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Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


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I was pondering on a charater who is named Tenchi Morasoto. That's right, the half-god/half-human son of Beldandy and Kenichi Morasoto from Oh! My Goddess!


The problem is...what superhero name should he have? It should have a norse panthion ring to it.


Also, what powers do you think a half-god should have? Especaly considering the fact that he comes from the Oh! My Goddess universe (but thanks to answering a certan phone call, no longer resides there...Thanks Ultimate Force).

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


I'd say a BIG VPP with some suitable limitations.


Pretty high PD/ED but low STUN (they take abuse but they go down pretty quick when hit hard enough).


Some life supports (at the very least Longetivity).


I was pondering on a charater who is named Tenchi Morasoto. That's right' date=' the half-god/half-human son of Beldandy and Kenichi Morasoto from [i']Oh! My Goddess![/i]


The problem is...what superhero name should he have? It should have a norse panthion ring to it.


Also, what powers do you think a half-god should have? Especaly considering the fact that he comes from the Oh! My Goddess universe (but thanks to answering a certan phone call, no longer resides there...Thanks Ultimate Force).

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


I'd say a BIG VPP with some suitable limitations.


Pretty high PD/ED but low STUN (they take abuse but they go down pretty quick when hit hard enough).


Some life supports (at the very least Longetivity).


Well, seing that he is only a half god, I would not give him any VVP. Besides, Beldandy, Urd, and Sculd only have there VVPs for a reasion (Urd has trained in magic, Beldandy is a conduit to the Ultimate Force, and Sculd is extremly smart and a wizard with building things). I also don't think a high natural PD/ED would work, since where I stand, Beldandy rairly gets attacked, let alone prove to be more sturdy than a normal human.


Of course, I would give him better STR, CON, PRE, COM, PD, and ED than a normal person (and prehaps a good SPD and DEX as well), but not beyond a 30. I think his only natural "power" should be Absolute Time Sence talent (he is the son of the goddes of the present, he should always know what time it is).


I do think he should have three "gifts", objects his aunts and his mother gave him once he was asigned to be a superhero in another dimention. Hear is a rundown on the gifts, and I want you to tell me, acording to each charater's personality (as you know of), if the gift would be aproprate.


Urd's Gift: A rune sword.


Beldandy's Gift: His angel egg (the angel inside is one bound to the element of earth, but I would wait till I get enougth XPs into him befor buying the angel. By the way, he needs a name, and only has one wing).


Sculd's Gift: The Sculd Mark 1 Henshin Watch (which hides his costume when he is not adventuring).


Also, what should Tenchi's superhero name be? It shoulden't be Tenchi Morasoto.

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


I also don't think a high natural PD/ED would work' date=' since where I stand, Beldandy rairly gets attacked, let alone prove to be more sturdy than a normal human.[/quote']

A high natural PD/ED doesn't have to mean he's more sturdy than a normal, it could represent superior dodging, or even better, some of his Mom's innate sweetness shines through and it's just hardser for most people to want to hit him very hard (demon's might not have this issue, mind).


Of course, I would give him better STR, CON, PRE, COM, PD, and ED than a normal person (and prehaps a good SPD and DEX as well), but not beyond a 30. I think his only natural "power" should be Absolute Time Sence talent (he is the son of the goddes of the present, he should always know what time it is).

Considering who his mother is, and what that means in terms of in-laws (not just Kami-sama, I'm talking the whole dang Aesir here), making him a low-end Brick/Speedster with excellent weapon skills - he's been trained by his Mom's cousins, the Valkyries (according to the myths, the Valkyries were "lesser sisters" of the Norns, and given over to Odin later; I don't think AMS has mentioned them in any real way) - wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility. If I were GM, I'd be surprised if he wasn't somewhat skilled with weapons; the Norse Pantheon is a warrior pantheon, after all.


I do think he should have three "gifts", objects his aunts and his mother gave him once he was asigned to be a superhero in another dimention. Hear is a rundown on the gifts, and I want you to tell me, acording to each charater's personality (as you know of), if the gift would be aproprate.


Urd's Gift: A rune sword.

Urd, Norn of the Past, and self-styled Goddes of Love, giving out a sword?!?! no, no way, not at all. Tyr or one of the other guys Upstairs, sure (though I see them more with axes and hammers), but not Urd. She'd be much more likely to give him something that would make him popular with the ladies. I mean, come on, she's Urd!


