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"Based on a true story...er...'post'..."

Dr. Anomaly

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This is a kind of game, but since it involves power builds, I've put it here and not in the NGD.


A little earlier, I saw this post:

There was a discussion some while ago about limited invulnerability: you can't hurt me with fire/acid/lemons - whatever.


And immediately I saw a build for "Fire Acid Lemons" in my mind. (Sorry...two hours sleep last night, 4 hours night before that, RenFair with the nephews all day today...brain's fried and firing erratically...)


But then I thought, "Nah, the build I just spontaneously generated is way too, ah, 'obvious' based on that name. What's something more...unusual?"


So, here's the game:


Take the previously posted challenge. Design an 'unusual' (or at least less-than-the-blatantly-obvious) build for the power suggested, and post it.


Afterwards, quote a post that made you think of a superpower or gadget or whatever, and ask the next person to create an unusual write-up for it. And if you don't post a new challenge, someone else is free to do so.


Oh, and if you need any incentive...I'm likely to rep really inventive-but-fitting builds/interpretations. :D



So...first challenge...


...build for me...



Fire Acid Lemons!

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Fire Acid Lemons: 6d6 Energy Blast, Range Based on STR (-1/4), Focus of Opportunity (OIF, -1/2) plus 1d6 HKA NND (Defense is Solid Resistant Defense PD Covering Hit Location; +1), Focus of Opportunity (OIF, -1/2), Range Based on STR (-1/4), Energy Blast Must Hit Target to Take Effect (-1/4).



Now my challange:


The Kitten Plushie of Doom

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The Kitten Plushie of Doom


Mind Control 4d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Cumulative (72 points; +1), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (11" Radius; +1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (125 Active Points); OAF (kitty plush toy; -1), Set Effect (i must have the kitty; -1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2)


probably not an ideal build but the idea is that this small kitten plushy makes everyone who sees it want it for them selves up to and including killing for it.


drop it into a crowded area and watch the scene descend into anarchy as everyone tries to gain control of the plushie

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Re: "Based on a true story...er...'post'..."


28 Confectioner's Cornucopia of Chaos: Change Environment 4" radius, -3 to DEX Rolls, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Mobile (+1) (63 Active Points); OAF Cornucopia (-1), Two-Dimensional (-1/4)


This device spits out profuse quantities of pastry continuously in all directions at a simple command, and doesn't stop until given the command to stop. The food tends to get underfoot, making a huge, sticky, gooshy mess which is difficult to keep one's footing in. The most strikingly unsusal property of these pastries, however, is that they tend to be semi-ambulatory, rolling across the floor and spreading all over the place to cover as much area as possible. Start the Cornucopia going in a moderately large enclosed room and within the space of a half-minute the floor will be completely covered with pastry, with no corner being spared. In fact observers of the cornucopia in action have even reported the food it produces seems to seek out people to trip up, though such reports are unconfirmed and have been put down to hysteria. Other than its ambulatory properties, however, the pastry seems to be completely normal, if a tad overdone, and despite a number of instances of the pastry having been eaten, to date no reports of unusual side effects have been received.


New challenge: The Infamous Wax Tribble of Perfection

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The Infamous Wax Tribble of Perfection: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); OAF (Wax Tribble of Perfection; -1), Independent (-2), Side Effect (Gain 6d6 Unluck Until Statue Is Claimed By Another; -1). Total Cost: 5 points.


New challenge: The Caltrop of Misery

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