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Everything posted by APE

  1. Re: Change the focus from KO to Killing Here is an easy methed for getting rid of the stun lotto. Roll an extra die for each die of killing damage, the killing dice acts as both bod and stun, the extra dice acts as stun only. So for examle with a 2d6k you would have 4d6 to roll, 2d6 are added for total bod, and all four for total stun. If you have a + or - stun multible, just add or subtract the total number of dice from the stun, in the example above + ro - 4.
  2. Re: Help request with new power How about this buy so many points of flight usable against others, only to counteract targets flight. In other words its like buying negative flight usable on another. Example: Flying Boy is flying NE at 10", Negative Man hits with counter flight, and flying Boy is now flying 0" NE. No matter which direction Flying Boy changes to he will go 0". Only to Counteract Flight means only up to the targets number of inches in flight, and in the opposite direction of travel.
  3. Have fun! http://www.scifi.com/superhero/game/
  4. APE

    name this gadget!

    Re: name this gadget! Over-Elaborate Ninja Weapon
  5. Re: Help me brainstorm a disaster! The feul tanks are in the wings, so if you clip a wing jet fuel all over the place!
  6. Re: Holding 'em Back I know you did not like TK because of grab maneuver, but this might work. TK; affects hole target -1/4, only to resist targets strength -1/2, area of affect 1 hex +1/2, mobile (sticks to target) +1
  7. Re: 6000 non NGD posts. Glad your back! The boards just were not the same without you. :D :D
  8. Re: Super Zeroes!!!!! Bwaa! Haa! Ha! ha! REPPED!
  9. Re: Who wants to hump..... If I'm not working that day I can come by. I'll check at work tomorrow. What temporal coordinates are we talking about? KUBLA!
  10. Re: Resurrection Healing Limitation In my view only being able to resurrect a person only once is very limiting. It is like having 1 nonrecoverable charge per person being resurrected.
  11. Re: How many points for the Earth? (and everything on it) 2378 points.
  12. Re: Two-Headed Man? I think you want feedback only from non area attacks, otherwise he will take double damage from area attacks.
  13. Re: Which one is it? As you have it written above any kind of clothing with a magical SFX will stop the sword, even if it dose not have any pd. I would go with Old Mans AVLD Vs. the Tabard.
  14. Re: Tactical Principals That was a good article! REPPED
  15. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model My territory: All dogs think that you are thier territory sign post, and will lift a leg to you.
  16. Re: Astral Form as Duplication I've always thought astral form should be done with a veriant of the AI rules, because you have no physical atributes, and should only be affected by and or use mental abilities.
  17. Re: Western Shores 5e Campaign Loved our Evil Dead referance I have to wait to rep you thou
  18. Re: Dropping Da Bomb, continued Ooo That gave me an idea. Have him meet a Baseball theamed vilian with 40 strengh, a baseball bat that dose +4d6 dam plus has duoble knock back with some levels with the bat. The vilian can also have a change enviorment of baseball theamed music and an anouncer hits, strikes, and Home Runs.
  19. Re: Really Bizarre Armor Pondering This web sight on titanium may help with your research. http://www.matweb.com/reference/titanium.asp actualy this second one would probably be easer to read. http://www.efunda.com/materials/alloys/titanium/properties.cfm
  20. Re: Building a Better Flashlight Why not just say that for the pool all mundane items are just whatever points the GM feels they should be and not bother trying to cost them out. ie. flash light 2 pts., match 1pt., lighter 2 pts., spoon 1pt. Whatever the GM feels is fair.
  21. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign uuoo! I love this story.
  22. Re: Inches per turn to MPH multiplying inches/turn by 0.6 gives kph exact. multiplying inches/turn by 0.3728227153424 gives mph to the nearest 1/256 of an inch. Or if you have a conversion button just calc for kph and convert to miles. This works with combat and noncombat movement.
  23. Re: Drain Frame My self for the pen I would have gone with darkness;normal sight, area effect; any area, micro hexes; -1/4 per halving of hex size, plus some of the lims that you used, with a nonrecoverable fuel cell. The reason I went with darkness is that the text is easily visible under certain wavelength in the spectrum.
  24. Re: Some questions...... Inches per turn * 0.6 = kph Inches per turn * 0.36 = mph
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