Beldandy's Gift: His angel egg (the angel inside is one bound to the element of earth, but I would wait till I get enougth XPs into him befor buying the angel. By the way, he needs a name, and only has one wing).

Yeah, this I can see. Though I would think the egg would be close to hatching (if not already hatched) when he starts out; his Mom would want him to have someone there to take care of him when she couldn't.


Sculd's Gift: The Sculd Mark 1 Henshin Watch (which hides his costume when he is not adventuring).

And does various other annoying things he doesn't expect whenever the GM feels it's amusing or appropriate. We are talking about Skuld.


Also, what should Tenchi's superhero name be? It shoulden't be Tenchi Morasoto.

Well, I'd go with Nephalim (the children of Angels and Humans) myself. Or maybe Grigori, but that's not really in the right mythos.

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


A high natural PD/ED doesn't have to mean he's more sturdy than a normal' date=' it could represent superior dodging, or even better, some of his Mom's innate sweetness shines through and it's just hardser for most people to want to hit him very hard (demon's might not have this issue, mind).[/quote']


Point taken. And, prehaps as another part of the 'equasion', would be a part of him he enhaeted from his father...his father's nomalicy.


Still, I love the explanation of him enhereting his mother's innate sweatness as an explnation of his higher than normal defence.



making him a low-end Brick/Speedster with excellent weapon skills - he's been trained by his Mom's cousins, the Valkyries (according to the myths, the Valkyries were "lesser sisters" of the Norns, and given over to Odin later; I don't think AMS has mentioned them in any real way) - wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility. If I were GM, I'd be surprised if he wasn't somewhat skilled with weapons; the Norse Pantheon is a warrior pantheon, after all.


Again, the reasion he has the rune sword. Basicly, I see him as some form of [/i]Enhander[/i] (did I spell that word corectly...what I was going for was one of the ones chosen by the Valkyries to help fight whatever evil thay night face during Ranrock). Othoe technoly thay are undead, and not half gods...but that is another story.



Urd, Norn of the Past, and self-styled Goddes of Love, giving out a sword?!?! no, no way, not at all. Tyr or one of the other guys Upstairs, sure (though I see them more with axes and hammers), but not Urd. She'd be much more likely to give him something that would make him popular with the ladies. I mean, come on, she's Urd!


True...but what I was going for with her and the Rune Sword is the fact that, as the Norn of the Past, she is responcable with knolage, and a rune encrusted sword (in fact, a rune encrusted anything) repsrsents knolage of some type. But that would be streching things. Prehaps Paearth gave him the sword instead? (Paearth, for thoes who don't know AMS, is the "fourth goddess", and is not related to Beldandy or the others in any way, but still works for Kami-sama). Also, Paearth would proably also give him a special cell phone which would alowe him to call home from time to time.


As for Urd's gift...then, prehaps not a sword, but a ring which so far dosen't seem to do anything (it is, in reality, a Ring Of Charm, which I would proably buy as pluses in Seduction, with the carvat of No Conuses Control...Urd desides when the ring works, and who it works upon...not Tenchi).



Yeah, this I can see. Though I would think the egg would be close to hatching (if not already hatched) when he starts out; his Mom would want him to have someone there to take care of him when she couldn't.


Well, if I don't buy a lot of Rune Sword powers (or even if I don't buy the Rune Sword at all), that should alowe me to buy the angel. Should I buy Summing for him, or simply make it a special effect of serten earth related powers?



And does various other annoying things he doesn't expect whenever the GM feels it's amusing or appropriate. We are talking about Skuld.


Like playing some sort of sentai fanfair whenever it thinks is aproprate, and forces Tenchi to pose like a sentai charater during the fanfair?



Well, I'd go with Nephalim (the children of Angels and Humans) myself. Or maybe Grigori, but that's not really in the right mythos.


I was thinking Enhander myself, but Nephalim sounds cool also. Or I could just call him Rangerman, The Sentai Guy!

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


I think the word you're looking for is "einherjar". You have to die to become one, normally.


Edit: "Einhander" is German for "one-handed" (as in reference to a sword) and is also the name of a shooter game that Squaresoft made for the Playstation.


