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What's This?


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Inspired by the What's in a Name? thread, lets try the same concept this time describing some device. It can be for sci-fi, fantasy, supers, whatever.


Getting things started:


This device resembles a dagger in every normal manner. However when in the hands of someone who knows how to operate it it can make either the wielder or target to teleport to some random location.


Now for the next device we will turn it over to everyone in Herodom.

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Re: What's This?


The Infanto Corador. A simple thing, you place a hero's DNPC at the end of this huge hallway (tied up, of course). When the hero races down the corador to save the DNPC, his starts growing younger. Hopefuly (for the villian) by the time he reaches twords the end of the corador, he needs a diper change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What's This?


What I was trying to do is make a collective of different items using the same concept that is used in the other thread. What someone is supposed to do is to create the items, be it a weapon (knife, sword, gun, harpoon, whatever), a building, vehicle, or any of the limitless items that people have been able to come up with over time. I do not care if it is magical, technological, psionic, or anything else. A name is not necessary, but if it is included (either with that device or later) then that is the icing on the cake. Hope that this helps.


Lets use this vehicle: Looks like a typical Escort both inside and outside. However when the driver desires a break or to get some quiet and rest, then he can either hush everyone else or activate the autodriver. In really extreme times, he can literally make everyone else vanish temporarily (up to five minutes). Another option that can be used would be that it possesses upto the full capacity of a full semi truck.

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