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Government Bureau of Superheroics!


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"Welcome to the official Web site of the Government Bureau of Superheroics! The BoS is for all superheroes, from those donning spandex for the first time to the veterans who remember when costumes were made of cotton and wool. That said, the newer heroes are the ones more likely to visit our site seeking answers, encouragement, and blueprints for concealable gizmos that can cut through the shackles pinning you to the torture table just seconds before the laser beam overhead finds its target. But whatever your level of experience, we hope your visit to the BoS Web site is as rewarding as actually battling evil."

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Re: Government Bureau of Superheroics!




"Welcome to the official Web site of the Government Bureau of Superheroics! The BoS is for all superheroes, from those donning spandex for the first time to the veterans who remember when costumes were made of cotton and wool. That said, the newer heroes are the ones more likely to visit our site seeking answers, encouragement, and blueprints for concealable gizmos that can cut through the shackles pinning you to the torture table just seconds before the laser beam overhead finds its target. But whatever your level of experience, we hope your visit to the BoS Web site is as rewarding as actually battling evil."


That's funny.

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Re: Government Bureau of Superheroics!


[Yes, I was a lawyer once. And yes, I can still do the Bureaucratics Dance. Since we seem to be talking about fictional U.S. Govt. Depts of Metanormal Affairs and related agencies, I thought I'd post these bits and pieces here. The following are archival documents (ostensibly) from the MPAR Regulatory Commission, describing my alternate-world metanormal team, The Vindicators, in the most convincing bureaucrat-ese I could manage. The Vindicators' world is much like our own...but with metanormals.]




MPAR Archival Document

Subject: The Vindicators

Date: June 7, 1998


The Vindicators are a registered Metanormal Public Aid Resource (MPAR Federal Registry #824779), licensed under the Special Abilities clause of the National Resources Act of 1980. A Certificate of Need (C.O.N.# 33-182-10.23.93) for operations in the New York City area, with provisional federal jurisdiction, was granted in October of 1993. The Vindicators currently receive federal funding in the amount of 82% of reported operating costs and application for continuation of tax-exempt status was approved for fiscal year 1998. The most recent MPAR Regulatory Commission three-year review, conducted 4/6/98, gave the team a performance rating of 1 (excellent) and a public perception rating of 2 (above average); the Commission therefore confirmed the MPAR status of The Vindicators for the three-year period ending April 6, 2001. The Commission also renewed the C.O.N. for the city of New York, for a term of five years to end October 23, 2003.


The Vindicators MPAR currently occupies the 96th and 97th floors of the Empire State Building, New York City, where they maintain an MPAR Regulatory Commission-approved complex which includes laboratories, conference rooms, computer and library facilities, communications/command center, living quarters, infirmary and gymnasium. The Vindicators also maintain low-profile Third-Force (Magical) manifestations in several areas on the 97th floor. Certain team members do not reside on-premises (SEE ATTACHMENTS), but all team members are available during regular working hours and on call at all other times. The team HQ is manned 24 hours a day, either in person or monitored via remote. Samantha Clark (Clockwork) is MPAR Team Leader of record; Alternate of record is Michaelmas Carnegie (White Lion) (SEE ATTACHMENTS).


As required by the National Resources Act, all members of The Vindicators MPAR are U.S. citizens, with ratings of acceptable or better on the Department of Justice Tri-Indices Adjustment Evaluation (Legal, Health-Related and Social). In the interest of complete compliance with the Act, special dispensations have been arranged for Temperance McKenzie (Warlock), Jane Doe (Everway) and John Doe (Hourpath) (SEE ATTACHMENTS). All team members possess state-level power of intervention, as defined by the Law Enforcement Code of the State of New York [N.Y. Code §§11-32 (rvsd.1981)] and limited federal-level power of intervention based on the Supreme Court decisions in U.S. v. Warhammer, 449 U.S. 510 (1981), U.S. v. Morality and the Mothers of Invention, 560 U.S. 63 (1983) and U.S. v. Lex Talonis, 714 U.S. 301 (1984). In addition, team members Jane Doe (Everway) and John Doe (Hourpath) are licensed as special federal marshals, with right of co-operation from other federal investigatory agencies.


The status of The Vindicators MPAR as of 6/7/98 is: ACTIVE

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Re: Government Bureau of Superheroics!





Membership #: 10

Base: Floor 96 & 97, Empire State Building, New York, NY 10101-9697

Current Status: ACTIVE



Temperance “Rance” James McKenzie -- Warlock

Date of Birth: December 25, 1661

Place of Birth: Township of Boston, Colony of Massachusetts

Nationality: American

Citizenship: U.S.


Marjorie Blakeney -- Lady Kelvin

Date of Birth: November 11, 1832

Place of Birth: Nottingham, England, U.K.

Nationality: British

Citizenship: dual (British / U.S.)


Michaelmas Fabian Carnegie -- White Lion

Date of Birth: April 17, 1931

Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

Nationality: American

Citizenship: U.S.


Samantha Clark, Maj. U.S.M.C. (Rsv.) -- Clockwork

Date of Birth: July 4, 1951

Place of Birth: Gen. George C. Marshall Military Base, Grünestadt, West Germany

Nationality: American

Citizenship: dual (U.S. / German)


Nradh Vkenzdl / Jane Doe -- Everway

Date of Birth: approx. AD 1760 / February 10, 1989

Place of Birth: Vtelr, Hrokhr / Brooklyn Borough Morgue, New York, New York, U.S.A.

Nationality (Race): Hrokhrin

Citizenship: U.S.


Uhren Rgovhk / John Doe -- Hourpath

Date of Birth: approx. AD 1770 / February 10, 1989

Place of Birth: Uvehk, Hrokhr / Brooklyn Borough Morgue, New York, New York, U.S.A.

Nationality (Race): Hrokhrin

Citizenship: U.S.


Colin Blakeney -- Fahrenheit

Date of Birth: September 22, 1971

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Nationality: American

Citizenship: dual (U.S. / British)


Jackson “Jackie” Robert Duke -- Blaze

Date of Birth: March 29, 1972

Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.

Nationality: American

Citizenship: U.S.


Sable Allangarde -- Kittyhawk (MIA)

Date of Birth: May 2, 1973

Place of Birth: Blackwillow Holding, Darkhaven

Nationality (Race): Eterneii

Citizenship: U.S.


Seiglinda “Linda” Janssen -- Valkyrie

Date of Birth: January 9, 1980

Place of Birth: St. Paul, Minneapolis, U.S.A.

Nationality: American

Citizenship: U.S.

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Re: Government Bureau of Superheroics!


You give good bureaucrat. The agency in your game appears to be extremely benign towards masked vigilantes, despite it's very realistic nature. Have you considered having this change slowly through time, with new administrations making different ground rules sometimes more benign and others oppressive?


The closest we got to superhero protection in my old campaign was when our first team was arrested in their original adventure, our GM said their identities were protected under "Massechuessetts V. Gatorman" which he made up on the spot.


Of course, I immediately developed Gatorman, a cajun Loup Garou with a reptilian bent. He is a private eye who turns into a cigar chomping anthropomorphic gator. Much Fun.


And the next time I get a campaign going, I'm definitely um, "borrowing" all of that.

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