Edit II: Electric Bugaloo: With Urd involved, references to "one-handed" may be misinterpreted

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


I believe that Belldandy does indeed have a much higher PD, as well as ED, than a normal person. The mere fact being that she's a goddess throws weight behind this. In the movie, she is attacked mercilessly by Morgan and whereas it was painful, did not make Belldandy unconscious. It depends on how much like the series you wish to go and are able to dependent on the campaign you are in. Although a VPP is a good idea, it's a bit boring, not to mention costly. If you feel like it, try a Multipower with lots of different abilities: Bel almost never seems to do more than one thing at a time.


A different suggestion is that Tenchi has no known offensive abilities. He has interited his mother's special nature giving him superior athletic ability, intelligence, etc. but he doesn't seem to have any way to attack. Hence, Auntie Skuld (heh, that's funny just thinking of that) has come up with superdevices to use. An example could be an inobvious ring/belt/whatever that instanteously surrounds him with powered armor.. special powered armor, of course. If that doesn't grab you, perhaps he has indeed developed powers.


The angel egg as shown in the series never granted abilities in of itself but hey, it also never said it didn't either.


A suggestion/twist on the origin: even he doesn't know the true nature of his mother.. yet. What he does know is that he is extremely talented and obviously is different in a way he can't put his finger on.

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


I believe that Belldandy does indeed have a much higher PD' date=' as well as ED, than a normal person. The mere fact being that she's a goddess throws weight behind this. In the movie, she is attacked mercilessly by Morgan and whereas it was painful, did not make Belldandy unconscious. It depends on how much like the series you wish to go and are able to dependent on the campaign you are in. Although a VPP is a good idea, it's a bit boring, not to mention costly. If you feel like it, try a Multipower with lots of different abilities: Bel almost never seems to do more than one thing at a time.[/quote']


Point taken, but since as far as I know, the movie is not canon (don't get me wrong, it was a good movie...). I think I should give Tenchi some daubt (plus the 'hay it is a superhero thing', and not a 'hay it is an anime thing') and give him some good defences (I like the To Nice To Be Hurt explnation Black Rose gave).


A different suggestion is that Tenchi has no known offensive abilities. He has interited his mother's special nature giving him superior athletic ability, intelligence, etc. but he doesn't seem to have any way to attack. Hence, Auntie Skuld (heh, that's funny just thinking of that) has come up with superdevices to use. An example could be an inobvious ring/belt/whatever that instanteously surrounds him with powered armor.. special powered armor, of course. If that doesn't grab you, perhaps he has indeed developed powers.


Acualy that was the ideal...as in no known abilities which are all his own. The Rune Sword is basicly a sword with nordic runes on it, and is considered an object (othoe I don't think I will give him a focus limitation). He was trained to fight by Baldar, Thor, Try, and Hoden durring the sumers he spent in 'heven' (one moungth a year, folkes). The Henshin Watch also contains the VBanpai AI system to act as a virtual buddy. The Rinegold Ring is another 'it looks like an object but can't be taken away', and it increses his PRE and COM, but only in friendly situations. The Angel Egg has not hatched yet, but contains the one winged male angel Midguardian, who is realy strong and protective, and is permently atached to Tenchi's back when it is active. And the Celestral Cell Phone alowes Tenchi to keep in touch with his loveones back on Oh! My Goddess Earth while he fights crime on Champions Earth.


The angel egg as shown in the series never granted abilities in of itself but hey, it also never said it didn't either.


Nice to know that. So I guess it is basicly a summons then.


A suggestion/twist on the origin: even he doesn't know the true nature of his mother.. yet. What he does know is that he is extremely talented and obviously is different in a way he can't put his finger on.


To late for that...on orders from his grandfather "The Almighty" (as he is known in the english version of the manga) he started spending the summers in heven since he was 8 years old (thankfuly he can keep a secret). Then, at the ripe age of 16, he was sent to help out the Goddess Help Line (someone called in sick, would of you known), and he answered a call from Champions Earth. Seems a teenage girl was trying to call 911 during a Viper hold up, and after Tenchi took cair of the thugs (via his slightly stronger than normal strength, constution, dexterity, and martial arts skills), she blirted out "I wish there was someone as cool as you to fight evil." One beam of light later, he was 'stuck' on Champions Earth, lose his 'borowed' wish forfiling and transportation powers, and became an Einherjar (which in his universe means "guardian of the weak").


By the way, thanks for the name (and corect spelling), Zeropoint.

