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Alternate X-Men Universe


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After accidently posting this in the wrong forum...


Okay, after doing some much thinking, I'm starting up an Alternate Version of X-Men, but in mine almost none of the X-Men exists (those who do are bad guys). However, I'm stuck as far as writing up those I'm keeping.


My current set up for the Mutant Brotherhood is as follows:


Mageneto (whom I'm almost finished with, though would be nice to see some other takes on him)


Mystique (thinking of going with a Secret Agent type with Shapeshifting powers (BTW, has anyone heard of her changing into anythign NOT Human/Mutant?)).


Nightcrawler - gonna go with a speed 6 Teleporter with Martial Arts


Rogue - I HAVE NO IDEA!!! Need help big time!!!


Pyro - Too easy


Anyway, anyone know a site with writeups I can look off of (my campaign is going to be a 75/75 with a 60AP Limit with the exceptions of Magneto and Prof X).

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Alright, kewl, thanks. I found one site with some stuff on X-Men characters... but they way they handled Rouge looked Munchkiny.


They had her as having Power Transfer: Characteristics and Powers, All at Once (+2)... and some other stuff.


As I said, Rouge is going to be the bite in the buttocks.

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On the Mystique issue, I'm not familiar with her having ever taken on a non-humaoid form except in the WB X-Men: Evolution cartoon. There, she's become a bird, cat, and wolf, in addition to various humanoid forms.


For Rogue, The Until Super Powers Database playtest had some ideas on mimic-type powers. I can't wait to pick up my copy of the real thing.


It also had some ideas for pyrokinesis that would work very well for Pyro.


Actually, it had power writeups for just about any of the Marvelous Mutants.


The only things that makes me really gasp is the 75/75 part. I could probably write up the original X-Men, as they first appeared, with only 150 points, but I can't imagine trying to fit anything more recent in that point range... especially Rogue.

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I have to agree that the UNTIL DB will be a great help to you. If you haven't time to wait for it, I'm sure you'll do well enough without it, but it'll be a timesaver.


The 75/75 point cap is an interesting choice, and I'm curious how it will work out. I assume that a 14 DEX is going to look pretty reasonable in such a campaign, and if Beast was DEX 18 he'd really stand out. Similarly, I suppose if Cyclops has a 10D6 EB, it will look very significant, indeed.


I think Rogue will be a very tough one no matter how you do it. While some elements of HERO scale nicely (if all attacks are 2 DC larger in my campaign, all defences will be about 5 points more; if everyone's 2 OCV higher, they'll typically be 2 DCV higher too), Rogue's power transfer has always constituted a hugely expensive power in Champions and it's still going to threaten your point cap. Transfer, everything at once, is about 45 points per die, but if the powers in your campaign are under 60 AP it won't take as many rolls... A suitably large Mimic VPP is possible, too.


One novel one requiring GM approval (and seriously open to abuse) is Multiform into a more powerful version of self with the extra powers undefined or an advantage or adder applied to make the more powerful form open ended (for example, Multi-form to 300 point character for 60 active points, then add advantages and limitations (skin on skin contact, no control over powers gained, possible side effects (personality change, including permanence on roll of 18)). If you think the advantages and limitations balance out, just call it 60 points (assuming you're the GM).

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As far as rogue goes, I'm thinking I'll handle her as follows:


2d6 Drain: CON (Linked to VPP -1/2)

15 Points


VPP: Any Skills, Powers, Characteristics Generated by Targed (up to 60 AP each -1/4), (requires skin-to-skin contact -1/2), Aquires Personality/memories (-1/4), No Concious Control (-2)


VPP: 113 Pts (100 Powers, 13 Control Cost


This would cost 128 Points total (but it feels mega-munchiny...)



ALSO!!! If the person she was draining had a Multipower, would she be allowed to copy the Multipower?

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Originally posted by SuperBlue

ALSO!!! If the person she was draining had a Multipower, would she be allowed to copy the Multipower?

Strictly speaking no, you can't put a framework inside another framework. Of course as GM you could rule otherwise, but this could be exceptionally abusive.

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Major "Stop Sign" power combination here...


As was suggested earlier, a Variable Power Pool with "Multiform Only" would do the trick. It wasn't legal, strictly speaking, under 4th Edition, as Multiform was a Special Power. Under FREd, Multiform is a Standard Power.


You could stack on plenty of other Limitations to simulate the exact effect, but they wouldn't change the Pool Cost; just the Control Cost. With a 60 point VPP, a 300 point alternate form could be created. With the point caps you've specified, that should be enough to handle mimicing pretty much anyone's Powers / Skills / Characteristics / Whatever.


Stikes me as at least bordering on "munchkinism", but I'd allow a reasonably mature Player to have that kind of Power... with lots of appropriate Disadvantages and Limitations, of course.;)



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Yes, but youd need more than 300 points in the multiform; Rogue has swiped the abilities of some real powerhouses in her day and, though it doesnt happen often, she can steal from theoretically any number at once. Also, her own powers of 50 ton over-the-head strength, Flight and around 35-50 pts of resistant defenses would need to be applied to each extra form as well.



I would try really hard to just fit her powers into the VPP without Multiform. If she absorbs someone with a Framework, reference this from the FAQ:


FAQ Power Frameworks VPP Variable Power Pool


Q: The rules say you can’t put one Power Framework in another. So, if a character with a “Mimic†VPP tries to mimic the powers of a character with an Elemental Control or Multipower, does he have to copy each power individually?




A: Technically, yes, he has to mimic each power separately. The GM may, if he wishes, allow the Pool to mimic a Power Framework as-is, despite the standard rule.




Here's somebodies Marvel (FASERIP Marvel, not Saga) version of her. Apparantly in Extreme X-Men she got a significant power up (bought her VPP Control Cost lims off so she can manifest any power she has absorbed before in HEROs terms apparantly)



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One of the open abuses in the floating multiform is for a 150 point character to buy a multiform to a 300 point character for a real cost of 30, and then have the new character include multiform to a 450 point character for 45 points, and have that character have multi-form to a 600 point character for 60 real points, and so on...


And yeah, that's what Rogue used to be able to do. X-Treme X-Men version presumably is more of a huge VPP with side effects.

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Anyway, anyone know a site with writeups I can look off of (my campaign is going to be a 75/75 with a 60AP Limit with the exceptions of Magneto and Prof X).


In a setting using those guidelines, a 300 point Multiform should generally suffice. If it's a low-powered, early X-Men setting, Rogue wouldn't have her enhanced Strength & Flight. She didn't get those until her mishap with Carrol Danvers/Ms Marvel/Binary/Warbird/Whatever-She's-Calling-Herself-These-Days. In most of the spin-off, non-comic book versions or Rogue, she has only her power leeching (X-Men: Evolution cartoon, X-Men & X-Men 2 movies, etc).


When I used a 300 point Multiform as an example, it was in the context of the campaign parameters originally mentioned. There's no WAY you could fit the current, comic book version of Rogue in that point structure. Then again, who'd want to? She's become so absurdly unbalanced as a character over the years... As have many of the X-Men, I suppose.


Remember back in the days BEFORE Wolverine was "the best there is at what he does"?

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