserve, with a Limitation on the Recovery based on the type of caster, and possibly some Extra Time. For example, Rangers might have a Limitation like, "Only Where There is Prevalent Life," and Moon Mages might have one like, "Only While Moon(s) are Visible in the Sky."


Rather than making these completely all-or-nothing Limitations, give them some extra value (or maybe a partial No Conscious Control) and restrict the amount of Recovery based on your feeling about the circumstances as the GM. For example, a Moon Mage might only get half their Rec when the Moon is in the crescent phase. As their ability to harness mana goes up, the character can increase the End and/or Rec of their Reserve, and possibly start to (partially) buy off the Rec's Limitations.

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