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


You're quite welcome. I'm always glad when someone can benefit from my vast store of questionably useful knowledge.


One possible power for Tenchi is a reduced version of "The Belldandy Effect". Basically, about +30 PRE, only for "nice" uses. If you've read the manga, you know that all Belldandy has to do is smile sweetly and ask nicely, and almost anyone will do almost anything for her. It doesn't seem to be any kind of mind control--she's just so sweet that you can't say no.



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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


A couple of other points:


1) Belldandy has MASSIVE amounts of power at her disposal. So much that she wears a "limiter" in the form of an earring so she doesn't accidentally cause a problem; most of what you see her do in the comics is under the effects of the limiter.


2) It's highly non-canon, but in the excellent fanfic series "Undocumented Features", one Corwin Ravenhair, son of Skuld and a mortal, eventually becomes a full god.


The Norse God of Mecha, to be exact. :nonp:


Something similar may or may not be appropriate for Tenchi Morisato



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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


Hunted/Watched: Crazy technophile aunt (Skuld), Just plain crazy aunt (Urd), both of whom seek to "help" him at inopportune times




And this is news to you how...? I was planing on lumping Urd and Sculd into one big Watched, with another Watched being mom Belldandy, and a third Watched being Agents Of The Almighty (basicly agents of Tenchi's grandfather, CEO of Heven). The third watched would cover Paeorth, and anyone else the GM can think of.


Also a DNPC of the girl who made the wish.


And, considering he IS Belldandy's son, some psyc lims like Can Not Tell A Lie (But Can Say Nothing And Let Others Think What Thay Want), and Coad VS Killing Anything Living And Sentient Machiens (this would cover Demons also, but not the undead, unless thay are sentient).


Should I make him a Doublet? (That is, linked to someone on the Demon side, so that if Tenchi dies, so does his doublet, and vica versa) My first thought was...no...Tenchi is only a Demi-God...but now I am not so shure.


Also, I was pondering if I could make him 'drunk' on Chocolet (since his mother gets drunk on Cola). Any sergestions?

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


Make him a doublet of a half-demon.



C'mon, there has to be at least one hanging around your game universe, somewhere.


Well, there is at least one in his own universe (I'm not going to name names, but her first initial is U and the rest of her name is RD). There is no telling if there are more.


So, should I acualy buy the "doublet" disavantage, or basicly RP it. It might look like this:


Physical Limitation: Doublet System (bound life and soul to a half-demon, will die if doublet dies, and vica-versa) (Infrequently, Greatly)


Dose that look right to you? And, as GM, would you acept this disavantage?

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


Well' date=' there is at least [b']one[/b] in his own universe (I'm not going to name names, but her first initial is U and the rest of her name is RD). There is no telling if there are more.


So, should I acualy buy the "doublet" disavantage, or basicly RP it. It might look like this:


Physical Limitation: Doublet System (bound life and soul to a half-demon, will die if doublet dies, and vica-versa) (Infrequently, Greatly)


Dose that look right to you? And, as GM, would you acept this disavantage?


Looks right, but I don't it applies to the character concept since the character didn't do the 'doublet' ritual. The doublet thing occurs when a 'god' is young and is done in their dimension. That aside, do what you want with your character.


Don't forget various hunteds, possibly Black Paladin or even (shudder) Dark Seraph.

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Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal...


Looks right' date=' but I don't it applies to the character concept since the character didn't do the 'doublet' ritual. The doublet thing occurs when a 'god' is young and is done in their dimension. That aside, do what you want with your character. [/quote']


True. So I can guess I should skip the doublet ritual altogether. There is no true reasion for Tenchi to go through it anyways.


Don't forget various hunteds, possibly Black Paladin or even (shudder) Dark Seraph.


Don't you think he would have his hands full with his watches to worry about hunteds? I mean, Urd trys to hook him up with anything in a skirt (even if it is male), Sculd trys to get Tenchi to test whatever invention she thinks up, The Almighty (his grandfather) sends Paeorth to give Tenchi some small mission or another...he has his hands full.


Add to that a jellous young renagad god named Ro Ki who excaped his fate of being reincarnated when he tried to kill Tenchi by excaping to another dimention, an so-far-has-no-name elf girl who was engaged to him by Auntie Urd, an intrested young demoness named Boomhilda who likes to make objects explod... Well, he is going to have to earn Black Palidan and Dark Seraph the old fashion way...through play.

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